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1st Death From Cannabis...Was Almost Me!

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Active member
The reason it was so deadly to Bruce Lee was because he had very little body fat to absorb the THC.:joint:

Weird... I have almost no body fat either and edibles don't do crap for me. I have to make my own canna-pills to get any effect and even then I have to take a lot more than the next 100 tokers.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


I thoroughly tested this theory.

burnt as toast for next day or two. But I survived.
eating= too many brownies
smoking= six footers 6-7 bowls as fast as i could (about 10 minutes in my younger years)
eating+smoking= combo six footers + brownies

Symptoms in stages.

1) simple high
2) screaming high (hard to think)
3) OMG I cant stand.
4) Puke
5) OM... thud.. (pasted out...) for many (+12) hours

recovery from over smoking was quickest.


Worst experience of my life was when I accidentally ate too many of Seamaiden's brownies. I literally could not get out of bed the next morning. Had to literally crawl to the bathroom. Horrible experience that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.


Lol, this is funny! I make edibles from time to time and at first hardly anyone followed dosage suggestions. But after a blackout and an uncontollable bladder, people listen now, lol. Be safe all.


ICMag Donor
What strain was this festivus?

Mack, it was pretty much all the quiso I had and it was a variety of strains, but mostly indicas and og kushes.

Funny, I knew I would catch some shit with this thread. Prolly should have found a better name for it. But the surprising thing is that many of you have had the same experience!

Ok, in the interest of accuracy in internet posting... death from cannabis toxicity isn't possible. Death from a pre-existing condition while ingesting cannabis- possible but rare. Feel like dying when injesting too much cannabis- absofucking lutely lol.
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hahaha no reason to be embarrassed festivus my brotha
same thing happened to me from a makin a pizza in the Pyrex dish after i made a bunch of honey oil- i rubber olive oil all over the honey-oil left in that pan then put pizza crust on the layer of olive oil/ honey-oil....i would say there was about 3-5 grams of white rhino/ pre 98 bubba kush oil in a 9x14 pan - then after i cooked it i had 2 pieces of DELICIOUS honey-oil pizza !!! great right ? yes but each piece was strong enough to tranquilize a huge gorilla......
so after a couple of hours the high was waaayyyyy to strong and i felt like someone parked a truck on my chest - i could barley breath and did not want to pass out for fear of sleep apnea !!! this idea was never racking when you literally cant keep your eye lids open... so i was high a fuck and know the feeling !!
- my 100 lb. golden retriever ate a quarter ( 25 cent piece) sized piece of crust and could not move for hours...
.i felt horrible but we both survived and i haven't made honey-oil pizza in quite a while


Well-known member
I had the same experience with cannamilk a few weeks ago. Nearly put me off weed (lasted less than a day, don't worry).

Hours of vomiting and feeling really really ill. I've tripped enough to know to just ride it out, but it was a long and un-fun 14 or so hours of cannapoisoning.

Lesson learned.


Kronically Ill
Mack, it was pretty much all the quiso I had and it was a variety of strains, but mostly indicas and og kushes.

Funny, I knew I would catch some shit with this thread. Prolly should have found a better name for it. But the surprising thing is that many of you have had the same experience!

Ok, in the interest of accuracy in internet posting... death from cannabis toxicity isn't possible. Death from a pre-existing condition while ingesting cannabis- possible but rare. Feel like dying when injesting too much cannabis- absofucking lutely lol.


How many brownies did you make out of 8g hash oil? You only had 1, right?

My recipes "usually" aims for ~ 1.8-2g bud, per edible. Having a rather high tolerance, they're good for me, but I've come to realize average people can't handle most strong edibles. Come to the point where I'm almost afraid to offer whole edibles to others, a 1/4 will do plenty.......:biggrin:

I've seen people with all sorts of drug tolerances get absolutely devastated off 1 good edible. Really strong edibles are in their own class..........IMHO.


do you think ill get a bad trip from a single pancake,with 1 teaspoon canola oil??now am scared..i get really bad paranoia,and shit i dont wanna end up in the e.r

Max Yields

Active member
Uncomfortable oh yes..., but death from cannabis...??? NEVER.
Unless it's a 100 lb brick of ultra shwaggy cartel crap hitting you on the head with extreme force. (They need to get their growing, handling, & packaging skills together I swear) Even then you have a chance of survival.

but I understand that dying feeling the OP is talking about. I say if it happens again, fuck it just die...& ride it out until you come back to life, LOL...That's IF you come back.............:sasmokin:


Well-known member
Ok, in the interest of accuracy in internet posting... death from cannabis toxicity isn't possible..

