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Spring Harvest crew..


spring 2017 down

spring 2017 down

Well folks....All done for the spring harvest:biggrin:

Man!!! Supreme conditions this year!..yea,,Had to tote some water twice:woohoo:..Only problem was numbers. No where near what I should have done. My fault . I got side tracked and had do other things...Didn't take pics..

Still got 3 more outdoor phases after june:biggrin:
Pictures then...Yall stay safe and happy growing..
Peace!! <ws>


Last ones for 2017

Last ones for 2017

Still managed to pull a few out of the swamp:biggrin:
They don't look like much here,but come December we will have another look..


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Fall 2017..

Fall 2017..

Well folks. About to wrap up the 2017 season..

Still have 2 more lil harvest to go:biggrin:
If the pictures DL proper..Took in my thanks giving smoke.These plants/buds could NOT have been put outside at any better time..

The next ones will be ready in about two weeks..This method can be done using floros only..You wont have big plants but YOU will have smoke!!..

The third pic is the last phase for 2017..

The last picture is the swampkronic self sticking doobie:dance013:
As I plot my 2018 spring season!!!. Yall stay safe and keepem green and stinky..Peace!! <<ws>>


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Well-known member
Smaller is better for outdoor in my opinion, faster to mature, more consistent quality and weight, ripen together. Depending on density planted, less prone to disease and bug attacks as well, way less trimming overall too. If you live somewhere with strong sun and better temperatures I am sure bigger plants will do better than small, kangtiva has shown this for austrailia.


Thanks for stopping in!!

We can grow trees as well,but the risk of a min of 7 month wait is too much to put ALL in one basket..:biggrin:.We also have Hunting season and a lot of people in the woods.

I have found over the years when outdoor growing that its best to have a 60 day waiting period, and placement/timing insures that I can grow crops all thru the year,>>Except JAN/FEB is the only months that I don't have outdoor plants..

My old Overgrow friend Wally is from over that way..Ducksfoot I do believe he grew.What did that strain morph into?.
Peace!! <ws>


13 years ago

13 years ago

Hello fellow stoners :wave:

I got to looking and seen that I have not contributed much ,so I figured I would share my growing methods.Some might be familliar with this method,but those who are not,Enjoy :friends:

First and for most I will put up pictures as soon as I can get my camera situated.

A lil rundown on what I will be doing. I will be HARVESTING 2 crops before May's end :eek: Most ppl cant do this but I BET there is ALOT of you who can. Things you will need. 3 48" shoplights {floros} Att: Mods we will be going outdoors but we will have to start indoors.

I ALREADY have established mother plants,so if you got them. Great!!
But for those who want to do this you must plant ASAP,because NOW its a race with the sun.The sun has reached its southern most point{winter solstice} and will start to rise back to its zineth {highest point}. I will get back to this later if need be.

I have 3 floros side by side.Under these 3 lights I have {4} 11"x24" trays.In each of these trays I have 18. 9oz SOLO clear cups.Wholes in bottoms of course :wink: For A gran total of 72 plants. This is what I call a rack.I have Several stacked ontop of one another.Its just A simple homade wooden shelf.

Light cycle is kept on 24/7.These plants NEVER see darkness.This,and MATURITY is KEY in this method. So get them plants started! This method Im sure will work anywhere in the world so LONG as your area does not have A BIG light jump gain each day. So I guess for yall to figure this out would be first to look and see HOW long your longest day is,and then look in WHAT incriments,as in Min per day it takes to get to there.

How I do it is I put plants out on EACH side of the summer.My first "wave" will be out in the woods by 1st of march.My 2cd will be out before spring Equinox.When time is equal..I will harvest the first wave first of may and the second shortly there after.

Now there is some things to know that will HELP you a great deal.I will help those that wish to follow along.I will get pics ASAP for yall.I will answer all reasonable questons.

I wanted to get this started so yall will have time to get those seeds started.
Im not on as much as I would like to be,so if it takes me awhile to get back,Sorry in advance :confused:
Mery X-mas yall :friends: And Happy Growing New Years!!!!!
When I started this thread back then,,and "Now" today looking back>>Aint much changed..Still dreaming the dream..
Mery Xmas and Happy new year 17/18!!!
Peace!! <ws>


Wolfshadoe, I live to see your posts brother, you are the master of deep down dirty south. It ain't easy, but when the hurricane Gods smile on us it can be oh we sweet.


spring 2018

spring 2018

Howdy folks...

Been awhile..Alot has happened in the MJ world..
Everything going at warp speed:ying:

meanwhile this old dog still doing what works for me..
Keepem small in the spring for that ABSOLUTE best harvest :biggrin:.

Doing a few trees this year and reminisce about the 80s..So doing a lot of HAZES:biggrin:

Here is a shot of A DJ Blue berry about 2 weeks yet to go..


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The pictures was taken after a rain..
The upside is there is no pest.The humidity is great,No real hunters to speak of {Spring Gobbler} still got to be stealth with these guys.But they have to be out at 12 in the afternoon..

This next one is a kush..Working on 17 strains..I like to create:biggrin:..got all the gorrillas,Hazes,Bogs,Chems,Bodi and the list goes on..One thing for sure,,something good gonna come out of it..

Still doing it GG style:moon:..
Time will tell. I will keep this thread active,only because its really frigging sentimental to me..
Hope this pic comes out right..Happy growing yall!!!
Peace! <ws>


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Full moon fever

Full moon fever

Well I'm pushing the envelope on these. Gonna go into june and the solstice..A few will be a week or two sooner..
Still though with the bright moon and increasing light I'm very surprised how they are responding..

Definitely a wrap for spring 2018:biggrin:


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Still going

Still going

These gals here have did VERY well..
I'm pretty sure these are some BOGs Life star,,got them mixed up,so really not sure which BOG it is..I have 3 kinds:biggrin:


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Sour Chem

Sour Chem

This is one bad ass plant right here..

Its got 4 branch out leads.Has crazy bud sites..
If you look real close that female node that grows there has some kind of giant seed in it:dance013:..If this is a mature seed its gonna be one hell of a seed.. Gotta stake these babies..Not for long though..

Been blessed with good weather and was a decent spring fling..
Over all real happy with all the new stuff:dance013:


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60 days

60 days

This is A bodi..Very sticky:biggrin:
The smaller is A purple diesel..

That PD is looking like something id like to work with:woohoo:
Fixxing to find out just how much heat/humidity several strains can stand..:biggrin:


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These going past solstice

These going past solstice

Now these next ones have 50/50 that mold don't take them,but still will be good for extracts:biggrin:>>win win..

Purple head games..Put out on same day as PD..These are the ones I'm gonna watch through the solstice and see how long it takes for mold/rain/weather/insects ect to take them into july..


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companion planting

companion planting

I hope I got the right ones..
These plants are well blended into surrounding plants..

This definitely a spring wrap:woohoo:

But will still update on the heat /humidity test..
Happy growing yall!!
Peace!! <ws>


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