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Hillary Clinton isn’t blowing smoke when she says she’s open to legalizing marijuana



Any incompetent, inexperienced, no-integrity having motherfucker can claim they're for the legalization of cannabis, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to vote for them.

That chick isn't competent enough to run a PTA meeting, let alone a nation.

you mean the legalization of marijuana its political move??

the gnome

Active member
so if hillary become prez,
who's gonna be 1st lady?


the gnome

Active member
Don't like Obama? Hate Hillary?
Perhaps you'd prefer to select the next Prez from the Repub clown car that'll be rolling into the arena rather shortly

well Jhhnn the clown in the whitehouse now is pretty much the same thing as the republicans.
personally I'd like to see a chimp run things,
100% confident he couldn't do any worse than Obozo the clown is doing and chimps don't lie for a living.

seriously, I know you can overlook a lot of Obozo's bumbling and his intentional destruction of the USA,
and all for a blessing, well actually you'll overlook anything from your liberal party.
so its no surprise your for hillary.

but there are other people that have values they put above their own special wants and wishes .
and do not and will NOT blithely ignore the utter sewage that is current spewing from this administration.
why or how anyone could think hillary is any sort of example to follow much less lead this nation
and defend the actions of these people shows an astounding lack within themselves for basic humanity
nearly on the level of of this adminstration

Hillary Clinton Turns Liberals into ‘Rape-Loving Scum’

When the Roman Polanski rape case resurfaced, Whoopi Goldberg coined the term “rape-rape” to describe the difference between the kind of rape she opposed and the kind she was okay with because it had been perpetrated by someone she liked.
In the political world the cases of Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton showed how liberals delineated between the sexual harassment of men they approved of and disapproved of. Now the “rape-rape” distinction is back with Bill’s wife.

Last week liberal activists were denouncing George Will for questioning the lack of due process for accused rapists on campus. Then the Washington Free Beacon posted a tape in which Hillary Clinton had a good laugh discussing how she freed a child rapist she knew was guilty from prison.
Hillary had become the Democratic Party’s official “Role Model for Women” through her willingness to stand by her powerful husband during his affairs, cover up his sexual harassment of other women and even target those women for daring to speak out against her husband.
Now the face of the Democratic Party’s bid to make feminist history in 2016 was caught on tape cheerfully recollecting how she accused a 12-year-old girl, in formal legal language, of being a mentally ill slut. Or as the Washington Post’s Melinda Henneberger put it, “The ‘little bit nutty, little bit slutty’ defense has a long, ugly history. It’s jarring to see it trotted out against a kid by a future feminist icon.”
Suddenly the social justice warriors who were denouncing due process, such as access to legal counsel for campus rapists being tried by student committees, became big fans of due process for rapists.
As with Whoopi Goldberg, it was all about who was doing the raping and who the rapist’s lawyer was.
Amanda Marcotte, of Slate and The Daily Beast, as well a blogger for John Edwards, another noted defender of women, had called critics of the Duke Lacrosse case “rape-loving scum” and suggested that George Will was a “rape apologist” for questioning some questionable rape cases.
But when Hillary Clinton was outed as a “rape apologist” and “rape-loving scum,” Amanda became a “rape apologist” explaining why being “rape-loving scum” was actually a good thing.
Hillary Clinton, Amanda explained, might have called a 12-year-old victim of child rape a mentally ill slut, but it wasn’t her fault.

It was society’s fault.
“While it’s always unpleasant to hear defense attorneys try to sow doubt about an accuser’s trustworthiness, the blame for this should not lay on the shoulders of those who have an obligation to defend their clients. The blame should lay on society for perpetuating the myth that false accusations are common,” she wrote.
Don’t blame Hillary Clinton for her horrible evil lie about a raped little girl. Blame a society that gave Hillary the idea that she could get away with it.
This is a good defense because it can be used for any of the many lies told by Hillary Clinton. Don’t blame her for lying about landing in Bosnia under sniper fire. Blame a patriarchal society which values military heroics over defending child rapists. Don’t blame her for lying about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary. Blame a society which prioritizes climbing large mountains over stealing White House furniture and covering up for your husband’s history of sexual abuses.
Hillary Clinton’s defenders claim that she had no choice but to do what she did in support of a “constitutionally mandated right of the accused to an adequate defense.” But the Constitution did not mandate that Hillary had to defend a child rapist. That was her choice.
The child rapist already had a lawyer. He wanted a female lawyer.
Hillary agreed to serve the same role for the child rapist as she did for her husband by letting a sexual predator use her gender for political cover against the women he had victimized.

