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Silver's second straight-bulb several strain sweetened soil sweetness. Seriously.

silver hawaiian

Active member
what's that some bho silver?^^^ :yeahthats loookin yummy

Thanks Avinash.! Question for some folks more oily-headed'n me. I've been trying to bring the texture of the finished product more towards the waxy end of things, .. Less goopy, more solidish.

Problem is, I came back to burn some more last night, and it's dried out a smidgen - As soon as I poke the dabber in a piece, it just falls apart into more pieces. At one point, I was able to use some tweezers to get a good blaster, but the texture has turned into not-so-dabber-friendly.

Ideas? Thoughts? Whaddidowrong?

Link don't work for me. Do you not want me and my blatz/maddog wine there? Maybe you are high on that stuff in that nice looking picture.

I'm cool on the boxed wine - but if you want, you can dig through the ashtray in my car and I'm sure you'll find a handful of roaches. :laughing:

Sorry about the link, thanks for reposting it in a working manner :)

Nice looking bho my friend! Hey ichabod, just go over to house of love and youll see it


This may sound stupid but I don't get to far out of vert so I don't know where that is.

:thank you:

You mean its not peanut butter?

Congrats and good luck with those testers.

:thank you:


Finally getting a chance at some HOL gear (not that I couldn't have grabbed some beans by now, but, .. I'm easily distracted, all right?! :moon:) .. And I'm super stoked.

ive been eyeing off the HOL Blue Vixen.
Huge grower, huge yield, some of the best taste ever (or so I read)


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Silver which HOL beans you running, we are getting the new Blue Dream II to run in the Greenhouse.


Active member
FWIW - I will never grow without those three things. SM90, Ful Power, and ProTeKt
2 of 3 aren't organic, just to note

Well-loved dirt and blumats kinda struggle to keep my interest sometimes. :dunno:


Totally agree, the frustration of tinkering is about 50% my ride, and enjoyed...

It looks waxy to me. What grade bute you usin?
If you are stiring it to get there, in my experience, waxes tend to be crumbly. Or maybe some water contam.....
Dabs are a pita no matter what
Hoping the new pens make it a thing of the past. My buds the test subject for the devices. Hes gone through several different models, this is the first to perform for several weeks now of regulal daily oil consumption

silver hawaiian

Active member
2 of 3 aren't organic, just to note

This, I do not mind. :D For whatever reason, informed or uninformed, they don't feel terribly out of place..

Edit: SM-90 be organic, no?

Totally agree, the frustration of tinkering is about 50% my ride, and enjoyed...

It looks waxy to me. What grade bute you usin?
If you are stiring it to get there, in my experience, waxes tend to be crumbly. Or maybe some water contam.....
Dabs are a pita no matter what
Hoping the new pens make it a thing of the past. My buds the test subject for the devices. Hes gone through several different models, this is the first to perform for several weeks now of regulal daily oil consumption

Edit also: Good call on the tinkerin'. I swear, I've spent an inordinate/disproportionate amount of dough on this erl thang, to get it prepared and consumed, than I've gotten out of it. The damned thing is, when I get it right, it's the cat's ass. Scalp massage-type effect, y'dig? :D

This is exactly what I got this time 'round. Using Vector 5x, the usu'.

The first time I made BHO, I sat and whipped/stirred the shit, cooled it down, heated up, stir/whip, etc.. I ended up with a very goopy texture.

Last few times, I've skipped the whipping and stirring.

I blast the gas down the tube, let everything evaporate, and then scrape the remainder into a wad in the center of the pan.

I then heat it up, let it cool, repeat. No whipping or otherwise mucking with it, for the most part.

I wanted the more waxy consistency, for ease of handling, but it's almost like I overshot the mark.. ?
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Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Thanks Avinash.! Question for some folks more oily-headed'n me. I've been trying to bring the texture of the finished product more towards the waxy end of things, .. Less goopy, more solidish.

Problem is, I came back to burn some more last night, and it's dried out a smidgen - As soon as I poke the dabber in a piece, it just falls apart into more pieces. At one point, I was able to use some tweezers to get a good blaster, but the texture has turned into not-so-dabber-friendly.

Ideas? Thoughts? Whaddidowrong?

vac purging is gonna help bring the consistency more "stable", easy to touch.
when it air dries like what ur talkn about, gets crumbly, try heating ur dabber a lil bit before scooping , or scoop then lick the flame on underside of the dabber , melting the dab a lil on the dabber so it wont slip off before getting dabbed.
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silver hawaiian

Active member
Hey I found $2.37 on the floor under the seat. Do you want me to pick up another 6 pack of Blatz on my way over to the HOL link?

