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Who's goin' vertical? First Stadium

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Thanks for stopping in ya'll :yes: Jbonez, the light was raised for those pictures because I think I was doing some more trimming and also to take pictures. The bulb usually hovers around the tops of the bottom row of girls.


the shit spoon
Island Sweet Skunk is soooooooooo wonderful and no hassle. So fucking delicious. Makes silky hash, when pressed its like buttah. Drool.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Island Sweet Skunk is soooooooooo wonderful and no hassle. So fucking delicious. Makes silky hash, when pressed its like buttah. Drool.

I haven't seen the end product of this cut but I was already thinking of getting rid of it after one more plant I have to run. The way it explodes and stretches everywhere is pretty crazy. Granted I topped it a bunch of times so it bushed out. I can't imagine what it would have done untopped though. Holy shit.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Today is day 24 of flower and things are finally starting to get interesting. I trimmed them up some more after these pictures were taken. No real hiccups yet aside from the feeding issues. Maybe I always tend to underestimate how much these broads eat? Anyways.

Right side


Left side




Whole gang


More pics...
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who dat is

Cave Dweller
Sorry for the "macros". I have an 8 year old craptar camera.

Chem Dawg - It is just starting to change colors, looks like purple so far.




Alaskan Ice


Thanks for stopping in. :yes:

who dat is

Cave Dweller
1-1-13 (Day 38)

Hit a minor speed bump but that is always to be expected. Alas, the grapefruit ended up popping nanners on me so I gave it the chop, no hesitation. Going to be making some iso hash from the salvaged bits. In any case, grapefruit prior to chop.



I filled the spot where the grapefruit was with a Blackberry Bubba Kush. While trying to pinch the top shoot I managed to take off the whole damn top, oops.



Also, I keep hurling food at these broads but they seem to keep gobbling up lower fan leaves so I don't know what to think. I feel like this every run it seems but I just up the food a little more and go on about my day. *shrug*

Kind of hard at this point to get proper pictures

Left side


Right Side


More pictures on next post...
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who dat is

Cave Dweller
Whole gang


The Flo and the Chemdawgs are really starting to change colors now. These pictures don't do them justice.



Chem Dawg


Appalachian Mud Squid


Thanks for stopping in ya'll :yes:

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Thanks for stopping in everybody. I haven't smelled the mud squid yet, haven't really smelled too many of them actually. If you look at the "whole gang" picture you can probably understand why I haven't gone in too deep. I'd have to climb out of there, haha. :yes:

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I need some help and input from anybody willing to chime in. I was just looking at my alaskan ice tonight and noticed that on the most prominent colas nearest the light there are banana male flowers starting to pop up. ;_; ;_; ;_; Now I'm starting to question if I haven't fucked something up? I don't want to freak out yet but shit. Here are the facts,

My lighting schedule has been uninterrupted aside from one day when I darted in and out to grab something twice without turning any lights on. Not 5 seconds each time. Other than that 12/12. No light leaks, especially with the hoopdy partition up. I haven't been feeding excessively with seaweed extract (1tsp/gallon per week). Also, these are both strains that I haven't ran before. I bought some of both the alaskan ice and grapefruit dried flowers from the dispensary to see what the finished product looked like and both samples had bananas in the buds. (These flowers they sell are grown from the same cuts they sell, I just didn't know if the grower might have messed up somewhere). Also, none of the other plants have shown signs of herming out yet (fingers crossed). The true test will be if any of the plants I have ran before herm out as I know what to expect.

Any thoughts and input would be appreciated. :yes:


Active member
steppin in on a grow even when you think the light wont affect them is a no no bro..

Doesnt mean they all will, but you cant give them a reason to think spring is coming early man, they respond with asexual perseverance..

I dont go in or out unless the lights are on bro, photoperiod integrity is tantamount... And, can you guarantee its pitch black in there otherwise?

Wet your fingertips, start pinchin nanners bro if there arent too many, alot of times the pollen isnt viable, or doesnt seed enough to affect much of the product anyways.. Im told the elites are found by this very accident....

Do not get bent out of shape about this bro, its nothing you cant handle, no worries man..

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I've got door sweeps, door jam ups, a 90 degree duct angle passive intake painted flat black and then that plastic partition. I think it's pretty damn dark in there.