Hillary supporters at Correct the Record claimed that the rape tape was distracting from her record. But the rape is very much a part of her record. It shows how far she is willing to go to win and what tactics she is willing to use. It also shows her contempt for the gender that she claims to represent in politics.
“The desperate attempts to get Clinton’s name in a headline with the word ‘rape’ bespeak of a conservative movement that can’t imagine that rape as anything but a hot button word to try to damn political opponents with,” Amanda Marcotte writes in a convoluted coda to an article so morally convoluted that it ought to have its own law degree.
As her own behavior demonstrates, the social justice warrior crowd doesn’t really believe rape is wrong. It believes that rape is a useful political weapon. The pass that both Clintons have gotten is proof of that. Not to mention the same pass that another courageous liberal defender of women, Ted Kennedy, got. Marcotte jumps into a Pavlovian frenzy every time some Republican somewhere says something, but when it comes to Democrats who don’t just talk, but who actually abuse women, she defends them.
Like most of the left, she puts her ideology first and sisterhood last. And that was exactly what Hillary Clinton did when she put a child rapist ahead of his victim and her husband ahead of his victims.
“Feminists don’t criticize conservatives for rape-complacent or ever rape-apologetic statements or policies because they’re trying to score cheap political points. They very sincerely believe that these people stand in the way of justice for rape victims, often for very good reason. There is no reason to think that of Clinton,” Amanda Marcotte writes.
Aside from the time that Hillary Clinton prevented a child rapist from going to jail for raping a child, there is no reason to think that she stood in the way of justice for rape victims.
How many child rapists do you have to free before you officially stand in the way of justice for rape victims? One.
Marcotte has accused Christians of having beliefs that blame women for rape. It’s not a good description of Christians, but it is a surprisingly good description of Hillary Clinton.
In the Blair Papers, also turned up by the Free Beacon, Hillary blamed Bill Clinton’s affairs on her failure to be “sensitive enough” to him. She also appeared to believe that Bill’s behavior was the fault of being raised by two women.
Hillary Clinton not only didn’t hold her husband responsible for his sexual harassment of other women, she blamed the women, she blamed the women who raised him and finally she blamed herself. And that wasn’t a sexist worldview that she reserved for Democrats.
When Senator Bob Packwood, a liberal Republican, was accused of sexual harassment, Hillary dismissed the “whiney women” because she needed the famously pro-abortion senator on health care.
In public, Hillary Clinton mouths all the right platitudes about women, girls and sexual assault. In private, another Hillary comes out of the closet.
This is the Hillary who blames women for the abusive actions of powerful men; even when she is one of those women. Not only isn’t the real Hillary any kind of feminist icon, but she is much closer to the stereotype that leftist activists have of Christians and conservatives.
Hillary Clinton blames women for being sexually assaulted and raped. Having tethered her career to a serial predator, she can only get ahead by tearing down women in private while talking them up in public. The real Hillary is a neurotic living a lie who hates herself and her own gender.
The real Hillary despises women and identifies with the men who victimize them.
Agreed. Problem is, both sides are bought and paid for by the most powerful corporate interests. Those corporate interests are not about to let the gravy train stop. Money buys elections and politicians in the U.S. It has become a total perversion of democracy. We've known for ages that we need a strong third party, but the other two parties seem to have a hold on the psyche of the American voter, and third parties just cannot raise enough money to compete.

True, that's the situation now. It seems; unfortunately, that it will run it's course until enough americans have lost everything. Only then, will you see them lose it on the streets. It's a strange weakness we have here. We have to wait till we hit rock bottom.

Still; with that said, I am confident that more & more people are seeing through the bs, and the propaganda. It has to start with the grass roots, one person at a time, if need be, no matter how long. After all, it is a war out for your mind. The establishment doesn't want intelligent people capable of critical thinking. Things must, and will change for civilization to evolve.


Active member
How about not voting Democrat or Republican? They are; as Gerald Celente put it, "The two biggest crime families in politics!"

