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Scooby is gone.......

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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Evidently I have been unable to give Scooby all of what she wants needs desires, yesterday morning she launched another attack on Alice again. Alice was roughed up taking a few stitches above her right eye. My left arm took a couple of bites too but nothing like last time.

I'm done trying to figure out this dog, I think you all know I gave her more than 100% of my efforts and a couple of handfuls of 2nd chances.

If I'd given her up to a no kill shelter it would only be a matter of time until they placed her, her behavior 99.99999% of the time is flawless, not just flawless but exemplary as far as most of her traits would be concerned, until of course that one moment when everything's gone to shit. I couldn't allow that to happen to a stranger, their dog(s) or kids.

My good friend Hank came by last night to dig her grave, a .22 to her brain stem would be the end of her this morning, she deserved one last night of love and snuggles and as long as Alice was spending the night @ the veterinary hospital Scooby could have me all to herself.

As she sat by my side she only trembled, her ears pinned back on her head, tail tucked hard between her legs, she made whimpering whining sounds. When we climbed into bed she snuggled hard and continued to making small whimpers and almost kitty cat like very soft mewing sounds, she knew something was up, she knew it wasn't good, all night long I showered her with gentle love, but she seemed reclusive or reserved @ best.

we shared a couple of McDoubles w/cheese, actually she ate one and we shared the 2nd.

I took a few pics of her laying in bed and realized that I had almost no pics of Scooby outside in the yard. Here are a few from this morning.





To say my emotions were mixed this morning would be an understatement, I cried like a baby and was yet relieved that these issues would finally be put to rest.


Before I could put her down Hank came to the rescue, his home may be more suited to Scooby as he has no kids or dogs, the cat thing will need to be worked out but Scooby usually ignores cats and will not find herself competing for the things the cats want.

So now Hank has Scooby and Scooby will have Hank to herself, as we're best friends I'm sure we'll get plenty of visitation (already asked/requested by Hank) by Scooby too.

As I dropped off Scooby's stuff she sat in the back seat of my car, when I tried to get her out of the car she wouldn't go, she hopped from back seat to the front and back again several times. The betrayed look on her face screamed "NOOOOO!" @ me, she's seen this routine before, and probably soon after she'd offended previously. Even though she loves Hank more than anyone else I know she just didn't want to go.

I can take her to the woods, or the local football field, she unloads from the car @ the vets office and anywhere else we go, but she didn't want to be handed off to someone else again. I'd bet my nuts that she remembers being handed off before.

I've observed uncanny behavior based on what I imagined was Scooby's memory before, memory of what had happened between us and what I think were past memories of days/years prior to us.

I expected for Scooby & Alice to have a squabble or two every so often, I was just never going to accept being bit again.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I've called Hank about 6-7 times since I left Scooby with him, I feel like a father w/a daughter out on her first date, christ I'm glad I never had kids. I'll never forget her reluctance to leave my car, I'm confused, I somehow feel like I've still failed. She knew damn well what was going on, if not she would have bolted from my car to visit with Hank. Her aggressions were manifested by her dependence and her all consuming bonding with me, yeah jealousy over the pillows but after this mornings 'handing off' situation I could see it in her eyes. I feel like such a fucking heel.

Hank's coming by later with Scooby to pick up her Prozac, no use taking her off a med that might be doing be some good for now. I'm lucky to have Hank as a friend, he saw SO many hours of her awesome behavior and was also here for one of her unprovoked attacks on Alice, he knows her very well.

I'm certainly not @ peace yet with all of this, with Scooby Doo comes a certain amount of potential for 'what if' or 'oh no!' in my mind, Hank seems comfortable with it though, he has really always loved her much and Scooby has always loved him dearly.
I was gutted when I saw the pic of the grave, but I figured after all the time and love you had given her you wouldn't have taken a decision like that lightly, I am just glad your friend Hank was there to lend a hand. I know you must find it hard right now but hopefully she will settle down at Hanks better without other dogs. Hopefully this will be better for you all.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

we all had a good long visit last night, Scooby was her usual mellow self but stared @ me hard & often.

a couple of hours later as Hank was leaving I was curious as to how Scooby would handle it, would she balk and try to stay here or climb into Hanks car when we walked him out. Scooby Alice & I always walked Hank outside to see him off, I was sure she'd try to stick with us here but instead Scooby loaded up into his car w/out looking over at me or trying to dodge the situation.

Hank set up her sleeping kennel at the foot of his bed, same exact setup as in my pics, Scooby was pleased to be on his bed although he didn't allow for any snuggling, yet :)

He took her for a couple of rides to show her off to some friends, of course they all loved her, she met all of his neighbors as well, in case someone happens to spot a pitbull in their yard they won't shoot her.

In his house for the kitchen/dining/living area I gave him a 29"X42" wire kennel, she's @ home in one of those too as it's where both Scooby & Alice would 'kennel up' directly after coming inside, it's so handy to have them trained that way as they often come in dirty or wet.

Anyway, I'm fretting a bit that the transition be stress free for Scooby for the most obvious reasons, it seems like Hank is taking her everywhere with him and that's good for her. He just called me from the McDonald's drive-thru, Scooby's trying to order a cheeseburger.......



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

wow. I just now thought I should tell you all why I'd decided that shooting Scooby instead of a peaceful visit to the vets was best for us, you all know how much I love her and respect life.

if I were to put down a dog within 15 days of it biting someone (self included) then there is a mandatory rabies test involved, cost of test is $180, requires the removal of Scooby's head to be shipped off to examine her brain and I would not receive the head back. To cremate the rest of her remains and returned to me was $250 and then of course the cost of the vets visit, my doctor is a nice & compassionate guy and so I think he might have waved his fee for that, idk.

So having strangers fucking with her remains didn't appeal to me, then I had to consider it cost me $335 to patch up Alice. My peace of mind and the swift conclusion of the matter @ hand might have best been handled by myself. And although money entered the equation above my decision was based on compassion for all involved and absolutely no anger or malice toward Scooby.

Hank & Scooby visited us again last night, this time when leaving she needed to be coaxed over to his car, when called by him she just kept coming over and sitting down at my feet, I finally walked her over to his car myself and even then she had to be told to 'kennel up' several times. She'll get used to it soon enough I guess.

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if it smells like fish
so sad..sorry you had to do it....all dogs aint great pets,,,i had to put down a chow once.....just like people some are unstable and potentially dangerous..wow sort of like me ...lol


if it smells like fish
ha ha ..a good ending ..I only got to read the first part and seen the grave pic......glad you found the dog a new home....


Sad story
glad u didnt put her down
Hope she has a happy life
I dont know what I would have done
Thanks for sharing


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Scooby's doing great, she's getting more social time & visits with Hanks friends (I'm a bit reclusive) but both she and the cats are at odds amongst themselves. Hanks mom (she's 97) loves Scooby Doo.......



What were we talking about?
Man S4L, I'm sorry I missed this thread. I guess I've been more lax about reading threads lately than I realized. Time gets away from me these days.

I went through a lot of emotions reading this. I was crying over the grave shot. I've had to do that terrible thing and I know you were at your wit's end by then. I have an idea how you felt.

Then I was thrilled you were presented with a workable alternative. And happy for Scooby. Even though she has to learn a new master, she at least has her life and will fully adjust eventually. Don't beat yourself up over it.

I'm sorry Alice got messed up. How is she doing?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Alice is fine, and she's okay with Scooby coming by to visit. I wish I knew what to do about her attitude w/Alice though, I miss Scooby a lot, way more than I've let on in this thread, I wish that she was here right now.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Rescue a pitbull, it'll be rewarding they said.......

Rescue a pitbull, it'll be rewarding they said.......

I miss Scooby a lot, way more than I've let on in this thread, I wish that she was here right now.

and in the spirit of watching out what you wish for.......

Scooby is back here to stay.

Things just wouldn't work themselves out with Hanks cats & Scooby. the cats were paranoid of her even though they had a big golden retriever as their housemate for years. I wouldn't allow Scooby to be adopted out to anyone else besides Hank, so she's back in the pack. Alice seems fine with it, and as for me, it's no more Mr NiceGuy.

Now I'll rule her life like never before, I've got a stout buckle collar on her and an 11" lead handle. She now wears that lead 24/7, if she gets out of line I'll have something to grab safely to get her away from Alice, again I expect a dog on dog tussle from time to time.

If she ever bites me again it will be her 3rd and final strike. I've let down my guard for the last time, no more chances for her to behave nicely, I won't be suckered again by her love & calm demeanor, now she's got no choice, she's now dog #3 in our pack.

She's already getting her individual love n' snuggles but only after I lock up Alice safely in case I nod off. They can interact here in front of me and they've always been perfectly behaved outside together so that's status quo for her.

and as if my life couldn't get any more complex I've got health issues, w/a case of late diagnosed Lyme disease, when I was bitten (late fall '13 I think) I showed no signs at all, my pains started about 6 months ago. anyway 2 weeks ago I was walking across the room w/my knees (all of my joints) feeling rubbery; idk if I hyper-flexed or just came down wrong but I fell forward and slammed my head into a very heavy cedar plank door.

yup, I had to use my 'Help I've fallen & I can't get up' call button, of course when they got here I was already up (having to put away my toking gear) and waiting for them, one look @ my eyes and head and they whisked me away to the hospital via ambulance. A friend followed us to the hospital and after an examination including mri's and a drip bag of antibiotics to reduce the swelling in my joints he took me home before they could admit and commit me to daily expenses.

Anyway, I don't need any prayers or well wishes, save those thoughts and sentiments for Scooby, she needs all the help she can get. Her only fault is loving me so much she resents Alice to whatever degree. I couldn't imagine putting her down because of her love and dedication to me. No need to reply here but please say a prayer or have some kind thoughts for Scooby.



Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
My prayers for scooby stay straight lil one...
tough situation....I like how you handled it..
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