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Spot the growhouse ....


New member
lol Cant believe some people! tbf though my curtain fell down at my window once exposing my kingspan covering it..........luckily there are fields behind me and I noticed before anyone else but accidents do happen. This looks a bad one mind and with light leaking out like that it isnt going to be long before the ole bill come a knocking regardless of if youve told them or not.....too late imo! If you noticed it, chances are others have too but are maybe abit less lenient with growing than us.


If lights coming out, lights going in.. someones gonna have a nice seed harvest soon.. if they pull itoff.


Yea do the latter.Maybe!, could even be a sicko's trap to lure somebody in...
Try ang get a ganda's [look] at the occupants in the day,if they turn out to be that use a blackwidow catapult or an airrifle and shoot at the window to make um wake up!!!

or it could be a mega bright inscect zapper doubt that tbh so yea id do that bro.

Yes drop them a note GOOD IDEA lol.


Well-known member
Yea do the latter.Maybe!, could even be a sicko's trap to lure somebody in...
Try ang get a ganda's [look] at the occupants in the day,if they turn out to be that use a blackwidow catapult or an airrifle and shoot the window to make um wake up!!!

or it could be a mega bright inscect zapper doubt that tbh so yea id do that bro.

Blackwidow catapult....lol. Used to have one of them. Think me dad took it of me when I discovered ball bearings were the ideal ammunition.


Me too :biggrin:. I took out the street lamp outside are house in the eighties.Yikks,A laugh at the time . Until you think :)

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Blackwidow catapult....lol. Used to have one of them. Think me dad took it of me when I discovered ball bearings were the ideal ammunition.
I had the other one, with the balancing arms, maybe it was called a diablo??.... used it to get rid of Mink(I only fired acorns near them) they would interfere with my fishing, ie steal my fish from my keep net or my bait from my line.
Little bastards, I still don't think they deserve to be rectally electrocuted** and made into coats though:biggrin:

** That's how it's done!:yoinks:


Well-known member
Your right Harry...Diablo was the other one. Both used tubular elastic and were fucking dangerous. Kids can't even play conkers now.


Or maybe he/she is someone who's been caught before and so WANT the police to call around so they can tell them to **** off when they find nothing.

That is more probable. nobodys that daft etc they would grow with the light like that.c'mom.Obvious i say.



Well-known member
Or maybe he/she is someone who's been caught before and so WANT the police to call around so they can tell them to **** off when they find nothing.

That is more probable. no bodys that daft they would grow with the light like that.c'mom.

E..there are some fucking stupid people about mate...Remember there is no natural selection in the human race.


Send a note. Easier ;)

Know what your saying rd but I still wont believe that somebody would have a light like that and grow at the same time.
Is as i said ;) got to be! . Creepy shadows i bet lol. OBserve photo taker. but be careful dont accept any dinner invites lol. :biggrin: :gift:

;) e


cant re Member
tbh the picture which started this thread is of such poor quality i honestly cant see wtf it actually is anyway.


RIL was you the actor that played the all seeing eye in lord of the rings? lol


How would the poor imigrant locked in that house meant to see if the lights poking out? he wouldnt lol. they prob used duct tape on a dirty wall.

how much of a good idea isit to full a room up with lights fans etc.. fill it up with tomoato plants let the ol bill sniff u out, let em in n see everythings ok with there rules.. then soon as they piss off fill up it with dank? now youve got peace of mind that ze enemy thinks your straight..
Just remember not to sport ya attitude tshirt lol


I made a similar mistake once, when I grew my first ever plant under lights (chinaman's hat!). Moved into this temp rented property for a few weeks whilst a student over the summer in 87.

Was in the cellar with a 'coal scuttle and grill' opening to the street.

Used some mylar-like stuff and some duct tape to cover over the opening so that no light would escape onto the street.

Went out on the piss after setting it all up satisfied that all was well.

Came back at silly o clock only to find, upon turning the corner into my new street that there was a mahoosive shaft of light coming from my new gaff's cellar where my single bagseed plant was. I looked across the street and it was like a fucking bat signal - only it was a leaf that was caught in the beam.

Oh my fucking god. What a 2@.

Duct tape had peeled off, the sheeting had fallen down and revealed all.

Managed to escape that one, by pulling everything down there and then.

Never got the knock, and never did a slap dash job like that again!


cant re Member
I made a similar mistake once, when I grew my first ever plant under lights (chinaman's hat!). Moved into this temp rented property for a few weeks whilst a student over the summer in 87.

Was in the cellar with a 'coal scuttle and grill' opening to the street.

Used some mylar-like stuff and some duct tape to cover over the opening so that no light would escape onto the street.

Went out on the piss after setting it all up satisfied that all was well.

Came back at silly o clock only to find, upon turning the corner into my new street that there was a mahoosive shaft of light coming from my new gaff's cellar where my single bagseed plant was. I looked across the street and it was like a fucking bat signal - only it was a leaf that was caught in the beam.

Oh my fucking god. What a 2@.

Duct tape had peeled off, the sheeting had fallen down and revealed all.

Managed to escape that one, by pulling everything down there and then.

Never got the knock, and never did a slap dash job like that again!

thats quite funny. you need to be very clever and cautious in this game.