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Feds Won't Block State Recreational Marijuana Laws


half cat half man half baked
I'm in Washington and there is still tons of work to do before a personal grower will be able to provide for him or herself, like an illegal grower. I relocated here to fight the good fight; with hope that I can live a properly civil life.


Active member
The notion that the UN can ever *do* anything about legalization in the US is goofy conspiracy theory. If we legalize it & renounce the treaties we inflicted on the ROTW, more than a few will follow right behind. That's what they'll *do*.

That may take awhile, but they'll be pointing out our hypocrisy every inch of the way.

The Anti- forces are desperate, because they've run out of excuses, which is all they've had for decades.

"We can't make it legal at the state level, because of the Feds."

In Colorado & Washington, we just did, folks, and the Feds are going along with it!

"We can't legalize it because of treaties!"

Treaties are ignored, abrogated & renounced on a regular basis. Historically, the US hasn't been shy about doing that, at all. Given the current geopolitical situation, there's not a damned thing anybody can *do* about it if we renounce anti-cannabis treaties, other than whine.


Veg & Flower Station keeper
"We can't legalize it because of treaties!"

Treaties are ignored, abrogated & renounced on a regular basis. Historically, the US hasn't been shy about doing that, at all. Given the current geopolitical situation, there's not a damned thing anybody can *do* about it if we renounce anti-cannabis treaties, other than whine.
:laughing: Yeah right treaties, Indians... They want us to be Wounded Knee again?!

Speaking about excuses for prohibition here's excuses for marijuana WORLDWIDE: The Cannabis Assembly, Free guidance and support for the legal religious use of cannabis

Article 18 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states......

"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."


The notion that the UN can ever *do* anything about legalization in the US is goofy conspiracy theory. If we legalize it & renounce the treaties we inflicted on the ROTW, more than a few will follow right behind. That's what they'll *do*.

That may take awhile, but they'll be pointing out our hypocrisy every inch of the way.

The Anti- forces are desperate, because they've run out of excuses, which is all they've had for decades.

"We can't make it legal at the state level, because of the Feds."

In Colorado & Washington, we just did, folks, and the Feds are going along with it!

"We can't legalize it because of treaties!"

Treaties are ignored, abrogated & renounced on a regular basis. Historically, the US hasn't been shy about doing that, at all. Given the current geopolitical situation, there's not a damned thing anybody can *do* about it if we renounce anti-cannabis treaties, other than whine.

think you miss understood what i was stating . im not using to legalize anything just dis-proving the feds claim as in these in recent headlines the dea n drug warriors claim by ... and also pointing out the fact only the constitution is the law of the land in united states and cannot be perverted for them to do what they do . though they get away with many unconstitutional things . is only by assumptions :moon:

The DEA is also obligated under international treaties to monitor the movement of licit controlled substances across U.S. Borders and to issue import and export permits for that movement.

According to the logic of the INCB, the State of California, alone, has been openly violating international drug treaties since 1996

Mar 5, 2013 - CHICAGO -- Eight former U.S. drug chiefs warned the federal ... new laws legalizing recreational marijuana use, and a United Nations agency also urged challenges to the measures it says violate international treaties

nother point is presidential excutive orders they must stand muster to constitution and not unsurp powers set to federal or state governement . the Supreme Court ruled in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 US 579 (1952) that Executive Order 10340 from President Harry S. Truman placing all steel mills in the country under federal control was invalid because it attempted to make law, rather than clarify or act to further a law put forth by the Congress or the Constitution. so president just cant over rule state laws either ;) nor can he just legalize it either ....

The President is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Executive Branch of Government and has the authority to implement policies and procedures that are neccesary for the administration of the duties and responsibilities that have been assigned to him by the Constitution. Policies and procedures passed by Congress are called laws and effect all of the people. An Executive Order is a policy or procedure issued by the President that is a regulation that applies only to employess of the Executive Branch of government.

