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1st grow- Centennial Seeds "21" and "Roughneck"


This is my first grow here and it is really exciting! The main point of me making this thread is to get feedback from the experienced growers out there. I germinated three "21" seeds in paper towels then put them in Solo cups and then transplanted them into 5 gallon grow bags on 6/24. The germinated seeds were dropped into the Solo cups on 6/9. I am planning on vegging these out for another few weeks and then take clones off each one since i dont know whos gonna have balls or not. I have no plans on topping. I am thinking of just tying the top down if it gets to tall but the main purpose of these three plants is to provide clones (how many can i take at a time? I would like 6-8 off each of them)

More to come!


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I forgot to add that there are two Diesel Ryders in the background that I have sort of lost motivation with only because it seems like they didnt like being transplanted..... Im gonna let them keep growing on the sidelines though. Next time I try out the DR's, they will be started straight in 5 gal bags. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=176310

Also, three "Roughneck" seeds have been in wet paper towel on top of my cable box for almost 24 hours now..... I'll take some pics of them and the package they came in before I drop em in the solo cups :jump:


Active member

This is my first grow here and it is really exciting! The main point of me making this thread is to get feedback from the experienced growers out there. I germinated three "21" seeds in paper towels then put them in Solo cups and then transplanted them into 5 gallon grow bags on 6/24. The germinated seeds were dropped into the Solo cups on 6/9. I am planning on vegging these out for another few weeks and then take clones off each one since i dont know whos gonna have balls or not. I have no plans on topping. I am thinking of just tying the top down if it gets to tall but the main purpose of these three plants is to provide clones (how many can i take at a time? I would like 6-8 off each of them)

More to come!

Lookin' good Johnny!!:dance013::dance013:

Yaa man, I would wait till they show sex to take clones, but you can certainly start training to make those things bushes for when you find out. If topping is out of the question, then give em some LST. To start, gently pull the top all the way down to the side of the pot at the soil line with some floss or kite string. You can hold that string down with some duct tape or something. You can defiantly still top though, the sex will show at all of the node sites so I wouldn't worry about the tops. If you top, you will promote more node sites making it easier to identify male or female:) I would just clip the top off right above the top most node.

After you find your female, you should take a clone for a single DWC hydro mom in a 5 gallon Bucket, I will show you a feeding regiment that is simmmmmple, cheap, and makes mommas grow like trees QUICK. You would be able to take as many clones as you want off one of these and only have to top off once weekly. Pretty stoner friendly. High JOHNNY

Lookin' good Johnny!!:dance013::dance013:

Yaa man, I would wait till they show sex to take clones, but you can certainly start training to make those things bushes for when you find out. If topping is out of the question, then give em some LST. To start, gently pull the top all the way down to the side of the pot at the soil line with some floss or kite string. You can hold that string down with some duct tape or something. You can defiantly still top though, the sex will show at all of the node sites so I wouldn't worry about the tops. If you top, you will promote more node sites making it easier to identify male or female:) I would just clip the top off right above the top most node.

After you find your female, you should take a clone for a single DWC hydro mom in a 5 gallon Bucket, I will show you a feeding regiment that is simmmmmple, cheap, and makes mommas grow like trees QUICK. You would be able to take as many clones as you want off one of these and only have to top off once weekly. Pretty stoner friendly. High JOHNNY


HI Turbo!

So if I wait until they show sex to take clones then I will have to re-veg it right? Wouldnt I be better off taking a couple clones of each before I flip the switch on them or is that a bad idea? I wonder how long i should keep vegging these out before flipping the switch..... hmm.


HI Turbo!

So if I wait until they show sex to take clones then I will have to re-veg it right? Wouldnt I be better off taking a couple clones of each before I flip the switch on them or is that a bad idea? I wonder how long i should keep vegging these out before flipping the switch..... hmm.

"21" - They'll show sex under 16/8 after about 3-4 weeks of veg, look for primordia -- preflowers -- at the nodes along the main stem.

Meanwhile, "21" will take well to bending if you do it now.

Like turbo wrote, just tie the main growing tip down and anything above it will race to become the new main growing tip.

I don't suggest cutting the main off. Once you see it flower, you'll know why ":)

Here's to a triad of females. Thanks for trying our seed. -Joe
Thanks for the feedback Joe. Im gonna go ahead and figure out a way to bend them tonight for sure. Do you think I should have vegged them under 16/8? I have had them under 18/6 the whole time.
Does this look ok? Do i need to prune off some of the leaves or no? :wave:


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Active member
Thanks for the feedback Joe. Im gonna go ahead and figure out a way to bend them tonight for sure. Do you think I should have vegged them under 16/8? I have had them under 18/6 the whole time.

High Johnny,

I would imagine that was a typo, give them 18/6 for veg. Your lookin' good on the tie down, you want to do as much as you can without punishing the stem and having it snap. You will notice the bottom branches start to rise in the next few days and the main stem will also try hard to straighten out, keep cranking it down until you have a even canopy in a few weeks.

What are you feeding them right now? Give em a bit more nitrogen at this stage with your fertilizer strength levels at around 50-60% and watch them darken up and perk up like satellite dishes :)

Thats what I thought..... Is this bc your strains are more sativa dominant and you are trying to imitate the enviroment they originated in? I think mine have shown sex already but im not sure...... gonna go take some pics after I finish this bowlstie.

