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update greenhouse outdoor



thanks,i do know i try to outdo my self each yr and think way before planting on hopes of huge trees .one tree by itself just took off after i tried a new to me salution,a week later it is still growing taller,i tried this seems like magic shit mixed with neem and fish shit and put in soil around single tree.like one gallon to that one tree to see what would happen,actually i was surprized after a few days i noticed a growth faster than normel,and inside greenhouse is a better grow than under the plain sun i think just by way of grow i notice

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thanks,this is how we did it back in the 60,s and 70,s,,smoke hash oil that is,i dont know how its done now,,,but i stick to my ways or the old ways or new ways or same ways,,,,



ICMag Donor
Mmmmmh, hash oil joint. What type of oil is it. What line is it from? Looks like your plants have officially taken over the plot. Not much space to stand there. So do you have to crawl around to water and fert the girls? Keep on doing what yer doin, they're lovin it.


thanks,ive seen some great grows on this site,it is really to bad lots have to hide most cuz laws,and even no matter what i still post my pics,how am i and others get reconized for there medacine and weed and the laws that be in there area if we all have to hide,it is purple urkle hash plant oil,,,,and thanks to someone reminding me in a post somewhere to give a little pot and nitr,,,,,,,



And... they're OFF!!!

Looking good bro... you're threads rock... I love how you put yourself out there. I always get a smile when reading your stories.


Active member
Jack is one of my favorite people at IC, love your posts man. I have to say on my list of people I would like to meet....you are on the top!


Old School Cottonmouth
hehe. had to quit making my honey oil.

dain bramage :bashhead:

jack I just thought I'd drop a tip by you though. I haven't been staying at IC too much lately, I found a forum I like alot better. caters to my ideals more.

one thing I learned over there that is really a good idea you might find useful.

I don't know how bad the morning dew is where you are but here in the south its like spraying your plants with the hose right before the humidity kicks in. THICK layer of dew in the morning because of our humidity and the sudden tempature change. Wreaks havoc because its a big source of mold on tighter buds during later flowering. and if you cover the plants with plastic they'll fog up just as bad or worse as as the dew.

alot of the growers there tie thin monofilament (fishing line) above the tops of their plants, and in the mornings before the dew hits they hang bedsheets so that they tent the plants. the sheets absorbs the perspiration that the plants make on their own, and the dew still forms on the top of it. once the dew point passes they remove the sheets. they say it helps keep down mold alot.

I know you got the green house but it appears to be open sided on some spots so I don't know how the dew affects you, or if you've had any mold problems. and you may have already heard that trick but it was new to me and I figured I'd lay it on ya if you were interested. food for thought.

anyway good to see everything growing and take care friend.
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pieceofmyheart said:
Jack is one of my favorite people at IC, love your posts man. I have to say on my list of people I would like to meet....you are on the top!
well i am at a loss for words,,na,im never at a loss for words,,thank you very much,lots of friendly love from me to you and all,,,,Jack


motaco said:
hehe. had to quit making my honey oil.

dain bramage :bashhead:

jack I just thought I'd drop a tip by you though. I haven't been staying at IC too much lately, I found a forum I like alot better. caters to my ideals more.

one thing I learned over there that is really a good idea you might find useful.

I don't know how bad the morning dew is where you are but here in the south its like spraying your plants with the hose right before the humidity kicks in. THICK layer of dew in the morning because of our humidity and the sudden tempature change. Wreaks havoc because its a big source of mold on tighter buds during later flowering. and if you cover the plants with plastic they'll fog up just as bad or worse as as the dew.

alot of the growers there tie thin monofilament (fishing line) above the tops of their plants, and in the mornings before the dew hits they hang bedsheets so that they tent the plants. the sheets absorbs the perspiration that the plants make on their own, and the dew still forms on the top of it. once the dew point passes they remove the sheets. they say it helps keep down mold alot.

I know you got the green house but it appears to be open sided on some spots so I don't know how the dew affects you, or if you've had any mold problems. and you may have already heard that trick but it was new to me and I figured I'd lay it on ya if you were interested. food for thought.

anyway good to see everything growing and take care friend.
thanks,i dont have to worry bout the dew ,due to fact i start in feb and is done by next month,all so far to date has been just fine,thanks for the concern friend,,,,,


Old School Cottonmouth
your lucky there. it gives us hell in the south. if the area is semi shaded the dew can stay for hours if you don't get it too. I took this pic at around 10:30 I think. give or take. it was semi shaded and you can still see this warm water dew on the grass.


motaco said:
your lucky there. it gives us hell in the south. if the area is semi shaded the dew can stay for hours if you don't get it too. I took this pic at around 10:30 I think. give or take. it was semi shaded and you can still see this warm water dew on the grass.
where,,u forgot to get high and load pic..ok,ok,ok,i see it now



ICMag Donor
Some really great shots there, Jack. The plants are growin right through the fence. Looks like a jungle in there. God Bless America - the ignorant laws.


thanks,,looks like i have a purple passion,like i sated before i had many and never marked em,,but the smell and looks are forsure on the purple passion,,,and it sure does smell like grapefriut smell in there somewhere,,but it is all smoke and looks great so far,,but yes the purple is showing all over the bud and leaf and close to stems and well ,,,i am almost posative my durban poisen is first on flowering last month,so that is that and that is what i know so far if even that,,,


Old School Cottonmouth
yeah I've never grown a durban personally but I've always been told they form a cola sooner then alot of other strains.

and have you seen some of the nigerian nightmares floating around the board? time 2 unite has had some of the photosensitive phenos FINISH a month ago!

and he says its top notch. I don't know if he still is but RM was selling two packs for almost the price of one a long time ago. I might have to snag a few before they disappear. it would be nice to have an outdoor strain that finishes before the rainy season and the hunters get out.

its not an autoflower but very photosensitive. so some phenos start flowering before its actually 12/12. just when they start sensing the switch.