.... just do a Google search, Bruce Lee death, there's a lot of info out there, here's a sample below from bruceleedivinewind.com:

Cause Of Death

Bruce died from multi-factoral causes. His doctors knew what almost killed him on May 10th, 1973. He even presented it to Dr. Langford, the next day, when Langford came in and interrogated him at the hospital, after saving his life. He wanted to know if Bruce was taking any drugs. There was no other explanation. He pulled out Nepal hashish and Langford told if he started taking this again, it would kill him. He rejected Langford's medical advice and flew to UCLA and was clean. They found nothing wrong with him, because there were no drugs in his system. This gave him a false sense of security and a few weeks before he died, he was ingesting it again. This type of hashish he got from Katmandu, Nepal. It's one of the most near-lethal strains of *unrefined* hashish and is much more rarer than the refined types manufactured in the Middle East.

It's been documented to kill it's users the exact same way it killed Bruce on July 20th, 1973. It's neurological side effects are nightmarish, and contains over 4,000 chemical compounds, any one of which, his central nervous system could build up a sensitivity to, and so highly toxic, cerebral edema, kidney/ adrenal failure, vomiting, convulsions, cardiac arrest/coma and death is the result. On May 10th, 1973 he ate some in the bathroom and then collasped on the floor at Golden Harvest Studio, regained consciousness and then collasped again, and went into convulsions and seizues and was throwing up, then went comatose. Dr. Langford was very concerned about Bruce having no body fat left, as this will only worsen side effects of drugs in his system. There is no fat to help absorb it, and he also had his sweat glands removed later in 1972. Removal will also cause brain edema, because the saline that carries toxins, builds up in the body and bloodstream. The fluid buildup is pumped from the heart into the brain, resulting in cerebral edema and kidney failure, convulsions and, coma and death. When Bruce left the hospital on May 10th, Dr. Langford was sure he would be back.

He was one of the top two doctors in the Orient and is still alive today. He was right; 10 weeks later, he died. No one killed Bruce--he killed himself with drugs. The doctors were surprised he lasted til July 20th. There were no marks on his body, just heavy swelling from the edema and some bruises on his left temple, running up the brow ridge. While in Betty's bedroom on July 20th, the seizures from the reaction jerked him off her bed, and the left side of his head was hit. They are too small to be the result of a blow with a weapon. Bruising is common with violent body seizures. The inquest was sham. Two UK doctors flew in to overturn Bruce's doctor's cause of death, and blamed it on a pain pill ( he had been taking for years ). It was also for insurance reasons and payouts, since Bruce stated in his will, he didn't use illegal drugs and if he did--he would be subject to payouts to certain parties. The government in Hong Kong was behind this. They didn't want a hashish epidemic on their hands, with all the young kids who worshipped Lee and wanted to be just like him. The night of July 20th, he ingested the hashish in Betty's apartment, than complained of a mind-numbing and constricting headache ( this is a side-effect ), and she gave him the pain pill, Equagesic, to counter the headache. Betty is supposedly writing a book, telling everything, right now.

Bruce's weight in 1972 was 146, as he stated in a phone-taped interview with Alex Ben Block, who called him while he was making Way in summer 1972. He looks about the same weight in the filmed footage GOD some 3 months later in Sep-Oct the same year. Healthy weight. When he arrived in HK in 1970, he was 155, and weight traing trimmed him down. In 1973, while making ETD, he was about 135 pounds and underweight. By May, he was down to 126, some 20 pounds. I've seen a few photos of Bruce shortly before his death and he looks frail and sickly. The robustness from his face is gone. Dr. Langford said he looked obscene, with only 1% of body fat on him. It's easy to tell Bruce in his last few months--June and July. He's so thin and has a new and fuller hairstyle he never wore while in HK. There's a B&W group photo on a gallery on a website, with Bruce, Betty and co-stars and his appearance is identical to the July 10th TV appearance he made in 1973. Timeframe is approximate.

