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Tyga' 2K Vert bare bulb..


Active member
What's up Tyga?

I'm just checking in to check out your flip flop tents and there is some good smoke there. If your having control and space issues why are you constricting yourself to tents when you have a basement available?

Good to see you stop by man! Only issue is its not my place its my buddy's place and the basement is all unfinished and insulation hanging from the ceiling so It would take a good amount of work to get the room in working condition.
Plus he doesn't want to expand past 2K right now so the amount of effort/money just wouldn't be ideal at the moment.... I don't mind the tents now that I got that off gassing mother fucker of there! :laughing:


Active member
Been straight slammed with work in the garden and my regular job lately so I'm trying my best to keep this updated well. The ECSD tent is going well and is hitting week 9 of flower right now so I'm aiming for a chop around Dec 3rd.
The other tent has the MBS/HH Which are both around 4/4.5 weeks into flower and sharing the tent with the Pre98BKxNL5/Haze, Swt#4. Didn't end up with that good of a Male/Female ratio but oh well... I took cuts so I can run the keepers next round :big grin:
ECSD Top shot





Active member
damn dude that sucks about the off gassing thing. I had a setup before that I invested all this money into which I couldnt get dialed in.

The plants looked like they were all deficient, I changed everything and took almost a year trying different thing. Finally I narrowed it down to the tent I bought off ebay which I was using as a bloom tent.

It sucked so bad. Im glad you have those Argro tents from HTG. They are really nice tents and are solid. They are the strongest tent I have ever seen and are actually light proof.

Grow looks good amgio and im tagged along for the ride.


Active member
damn dude that sucks about the off gassing thing. I had a setup before that I invested all this money into which I couldnt get dialed in.

The plants looked like they were all deficient, I changed everything and took almost a year trying different thing. Finally I narrowed it down to the tent I bought off ebay which I was using as a bloom tent.

It sucked so bad. Im glad you have those Argro tents from HTG. They are really nice tents and are solid. They are the strongest tent I have ever seen and are actually light proof.

Grow looks good amgio and im tagged along for the ride.

Thanks man... But it was an Agromax that was causing the offgassing issue! I had 2 at the time and one was perfectly fine and O ran quite a few harvests out of but the other once I couldn't get my plants past week 2 of flower... They would become all defficient amd growth would be severely stunted.


That's cool... I just did get it. Basements are great but your rite. If buddy doesn't want more than 2k it's pointless and doing the flip flop is a good way to max those lights.


Active member
That's cool... I just did get it. Basements are great but your rite. If buddy doesn't want more than 2k it's pointless and doing the flip flop is a good way to max those lights.

Okay I lied. He dosent want to run more than 1K so I told him each light pulls 500 since there is only one ballast... ;) Im an asshole what can I say. :laughing:


Active member
Heres an update on the 5x5 vert tent.... Hammerhead just got hit with some powdered KoolBloom and she's 5.5Wk's into flower at the moment. The MBS is just hitting week 5 and her flowers still seem a bit small but who knows what the next few weeks will hold. Plan on hitting her also with some KB within the next few days...
Yesterday I finished getting the blumats installed and just have one more Pre98BKxNL5/Haze to set-up to the lines because I was waiting for her to show her sex.... She was a little behind the rest in that department!
ECSD tent is about to start to get flushed... And aiming for a Dec. 3rd harvest which will be 75 days for her, which I hear is her sweet spot!
Full tent shot



MBS Flower



Active member
Went to the hydro shop today to pick up some coco and that shit tested 2000PPM! I was fucking PISSED! I called back and his suggestion was to keep flushing with a cleansing agent. FUCK you I'm not flushing 25 gallons of water to clear 3gal of coco. Oh well he lost a customer for sure... Good thing I had a few bricks on deck (Coco of course :laughing: ) Got the last Pre98BKxNL5/Haze transplanted and will be hooked up to the blumats tomorrow.
Heres a quick shot of the ECSD @ day 65.... Going to start flushing them tomorrow and take them to about day 76-77 :tip hat:


so i been thinking about going vert.. do u see alot bigger harvests? i usually do SOG in 1-3gall pots.. fill entire space and lollipop.. get close to if not more then a gram per watt for sure.
but i wana get more yields now with less plants.. im sick of taking care of sooo many little plants.. now its on to some monsters...


