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Mail Person and Neighbor ratted - no police visit after 2 years


Registered Non-Conformist
Seems like the tenants before you were growers and left a bad image before you . Was there a bust at the house pre - mmj ?

No there wasn;t. But, Yes, the dude was growing... I later found out that the bad meth head nabe was the reason they moved out and bought a second house, to rent this one to Me. No one told me about him until much, much later. I was clued into having a problem on morning one.

What had happened was that MH nabe was camping out often on his lot behind the house, when the LL was still living there. He was a problem individual fo sho. She had daughters, and a hot tub right there, in addition to mammoth mammaries, and was probably fearful for them all (the town is #2 in sexual assaults in the state). With BF being a prominent grower, (and a pretty-boy transplanted SOCal Asshole surfer, probably 10 years younger than her) a fight could have ended it all for the family.

Angry MH - No house no nothing on the lot. Just hanging out, building bonfires and drinking. This is only legally allowed 1 week a month or some such.

Due to the small town nature of life there, when Miss Big Fake Tits - who had previously divorced (and cleaned out) a prominent Fishing company's owner, called to report this meth head camper, the sherriff almost immediately extricated Him from the land.

By the time I signed the lease, knowing none of this, of course, He had put up a manufactured house, not 5 feet from the property line (separated by lots of foliage tho). Our problems continued until the second summer, when I took radical steps, and turned the tables on Him. A story for another time, but he surrendered to me, much to my surprise, after I got REAL creative in dealing with Him. Again, this all happened in "Legal" Mendo Coastal.

It just seems like regardless, the stigma exists in all states, MMJ or not.

But, I have a good plan for next spring. And my present 5 light grow looks real nice, so it's all good.


Registered Non-Conformist
move to a legal state. or .. stop bitchingabout how you DIDNT GET BUSTED jesus Christ.. 2 years they knew and did nothing. should tell you fucking just that.. they didn't GIVE A FUCK because you WERENT BIG TIME

Piss off, this is trolling, you didn;t even read the thread, both are "LEGAL" states. And if they don't give a fuck today, there's no g'tee about tomorrow. I don't live like that, You're welcome to.


3rd-Eye Jedi
he grew legal

he knows that there are risks attached to growing in legal states just as there is in illegal ones.

Some of the most honest and worthy people I have met are prohibition growers who wouldn't let laws legislate their morality and grew, smoked and sold the weed regardless.

Without them where would we be?


Registered Non-Conformist
Always listen to WEIRD, He;s a mad genius... haha..

And do not forget Asset Forfeiture, with no arrest. Can ruin a life just as easily. Very popular way to deal with growers in this "Legal" state.
They take everything, then make YOU prove it was all purchased with legal money, most never get their stuff back, including all your savings, and maybe your wife;s. Seen it happen.

It's no joke.

I KNOW I did the right thing by leaving...!!! Was .25 acres fenced in surrounded by other homes. 2 blocks from a small city's center.
Now, halfway forested 2 acres... With 40 Amp outbuilding.. Close to country. Next move next spring, farther N, at least 3 acres, with no visual access, or forget it.
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Active member
I'll be honest I haven't read every word. Maybe I just missed it. Apparently some people must like to type and can be kinda long winded. Too much reading makes my eyes go blurry. But, how did you KNOW the mail person or neighbor ratted?


Active member
when civilised society becomes an excuse for every jerkoff to harass you, become uncivilised. stop washing your hair, forget about legal redress, find out about the weapons laws in your area and carry some kind of brutal medieval hand weapon with you.

americans have all their ideas about guns, and brave shit to say. when you are outside of their cultural context, it challenges them to actually have to think about shit and use their fucken brains, or gat their skull caved in by a fucken spiked maul, arm hacked off by a voulge.

got neighbors? get a halberd. neighbors can fuck off then.

don't try this shit if you use shampoo or get haircuts though, that just makes you look like a dick with money to spend on dumb bullshit.

