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Rebirth of .\nti


All of this seems overly complicated to me Anti. Check out my cab grow. I am running a perpetual PPK SOG. The PPK is the shit. I am growing in a passive wick hydro system in coco. Super stable , easy SIMPLE. No res changes, etc. I just dump nutes in the bulk res when it saterts to get low. I grow in the MT38 treepots. At a density of 9 per sq' you could fit a 3x3 table under each 600W and flower 81 plants per table. If you ran 2 flip flopped I think you could pull 1 GPW easy with NO training and minimal pruning. Check out the PPK threads. Delta9nxs has some great threads on it. I run Jacks hydro nutes plus their CalNit at ~600PPM with no deficiencies and super healthy and vigorous growth. I don't even own a TDS meter or a PH meter. That is how stable it is.

I like simple.

P.S. I really enjoyed your CFL cabs. They were the main inspiration behind my cab setup. Thank You.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
My advice is talk to an attorney and learn what the relative allowances are for your area. Maximize your limits with the best method for those limits.

I try not to say what the exact limits are in my area because I am NOT in a medical state.

Where I am at, growing ONE plant is the same as growing 100 if the prosecutor is trying to make a name for himself. So as long as I keep less than 20 lbs, it's all the same charges/time.

That's why I don't worry about my plant #s.

But I appreciate everybody's thoughts and advice. I still haven't found a place yet, so I have time to think about things still.


If you are bound and determined to stay vert, then I think the PPK system would readily adapt to your last stadium ebb n flow you attempted. I built my res out of plywood and coated the inside with West Systems 24 hour epoxy to protect the wood and to ensure it was watertight.

I really think the PPK is worth looking into. Don't try to read the Passive Plant Killer thread it is stupid long now. Check out the A Wicked Pulse thread.

I am NOT in any way trying to discount HEath;s flooded tube design. He is a Canna God. I just like the PPK for it's simplicity, and the fact you would have to really try to kill a plant in one, which is NOT the case in most hydro setups.



Invertebrata Inebriata
Welcome back from wherever you were. This is an ambitious project, I'd like to see you pull it off. Cheers!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Oh god now I have to go figure out what PPK system is, I'm afraid to learn about it or I might want to head in that direction and I have way too much on my plate as it is....


Active member
Oh god now I have to go figure out what PPK system is, I'm afraid to learn about it or I might want to head in that direction and I have way too much on my plate as it is....

DO IT! Might just be the perfect compliment to your vert donuts :biggrin:. I've recently looked into them myself, and I can say with an understanding of the science behind it, D9 is REALLY on to something with his design.
Last edited:


I couldn't help myself, I just set up a five site ppk doughnut next to my coliseum. My first few vert doughnuts freed up plenty of cash for experiments. Anti, your threads definitely helped inspire my grow style. I'll be watching no matter what you decide to put together next.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
On the subject of experimentation, I have factored all of my calculations for my investor at a 0.5 gpw return. So I only need to achieve less than achieved on previous experiments in order to make good on my promises.

I have a new opportunity on the horizon as well. More on that if/when it pans out.

I am weighing my options very carefully at this point. This thread is the place I am "thinking out loud" with my community to act as "co-processors" for my own CPU.

I firmly believe that I am capable of making better decisions with the help of your input than I would be capable of on my own. Sharing my ideas and hearing your criticism helps me to make better decisions than simply acting on my own. Many of you possess data that I would have no access to (and therefore would not consider) without your input.

Ultimately, I am making the decision but it helps to have other minds ask questions or make suggestions that would not have occurred to me.

Thank you for taking this journey with me.

No firm answer has been chosen yet.

Perhaps I will get a supersun II reflector and run one room as a horizontal SOG table under a 600w while i experiment in the other room.

Any and all discussion is encouraged here. There's really no such thing as "off topic" in my threads.


Well A......I kinda sorta agree with Ashes in that simple setups bring more bacon home consistently once dialed with proper canopy development , but....getting back on yer feet and putting some cash in your pocket fast as Ashes stated is why I agree.......kinda sorta......

Not to say your thing won`t work and yield cuz I`m sure it`ll hoon after a few runs , but just tryin ta say experiments take time to dial , and a damn 3 x 3 table with a 600 watter and even open non-cooled parabolic hood with proper numbers of plants to create the canopy if known when to flip is babyshit simple and time tested.....but.....

Increased plant numbers around bare bulbs not dialed fer shit spit out over .5 gpw , so decisions , decisions.....anyways.....

Whatever yas come up with I`m down witchas and`ll help any way I can Bro.......gotta getchas back up ta snuff and rollin........Check yer pm`s.......



I think one sog room and one experimental vert room would be the ticket to get you up and running with a good return quickly. You have run the sogs before. A 3x3 reservoir 6" deep would be perfect for a PPK sog. I use the same MT38 treepots you used. You know what kind of yeild you could get off of this. I think 9 per sq' would work well.

Check out my PPK SOG in my thread. The PPK is well proven by several long standing members here on ICMag. I think I am the first one on here to adapt it to a SOG. Most are using it to grow vert trees. The nutes I am using from J.R. Peters are super cheap, very effective, and super stable PH wise in this setup.

Its worth looking into while you are brainstorming here. Just my 2 cents.

