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2014 High in the Rockies


Active member
Did I mention that this gh is completely off grid powered only by generators:) getting some new Hondas today for oscillating fans.

I Love Sunshine!



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Flowering has begun. Get up, stand up. 9 more weeks:)




Active member
Going to be adding trellis netting this weekend! These ladies are getting thick.

good vibes



Active member
Love the last pic looks great turbo.

Thanks bro! Stoked so see these ladies finish out their journey.:dance013:

This will basically decide what strains I plant next year as I like to monocrop as much as possible.

The Flodica and the Pure Kush are looking very promising, The Cherry Pies are nice, but do not bush as much as the others in the bunch. Still very wide though:)

Time will tell.



Well-known member
4 Rows of 18, majority Cherry Pie

Couple oddballs in there too making the final count @ 80 plants. All in 100 Gallon pots.

I've got one Deadhead OG I snagged from a friend that has been the first one to show pre-flowers. It's about 6'. Everything else is growing like crazy, kinda like week 1 of flower indoors. Stretching to the sky.

DHF - I'm gonna do a spring and summer run next year. I could heat with heaters all winter long, but our winter is rough. I'd be out there plowin and unfreezing shit everyday. I've got a warehouse to keep me busy all year round. The greenhouse is just a test, and so far kicking the shit out of the test:dance013:

Fortune favors the prepared mind , and the reason the GH test is as such comes from nuthin but attention to detail and runs under yer belt.....and hey....

Do what works for you T , especially since the indoor keeps pumpin yr round...

Hope all goes well with a heavy Harvey.....My kinda shit......GH experiment ?....shit could be worse........:biggrin:...

Good luck Bro....DHF....:ying:....


Active member
Fortune favors the prepared mind , and the reason the GH test is as such comes from nuthin but attention to detail and runs under yer belt.....and hey....

Do what works for you T , especially since the indoor keeps pumpin yr round...

Hope all goes well with a heavy Harvey.....My kinda shit......GH experiment ?....shit could be worse........:biggrin:...

Good luck Bro....DHF....:ying:....

Thanks DHF- I really appreciate your positive energy in this journey. Shit could be waaaaaay worse:)

Looks like we are at around 6-7 days of flower currently. Lets bring it on home. :woohoo:

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Active member
Fires are crazy , smoke every day , are you going to go fixed end walls and auto black out ?

Damn, sending good vibes.

Thinking about going auto black out in the spring possibly with fixed end walls. I really like the garage door type setups I've been seeing.

How has your auto black out been treating you? Any hicups? I'm gonna contact those people about pimpin mine out next year.

Have you already pulled down a dep this year?

Go get em Turbo !!! I am watching in SW Colorado as you experiment with your Greenhouse. I am at 7800 feet and have four large gh's myself. Winter gardening rocks here. !!!! Enjoy!!! if you have any questions I have been doing it here for six years. Been through all the ups and downs. Good year here so far . Peace, Oldschoolgrower


Active member
Go get em Turbo !!! I am watching in SW Colorado as you experiment with your Greenhouse. I am at 7800 feet and have four large gh's myself. Winter gardening rocks here. !!!! Enjoy!!! if you have any questions I have been doing it here for six years. Been through all the ups and downs. Good year here so far . Peace, Oldschoolgrower

Hell yeah Oldschool! What size greenhouses and what size heaters do ya rock for the winter time?

I would like to do it, but I'm way up in the shit... Sometimes dumps 2ft in a day in the winter.

I could only imagine the production though, so many beautiful blue bird days out here in the winter time. Wheels are turnin':laughing:

Hell yeah Oldschool! What size greenhouses and what size heaters do ya rock for the winter time?

I would like to do it, but I'm way up in the shit... Sometimes dumps 2ft in a day in the winter.

I could only imagine the production though, so many beautiful blue bird days out here in the winter time. Wheels are turnin':laughing:


Hell yea Turbo ! I rock two 24 x 100's and one 24 x 150 ! I also have a whole bunch of 6 x 50 footers that I get a lot of use out of . { im really partial to these small hoop houses }I have them lined up like 6 in a row. They work great here ! I run 185,000 btu propane heaters {high efficacy overheads} with a pellet stove as back up in each one.4' end fans with lots of fans moving air inside. I have grown partial to winter gardening . Much more rewarding and way less stressful then summer time for sure. No bugs and way cooler to work in . We get a lot of snow also !!! LOve it here !! Peace, Oldschoolgrower
Hell yea Turbo ! I rock two 24 x 100's and one 24 x 150 ! I also have a whole bunch of 6 x 50 footers that I get a lot of use out of . { im really partial to these small hoop houses }I have them lined up like 6 in a row. They work great here ! I run 185,000 btu propane heaters {high efficacy overheads} with a pellet stove as back up in each one.4' end fans with lots of fans moving air inside. I have grown partial to winter gardening . Much more rewarding and way less stressful then summer time for sure. No bugs and way cooler to work in . We get a lot of snow also !!! LOve it here !! Peace, Oldschoolgrower

I should clarify , The large heaters are for the larger greenhouses . I run propane bottles with radiant heads in the 6 x 50 foot grow tunnels !!


Active member
Hell yea Turbo ! I rock two 24 x 100's and one 24 x 150 ! I also have a whole bunch of 6 x 50 footers that I get a lot of use out of . { im really partial to these small hoop houses }I have them lined up like 6 in a row. They work great here ! I run 185,000 btu propane heaters {high efficacy overheads} with a pellet stove as back up in each one.4' end fans with lots of fans moving air inside. I have grown partial to winter gardening . Much more rewarding and way less stressful then summer time for sure. No bugs and way cooler to work in . We get a lot of snow also !!! LOve it here !! Peace, Oldschoolgrower

Awesome! What size containers are you using 100 gal? 200 gals?

You can bet your bottom dollar, i'm gonna be getting some more land for next season. Which fans have you been liking inside the house. Home depot has some nice larger sized stand fans that might do the trick for me this year. Gonna be hooking those up this week, along with nighttime heaters. I have an extra Modine in my warehouse that we might get installed. I'm going to be trying (2) 170,000 btu forced air portable heaters, the jet type kind. My HVAC guy is gonna make me a little shield, so that it does not affect flow, but will tone down that light coming from the flame.

Have you had any problems running radiant heaters or anything flame heaters for that matter throwing off your flowering schedule?

On another note, Plants are all caged with 5' and 6' horse fencing. Looking amazing!!

I'll snap some pics later in the day.

Thanks fellow farmers for the support. :tiphat:
