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First Indoor Grow 9 Strains



6 males removed, 3 more to go... ?

6 males removed, 3 more to go... ?

Removed the six males today.
They were all in the right scrog.

The plants on the left, all appear to be female.
Only one or two plants are not showing on that side.

Hoping to have two or three more males.
A little more space may be a good thing.

Once I know what everything is...
I'll re-do the right scrog and set the left one up.

Hopefully I can make an even canopy.

There's a little nitrogen deficiency, but the blood meal should take care of this.

I know it's a clusterfuck, but that can happen with nine strains.

Think we're down to eight with the Columbian Red x OMG all being male.

Will post after both scrogs are complete.

Hopefully this helps someone in the future on what not to do. :dunno:

Time to get everything cleaned up... :mopper:

The ladies...



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Day 14 11/13

Day 14 11/13

Only six males out of all of the plants.

This leaves 22 females.

Down to seven strains.

Soar & Meat breath are no longer around.

Second scrog is up.
Fucked up quite a few branches while doing it.

Went through every single plant today and cleaned their bottoms up.

This took around 4 hours.

Loving the structure on the Princess x SSGH.
The Roadkill Unicorn v2 has a great structure as well.

Catpiss would be a great plant for someone with low ceilings.

It almost has too many branches close together, not leaving room for light.

I cleaned up quite a few but left plenty for flowering.

We'll see if using the "lollipop technique" was the right approach soon enough.

Looking forward to the next 50 days!

To the left...

Now low...

To the right...

Now low...

It's a lady lol...



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All together now...

All together now...

22 ladies...
The show is about to start! :lurk:

Another post in a week or two...

Until then. :clock watch:


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Day 21 Flower

Day 21 Flower

Plants are still stretching unfortunately.
Burnt the shit out of a branch.

I pulled the branches down the best I could.
Hopefully this prevents any future height / heat issues.

Not considering the difference in height from 3 to 5 gallon has caused some headache.

Lesson learned!

I opened up one side of the tent completely.

I'm wanting to keep the temp in the mid 70's if possible.

The weather will cool down here in about ten days.
Got the box created for the intake fan.

This will get setup once I close the tent again.
The exhaust and carbon filter will be added then as well.

Finally, the start of some flowers...

Left side...

Right side...

Not sure which strain...

[Sophisticated Lady x Mendobreath] x [Purple Punch]

All together now...



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Burnt Branch! Keep it or remove ?

Burnt Branch! Keep it or remove ?

This top got burnt pretty good. :toohot:

I removed the burnt leaves next to it.

Should I keep the branch or just remove it ? :help:

Any input would be appreciated.
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Day 35 12/12

Day 35 12/12

I've been out of town two weeks with work.

The plants appear to be doing alright...

God bless @twotonewilly for answering all of my ignorant questions.

Bodhi has stayed true to his word with Road Kill Unicorn v2.

He said "less barn yard smell" and more purple.

These buds are 100% purple.

I will have better pictures next week.
The HPS isn't the best for photos.

More to come!

All together now...

Left side...

Right side...

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Great thread, I will be pulling up my chair and watching you finish this wonderful grow up. I have 3 strains in a 3x3, 6 girls overall, and have already gleaned some good info from your postings, so thanks for sharing.

I am sure you have the screen heights all settled, but was thinking to add or take down height, all you need to do is use couplings on the legs, and then adjust the pipe length according to need. Just an idea, I am tossing out there, as I am thinking I may want to do a screen too.
Nice pictures too, that is something I need to improve on, anyway looking good, nice job so far.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Great thread, I will be pulling up my chair and watching you finish this wonderful grow up. I have 3 strains in a 3x3, 6 girls overall, and have already gleaned some good info from your postings, so thanks for sharing.

I am sure you have the screen heights all settled, but was thinking to add or take down height, all you need to do is use couplings on the legs, and then adjust the pipe length according to need. Just an idea, I am tossing out there, as I am thinking I may want to do a screen too.
Nice pictures too, that is something I need to improve on, anyway looking good, nice job so far.

Thanks for checking the thread out! :respect:

It was made mostly to show people what not to do. :tiphat:
Hopefully people can learn from my mistakes.
However, I'm glad you are getting some good information from it.

I know a lot of the pictures are similar, but its for documentation.
This gives others a reference to go off regarding their grow.

Couplings are a great idea for the scrog!
I will use them in the future. :dance013:

Feel free to ask questions or post whatever in this thread.
Post a link so I can follow your journey as well.

Take care and good luck!!!


Thank You

Thank You

I have been reading this thread and throwing up rep when I remember. :tiphat:

I didn't know anyone was even reading the journal.
I appreciate you stopping by... :thank you:

I feel like the veg went perfect.

However, there are serious issues with flowering...

I was gone for two weeks with work.

When I came back, I could tell something was off.

I just couldn't put my finger on it... :drum:

The buds were still small and not packed with crystals.
Obviously this would drive anybody crazy... :wallbash:

The room the plants are in is huge.
However this room gets no fucking fresh air.

I think these plants used up all the co2.
That's the reason why theyre healthy but just not producing.

The issue has been fixed but I think it's too late for this round.

The only thing to do is try and turn them around.
Also, will be starting new ones ASAP.

This is definitely not a good situation.

Was wanting super crazy nugs for Halloween not Christmas.
Obviously super bummed but perseverance always wins.

The soil's ph is getting tested tomorrow.
However, I'm pretty positive that's not the issue.

All critiques and suggestions welcome.

Thanks again for dipping through!
This journal will have a happy ending. :joint:


C02 450PPM, Light Burn ?

C02 450PPM, Light Burn ?

I checked the CO2 in the grow room yesterday.

It's at 450PPM, which is pretty close to the outdoors.

I was hoping the meter would read WAY less.
Moving on...

Only two other variables I can think of... :dunno:

A. Light Burn
B. Wrong PH

I turned the lights from 825 to 400.
Will find out in the next four days if that's the issue.

I will also be checking the PH run off this weekend.

I honestly don't think that's the issue but time will tell.

Staying positive...

Going to hafta kill it next round. :smoke:

Sorry there's no real show...
Feel free to throw your popcorn at me! :lurk:

Until next time... :moon:


Hey Alf,

Hang in there, work travel can be a bummer, played havoc with my DWC grow a few years back, I was traveling a lot and my PH was not stable, a couple went Hermie on me, still got a decent harvest but nothing like my previous grows, but you will get something just not the harvest you envisioned. I just found out a international trip I will be making is pushed back till next year, which fits my schedule much better.
Good luck and I will check on you down the road, best to ya.


Too Much Light!

Too Much Light!

Hey Alf,

Hang in there, work travel can be a bummer, played havoc with my DWC grow a few years back, I was traveling a lot and my PH was not stable, a couple went Hermie on me, still got a decent harvest but nothing like my previous grows, but you will get something just not the harvest you envisioned. I just found out a international trip I will be making is pushed back till next year, which fits my schedule much better.
Good luck and I will check on you down the road, best to ya.

I appreciate the support... :thank you:

The issue was the lights were too close to the plants.
It wasn't showing any signs of heat stress but...

After turning both lights down to 400...
The plants started packing on crystals and the entire house stunk.

This resulted in the intake and carbon filter being setup ASAP.

I have a 6" Vortex fan pulling air out of the grow tent.
Thank god it has three speeds because on the lowest speed it can barely be heard.

It's hooked up to a PHAT carbon filter.

The ph of the water was a little high as well.
This has been fixed.
Plain water will be delivered at 5.9 PH from now on.

Sucks I made these mistakes.
All due to not testing the luxes the Gavita's put out.

Every new grower using double ended lights should have a lux meter. $30 can save you weeks of headaches.

I read 50,000 lux is great for vegging.
For flowering, 60,000 lux is perfect.
Anything over 70,000 in flower can cause issues with certain strains.

On a positive note regarding the Gavita's...
They make no noise. Literally zero.
No humming coming from those ballasts.

Everything will be dialed in for next round.
Unfortunately all of these lessons had to be learned the hard way.

I guess I should just be thankful the lights output can be changed so easily on the Gavita's.

What's done is done... Moving forward :mopper:

Criticism always welcome! :hide:
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New member
I appreciate you doing this thread iodinealf. I’ve been growing outside for a while and decided this year to try my hand at indoor. I bought a T5,5x5 tent, carbon filter, and a dual phantom 615w cmh light this summer and plan on setting it up now (unfriendly state) that my outdoor is chopped.

I won’t be critical but I’ll be following and learning as much as I can. The info and grow have been invaluable from where I’m at, thanks again for documenting and keep it up.


Thank you.

Thank you.

I appreciate you doing this thread iodinealf. I’ve been growing outside for a while and decided this year to try my hand at indoor. I bought a T5,5x5 tent, carbon filter, and a dual phantom 615w cmh light this summer and plan on setting it up now (unfriendly state) that my outdoor is chopped.

