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preventing early spring flowering with clones


Active member
I have a couple ladies I'd like to throw outdoors, but they have been under 24 hours their whole lives. They are fem seeds but are like a foot tall now. About a month old.

Will these flower if I bring them outside now? What should I do?

I don't think they will flower since they are seeds. June 1st I have thrown out fem seed plants that have been under 24/0 and they have been fine.


Active member
Hello all,

I planted this clone on May 7. The light period was just 14 hours and all was well.

Till about a week ago it looked as if this sour deisel is trying to flower.

What do you think?




does anyone know if when ur still vegging .. does it matter if the dark time isnt completly dark? i have plants flowering indoors.. and i have the lung roo which i am going to use to keep these plants for outdoors from going into flower.. i cannot make another tent .. so the dark time will not be fully dark.. im just trying to get them not to flower once they are put outside.
Interrupting the dark cycle with light may stop flowering if strong enough; otherwise I might wonder about hermies showing thru with all the photo period confusion?[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

does anyone know if when ur still vegging .. does it matter if the dark time isnt completly dark? i have plants flowering indoors.. and i have the lung roo which i am going to use to keep these plants for outdoors from going into flower.. i cannot make another tent .. so the dark time will not be fully dark.. im just trying to get them not to flower once they are put outside.


New member
Flat simple way to solve this issue is to just have some sort of light on them to the dont go into a dark period. it doesnt have to be very bright, it just needs to throw out enough lumens.
I think what makes them flower is the length of the dark period, not whether the days are getting shorter.
That's why you can put small plants outdoors the last week of winter and they will flower even though the days are getting longer, because they are still getting around 12 hours of dark at that time. Even when the days reach 13 hours of daylight and 11 of dark they will stay in flower and you will get a harvest of buds about 7 or 8 weeks after putting them out.


New member


I'm wondering if anyone has any information on when to start seedlings indoors in my specific region (SE 34N Lat.) I'm getting conflicting information. Someone was at that latitude that commented on this thread but never concluded anything.

Strain: Serious 6 and Critical Jack (sativa dominant but bred for short flowering times)
Area: Outdoor (34 Latitude)
Last Frost: April 20th

Hours of Daylight April 20th = 14:11
Hours of Daylight May 20th = 15:01
Hours of Daylight June 20th = 15:24
Hours of Daylight July 20th = 15:05
Hours of Daylight Aug 20th = 14:15

I saw a thread which had the advice of a grower in this state, and he said to start seeds indoors on the first of March! This would mean a nearly two month veg indoors before putting out April the 20th. Seems to me that at this would cause flowering. I just want to get started as early as I CAN, and I hate to think I would have to plant in June.

I have heard people say that they veg under the same amount of light as they will be putting it out into once the season starts, but when I contacted the breeder (Serious 6) he said that it should be under 18 hours of light from the start because otherwise it would not be good for the plants overall growth and development. He said it would be FINE to veg indoors under 18 hours of light and then throw it out around the end of April, all while also telling me that it has a hair trigger flower..lol. Why would he tell me that it would be ok to go from 18 indoors to 14:30 outdoors? That kind of contradicts what has been said on this thread, but this is coming straight from the breeder.

He said in Holland they put it out at the end of May. In HIS area at the end of April, they have just shy of 15:52 hours light! (mine 14:30!) So I don't think I need to take that advice if I plan to veg indoors. I don't ever get that much light per day at all!

If anyone has experience with outdoor in this area I would greatly appreciate the help. I can't afford to loose a crop to re-veg with the prices of genetics being what they are in this draconian hell hole. HELP!!!!


New member
Also can someone give me tips on maybe getting 2 crops a season at 34N? I'm just concerned that they might reveg the last week of flower..lol.

The solar lights outdoors is a great idea. I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion on the matter...
That would make sense because that is close to the average amout of light they would be exposed to outside. And there will less stress on the plant.