Turbo..... I can already tell the main stem on one of them is trying to grow up again haha. HI!


1st grow- Centennial Seeds "21" and "Roughneck"

Bump...i've been wanting to see Centennial seed runs in a grow journal...


Thats what I thought..... Is this bc your strains are more sativa dominant and you are trying to imitate the enviroment they originated in? I think mine have shown sex already but im not sure...... gonna go take some pics after I finish this bowlstie.

Turbo..... I can already tell the main stem on one of them is trying to grow up again haha. HI!

No, nothing that cool :) I've just learned that 16 is generally enough and it gives me a little less heat to offset. 18 will work and so will 24.

What do you mean "not sure"? Do you have white pistols or balls? -Joe
Im pretty sure that I have 3 females but it seems to good to be true..... :laughing:


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Im pretty sure that I have 3 females but it seems to good to be true..... :laughing:

mmm, I don't see either sex in these pics.

Those little pairs of dagger blade looking things that stick up right at a node, those are bracts. Boys and girls have them.

Oh, and get some jute twine or hemp or something softer and broader than monofilament. Mono tends to dig in and cut off the vasculature of the plant.
mmm, I don't see either sex in these pics.

Those little pairs of dagger blade looking things that stick up right at a node, those are bracts. Boys and girls have them.

Oh, and get some jute twine or hemp or something softer and broader than monofilament. Mono tends to dig in and cut off the vasculature of the plant.

Oh ok.... so when they show their sex will it be right in that same area though? I will definitly go get something softer to tie them down with now that you mention it :thank you:


Active member
Oh ok.... so when they show their sex will it be right in that same area though? I will definitly go get something softer to tie them down with now that you mention it :thank you:

High Johnny,

Yes, that is the area that you will notice the pistols and hopefully not the balls:) Looks like your stems are thickening up quite nicely.:jump:

On the 16/8 note, I agree with you that 16 hours of daylight will indeed veg plants, but do you really want to be using the minimum amount of daylight that is suggested? If heat or power consumption are an issue, then I could see this being logical. 24 hours for veg in my opinion is overkill, plants need their rest just like people. I mean MJ plants will flower with only 11 hours of daylight and 13 hours of darkness, but don't you want full potential at 12/12?

Just my .02

Joe - Sounds like you have some great genetics in store brotha :)


I've had a fan on these since they were seedlings so I wonder if the stems would have been this thick without the fan? I was told the fan imitates natural wind which causes the stems to thicken??

I guess since I only have one 600 right now ill just leave it on 18/6 but i can see why one would want to do differently in a bigger grow fo sho.

Oh and I just fed them for the first time on 7/4. 1 capful fish emulsion 5-1-1 and 1 capful seaweed 0-0-1 per gallon. oh and some superthrive. What do you mean by fertilizer strength? PPM? :wave:

Off topic but here is a pic of a diesel ryder...... 2/3 ended up having clits


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These things have taken off I tell ya! I put em in flower on 7/11 so maybe I'll be smoking some 21 for my birthday in September :thank you:
The one thing that looks wrong with them is the tips of the leaves are curling under. I actually pm'ed Joe about this and he replied within a few hours. I'm going to go ahead and copy his pm to here so everyone else can learn also!

"If they're clawing under it's most likely that the feed is a little high. Here is a resource for you:


It's a set of grow notes i wrote. If you look on page two, under "Sensitivities", you'll see the notation.

If they're not showing any other distress (deficiencies, burning, etc) try backing the ferts down maybe 10-15% and maybe do a little flush to freshen up the roots.

Of course you didn't say if you had fed them at all or what kind of soil mix you're in. I'd be interested in that info as well as a photo of the leaves that are troubling you.

Anyway, I hope the notes help you. If you need anything else, lemme know.

BTW, this is exactly the kind of questions that make your grow journals valuable to other people. I'm not uncomfortable with you posting outloud."


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My soil recipe I used the "organics for beginners" mix using FFOF as a base.....

Or, if you use Pro Mix, Sunshine Mix or Fox Farm mixes...
LC's Soiless Mix #2:
6 parts Pro Mix BX or HP / Sunshine Mix (any flavor from #1 up) / Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Light Warrior
2 parts perlite
2 parts earthworm castings
Powdered (NOT PELLETIZED) dolomite lime @ 2 tablespoons per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of the soiless mix.
If you use a 3 qt. saucepan as “parts” in the amounts given above, it equals about 1 cu. ft. of soiless mix and you can just dump in a cup of powdered dolomite lime.
But, a "part" can be anything from a tablespoon to a five gallon bucket. Just use the same item for all of the "parts".

and feed them these nutes:

Fish and Seaweed (This is sooo easy)

For veg growth…
1 capful 5-1-1 Fish Emulsion
1 capful Neptune's Harvest 0-0-1 Seaweed or Maxicrop liquid
1 gallon H2O

For early flowering…
1 tbs. Neptune’s Harvest 2-3-1 Fish/Seaweed
1 gallon H2O

For mid to late flowering…
1 tbs. Neptune’s Harvest 2-4-1 Fish
1 gallon H2O

I have only fed once and that was on 7/3 give or take a day (this is my first grow once and I now understand importance of jotting down shit)