As DHF says, numbers=yeild.



at risk of being seen as negative, i have a thought for you guys "going into business" with partners and commitments and expected return on investment and the like :

decriminalization and legalization are coming into the USA in mass numbers. Big business will follow. In the mean time every 16 year old kid that thinks he can become a weed baron will be firing up a system. This is great news for hydro retailers, but bad news for you.

as availability and legality kick in, the price will drop. really hard and fast. I doubt you will get half the $ per pound in a year as you do now. and its already lower than it was a year ago.

factor that into your 0.5 GPW baseline too.

if you are going to do this, move to colorado where its fully legal, and property/electricity prices are much cheaper than california. And have a plan for if your ripped off (either by crims or your partners) cause this happens when big money is involved. I have no idea what happens when you approach an insurance company, i imagine most wont touch you because they are national companies and dont want federal issues with the law and supporting crime.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
at risk of being seen as negative, i have a thought for you guys "going into business" with partners and commitments and expected return on investment and the like :

decriminalization and legalization are coming into the USA in mass numbers. Big business will follow. In the mean time every 16 year old kid that thinks he can become a weed baron will be firing up a system. This is great news for hydro retailers, but bad news for you.

as availability and legality kick in, the price will drop. really hard and fast. I doubt you will get half the $ per pound in a year as you do now. and its already lower than it was a year ago.

factor that into your 0.5 GPW baseline too.

It's already factored in. My setup could be minimally profitable at under $1500 an elbow at 0.5 gpw. My investor would be paid back within less than a year even at bottom of the barrel prices and half a gpw.

If I had better options, I would be looking into them.

I am still considering the possibility of heading to Colorado, Washington or California and starting from scratch. Without an investor, I'd have to do exactly the same thing here. (Start from scratch.)

There's a lot on my plate and I'm still trying to work out the best solution to my current predicament.

No opinions are unwanted.


It's already factored in. My setup could be minimally profitable at under $1500 an elbow at 0.5 gpw. My investor would be paid back within less than a year even at bottom of the barrel prices and half a gpw.

If I had better options, I would be looking into them.

I am still considering the possibility of heading to Colorado, Washington or California and starting from scratch. Without an investor, I'd have to do exactly the same thing here. (Start from scratch.)

There's a lot on my plate and I'm still trying to work out the best solution to my current predicament.

No opinions are unwanted.

I am in a situation similar to yours where I am. No talk here about legalizing anything, no med use, nothing. There is no cheap weed here. Not if you want quality. I live in a city where $60 an eighth is normal. You can pull $4000 an elbow here easily 5-10 lbs at a time. This will not change here anytime in the foreseeable future. If you tried to move to a legal state you will have to try to get started in a much more competitive environment. If your location is similar to mine in regards to legalization, then I think you will be fine for at least 5 years. That SHOULD give you enough time to amass enough loot to pick your spot and make the move to the land of legal weed, and set yourself up PROPER.


It's already factored in. My setup could be minimally profitable at under $1500 an elbow at 0.5 gpw. My investor would be paid back within less than a year even at bottom of the barrel prices and half a gpw.


No opinions are unwanted.

sounds like your going in with open eyes at least :)

ps i love getting $5k an elbow over here :)


With your investor is he doing more than putting up cash? what happen when you see it as red and he see it blue how will you work that out .with your investor how many plants do you have to grow to cover him ? so you could be a lot smaller with out him . A investor is in it for the cash he will look at the grow different than you! A investor has to be payed what happen if you can't. It,s a litte hard to get crop ins I hope there not a 22 investor you don't pay you get a 22 in the ear
Anti, I'm replying with Fred's last comments in mind:

I think I have a link in my sig. Trees. Vert. Fixed positions. But I got there through other means.

I suggest the following:

When your life depends on some/any/please yield, do not put all your eggs in one basket. Do not have a recirculating system. One pollutant kills everything. (Or it might.) One infested plant might transfer to the next. (I would never grow without a recirculating system now... but when I had to I did.)

Do not grow in fixed positions until you have time to select your plants/cuttings/pre-veggers. You only have so much awesome light. Do not waste it on duds. Move shit around, and maximize whatever viable plant material you have available. A flexible system lets you get in some harvests while you make better plans for better systems.

The benefits of vert are liabilities if you cannot manage your canopy. A non-interconnected horizontal grow allows you to adjust plant location and elevation in a way that coliseum grows cannot. I wouldn't hesitate to set up an automated coliseum grow today if it made sense in the circumstances. But my circumstances do not require some kind of harvest in 100 days to reset my life.

And when it was time to reset my life, the growing was the easy part.

It is easy to hit .5 unless you have some unexpected shit like toxic hose or a bad batch of toxic nutes... or whatever. Don't bring in anything complicated, and nothing complicated can happen.

Prioritize my man. You need to harvest. Period. You don't need to hit .5 @ $1500... you need to bring down a crop or seven. Stay focused. Eat first. Then evolve.

Or just move to medville and pull some sponsors.

*EDIT* Should I have said, "Move to legalville?"

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Shit. I checked this out thinking you'd be growing something by now. You're still talking about designing something. The pages of the calender are turning brother. You need to set up a couple doughnuts or something simple and get some plants growing. While you spin your wheels coming up with the perfect coliseum the plants can be working for you.

By the time you get this thing built you could have grown a crop. And it will never be perfect enough. This is deja vu all over again here.

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