Well-known member
18-6 is to long a day and will have your plants flowering when set out IME.. 16-8 from the start if they are destined for outdoors.. 1st of June to prevent early flowering set out..
Start when you want and veg up some monsters if you have space to flower them.. It's how most of the Nor Cal crew gets such HUGE plants for the most part..
Just me 35 cents .. BNW
GREAT THREAD, thanks to Op and to the first page of posters, i think all the answers are there. basically i am under 24 hours of light and i know from experience and the chart on this page above, that the light now is the same as in fall so yes they will bloom like crazy, just like when i put the from 24 to 16/8 they went straight to flower.

i will try the 2 weeks clone to root time under 24 and then straight outside in april. that sux cause everything i was planning to put outside i will have to bloom inside or put a light outside on 24 hours (all night that is) until the june. that bites i will have to make new clones and get rid of or bloom out everything else i got. nothing i got will be able to go outside at all (w/o supplemental lite). i just thought of this as i was planning to stick them outside in a couple of weeks. i just realized i wont be able to do that and this thread is proof. i was wanting to put everything outside so i could turn off all my lights and then stop growing. no money in it here in washington for me, i am not good enough growing to get enough weed to pay my power bill. cheaper for me to buy here in wa, only pay $10/gram, not the $35/gram like colo. ps did not read all 16 pages, think all the answers i needed were in the first two, or rather one page.


Active member
doesnt matter at all what the veg light cycle is that they are in.24 or 20/4 or any other non flower inducing light cycle. if you wait til june 1st to expose them to the natural light cycle in norcal it will be fine, they dont go into flower. it gets way riskier the more weeks earlier you go. may 21st might work but not always and the beginning of may is foolish. dont let anyone stress you out with all the bullshit about matching it gradually or whatever, its all bull shit. suplement light til june first and you are golden, any sooner and you ill say i told you so when the start flowering regardless of veg situation they came from.
ok if you say june first i will turn my lights off on them then, and let them do their bloom thing. one thing i was wondering was last year i noticed i had a bright street light from a block away that actually was casting a shadow of my plants on my house wall, and they never were effected at all. i freaked out about it thinking they would hermie or go back to veg but they never did. guess it was not bright enough, and wow, how bout that full moon anyways too? cant believe plants didn't care. post 62 addresses this. also GREAT LINK in post 73 give you your hours of daylight by where you live. thanks.

seems like the thinking here is to put outside w/o going into bloom you have to veg at 15/9, so next year, if i still am growing, i'll remember that. but right now all my veg is 24/0 so i'm SOL,

Well, i just thought of an alternative, two crops. Obviously i would have to bring them back inside if i put them out soon. Anybody else think I could put them outside from now to June 20 without them re-vegging? then bring them back inside for 12/12? i am at 48.5 N latitude. (aka land of the big killer land slide). maybe point me in the direction of a thread on double cropping or how long it would take (day of month would be too awesome) to bring them inside to prevent revegging?


New member
does anyone else put their plants outside based on how full the moon is? ive always gone off this and was curious if anyone else did this.

just another thought
I have been running a experiment for the last 2 months.
I have kept my mothers in veg and healthy. they are growing very slow imo but they are in veg

The light cycle i have been running equals 12 hours on 12 hours off. each 24 hour period.
The light turns on at 3am till 7 am.
the light turns on at 1pm till 3pm
the light turns on at 7pm till 1 am
then off till 3am when the cycle continues.
I simply swapped the hours from 1-3
If you are trying to keep plants in veg on the cheap. This is the way i have found to do it indoors.
does anyone else put their plants outside based on how full the moon is? ive always gone off this and was curious if anyone else did this.

just another thought
Sound techniques and quality genetics do fine regardless of where the moon or stars are.

Moon Phase gardening has been around a while. (Poor Richards Almanac...?) You can purchase boatloads of books telling you why and how...but try and find a scholarly article touting it's horticultural benefits. It's not something I would put any effort into, myself...but I'm not into astrology, either. Sounds good, the way it's marketed...but has no benefit in real-life.

Following moon phase gardening will do no damage...but as far as I'm concerned it's an unnecessary practice. Likely best to learn to grow proper...THEN learn to grow proper using moon phase charts-n-graphs-n-crap. At least there would be a solid foundation to return to...


Active member
i northern california the date to put out plants without risking clones going in to flower is june first. the sooner you put them out to that the risk exponetially increases. this holds true regardless of veg light cycle. this is not true with seed plants as they can be put out imediatly upon planting if you germinate after febuary. sexually immature seedlings arent affected until the its past the date if you follow this rule. anything you here about training them by gradually changing the light cycle is a myth and a waist of your time. you can mitigate this in a green house by simply interupting the dark cycle with direct light in the middle of the night with a timer and a flourecent light with an hour or more of exposure. after june first you are good to go
unless!!!!!!! its really grey and dreary and cloud coverage is reducing light exposure in early june.


$$ ALONE $$
I have 4 seedlings that just popped soil.
Can they go out now on May 5th?

My clone mothers are going out on May 24th.
Is a 16 on/8 off light schedule good for them so they dont preflower when they go out?