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Grape Punch Adventure



Hey all. Wanted to share my Grape Punch adventure with everyone. My first thread like this....

Some Quick Bullets

* Germinated 10 Beans - 10 Beans Successfully Germinated (grin)

* 9 of 10 germ'd beans sprouted and have lived under floro's for 14 days

(I killed the 10th one....mutter, its 2 parts patience, 1 part hurry up)

Here is a shot of the kids on their Baker's Rack in the Bubbler just before going into soil.

A sample pic of one of the GPs and its wonderful roots.

9 of these went into dirt on Dec 25.
Using FoxFarm Ocean Forest and Light Warrior.
400W MH for the rest of VEG then onto 400W HPS.

Beyond excited about all these roots and vigor. So far they are loving the big lamp.

Try to update weekly.

Best to all and Happy Holidays.

Very nice I've seen some of the grape punch turn into some really impressive plants..........hopw you have the same experiance BOG's genetics are really stable and really nice to.......good luck......

One eyed Jack Reckem


Thanks everyone....Look at these :D

Thanks everyone....Look at these :D

Thanks to all for the kind words of encouragement.

I've been wanting to grow BOG's / GP's genetics forever.

These kids are really loving the transition from Bubbler to soil and are just soaking up the 400W MH.

Look how happy they look. Crazy vigor shown in the first 72 hours under the big lamp.

Can you tell I'm a bit excited? *grin* *smirk* *grimmace*

Here's a closeup of one of the beauties

Thats all for now.

Best to all and be safe.



Plant Manager
You wont be disapointed... I have been tokin on some GP for a while now and it is some powerful stuff!!!! definately more PUNCH than Grape. lol
Good luck with the grow!


Active member
cant wait to see what this turns into .. :) good luck , not that your going to need it . i see what everyone does with bogs stuff .. always awesome


Week in the Dirt

Week in the Dirt

Happy New Year All:

Quick shot of the Grape Punch babies collectively and a nice close-up.

They seem to be on "auto-pilot" just looking nicer every time I check on them. Going to 18/6 today or tomorrow.

Group shot below. 7 are awesome, 1 split mutie, 1 runt. I love them all.

Closeup Shot of the one show in the middle above.

Best to all in 2005.

Be safe and happy.



Bio-Bucket Specialist *********
Harmonix – well well well, Grape Punch it is I’m going to have to keep an eye on this one to.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hey there harmonix, aint they cute when theyre that age, lol. Wont be cute for long, gonna be badass big, bud bearing babes, lol. Im on a mission now, collecting BOG stuff, lol, this ones gonna have to wait a while to, lol.


Unreal Grape Babies

Unreal Grape Babies

Hi everyone.

Transplanted the GPs on 1/5 from 16oz cups to 2 Gallon Pots.

All went great and these things are just cranking.

Root mass shot below.

Here's a shot of one of the lovelies. Look how these leaves overlap.

Bravo GP / Bog.

GPs are at day 28 Veg (14 days floro, 14 days 400W MH).

Best to all.



Weekly Grape Punch Update

Weekly Grape Punch Update

Greetings to all:

Weekly update time on these fantastice Grape Punch babies.

They continue to thrive. Nodes are numerous and very tight. Leaves are really starting to broaden and these are such a beautiful deep green.

Quick shot of the chamber:

Here's a top view of one of the lovelies:

Finally, look how tight these nodes are spaced. Froth, drool, slobber.

I'm in awe of BOG (and son's) genetics.

Why can't I manipulate time..........

Best to all,



Nutes being used are:

Earth Juice Grow (15ml per gallon)

Earth Juice Microblast (5ml per gallon)

Soil is Foxfarm Ocean Forest with Light Warrior added.

Wonderful day to all. Now where's that bong........



Boy I have some of those on the way and your pictures have me drooling.My germinator awaits those seeds.

I've got clones on the way so I've very excited about the GP. I'll be growing hydro not organic, but I sure hope they turn out just as beautiful... Drooling, frothing, slurping ova here!


Hey everyone.

Grape Punch Day 42 Veg (14 Days Floro, 28 Days 400W MH)

Honestly, these kids don't drink like piggies, they don't get quirky over nutes (in fact they love em), and truly these things are on auto pilot folks. BOG and GP have bestowed true kindness on us with this offering.

Topped em last night (FIM'd em).

Hope to "throw the switch" next weekend

Can you say Sultry, Sexy?

What cha think?

My warmest wishes and most positive vibes to all.

Be smart, be safe.



Lovin' that green! Looking very healthy, a pleasure on the eyes :joint:
All the best,
L&Co :wave:


Active member
" What cha think? "

Are you kidding?? I think they look great!! out of the 4 i germed, two are now sprouts, can't wait for the other two to break the surface!!!

gonna do one in a waterfarm, soil for the rest. :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis: :canabis:

nice job!! :friends:
Harmonix your GP's are looking gorgeous. Mine are following right behind. I wish I had a digicam so I could post some pics. I put my clones in the new hydro system on Thursday. They're doing beautifully so far!