I can't see how she could possibly do anything for the majority of the citizens, except do more lying; she can't even relate. By her own admission, she's never driven a car by herself since 1996! C'mon, doesn't anyone see that she's power hungry? All she cares about is to be the first female president in history. As it was said earlier, I would rather see cannabis stay illegal, than to see her in the oval office.

It's time to have an independent, (who's not bought and paid for by banks and corporations). If more people realize that neither party represents us anymore, then something can really done about it. Because now, too many think they have a choice, but they really don't. Things will only get worse, if business continues as usual. Don't fall for voting the lesser of two evils, gig. Because if you do, you're still supporting the establishment.

The Establishment will continue to exist, short of revolution. They Rule. It is factional rather than monolithic. Some factions are more persuadable when it comes to the things that matter to the little guy. Some we can co-opt. The only thing we'll get from the other side is a lot of high-sounding talk about freedumb & the high hard one.

We're currently stuck with the welfare state. Why? Because the financial elite no longer offers the same jobs for work deal as they did in the past. Automation, offshoring & job aggregation mean there's not nearly as much actual work required from us for them to profit. It's an ongoing process with more of that every day. That's beyond obvious given the divergent fortunes of the uber rich & median families.

One faction clearly wants to ride that bitch clear into the dirt. Their motto? "I got mine- Screw you!" The other faction isn't nearly so intent on that outcome. Like this-


Figure it out.


Active member
From Gnome's linked hatchet job-

From a legal ethics perspective, once she agreed to take the case, Clinton was required to defend her client to the fullest even if she did believe he was guilty.

That's the most important part. The rest is hack.

the gnome

Active member
From Gnome's linked hatchet job-

<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border:1px inset"> From a legal ethics perspective, once she agreed to take the case, Clinton was required to defend her client to the fullest even if she did believe he was guilty. </td></tr></tbody></table>
That's the most important part. The rest is hack.

well thats the most important part to you,
i agree even scum deserve a *fair* trial and a lawyer that takes the case shouldn't be biased against his own client.

but again your blindly following your progressive ideological mantra of not seeing any wrong as you do saying earlier Obozo's a failure at everything in his presidency because 6yrs later it's still bushes fault LOL...

so thats par for your playbook for not addressing why that entire *hatchet job* as you see it is pertinent to this discussion.

she had an obligation to defend that POS scum she
KNEW WAS GUILTY when she took the case...
it's afterwards when her Glee in doing such a fine job of destroying the 12yr old rape victim continues after she is under NO obligation to do so, her true feelings emerge on tape for us to see the real hillary,
in her own words it Hillary being herself,
this is what she is about

Last week liberal activists were denouncing George Will for questioning the lack of due process for accused rapists on campus. Then the Washington Free Beacon posted a tape in which Hillary Clinton had a good laugh discussing how she freed a child rapist she knew was guilty from prison.
Hillary had become the Democratic Party’s official “Role Model for Women” through her willingness to stand by her powerful husband during his affairs, cover up his sexual harassment of other women and even target those women for daring to speak out against her husband.
Now the face of the Democratic Party’s bid to make feminist history in 2016 was caught on tape cheerfully recollecting how she accused a 12-year-old girl, in formal legal language, of being a mentally ill slut. Or as the Washington Post’s Melinda Henneberger put it, “The ‘little bit nutty, little bit slutty’ defense has a long, ugly history. It’s jarring to see it trotted out against a kid by a future feminist icon.”
The Establishment will continue to exist, short of revolution. They Rule. It is factional rather than monolithic. Some factions are more persuadable when it comes to the things that matter to the little guy. Some we can co-opt. The only thing we'll get from the other side is a lot of high-sounding talk about freedumb & the high hard one.

We're currently stuck with the welfare state. Why? Because the financial elite no longer offers the same jobs for work deal as they did in the past. Automation, offshoring & job aggregation mean there's not nearly as much actual work required from us for them to profit. It's an ongoing process with more of that every day. That's beyond obvious given the divergent fortunes of the uber rich & median families.

One faction clearly wants to ride that bitch clear into the dirt. Their motto? "I got mine- Screw you!" The other faction isn't nearly so intent on that outcome. Like this-


Figure it out.

I would be the first to tell you that the "establishment" would still be plotting around for quite some time, that is something I would agree on. However, if enough people want it to change; then by whatever means, it will change. How so, remains to be seen.

