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AN PH Perfect experiences?



Well, its not like Im pedaling a wheel that is generating the electricity to power some machine that filters my water. I turn the knob on my hose and when my tank is full the float falve shuts everything down. Then I come along at some point during the week and turn on my pump that shoots the water into my res, then I go vape some herbs and come back later and mix my nutes.
try doing that with like 5 70 gal reses in one day. it seems like your just thinking of any way possible to hate on AN. i would rather use ph perfect any day than have to go through all that shit. also in aero if you cant change the water quick enough plants will die. tribal stop thinking about yourself only with a 30 gal res. what about people that have 10-20 lights? your not the only person in the world


Youre right! I didnt mention that there was a ton of waste with aero. I got it all wrong.


Youre right! I didnt mention that there was a ton of waste with aero. I got it all wrong.

i have no idea what your talkin about but why dont you give credit to AN for coming up with a way to not have to adjust the ph using tap water? it has its uses right?


cant re Member
its unfortunate that any AN thread turns out like this.

a friend of mine uses a ltr bottle of each sensi bloom a and b, and a ltr bottle of bigbud. with use minimal additives. that will last for one run under a 1000w from which he gets about 30 oz average.

bigbud= £25 or $40
sensi a and b =£15 or $24

so thats £40 or $64 dollars for 30 oz.... is that really expensive for nutrients?

pics avalible. please let people speak about AN without attacking them. you dont like AN? well then get off the thread and mind your own business. and dear me your bothered about their advertising??? have you not realised that all nutrient companies are out there to make money yet?? or do you think they are doing it out of the kindness of there own hearts?

im not an AN advertiser in fact i like canna in veg, it suits me and i prefer it. but jeez, let people do as they wish.


its unfortunate that any AN thread turns out like this.

a friend of mine uses a ltr bottle of each sensi bloom a and b, and a ltr bottle of bigbud. with use minimal additives. that will last for one run under a 1000w from which he gets about 30 oz average.

bigbud= £25 or $40
sensi a and b =£15 or $24

so thats £40 or $64 dollars for 30 oz.... is that really expensive for nutrients?

pics avalible. please let people speak about AN without attacking them. you dont like AN? well then get off the thread and mind your own business. and dear me your bothered about their advertising??? have you not realised that all nutrient companies are out there to make money yet?? or do you think they are doing it out of the kindness of there own hearts?

im not an AN advertiser in fact i like canna in veg, it suits me and i prefer it. but jeez, let people do as they wish.

what nutes are you using out of interest?

Both questions have already been addressed in this thread.
Buying ANY nutes by the liter you are getting so ripped off its no funny.
I actually use an expensive nute that is something like 50-75% cheaper than Perfect when buying it 10 liters. I still feel ripped off when paying that much. People get better results using less than the difference.
The point was about the marketing though. That point is still being missed by the people who cant figure out its just marketing in the first place.
Anyhow, Ive been advised that its pointless to try and explain it to you and my last statement makes that clear to me.


i knew you would never give them credit lol. even after i destroyed your RO water argument you still wanna hate. at least i know who im dealing with now


cant re Member
Both questions have already been addressed in this thread.
Buying ANY nutes by the liter you are getting so ripped off its no funny.
I actually use an expensive nute that is something like 50-75% cheaper than Perfect when buying it 10 liters. I still feel ripped off when paying that much. People get better results using less than the difference.
The point was about the marketing though. That point is still being missed by the people who cant figure out its just marketing in the first place.
Anyhow, Ive been advised that its pointless to try and explain it to you and my last statement makes that clear to me.

i cant remember because im doing other things whilst im on the laptop but im sure you use house and garden which are no chear at all. as for marketing well if thats what you base your purchases on then you wouldnt be buy much in the supermarket or anywhere really because most companies have agressive marketing strategies some more than others.
strangely when i pick up most smokers mags, i rarely see AN adds but see alot of other companies more frequently.

i just bought 1ltr a and b sensibloom ph perfect yesterday. it cost me £15 or 25 dollars. thats expensive to you?


i cant remember because im doing other things whilst im on the laptop but im sure you use house and garden which are no chear at all. as for marketing well if thats what you base your purchases on then you wouldnt be buy much in the supermarket or anywhere really because most companies have agressive marketing strategies some more than others.
strangely when i pick up most smokers mags, i rarely see AN adds but see alot of other companies more frequently.

i just bought 1ltr a and b sensibloom ph perfect yesterday. it cost me £15 or 25 dollars. thats expensive to you?

Yea. Imagine if tree bought it by the liter! Fuck!


