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It's where a lot of people with criminal records and dishonorable discharges end up. Probably no shortage of mentally ill either.

Probably 90% are mentally diagnosed something. Diagnosis and treatment doesn't work miracles either.

What is the chance of getting a job that is worth anything if you are a schizo-felon? I am guessing putting CIA crack dealer on the resume doesn't get a lot of phone calls.


Guess Mumbai will have soon have lots of Americans going over there then. Probably safer.

Your mind is in disconnect because you see a bad situation. No comparison to Mumbai or Calcutta to the US, but hey, with all the poor flooding in that could change. I think the health care system here needs socialized medicine and then an option to pay. Guaranteed income might be useful one day, they get it one way or the other really. Same with the healthcare.

Some people do choose to be homeless rather than spend the money on rent. Some do not. Lots of them are unemployable, maybe thru no fault of their own. Mental illness, drugs.

I'd choose Mumbia over America every time. Ever been there? The place rocks. But it's probably not a good idea to get sick there, but then I've heard that getting sick in America is an equally bad idea. Having said that, Indians are a lot tougher than most Westerners. If you put a bunch of Western kids in an Indian slum, most would probably be dead in a month. I've never been to America, but from what I've seen and heard, I'd feel much safer in Dharavi, a Mumbia slum, or anywhere else in India, but that's just my experience.
Recently a mate and me were having a coffee down the street after a mountain bike ride and we got to talking to an American long distance rider, and he said that in America he'd never sit out in the open like this. He'd want his back to a wall or something like, where he could keep his eyes on what's going on, because he never feels safe there. Hard for non Americans to get their head around something like that. Maybe you guys who haven't travelled think this is normal everywhere. It isn't.


Well-known member
i have a great work ethic, have a degree in mech. engineering (welding tech) education etc. BUT, i live in an economically depressed part of the country. a large part of WHY is that Tennessee is a "right to work" state, you work for what pitiful wages they offer or lose your home. we are but serfs. my wife still has ALL of her family here, i cannot leave...yet. business owners in this country all want to be billionaires & it matters not one fucking bit to them how many people they keep impoverished as long as THEY get to keep 95% of the profit the company makes. " decent raises? HAHAHAHAHAHA....no. love your sense of humor though." the company i currently work for had record profits last year, and is ahead of that schedule THIS year. know what raise i got for busting my ass & enriching the owners family? 30 cents an hour. over a 12 hour shift, that means i can buy 3 damn cokes out of the machine in the break room. meanwhile, he flew his entire extended family on his jet to Hawaii, Thailand, & a few islands in the south Pacific a few months ago...

Yeah, a degree isn't worth much if you don't know the right people. My father was able to work his way to a foreman iron worker on buildings around Boston. But he worked a long time got in touch with an old friend who owned an iron working company and he was set.

No degree, not even a GED. Lol, same with any other job it's not what you know it's who you know, even selling drugs. It's really not hard to do, just got to know the right people. I'm sure Tennessee is the same way they have big cities, plenty of money. Of course not everyone knows people with money. So many people willing to do a $50 job for $20.

Don't take a business degree to run a business. Even the stock market is fairly easy if you know something big is going down invest.

Of course not everyone has an opportunity.


Active member
I've never been to America, but from what I've seen and heard, I'd feel much safer in Dharavi, a Mumbia slum, or anywhere else in India, but that's just my experience.

Doesn't sound like you have any experience...or did I read that wrong? You have never been to the US but your"experience" tells you it sucks. Worse then a shithole slum?

Looks like a swell place...




Fav bar ?


Too funny...


Active member
i got the snips from my machining job(of over 5 years) and when i got the word from the owner he tried to tell me that i don't get my severance or any of my payout(one weeks pay per each year worked after the 1st year) because of some fake ass reasons. i was a stellar employee and i gave everything to that job. i did whatever was asked of me and had a lot of respect for my supervisors and employees. i went to school to further my education and benefit the company and i was basically told to fuck off in the rudest way possible. all this to save about 1000 dollars.. the owner also would park his brand new 100k crestliner boat in the storage yard right where all the employees could get an eye full but youd always just miss him whenever you wanted to have your anual performance review(which meant raise). hed buy new vehicle a year too. never do shit for even his best employees. our receptionist who worked with the current owners father before the business was handed off, who did a lot of unpaid over time and went above and beyond daily, got a pizza lunch on her last day of work for over 35 years of service. i got a total of 1.50 raise over 5 years and i started at 15 dollars. in the last 2 years i worked there the owner signed 1 contract with the potash mines for 9 million dollars worth of equipment. then another 12 million dollar tank job from and oil and gas co. hes not hurting at all hes just a cheap fuck. its too bad too cause despite that, i worked with some awesome guys who taught me alot. also saw a lot of good guys fucked over by the company. its too bad cause people think that its one of the better shops to work for but they don't know what really happens behind the scenes. its sad though. inflation is a problem but greed and shitty people are just as much a problem.