The key is: enough people have to want it; it is all up to each person to be motivated and spread awareness. Remember, evolution has no room for cynicism.

Slim Pickens

Well-known member

oh yeah...the republicans are lily white and can share no blame for our current state of affairs.

this is why politics are such a negative on the boards...it's always the other parties fault...and pushing the rules as far as we can in defense of "our" party is totally cool.


Bud Green

I dig dirt
One faction clearly wants to ride that bitch clear into the dirt. Their motto? "I got mine- Screw you!" The other faction isn't nearly so intent on that outcome.

If you truly believe that all the Republicans want to just "screw you" and that the Democrats don't so much, you really have had the wool pulled over your eyes.


Active member
From Gnome's linked hatchet job-

That's the most important part. The rest is hack.

You talk so much nonsense. Clinton took that case on her own free will and later laughed about the rapist only getting 10 months. She was not a prosecuting lawyer, this was not her job. She chose to defend a rapist, and in doing so, she drug the little girls name and credibility through the ground. She is a horrible person, and if you weren't seeing only blue, you would realize it. Your ideology is so fucked. That is what's important, and your a hack.


Active member
If you truly believe that all the Republicans want to just "screw you" and that the Democrats don't so much, you really have had the wool pulled over your eyes.

All Republicans? No. The big, big money behind the right wing noise machine? Absolutely. All you need to do is push aside the faux issues of conspiracy theory emotionalism & pay attention.

What it amounts to is that if Repubs can't just run the country the way they want then they'll be damned if they'll let anybody else do it well.

They see govt as incompetent, and when they run it, they make sure that it is. Adherence to their ideology let the banksters overheat & crash the economy. They cheered 'em on, bailed 'em out & tried to blame Barney Frank.

When American families were hurting badly from that crash, they held extended unemployment benefits hostage to extended tax cuts for the Rich. When it got bad enough that state & local govts had to lay off more people, their answer was to cut spending even more, lay off more people, cut benefits for people who were down & out along with it. They held the full faith & credit of the govt hostage to that proposition.

Their fear mongering propaganda fanned waves of hysteria in the wake of 9/11, brought in The Patriot Act & siblings, two utterly misguided invasions & failed occupations at great expense & loss of life. There's the shameful detention facility at Gitmo, too.

Their spiteful obstructionism is intended to weaken the govt of the people, make it less capable than it already is. Routine & necessary presidential appointments languish for years. Anything that can be held hostage is held hostage, anything that can be jammed up gets jammed up. Their insincerity is obvious when the Senate Minority Leader filibusters his own bill minutes after introducing it & when they defund ACORN for the 37th time. They preen & pander in the HOR, sending bills to the Senate they know have no chance of passage whatsoever.

They're not trying to run the govt- they're trying to tear it down to make it less of an impediment to the desires of their far right financiers.


Active member
You talk so much nonsense. Clinton took that case on her own free will and later laughed about the rapist only getting 10 months. She was not a prosecuting lawyer, this was not her job. She chose to defend a rapist, and in doing so, she drug the little girls name and credibility through the ground. She is a horrible person, and if you weren't seeing only blue, you would realize it. Your ideology is so fucked. That is what's important, and your a hack.

She did her job as the system demanded it be done. Don't blame her- blame the people who fucked up the case allowing her to win it for her client. Yeh, that. All criminal defendants deserve competent, professional & dispassionate representation, regardless of the charges. It's the only way to keep prosecutors honest at all. The Law is much bigger than just one case, and the principles behind the Law even greater than that. Blackstone's formulation is one of them-

Better that 10 guilty persons escape than that 1 innocent suffer

It's the price of living in a free society.


Active member
She did her job as the system demanded it be done. Don't blame her- blame the people who fucked up the case allowing her to win it for her client. Yeh, that. All criminal defendants deserve competent, professional & dispassionate representation, regardless of the charges. It's the only way to keep prosecutors honest at all. The Law is much bigger than just one case, and the principles behind the Law even greater than that. Blackstone's formulation is one of them-

It's the price of living in a free society.

For some reason you don't get my point. I agree, the law states that even an admitted murderer should get a trial, and if they can't afford a lawyer one will be appointed. I know the law, and it is just.