Yea. Imagine if tree bought it by the liter! Fuck!

i just found 10l of a&b for $148 he probably thinks thats expensive too lol. just ordered 12 more liters today and guess what, 4 of the liters were free lol im lovin this shit


i just found 10l of a&b for $148 he probably thinks thats expensive too lol. just ordered 12 more liters today im lovin this shit

Only 48% more expensive... And ive already confirmed Im paying too much.
"Even a baby likes 50% more money"


cant re Member
Yea. Imagine if tree bought it by the liter! Fuck!

man im not commenting on anyones situation here... but tbh the nutrients pay for themselves if you use them properly.

buy all means throw some pics up of your H and G grows. i like shooting powder and i like house and garden but they are definately not better than AN. the problem is someone asks a question about AN, and people like you enter the thread hate on AN but apart from that you have had nothing really to off the original poster or anyone else in the form of useful information. so you have effectively come in this thread to troll/hate/whatever. its pointless .


i knew you would never give them credit lol. even after i destroyed your RO water argument you still wanna hate. at least i know who im dealing with now

I give them credit for marketing to braindead potheads that need 50to bottles in a res and then a product like ph perfect starts to look apealing to them cuz their res has stupid buzzwords in there setting shit off.
What I said was RO makes it so simple its not even funny.


I give them credit for marketing to braindead potheads that need 50to bottles in a res and then a product like ph perfect starts to look apealing to them cuz their res has stupid buzzwords in there setting shit off.
Fucking sheep

the title of the thread is ph perfect experiences so since youve never used it then why dont you get outta here. no one cares what you think about AN


cant re Member
I give them credit for marketing to braindead potheads that need 50to bottles in a res and then a product like ph perfect starts to look apealing to them cuz their res has stupid buzzwords in there setting shit off.

sorry but 2mls per litre is the standard for AN and also canna and house and garden the last time i looked.

plus its the fact it works that appeals me. perhaps you can see past the labels yourself tribal. perhaps you should check the facts before spewing outragous untruths about things.

and why do house and garden call it flakes when its liquid?? very odd huh?


cant re Member
the title of the thread is ph perfect experiences so since youve never used it then why dont you get outta here. no one cares what you think about AN

yup i second that. if you dont like the title and dont use AN, mind your own business and post elsewhere.


sorry but 2mls per litre is the standard for AN and also canna and house and garden the last time i looked.

plus its the fact it works that appeals me. perhaps you can see past the labels yourself tribal. perhaps you should check the facts before spewing outragous untruths about things.

and why do house and garden call it flakes when its liquid?? very odd huh?

I type from my phone... thats a typo. I didnt write any measurements. I meant 50 bottles, as in additives.
I dont care what they call it... its just a nute designed for my water source that I gave a try. Next run Im trying a bottle of cocos.
I actually ran CNS17 until just a few weeks ago. I like H&G a lot more, even though CNS17 was just as easy peasy. I actually finally bought a bottle of PH +&- when I switched just in case I might finally need them, but I have not needed them. :tiphat:


cant re Member
I type from my phone... thats a typo. I didnt write any measurements. I meant 50 bottles, as in additives. you can use two bottles a and b as your base (and whichever additives you choose- i like shooting powder and superthrive etc) not fifty bottles
I dont care what they call it... i dont care what they call AN nutes either, the results speak for themselves its just a nute designed for my water source that I gave a try. Next run Im trying a bottle of cocos.
I actually ran CNS17 until just a few weeks ago. I like H&G a lot more, even though CNS17 was just as easy peasy
they are all easy to use. i would like to try botanicare ive seen some nice grows on their products but they dont sell it in the uk. its harder to get here.

you have not needed them because your ph is within range already. unfortunately that isnt the case for 99% of growers who need to ph up or down. do you even check you ph?


Sorry, I think my point was missed again. This will be my last post since I will not ever use AN products.
AN users using their products BEFORE PH PERFECT(I dont need to research perfect to see if it contains all the essential micro and macros) who had to use 50 bottles to get their plants fed. With all that shit in your res you start having crazy ph swings with or without RO. When AN says they got some shit that makes your ph perfect you get all retarded and wont think about things and buy more of their bullshit.
I hope that clears things up. If not I hope you bought conny too

Yes I check my PH when I mix it. Its stable as can be with RO and nutes designed for RO.
Ive used Tap and all kinds of additives in the past(with R/O as well)& I built a full stinkbud/superstoner aero system. Im not a cash cropper and I have time to research and dial things in(eventually). I do not have a very green thumb though, which is why I chose to keep things simple.


Active member
Unfortunately, there marketing tactics have backfired, and the "gimmick" products are being exposed for what they really are....a marketing gimmick. You can usually spot these products easily.....just look for outrageous claims and cartoon labels.....

Anyhow AN deserves every bit of hate they get.....

That sort of makes your rant pointless to me in the sense that near EVERY product in the catalogs for assorted nutrients all have cartoon lables, all have outrageous claims right? I can say the AN line works, I can also say just about everything ive tried works... nearly the same as all the other products out there...they work, and work just fine, just because you WONT pay for it... dont mean it doesnt work. If that makes sense.