Duh and yes

vac purging is gonna help bring the consistency more "stable", easy to touch.
when it air dries like what ur talkn about, gets crumbly, try heating ur dabber a lil bit before scooping , or scoop then lick the flame on underside of the dabber , melting the dab a lil on the dabber so it wont slip off before getting dabbed.

Say 'dab' once more please

:thank you:

Off to test. :)

silver hawaiian

Active member


It's so sad

I honestly just realized this when I read your post. (As soon as I saw you'd replied to the thread, as the post was loading, it hit me)

I just went downstairs, threw some dry ND sift on to some leftover ash (ND also) in a bowl, roasted it, grabbed a beer, and came back upstairs.

Didn't break out the tube, the torch, the wax...

Never occurred to me. I just went down there and I think I was on autopilot.


silver hawaiian

Active member
Smoke break

Smoke break

..and I need a more capable lens, and skills.



Blue Satellite 2.2


Nightmare Diesel



Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
good lookin nugs silver, photographing dry nugs is even harder than ones that are growing.... and neither is a simple task.
best results i've had was with a friends samsung galxy sIII, easy as fuck point n click....


Well-known member
Hi Silver. I haven't been on the mag much lately, but I try to skim your thread once in a while. Things are looking good.

I have a buddy who works at the Encana refinery here and he told me there is plenty of residual benzine left in all the butane extracted from the cryogenic turbo expander. I don't know if it's truly a concern but for me I stopped making bho a few years ago and just do iso with an ethanol chill and refilter.

Keep up the good work........

silver hawaiian

Active member
Hi Silver. I haven't been on the mag much lately, but I try to skim your thread once in a while. Things are looking good.

I have a buddy who works at the Encana refinery here and he told me there is plenty of residual benzine left in all the butane extracted from the cryogenic turbo expander. I don't know if it's truly a concern but for me I stopped making bho a few years ago and just do iso with an ethanol chill and refilter.

Keep up the good work........

Hey smilley! Glad to see you again!

Interesting on the benzine - I ought to do me some readin', .. :chin:

My experience with extractions is fairly nil - I've just always dug dry sift (and now, dry ice sift - so much easier, more productive..), ..

I've done ISO, and it was, .. All right, I guess. (I'm sure there was some user-error involved as well). What's the ethanol chill you refer to? And when you say refilter, do you mean as soon as you've filtered out the material the first time, pour that liquid through another fresh filter? :thank you:

How are the flowering girls doing my friend? Havent seen any new pics lately.

hey jbg! Kinda caught me with my pants down on this one. I was muckin' today in the garden, and I thought about taking some pictures, .. And then I thought it was easier to be lazy about it, just a quick in-and-out, get back on with my day kinda deal.. :shucks:

Soon, I promise! The Nightmare is lookin' good, though a little less dense than the last few, .. She's got about 3 weeks to go..

Goat, I'm realizing, was not well when she went into the oven. Fungus gnat larvae, and she stunted pretty dwarfy. Spindly and lousy. Most likely, right into the hash/kif/oil/something pile.. Oops.

(But on that note, I ought to do some readin'..)

The White seems to be doing well, getting busy pretty quick.

Crap. I gotta get some pictures. Sorry folks. :dunno:

Killer lookin nugs silver, how does the blue sat smoke?

She's a good good good AM smoke.. Mellow, kind of zone-y, but not overpowering.. Good for gettin' on with stuff. :)


The Dude
If she didnt herm would ya call her a keeper? I got 3 seedlings about a month in an need to make room in the veg tent so someones gettin murdered.

silver hawaiian

Active member
If she didnt herm would ya call her a keeper? I got 3 seedlings about a month in an need to make room in the veg tent so someones gettin murdered.

I feel ya on the "gotta commit murder, who's the weakest link?" .. For me, it's a constant game of musical chairs. Sucks.

The effect on the BS 2.2 I had was great, .. Much like what I was looking for - mild, "up," good for the morning/afternoon..

The taste, though, fell short of my hopes. I was hoping for a blueberry muffin/jam deal (a la the blueberry we used to get back in 1999), but it's a bit more nondescript. Kind of generic in the "reefer scent" sense. :tumbleweed:

If I didn't have to stay at/under 12 plants, I'd love to sift through some more beans.. The challenge is that the process of sifting/selecting/etc is a major pain in the ass and really slows down the swing of things in the garden in general, .. Because as the seedlings are growing, I'm basically on standby for male/female sorting. From there, I usually expect to free up a spot or two by getting rid of males, but I also then need to take a cutting of each seedling, just in case any turn out to be keepers..