(edit: course i suppose it helps if you have a degree or an outstandingly upper class british accent or some other way of rapidly asserting that you are profoundly more civilised than fuckwits)


Active member
Hello Stasis -Going to try to help you out here.... Sometimes it's all about perspective....
Yes we all hate those nosy ass neighbors, myself despise nosy damn people all together & they are everywhere. However... much of your problem is being being brought on by you.
First off, you are wayyyy too paranoid. When you have reached that level, you act guilty by your demeanor & attitude ( been there myself years ago.. ) Yes , your former fat ass neighbor was a nosy effer - but probably not as stupid as you viewed him. When you answered his nosy whatta ya do question with that smart ass " Work on the internet " , you just looked 3 times as guilty as that will not actually mystify anybody.
You need a better cover than that crap. With all the tele-commuting that goes on these days, getting more common all the time - you can get by with a creative cover occupation, a forensic fraud analyst etc , really blessed by being able to work from home instead of having to drive through that damn traffic, blah, blah, blah Your work is stressful as sometimes you catch fraud , which results in criminal charges etc but by law you are unable to discuss specifics, its confidential etc.. if you need any help with that ( that's just one idea), just send me a PM, I have several bogus job titles that will satisfy any nosy effing neighbors.
Second, if you ahve a grow of your size you need serious odor control. That does not mean just covering the smell of your grow. When you visit your grow for even a small period of time when near ripe, your clothes pick up that odor in an instant. WHen you go out into public or happen to have to talk with nosy neighbor, you shoudl have fresh change of clothes that are as far from your grow as possible. I know people who just reek sometimes when I see them. They look puzzled, they have not smoked & do not realize they smell at all lol
Third, get involved in some martial art, karate, etc. Take it serious, it will be something good to talk with nosy neighbor about, encourage them to join ( they wont). It will put something into their minds that maybe they should not mess with you. Plus it will be damn good for you, help reduce your stress level.
So.. relax, start enjoying life some. Having activities ( and a good cover story for work) will keep the neighbors out of your hair. Cut the old lady's nearby lawn, a little volunteer help will go a long ways.
Sounds like what you have been doing is stressing out in 2 states. Here in the mitten, the nosy bastards might freeze to death if we have a winter like last year ( and the year before !)


ICMag Donor
So.. relax, start enjoying life some. Having activities ( and a good cover story for work) will keep the neighbors out of your hair. Cut the old lady's nearby lawn, a little volunteer help will go a long ways.

Have grown way more in SO CO than the proposed limit. Did help nearest neighbors though, as a neighborly shield....shoveled snow in winter for elder lady across the road, took turns with my neighbors about 13 yrs. older shoveling walks/drives and other small acts of kindness. Even told them I had 2 plants....they didn't care....now if they only knew there were 57 at one time....cough...a different story. But I was a good neighbor....had a few methed out neighbors next block, a juvie 2 doors down. Just kept watch, doing a neighborly thing.

Doesn't work all the time, but did for us.

Hopefully next place you and breathe some (relief) and grow lots, stasis!



Registered Non-Conformist
I'll be honest I haven't read every word. Maybe I just missed it. Apparently some people must like to type and can be kinda long winded. Too much reading makes my eyes go blurry. But, how did you KNOW the mail person or neighbor ratted?

Nice underhanded insult. Reading makes one a more well rounded personality, I recommend it. Do you know ICMAG has a reputation for people having massive attitude..? Sometimes that seems accurate.

I write for a living. But thanks for the constructive criticism.

I know cause the LL told me after I left. THe neighbor had told everyone *including the cops* that when I was going to the gym at 830a that I was going to make drug deals. The fatass Illinois Guy had notes on paper., about Me. ANd stopped saying hello at some point, for some unknown reason. The Mailperson and Him were good friends from way back, and one day, inexplicably, the mail person stopped saying hello to Me, and I knew something was up.

EVERYTHING I said was verified after I left by simple discussion with the landlady. She brought it up, not me. So, if you folks wanna come on here and slam me go ahead, It's only the internet. I don't care. Says more about you than Me.
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Registered Non-Conformist
"A woman around throws people off the scent somehow."

������ True story!