I've seen this argument before too about the light issue. How come plants outside in nature don't herm out from the light from the stars and a full moon, or a lightning strike? Not belittling your info but me darting in and out in my mind would seem like a lightning strike to the plants or something of that nature. Ideally I don't ever do this though. Thanks for stopping in jbonez :yes:


Active member
Plants evolved to know the light from the moon and stars in not usable, and therefore the moon, lightning, all that natural shit you would think would wake them up outdoors has no effect on them. Can I say this for sure? Not really but it stands to reason, and the logic is there..

To be honest bro, you couldnt pay me to step in on a grow during lights out.. Sure, some strains wont hermie over this, but some will..

I hope ya get it worked out bro...


Plants evolved to know the light from the moon and stars in not usable, and therefore the moon, lightning, all that natural shit you would think would wake them up outdoors has no effect on them. Can I say this for sure? Not really but it stands to reason, and the logic is there..

To be honest bro, you couldnt pay me to step in on a grow during lights out.. Sure, some strains wont hermie over this, but some will..

I hope ya get it worked out bro...
Now JB.......Everybody has their fears and phobias bout hermaphroditic tendencies and the causes of said phenomenon , when in fact it`s inherent in every strain and variety out there and can happen at any time during the bloom cycle given the right stress precursors......and yeah.....

Light during the dark period is 1 of those causes , but environmental stress from fluctuating lights on and lights off temps more than a 10 degree variable can cause plants to spit nanners as well.......especially the elite cuts that`re so finicky in juice needs and overall conditions......

Now I`m not saying that Whodat darting in and out caused the hermies , but it`s possible although it`s more likely environmental stress than interrupted dark sequence IME...

Or....purely a strain more susceptible to spittin nanners as a survival tactic...and why ?.......

After getting sick to fuckin death of smellin burnin hair and feelin singed flesh workin my bitches during lights on with bare bulbs hangin , I stopped.....and.....

Started workin plants during lights off with "green-eye tasklights" that clip over your ears like a blue tooth and I had 1 on both ears......Not once in 20 yrs of croppin did I ever have any plants hermie on me from entering the rooms during lights off.....but.........

It was dark when I opened the access holes and crawled in , so light flashing from opening a door and going into a dark room as Whodat`s talkin bout is in fact as yas said JB , a big no no......and.....

A possible cause......Folks need to understand that if the males are taken from the females , during flower it triggers hormone responses to in fact proliferate the species and be all their asexual selves can be and spit nanners so there`ll be a crop next yr.......outside that is......

As I said above.....a survival mechanism and ALL plants have the tendency to do so , and that`s what breeders over the last 30 yrs+/- have tried to do as in stabilizing the strains and breeding out the hermie tendencies by using the stronger pheno`s that`re less susceptible to light , heat , and cold.......anyways....

Nuff outta my old ass this day for Hermie 101.......Good luck Whodat.....keep pinchin them nanners and Harvey yo bitches.....



Gotta agree with DHF... walkin it on plants during lights off is zero problemo...

Been doing this multiple times a day across tons of rooms over a few year period and have NEVER had a hermie...

I work for hours and hours in the rooms during lights off with simple green lights and have never had hermies....

The ONLY time I had a hermie was literally my very first grow and temps were outa hand AND more importantly there was a decent sized light leak coming into the room so that when the lights were off there was still light coming in from the outside.

So... environmental factors light day/night temp differential AND more importantly constant light leaks will be the main cause of hermies... just my experience though...

We can't all be elitists like Jbonez... :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


Active member
a good way to get to your indoor garden without interupting the night cycle is givin plants 2 hours with t5's and 10hrs HPS....that allows 2 hours to work in the room before the big lights go on...


Active member
In light of the insight from two of my most respected mentors, I have to say that my comments are indeed subjective..

Now, I do run a few known hermies, but have never seen a single hermie since my FIRST grow..Which was because I had my veg light ventilation inline with the bloom hood and light was shining all the way through, lighting my shit up in bloom during lights out!!! Hey, I was a rookie lol.... I always attributed this to the photoperiod integrity I maintain, but I also run a dialed environment.. So my temps are within 10f at all times...

So yeah, Im very biased, but cannot refute what I am hearing and it stands to reason...
I fear I may have just misled the op and that wasnt my intentions, besides, Freds, BST, droppin knowledge is a favor, and I always listen to cold hard facts.. Thx for clearing me up bros! Guess I figured if ol bonez dont get hermies, follow along and prosper, but I promise my intentions were good, gulp!

Just so thankful to have such informed friends here...