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Oneshot Hempy Grow #2 - Peyote Purple & TGA Qush - 330W LED


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
i'm sure you will get them dialed in soon enough

just remember less is more unless we are talking about yields (-;


Active member
Welcome aboard GP37 :D

3 week 'they need to be transplanted' update:

Color on the plants is looking awesome. They are wilting still but I am pretty sure it's because they need to be put into the buckets.

TGA Qush nice and squat.

We're on the way! :woohoo:

Latest video up on my Youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/oneshotgrow


Active member
lookin' good there oneshot. I can't help but notice and you can tell me if I'm right or not but are you having a problem keeping the RH up? Why I ask? I can see by one of the pics there that the leaves 'seem' to be a bit dry. I maybe way off on this but my RH in my tent is around 30% even though I put a humidifier in there...(Waiting to the RH to rise) and at that RH, the leaves on my plants feel a bit rough in texture and the look of mine appear to be similar to what I see in your pictures..........

If I'm wrong, then don't mind the babbling please...just had a few puffs of my meds..:D


Active member
lookin' good there oneshot. I can't help but notice and you can tell me if I'm right or not but are you having a problem keeping the RH up? Why I ask? I can see by one of the pics there that the leaves 'seem' to be a bit dry. I maybe way off on this but my RH in my tent is around 30% even though I put a humidifier in there...(Waiting to the RH to rise) and at that RH, the leaves on my plants feel a bit rough in texture and the look of mine appear to be similar to what I see in your pictures..........

If I'm wrong, then don't mind the babbling please...just had a few puffs of my meds..:D

Good eye :) You are probably correct. My RH is floating around 37% right now. I usually don't worry about the RH though unless it gets too high. I can put a tray of water in there to get it higher if needed.

I don't see it as a major concern right now though.


Active member
I think something is up with the plants. I was just comparing the growth of these plants vs my last grow and it's shocking the difference. The current setup just looks so sick and stunted.

The latest video is a prime example. Current grow @ 4 weeks



[YOUTUBEIF]U27q5Up_52o[/YOUTUBEIF] @ 4 weeks

Now granted I transplanted the first grow a lot earlier but something just looks bad. Any help would be appreciated. If it's my nutes, I would be surprised :(


Active member
Hello my friend...what time of year was the first grow compared to the second? I mean summer vs. autumn...etc.. As we mentioned already, the humidity was and still might be a factor. Also, genetics play a part as well as things we as humans cannot even begin to understand or 'feel'. That is why I ask the seasons when the grow was done. It could be barometric pressure they feel and no one has even considered that factor in anything as far as I can tell.

I'm having a similar issue with my grow as well. I kind of think mine is due to up potting too big way too early but still.......if they are growing and showing progress...it might take more time to finish and if time is a factor, then I would say worry. If time is not an issue and an extra week or two is okay...then all should be fine....

I know we as growers always compare with 'the last grow' and I don't know if we should be doing that. Not only that as an issue but we see the smallest thing off or not right and we panic!!!!!!! Sometimes we forget they are plants/weeds and not our babies...:D

Good Luck


Active member
The last grow was started on Feb. 28th.

I ordered a small humidifier today actually. Should be here Friday. Hopefully that will help. I will keep a close eye over the next few days to see how they recover from the transplant. Maybe that's all they needed.


I don't think it's the humidity cause mine was around 40% for most of my veg period as well. Your temps with lights on are better than mine. If I had to take a guess I'd say you transplanted a bit late. Can't imagine my plant would fit into such a small cup when it was 4 weeks old. Or something at some point stunted their grow. Maybe cold night temps or hot soil I don't know.


Active member
may be totally right on either count there friend.. both you and Liza there have very valid points and either could be the cause.

As I mentioned though, if there is progress taking place and the girls are not 'sick'....all in all, things should be fine...just take an extra week or two..


Active member
Everything is all good. Gave them a good feeding with some Cal-Mag and Liquid Karma. Plants have recovered. The transplant definitely helped.

Topping or LST happening tonight or tomorrow.



Yes they look a lot better. They will really start to take off now. Hope all goes well for the rest of the grow.


Active member
heya brother,,,glad to see that things are turning around for you.....If it was the rooting issue, then it still might take them a little while before they just explode with growth but when they do...hold on tight!!!!! LOL


Active member
LST / 4 Week VEG update

Plants are cruising along great and loving their new space. The growth just in the last 2 days has been great. I started LST'ing tonight. Some pretty drastic LSTs

LST and Contest videos are uploading to YouTube.



That CBS video (which was crazy) convinced me to invest half of what little savings I have in MJNA (the company that owns Dixie). Maybe after WA and CO legalize, I'll make enough to buy myself one of those ES330s (and a place big enough to put it).

Plants are looking much better. How much longer are you going to veg them?


Active member
That CBS video (which was crazy) convinced me to invest half of what little savings I have in MJNA (the company that owns Dixie). Maybe after WA and CO legalize, I'll make enough to buy myself one of those ES330s (and a place big enough to put it).

Plants are looking much better. How much longer are you going to veg them?

hahaha I did the same thing. Dropped a bunch of money :)

I am probably going to veg them for another 4 weeks. They are starting to come alive a lot now.


Active member
That 60 minutes thing was wild man!!!!!!! You see that grow op?!?! You can eat off the damn floor in that place!! LOL.

thanks for the link brother...some very interesting info in there...your grow is coming along nicely as well....keep it up man...doing great..:yes:


Well, I'm betting you're glad you got in when you did then - 10% up each of the last two days ain't bad when the rest of the market is going to shit.