Doesn't sound like you have any experience...or did I read that wrong? You have never been to the US but your"experience" tells you it sucks. Worse then a shithole slum?

Looks like a swell place...

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Fav bar ?

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Too funny...

Yeah, you're right, I've never been to the US but I do have the internet and tv. I'm sure there's lots of awesome Americans there, but the vibe looks really sour, like my mother in law. Don't be put off by the poverty in those pics you posted, as some of the most beautiful people I've met are living in abject poverty. Educate yourself and have a bit of a read about what goes on there.The human spirit is a beautiful thing. I'll link a short article. Here's a taste ''' Often illiterate parents are making an investment in the future. And local entrepreneurs are developing schools that far surpass the quality of local public education. ''''''''
It is what it is.


Well-known member
Doesn't sound like you have any experience...or did I read that wrong? You have never been to the US but your"experience" tells you it sucks. Worse then a shithole slum?

Looks like a swell place...

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Fav bar ?

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Too funny...
Definitely looks like a shit hole. Lol

Of course some American cities have a lot of murders. Apparently St. Louis came in #15 in the world. We had a few other cities that made the list too. But God damn south of the US border is fucked! And people think we shouldn't have a border. Lol

15. St. Louis had 59.23 homicides per 100,000 residents.
14. Salvador, Brazil, had 60.63 homicides per 100,000 residents.
13. Natal, Brazil, had 60.66 homicides per 100,000 residents.
12. Fortaleza, Brazil, had 60.77 homicides per 100,000 residents.
11. Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, had 62.33 homicides per 100,000 residents.
10. Cali, Colombia, had 64.27 homicides per 100,000 residents.
9. Cape Town, South Africa, had 65.53 homicides per 100,000 residents.
8. Palmira, Colombia, had 70.88 homicides per 100,000 residents.
7. Valencia, Venezuela, had 72.31 homicides per 100,000 residents.
6. Distrito Central, Honduras, had 73.51 homicides per 100,000 residents.
5. Maturin, Venezuela, had 86.45 homicides per 100,000 residents.
4. Acapulco, Mexico, had 104.73 homicides per 100,000 residents.
3. San Salvador, El Salvador, had 108.54 homicides per 100,000 residents.
2. San Pedro Sula, Honduras, had 111.03 homicides per 100,000 residents.
1. Caracas, Venezuela, had 119.87 homicides per 100,000 residents.


Well-known member
comparing the US to india is like comparing a nazi solider to a buddhist monk.

I grew up in detroit so those pictures are very nice compared to the areas I was in.

india has beautiful areas, not to mention ACRES of cannabis fields that grow natural without any fertilizer.

I like the us because its my home, the people although nice, are 90% fake bitches, this place has no soul, its simply a large show, controlled and monitored from Antarctica.

india I have never been, but cant wait to visit, I have a deep passion for that place and its culture. it seems untapped and left alone from modern technology which is exactly what I am looking for.

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For real, India is pretty nice, I'd be going to Thailand too on that trip. But the top of my list right now is Peru I got to check out them Incan temples and shit. Get some pure coke and hike them mountains. Maybe even find El Dorado. :biggrin:


Active member
Yeah, you're right, I've never been to the US but I do have the internet and tv. I'm sure there's lots of awesome Americans there, but the vibe looks really sour, like my mother in law. Don't be put off by the poverty in those pics you posted, as some of the most beautiful people I've met are living in abject poverty. Educate yourself and have a bit of a read about what goes on there.The human spirit is a beautiful thing. I'll link a short article. Here's a taste ''' Often illiterate parents are making an investment in the future. And local entrepreneurs are developing schools that far surpass the quality of local public education. ''''''''
It is what it is.

I encourage you to come check the US out. If you ever make it to Los Angeles, PM me and I would be happy to show you around for a day.

That said...I've been to Brazil a few times and I am very aware of extreme poverty. I also remember that you don't stop at red lights past 11pm...you will get shot in the head so they can take the car.

There are good people everywhere...there are bad people as well.


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Puerto Rico,
You lovely island . . .
Island of tropical breezes.
Always the pineapples growing,
Always the coffee blossoms blowing . . .

Puerto Rico . . .
You ugly island . . .
Island of tropic diseases.
Always the hurricanes blowing,
Always the population growing . . .
And the money owing,
And the babies crying,
And the bullets flying.
I like the island Manhattan.
Smoke on your pipe and put that in!

I like to be in America!
O.K. by me in America!
Ev'rything free in America
For a small fee in America!

I like the city of San Juan.

I know a boat you can get on.

Hundreds of flowers in full bloom.

Hundreds of people in each room!

Automobile in America,
Chromium steel in America,
Wire-spoke wheel in America,
Very big deal in America!

I'll drive a Buick through San Juan.

If there's a road you can drive on.

I'll give my cousins a free ride.

How you get all of them inside?

Immigrant goes to America,
Many hellos in America;
Nobody knows in America
Puerto Rico's in America!

I'll bring a T.V. to San Juan.

If there a current to turn on!

I'll give them new washing machine.