Active member
This is exactly why I flush every bit of coco that enters my room.....:moon:

Ya I know man good thing I checked... That would have fucked everything up! The bricks I had (Botanicare cocogro) were goood... No salt in those thank god!


Active member
Nice brotha, excited to see the phenos u find in the p98 cross.

I got my rooms stuffed full of them right now, I'll grab some pics next time I'm at the shop.


Active member
Nice brotha, excited to see the phenos u find in the p98 cross.

I got my rooms stuffed full of them right now, I'll grab some pics next time I'm at the shop.

Word up man! That room is gunna be bumpin' for sure! Are you strictly running #9? Or all the phenos? After I pheno hunt this round I plan on doing full runs with the p98 crosses in 1 tent and save the other tent strictly for ECSD. They are def the top strains in the room until I can get my hands on some other cuts.


Active member
Quick little update.... The Sours have been being flushed for the past few days and looking at a chop for wednesday so i'll be sure to report back with some greasy harvey shots. I have been using Drip Clean throughout the whole grow so I'm not to sure how necessary it was to flush. According to KrunchBubble who runs DC he feeds all the way up to day of harvest without any flush? So who knows.... I'de rather be safe than sorry I guess. I don't know if its just my pheno of the ECSD but the stems are SO filmsy.... Every plants branches are just snapping left and right from the weight of the buds. Plenty of airflow going on in there and I've been hitting them with Silica ever since veg.
As far as the Pre98xNL5's are going I'm a little surprised by the slow development of flowers... but maybe thats because I've been at the garden every single day lately so It might be a little hard to notice. A Couple are a little droopy but I'm sure thats just from some slight transplant shock. Besides that they are looking healthy for sure!
MBS and Hammerhead are both in week 6 of flower (Hammerhead a few days ahead) and stacking the flowers up and looks like it will be some solid smoke for sure. They are the survivors from the Off-Gassing issue so whatever I get from them I will be happy with.






I`ve said it from yrs ago.....There IS no quality control consistency in coco from 1 batch to another , even bag to bag , brick to brick , bale to bale , pallet to pallet....and......

It`s totally up to the grower to cover his ass and check that shit , so good lookin out T......

Not sure if yas ever read my post on keepin the fan beneath the bare bulbs on low to just create a slow moving column of air to help assist in natural heat convection rising , but if not what happens is heat get`s blasted all around the grow area and overworks environmental equipment if the fan beneath outruns the normal heat rising.......anyways.....

Looks good Bro.......Keep dialin......



Active member
I`ve said it from yrs ago.....There IS no quality control consistency in coco from 1 batch to another , even bag to bag , brick to brick , bale to bale , pallet to pallet....and......

It`s totally up to the grower to cover his ass and check that shit , so good lookin out T......

Not sure if yas ever read my post on keepin the fan beneath the bare bulbs on low to just create a slow moving column of air to help assist in natural heat convection rising , but if not what happens is heat get`s blasted all around the grow area and overworks environmental equipment if the fan beneath outruns the normal heat rising.......anyways.....

Looks good Bro.......Keep dialin......


Thanks brotha... The fan beneath the light is actuay on its highest setting so I will make sure to dial it down to low when I head back over tommorow.
Slowly trying to dial in the enviroment.... Going to have to throw a space heater in the room and pick up some spray foam insulation to seal up the cracks.... Wish I could figure a way to keep the lung room an ideal temp from the heat from the lamps but I cant seem to come up with anything.
The ECSD night temps drop too about 63 which im okay with for now but the 5x5 vert tent dropped down to 58F last night which is too low for my liking.... Damn space heaters be pulling as much amps as my lights!