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Deadliest catch


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I've been watching the marathon on Discovery Channel for about the last two days. I can't wait for the new season to start. Anyone else a fan??
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Registered Cannabis User
damn straight. It looks like something I'd like to try, but at the moment I cant up and leave to go to alaska. maybe one of these years...


Active member
yep ...im str8 watchin...cant pull me away!

sig is my dawg and i really am a fan of jonathan when he cap's the 'bandit

i like blake painter too...tho he reminds me of riky schroder

look up corey fishes on myspace..he's an awesome photgrapher.

i fukin cant wait for season 4


It looks like something I'd like to try
LOL...I watched the last few years of the show on disc and those guys are nuts. You can make some great money but starting out you're a grunt basically making about $200 per week or something like that...no thanx.

Good series :yes:


Active member
Anyone out there think they got the guts to go out there and try it?? I figured I've worked about every other shitty, physical, dangerous, and painful job out there so I think I could do it. Some of the jobs I've taken up are considered some of the most dangerous in the world already like logging, and roofing... So that doesn't even bother me. Nor do the long days. I've worked days on end non-stop no problem. I'd rather work my ass off all at once, have some time off, then have some regular ass boring 9-5 where you go in everyday.


Active member
NOKUY said:
yep ...im str8 watchin...cant pull me away!

sig is my dawg and i really am a fan of jonathan when he cap's the 'bandit

i like blake painter too...tho he reminds me of riky schroder

look up corey fishes on myspace..he's an awesome photgrapher.

i fukin cant wait for season 4
yea... sig seems fukin' cool. if I could work on any boat I would want to work for him.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I thought alot more of the show before I watched the show Axemen. I spent many years falling timber and on a skidding crew, highlead and cat logging. Believe me its so way over glamorized its rediculous. This guy on Axemen saying how many bones hes broke, lets hope if anyone was stupid enough to get themselvels hurt that many times that they would be smart enough to know they dont belong on that job. So since the same guys produce the show im figuring they pretty much exagerated it the same way.
I still watch it ... but its alot cheesier, now that Ive seen Axmen and understand their sesationalizing style.


Active member
babba ...crabbing isnt sensational...i hope your not saying that ...im high for the 1st time in weeks.

axmen looked gay as fuck, and i couldent even watch the commercial.

i grew up cutting wood, and fishing...i know both of these industries, and ...

...they are trying to tap the market for all its worth...season4 better better be the shit or ill be 1st to spit.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well the same people produce the deadliest catch that produce axmen. I spent my life in the woods. Now that I see how they represent the loggers it definetly makes me see how much they do sensationlize it all. Its a great exciting idea for a show but if they showed what its really like day to day I dont think anyone would watch.


I love that show too, Anyone else think they are huge potheads? Ive watched that so many times when im high and always anaylize them to be high lol

maybe im wrong


Registered Cannabis User
nah, I dont think they get high unless it would be before they sleep. I don't think there's anyway you could do that kind of work while baked, and it's definately not a good idea, one wrong move and you could be cast into the icy sea.


Active member
ToKEN said:
nah, I dont think they get high unless it would be before they sleep. I don't think there's anyway you could do that kind of work while baked, and it's definately not a good idea, one wrong move and you could be cast into the icy sea.

most crabbers smoke weed, but almost never on the boat....crabbing aint about smokin weed.

plus the coast guard will fuck the boat owner if they find weed ever on board.
I love the show.
It has been years since I have been out west....but it is something I will never forget.
And I dont care what anyone says.....there isnt anything easy about pot fishing after 36 hours.
And on the weed....guys have it out there. I smoked out plenty while fishin and it never got in the way. It was my way to mentally escape.
There is a method to bustin ice. Discovery makes it a point to deem it as the worst job....its not that bad.

Bait boy sucks.



668, Neighbor of the Beast
Most of the fishing guys seem like someone you'd want to hang at a bar with. I might have tried it as a job 30 years ago but no way in hell I'd go know.

Tripped me out that when I was in Alaska that king crab was $40 a plate though. I figured that it'd be cheaper being that close to the source but soon found out that NOTHING is cheap in Alaska. There were a few places that had cheap snow crab, but I didn't want to work that hard.

Axe men? Verdict is still out on them, though its interesting if you haven't seen that style of logging before. That one kid that stays pissed and throws tantrums is really ignorant. His hard hat is sailing across the job site more than its on his head. I'd be embarrassed for people to see me acting like that.


Active member
And I dont care what anyone says.....there isnt anything easy about pot fishing after 36 hours.
Yup, nothin looks easy about it but for a guy like me workin 36 hrs straight on a boat is a lot better then being some 9-5 pencil pusher.

as for the show ax men i tried to watch it a couple times and i just couldn't get into it like i do deadliest catch. however, i'm glad shows like ax men, deadliest catch, ice roads, dirty jobs, etc. air on discovery channel and history channel because now working class folks are finally getting the spot light and some appreciation in this world. these are the people that keep this country running and they risk and sacrifice a lot to do it with little or no appreciation at all. i'd rather have the ax men getting the spot light on tv instead of another spoiled ass celebrity or something.
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