I won’t be critical but I’ll be following and learning as much as I can. The info and grow have been invaluable from where I’m at, thanks again for documenting and keep it up.

Hey Dnny!

Thanks for stopping by to check out the journal. :tiphat:

Hopefully your outdoor grow was a success!

I'm in a very unfriendly state as well... :hide:

It sounds like you're on the right track for indoors.

I don't know much about the CMH lights but...
I'm sure it will work well for you.

This is my first time using a tent and the only disadvantage I have found is you need a few more items.

You'll need a fan to blow fresh air into the room
Also a fan, connected to your carbon filter, to pull the stinky air out.

There's lots of tutorials on setting these up.
If you want the links I used, just let me know.

I haven't posted any recent pictures of the grow because it's hard to get good, quality, detailed shots of the buds under these lights.

The plants are stuck to the scrog, so I can't pull them out for pictures.

By the end of the month, some of the plants will be chopped.
I will show ALL.
The good and the bad.

Was hoping to give these genetics a good presentation.
I guess that will have to wait until next round!

Hopefully everyone has a Happy Halloween! :witch:

Pics to come next weekend!

Also, if you have some great pics from your outdoor grow, feel free to post them here.
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I am curious as to the amount of air you are running in and out of your tent, Am I correct that I recall it being a 4x4? or am I confusing my threads?
I have 2 - 240 CFM 6" fans, and it sounds like a wind tunnel coming from my grow room, I have these going in and out of a 3x3 tent, the output is going through a carbon filter, but can I get speed controllers like this (https://www.amazon.com/iPower-Exhau...3684&sr=8-3&keywords=fan+speed+control+switch)

Can I slow my fans down so it doesn't sound like I have wind tunnel going?

Does anyone know what the minimum air turn over that is required? I do not have heat issue's as I am using LED lights.




Can I slow my fans down so it doesn't sound like I have wind tunnel going?

Yes, you can use controllers to slow fans down.

I have a Vortex 6" fan pulling air out of the grow room.
It has three speeds, mine is on the lowest.
It STILL is loud in my opinion.

However, it can barely be heard in a different room w/ door closed.

It's on 24/7 but I don't think it's necessary.
Regardless, the smell is gone.

Before purchasing a controller, I would research the fan you currently have.

See if anyone else has added a controller to it.
If so, which controller and what were the results.

I've read instances where adding a controller to certain fans did not give the desired result. Still loud as can be due to "compatibility issues".

I just purchased the Vortex due to reviews regarding the noise level and having three speeds.

As far as intake, it's only on a few hours a day.
It was borrowed from a friend.
Don't recall the name of the 8" fan.
I made a box for it to reduce the sound.
It's still loud as fuck in my opinion.

Does anyone know what the minimum air turn over that is required? I do not have heat issue's as I am using LED lights.

I did a little research for you and did not find a definitive answer.

This reference may be a little help: https://www.htgsupply.com/informationcenter/resources/understanding-ventilation

Now that I have my PPM reader, I haven't been as concerned about it.

A 3' x 3' area seems pretty small, so I would imagine your ventilation would have to be running most of the time.

Hopefully someone else can chime in! :grouphug:

Happy Monday! :rasta:


iOdineAlf All I can say is wow, your awesome, thanks for that info, I did order a speed controller, yikes, hope it is compatible, Ill know soon, glad it's from Amazon so I could return it if I have too. I have a hydro crunch fan, and the controller is designed for duct fans, should be fine.

I really appreciate doing a bit of research, :tiphat:

I did too and came up with this information from HTG on proper exchange rate ventilation, and they claim you want a minimum exchange of once every three minutes, here is a link to the formula.

My tent is humming along at 240 in and out, I only need less than 25, so I am sure I can slow the wind tunnel down.


New member

I’m really liking that 10 x 10 it must be nice to have that extra space to garden. And once you have a few runs under those new gravitas... it’s going to be Oct 31 (SCARY) every time those lights flip on. Lol

You’re running some very nice genetics. Any stand outs so far? That Duke D, P/SSGH has my attention

BTW my light is a 630 CMH and I do have an exhaust fan, controller, and duct, but I didn’t think about intake. Thanks for the heads up. Started popping seeds to force myself to get going on the room.

I’m Trimming the outdoe now. My area had a really dry, drought like summer, then of course from about mid September on, tons of rain. They never got that last big swell I was hoping for, but i’m good with the turnout. I’ll try and gets some shots uploaded soon.

Try’n not get lost in that jungle this weekend and even if ya can’t get pics, I’d like to hear which gals are stinking up that monster tent.