Any Executive Order that has any effect on individuals that are not government employees in a violation of Article I Section I. Whenever the President issues and Executive Order that extends to all of the people. Congress has a responsibility to the people to veto any Executive Order that has any effect on non governmental employees.

When a President issues an unconstitutional Executive Order and Congress allows the order to stand they are violating their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.


Active member
Cool clips!

Wish he would use his order to tell the feds
get a real criminal hahaha,wishing...


Active member
FANTASTIC COMMENT MAN waaaaaaaaahahahaha!!!!!!

FANTASTIC COMMENT MAN waaaaaaaaahahahaha!!!!!!

Is that the same medicine in pill form that kills over 100,000 people a year. More than illegal drugs and traffic accidents combined, Remind me again how many people have died from marijuana?

im mean WHO ARE they TRYIN TO KID ANYMORE?????????????????????
Pills,tobaco,booze.....are all KILLERS an everyone knows it!

NOT........1............dead from weed EVER.

Gotta LOVE seeing the PIGGIES SQEEEEEEEELING LIES these days huh!
trying to save their frikin imbarrasment of a job huh?
Guess all those mean asses will have to take it out on society
SOME OTHER WAY KNOW waaaaaaahahaha fuckers!!


THIS.......IS............VICTORY,so frikin drink some coffee,puff some sativa
yeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,im ready to FLY BABY!


Kiss My Ring
U.S. Government To Abolish Minimum Drug Law Sentences

By majestic on August 12, 2013in News

Finally something to like about Attorney General Eric Holder? Politico reports:

Attorney General Eric Holder is calling on the federal government to rein its use of one of the most ubiquitous tools in the war on crime—minimum mandatory sentences—and he’s making a unilateral move to cut down on such sentences in drug cases even as Congress debates a broader rretreat from the once-popular sentencing concept.

“Some statutes that mandate inflexible sentences–regardless of the facts or conduct at issue in a particular case–reduce the discretion available to prosecutors, judges, and juries,” Holder is to say in a speech to the American Bar Association Monday in San Francisco, according to advance excerpts the released by the Justice Department. “They breed disrespect for the system. When applied indiscriminately, they do not serve public safety. They have had a disabling effect on communities. And they are ultimately counterproductive.”

Holder plans to announce that he’s instructing federal prosecutors not to charge garden-variety drug dealers with crimes that lead to lengthy mandatory minimum sentences.




Doesn't mean they still won't send you to prison. Don't believe the fox when hes telling you he no longer wants your chickens.

The momentum is on the side of those who want total legalization, don't allow them and quasi-legal operators to lull you into a mentality of victory. We haven't won and the battle is far from over. Keep fighting brothers and sisters!


Veg & Flower Station keeper
U.S. Government To Abolish Minimum Drug Law Sentences

By majestic on August 12, 2013in News

Finally something to like about Attorney General Eric Holder? Politico reports:

Attorney General Eric Holder is calling on the federal government to rein its use of one of the most ubiquitous tools in the war on crime—minimum mandatory sentences—and he’s making a unilateral move to cut down on such sentences in drug cases even as Congress debates a broader rretreat from the once-popular sentencing concept.
LOL Eric Holder must love getting even: Eric Holder Talks about Being Racially Profiled by the Cops

How could it be legal? Even in pill form. It makes blacks & Mexicans horny for white women! Maybe my protest sign should sarcastically say at a pot rally "White women don't know what they're missing" with a big smiley. BTW I'm Caucasian.
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The feds are not suing to stop the regulations from going into effect because there is nothing they can do about that fact. They will likely just wait till they get enough people sticking their heads up to make a big splash when they BUST them. Keep your heads down till the congress makes new rules allowing the business is the only way to be safe.


Active member
The feds are not suing to stop the regulations from going into effect because there is nothing they can do about that fact. They will likely just wait till they get enough people sticking their heads up to make a big splash when they BUST them. Keep your heads down till the congress makes new rules allowing the business is the only way to be safe.