What have they got there to keep clean?

I like the shores of America!
Comfort is yours in America!
Knobs on the doors in America,
Wall-to-wall floors in America!

When I will go back to San Juan.

When you will shut up and get gone?

Everyone there will give big cheer!

Everyone there will have moved here!


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
It´s not good, that Trump said shitholes to the countrys but if I am honest, I ask myself how get all the 3rd world people to the USA. For Germans or Europeans there was so high hurdles in the past?


Active member
The to look for the main cause, I think we need to look at who runs these places...these American shitholes. For our overseas friends, they are called democrats. California, my state is the perfect example....although this goes for just about every dangerous city/town as well. Baltimore, Chiciago, St. Louis etc. honorable mentions.

Welcome to the Moonbattery of California...The highest Welfare, regulations, taxes and waste.

$958 BILLION Welfare, California Has Highest Poverty Rate In America As 60 Percent Baffles Democrats

by James Bishop

According to the United States Census Bureau Supplemental Poverty Measure, California has the highest poverty rate in the country. One in five people in California are living in poverty and the state’s residents account for 33% of all those on welfare in the United States, despite the state only being 12% of the country’s population. The state spent $958 billion on welfare programs between 1992-2015. According to the study, 60% of Californians are jobless and living in poverty.

California is a sanctuary state and is often championing movements which find ways to grant protections and entitlements to immigrants at the expense of Americans. While an astronomical 30% of Americans in California are receiving means-tested welfare, this pales in comparison to the 55% rate of use by immigrant families consuming this type of welfare. The state is handing over tons of cash to foreign nationals at the expense of Americans.

One contributing factor to their high poverty levels is their lack of affordable housing. Housing in California has become increasingly out of reach for the middle class due to building regulations and space constraints. This has caused housing to consume far more of the average residents income than in other parts of the country, leaving them with less money for food, transportation, healthcare and other services.


The state simply does not have enough jobs to support the hordes of immigrants they have taken in. The minority of the population who do hold jobs in California are often competing with illegals for work and having their wages suppressed by the mass migration of people from the third world who are willing to work much less an American whom expects a living wage be paid for their labor.

Democrats in California have consistently rejected forcing work requirements on the able-bodied individuals who receive welfare. Forcing those who can work to look for a job and/or maintain employment before receiving benefits is a policy unpalatable for the democrats who control the state. Americans in California are mostly jobless and the ones who can find work are actually having their money taken through the highest state income tax in the union to support immigrants, the majority of which are on welfare.

The current system in place in California is unsustainable, according to a memorandum sent to Senator Boxer from Legislative Director Sean Moore and Senior Economic Advisor Marcus Stanley, “…the estimate that in 2009 California received $1.45 in Federal expenditures for each dollar paid in taxes is conservative and likely to be an underestimate.” However, the most recent Legislative analysis concluded that in 2015 the state received $0.99 for every dollar contributed in federal taxes, meaning the state was able to reign in some of its spending or mitigate it through higher state taxes.

Over the past two decades the state has increased taxes on its resident, on both their income and their purchases, i.e. gasoline. The state has also been continuously flooded with poor economic migrants, who are using up a huge portion of the available assistance paid for by and initially implemented to help Americans. California lost more Americans, who are statistically net contributors to overall tax revenue, in a mass exodus in 2017 than any other state, only to be replaced by foreign nationals who are a statistical net drain on their tax revenue, and a burden to their schools, roads and infrastructure.

California under Democratic rule has seen a rapid decline in both its ability to sustain itself and the quality of life for most of their residents. Their population of poverty stricken is vastly disproportionate to their overall population. Policies which continue to flood the state with parasitic foreign nationals while continuing to raise taxes on the contributing population will only push more people out of the state, evaporating their tax base.

The poverty-stricken California is a sad condition for the state to be in, and if the state is able to lobby the government to provide Amnesty for DACA recipients, something they claim to want, the decline will only accelerate. The Congressional Budget Office conducted a study and found about one in four DACA recipients to be functionally illiterate in English.

Granting hordes of unskilled and illiterate foreign nationals will allow them to apply for more benefits than they are currently consuming wildly out of proportion, hindering the states ability to turn around this disturbing trend.


view from my front porch of my 37 acre[shithole america] last winter.


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Biggest parasitic welfare drains on citizens in the west are politicians who claim to represent anything other than their own interests.
Save the coffers and the country n string 'em all up already.
From the big old growth trees in front of all their fancy free stately accomidations preferably. :) lol



Well-known member
It was Ronnie that decided CA did not need to concern itself with
things like mental health.
Traditionally the largest number of homeless were Viet Nam vets.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
So democrats are still responsible for most of the ills of society though right?

Corporate greed and corruption at the top have nothing to do with anything.



view from my front porch of my 37 acre[shithole america] last winter.

Yeah mate, sure looks friggin' cold and desolate. Have you considered emigrating to Australia? It's all perfect waves, pristine mountain bike tracks, 20 foot sativas and coconut palms.
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