And can also be a catayst for a visit by the authorities, when she sits in your driveway at midnight, screaming bloody murder, cause She's <Moody. ALl the nabes lights come on, and someone will prob call the cops. I had a 2 year GF do that. One who made her living trimming buds for the prominent growers in Mendo. And who;s last 5 BFs were growers. I was the 5th. SHe obviously knew better. I told her to get the hell out of here, we'll talk tomorrow.

Mendo chix are wayyyyyy outta control, they rule everything, comply with the whole Female Mendo Cabal, or You will find yourself in Men DOn't See None. Attitude is a weapon in pot land. Sex a commodity.


Registered Non-Conformist
SOmetimes I wonder if I need to simply live as a complete hermit. But, it's not healthy to do so.
A good woman can be an asset stasis.. But the more ppl who know, the less safe you are. Mine used to love getting drunk and calling the cops. She even called them on her own mother once. Ppl can be like ticking bombs.. You never know when they could go off. And if they do.. U get busted.


My wife doesn't drink doesn't smoke. If anyone came looking and ran into her I think they'd look somewhere else.
Me on the other hand... I gotta cut my damn hair.
But this is my wife, I don't bring my girlfriends around ;)


Registered Non-Conformist
My wife doesn't drink doesn't smoke. If anyone came looking and ran into her I think they'd look somewhere else.
Me on the other hand... I gotta cut my damn hair.
But this is my wife, I don't bring my girlfriends around ;)

Humour, quite welcome...! hahahahaha Well said.

I've tried the GF thing. Even though., as I said, the one's history of BF's were ALL growers, yet one day, She told Me that She didn;t want Me to grow.. Quiet, you....!

There were a few established couples who were well equipped to do this 'thing' even if one had a job elsewhere. Or not. Like 30% max. But most Fembots are dangerous....! At some point. Too bad, p*ssy is pretty awesome, haha. In urban life, before growing, BTing in 3 different excellent Clubs over 6 years, I got so much to last 2 lifetimes, of all 'flavours.' Nice too. As well as months of (cheap) 'adventurous' travels when I worked in the Travel Industry. So, I;m good. Although, more is welcome.

As a surfer, occasionally (not enuf..!) when I was in Mendo COastal, a woman would be watching me frolic in the waves. When I get out, and walking to my car, or watching me change out of my wettie (this more in the bay area decades ago) I have been approached, talked up, and even propositioned. I am well willing and able to utilize me Dang, but NEVER went further with any of them, cause - well - it was a small-town area - and they were just not the sort I'd want to know where I live (ex-BF;s, who knows what hazards they bring - X-factors are NEVER acceptable, if able to be avoided - Stasis rule #1).

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Power Armor rules
I've read this whole thread and there are some good suggestions for you. One I will make is to increase your situational awareness of the area. Riding a bike or going for a jog regularly in the neighborhood wouldn't hurt. You will be more visible as will others you see. A smile and a wave can help out a lot especially if you are new to the area. Xenophobia is very real and is instinctual for all species. Remember what Jim Morrison said, "People are strange, when you're a stranger."

Risk management is a big one too. Odor control is probably the biggest as well as keeping up the property, no loud parties, etc.

Best of luck to you,



Well-known member
Plane Jane to grow mary Jane

Plane Jane to grow mary Jane

Any kind of flash causes problems.
No tattoos showing.
Stickers on your truck.
Customized rims or truck.
No earnings.
Baseball caps sideways.
You mentioned property pride that's smart.
A cute friendly intelligent girlfriend is a must.

There were 2 characters in braking Bad. One you should emulate and the other....

You sound like a smart guy Sasis


Well-known member
it is a bitch coming up with the believable fake answer for what you do for a living
many people are suspicious by nature
haven't used this, may or may not be a good idea, let the forum decide
you're a small dealer/refiner of precious metal scrap, gold, silver, or whatever
you don't refine where you live, so your trips out are part of your business
you're justifibly paranoid, don't know who mught be watching to rip you off
now is this safer than being known as a grower? maybe, but then again maybe not