As I've pointed out elsewhere, retail MJ is no more or no less legal at the federal level than medical MJ. 20 states allow MMJ, with more on the way, and there are thousands of growers & dispensaries nationwide, many of whom have no problems with the Feds. The new DoJ guidelines should ensure a lot fewer problems for state law conforming MJ businesses.

Read the memo-


Grass Lands

The same thing is happening now in the growing world. The small ma and pa growers that made the cannabis industry what it is are going to be driven out by the states and capitalists that profited from prohibition and will now profit from legalization. As a small backyard grower I have no idea what my next move should be.

This is when the smaller ma and pa shops pull together to make one large co-op...other wise they will be driven out.


COULDNT HAVE SAID IT BETTER THANX,considering the repubs stand,you GOTTA BE NUTZ
thinking the dems or Obama is not atleast being more open on the issue........
HELL the REPUBS wouldnt even listen or look at whats been going on,WOULD THEY?????
Must be a ROMNEY supporter?
BLIND EVIL KILLERS.......the only thing they conserve is their wallets.
How can you be so BLIND these days with atleast 80% dems for MJ,and 90% repubs
AGAINST IT????????????????????????????????/.........are people that BLIND.

SHEEEEEEEZE WAKE UP AN SMELL THE MJ,repub lovers.....oh my farkin GAWD
just amagine romney in control..............................................as you choke for life.
Go dems GO,for the people,way way more than the repubs any day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now smoke some sativa an SEE THE LIGHT PEOPLE,the times are a changin yah!!!!!!
I may need an antiemetic after reading that. I don't think it's about political parties; all of them have extremely poor records in this regard. Rather it's about humanity, truthfulness, and respect for individuals and their legitimate constitutional rights. That shouldn't be regarded as poliltical. We haven't seen progress in any way, shape, or from coming from the federal government. This recent 'gift' of nonbinding words, which can be retracted at any time, is done solely because the fed knows they have no other choice given the strength of the coming tsunami. The Federal govt and its agencies have been nothing but barbarians and absolutely remain so until they take a positive step that's irreversible. The 'allowed' parties (both) are as bad.. so I wish you didn't use posting as an opportunity to boost up any organization that has oppressed us all these years.
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Veg & Flower Station keeper
I may need an antiemetic after reading that. I don't think it's about political parties; all of them have extremely poor records in this regard. Rather it's about humanity, truthfulness, and respect for individuals and their legitimate constitutional rights. That shouldn't be regarded as poliltical. We haven't seen progress in any way, shape, or from coming from the federal government. This recent 'gift' of nonbinding words, which can be retracted at any time, is done solely because the fed knows they have no other choice given the strength of the coming tsunami. The Federal govt and its agencies have been nothing but barbarians and absolutely remain so until they take a positive step that's irreversible. The 'allowed' parties (both) are as bad.. so I wish you didn't use posting as an opportunity to boost up any organization that has oppressed us all these years.
True but I believe Democrats are the lesser of 2 evils. This link: States with Pending Legislation to Legalize Medical Marijuana, all Democrats involved & NOT 1 Republican! The ones who support any form of legalization are few & far between (but there nonetheless & unpopular w/party). Plain truth, they're just all around bad news for us & if they were in control we'd be getting nowhere fast.


Active member
True but I believe Democrats are the lesser of 2 evils. This link: States with Pending Legislation to Legalize Medical Marijuana, all Democrats involved & NOT 1 Republican! The ones who support any form of legalization are few & far between (but there nonetheless & unpopular w/party). Plain truth, they're just all around bad news for us & if they were in control we'd be getting nowhere fast.

True, that.

Here's Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee-


Colorado & Washington Dems introduce bills to congress-


Oddly enough, Grover Norquist gets onboard, if only because he's a "small govt" supposedly libertarian Repub. Not that he's to be trusted in the slightest-



Well-known member
it's understandably slow process in gauging just what the consequences of this DOJ statement
some have said it's just a memo, doesn't commit them
but obviously this was made public, low key but public
so what do they gain by lying? it wouldn't seem to buy them anything
and with the attention it's gotten, if they do re-neg it won't make them look good

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