The problem is Hillary wasn't currently practicing law. She TOOK this case on her own free will. The man deserves a fair trial, but why did she WANT to defend a rapist, drag a little girls name in the ground, laugh about how a rapist only got 10 months? She is evil, the system is just, get the difference?

the gnome

Active member

oh yeah...the republicans are lily white and can share no blame for our current state of affairs.

this is why politics are such a negative on the boards...it's always the other parties fault...and pushing the rules as far as we can in defense of "our" party is totally cool.


so how many of us here are defending the REP's?
I know I'm not.
that's the problem when a person aligns themselves blindly to a political party,
when that party screws up and its pointed out.
they try to defend the indefensible,
and sad to say its done by attacking the other party,
weak defense, but a defense slim.

as far as current affairs slim,
at last count the dems have held the presidency for 6 years now and running the show.
maybe it escaped you,
but the 1st 2yeras of which the dems had complete control of the govt.
the republicans had no power and were but mere spectators in office.
so the dems passed whatever they wanted with no rep. interference.
so its been a total of 6 yrs and counting.
what did they accomplish that made this nation better for the people??

this nation is the worst Ive seen it in my lifetime since Obozo took the helm.
its his, he owns it by this time.

Just the truth, ain't it? That hatred grades away, varying by the individual, many of whom won't look at what they believe in a critical fashion at all. Underlying belief drives a person's perspective & a lot of people harbor unexamined racist sentiment while in complete denial of it. It comes out in truly irrational ways.
puh-leeze. It's not like Obama crashed the economy preaching the housing bubble from the bully pulpit or propagandized us into two fruitless & damaging invasions on the back of a national tragedy. He hasn't created thousands of dead american soldiers & many more shot up, blown up & fucked up for the rest of their lives. He hasn't spent trillions making that happen. He hasn't done a lot of other despicable stuff like creating the prison at Gitmo, either. He's not that arrogant.

1 more thing trying to defend the indefensible Jhhnn.
i see your still using the oldest excuses defending this admin.
you need to update your playbook.
bushes fault and you don't like Obama because your racists aren't even used by harry reid and pelosi anymore lol!! :biggrin:

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
maybe it escaped you,
but the 1st 2yeras of which the dems had complete control of the govt.
the republicans had no power and were but mere spectators in office.

the first 2 years of this administration were the most depressing 2 years that I have ever witnessed.That party had control and could have done some good things (if the desire was ever in them at all) but instead they did nothing..zero..nadda.I lost what respect I ever had for them over the course of those 2 years.

If that doesn't point out the fact that we are being tag-teamed by both parties,then I guess nothing will.Myself,I lean conservative on a good number of issues,but cannot support a party that represents only the rich.Now it seems the Dems have joined them.So...I have no party that I can support,as there is no way I can support Shillary,and there is no candidate in the other camp that is worth a sh*t.Can you even imagine trying to legalize with that champion of democratic values Mitt Rummey at the helm?

Obozo..Rummy..same horse,different saddle.

Now.If the Democratic party was still the party of the middle class working man and still had some integrity,than I would be a die hard supporter.
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the gnome

Active member
the first 2 years of this administration were the most depressing 2 years that I have ever witnessed.That party had control and could have done some good things (if the desire was ever in them at all) but instead they did nothing..zero..nadda.I lost what respect I ever had for them over the course of those 2 years.

If that doesn't point out the fact that we are being tag-teamed by both parties,then I guess nothing will.Myself,I lean conservative on a good number of issues,but cannot support a party that represents only the rich.Now it seems the Dems have joined them.So...I have no party that I can support,as there is no way I can support Shillary,and there is no candidate in the other camp that is worth a sh*t.Can you even imagine trying to legalize with that champion of democratic values Mitt Rummey at the helm?

Obozo..Rummy..same horse,different saddle.

Now.If the Democratic party was still the party of the middle class working man and still had some integrity,than I would be a die hard supporter.

exactly as Ive been saying for a while and thinking much longer.
were being tag teamed

I lean fiscally conservative, that's not dem or rep for sure.
Sorry to digress, but as I was reading all this, I was just thinking of George Carlin. I remember how he cleverly exposed the political shit-wagon in one of his stand-ups..."It's a big club, and you ain't in it!" So true, George! (RIP)