The hashish he was taking was very bad for him, no doubt. Why would Dr. Langford tell him NOT to take anymore if it was GOOD for him. That is what was in his bloodstream on May 10th. Lee was no expert on drugs and formerally was anti-drug. He had costisone injections for the back injury he sustained in 1969 up until he died. This mixes in more drugs in his body and with literally no body fat left, sweat glands removed, making a hypersensitive reaction and death even more positive. Tom Bleeker's book has drawn heavy fire and I don't think it's all in rational proportion,and yes, some things are true. I'm not scorning it, but I doubt if everything stated is altogether true. Sure, if he wants to theorize, that's fine, about Bruce's death being foul-play. It's common. The only people who would know more would be several of his co-workers and friends who were with him the last 12 months of his life. I hope Betty publishes her book. The murder scenario is too easy to fabricate, and there are no hard facts to back it up. People claim "I know who it was and what happend". They want to take the credit and 15 minutes of fame. If they wanted him killed, I mean really, arranging an accident is the best way on the street. The focus is exploring Bruce, his body chemisty, what he took, knowledge of drugs he took, his health in general, form his peak to his decline. He was a sensitive and high-strung guy and had to cope with fame. Taking drugs is common with this.

Ask me to prove it? The proof is there, and much more clearer than it was 31 years ago. The point is not fighting about it. Assemble everything you know and put it together and you're not going to draw a blank.


^^^^^ so if weed killed bruce lee and festi survived does that make him a ninja or shogun?


ICMag Donor
LOL GM, I like the ninja tag... but I prefer Shadow Warrior! My body weight is down to 155 so still got a wee bit of fat to absorb all those canabinoids.

Interesting read Cosmic, thanks for posting it. Sorry you got neg repped, but last time I checked this thread I had like 10 negs myself, even though most peeps posts are supportive...

I use to work in a power plant and would regularly eat a gram of shish and be able to work and function just fine. I think the hardest part of this incident was the total loss of control.

I don't regret starting this thread, as I think it's got some helpful information. I actually tried to change the title, but wasn't able.


Well-known member
That temple hash is epic!
The fact that somewhere evil hashish exists, so strong that it kills Bruce Lee though handicapped with missing glands, injections of corticosteroids and opioid pills... this fact is exciting :)

If it managed to kill Bruce Lee, what it'd do to Chuck Norris?


i just took 2 teaspoons of my cnaola oil in my cofee,,well see how this goes,hopefully not bad like some of you guys:tumbleweed::blowbubbles:


Well-known member
Interesting read Cosmic, thanks for posting it. Sorry you got neg repped, but last time I checked this thread I had like 10 negs myself, even though most peeps posts are supportive....

Thanks festivus but the neg rep hasn't shown up yet. In fact,
folks must have felt sorry for me as I got 3 pos reps after you posted this!

..... and Bruce Lee isn't the only one to die from eating the Nepalese super hash. It's a very rare event (cerebral edema from hash) that only occurs in some Nepalese because they genetically have a very low percentage of body fat.

The doctor who treated Lee was a speciallist in this syndrome.

..... hey Sweetest, keep us posted Hon!:biggrin:

bad gas

Hey, Festivus! You're not alone. One of my bandmates overdid at recording one night.

We told him that we revived him by the enthusiastic application of a wet-willie. The truth may never be fully known.

I now have a pipe we call killer. bg

P.S. : Love my HOL genetics.


Thanks festivus but the neg rep hasn't shown up yet. In fact,
folks must have felt sorry for me as I got 3 pos reps after you posted this!

..... and Bruce Lee isn't the only one to die from eating the Nepalese super hash. It's a very rare event (cerebral edema from hash) that only occurs in some Nepalese because they genetically have a very low percentage of body fat.

The doctor who treated Lee was a speciallist in this syndrome.

..... hey Sweetest, keep us posted Hon!:biggrin:

the only negative reps that you get to see are the ones where the person who left them are willing to tell you what they did not like ...... most of them are not like that.

and they seem to be left by the folks who would key a car in the parking lot as opposed to telling the driver of the car exactly why they think he is a pric. IMHO of course:tiphat:
When it comes to Bruce Lee's death:

"Chow stated in an interview that Lee died from an allergic reaction to the muscle relaxant (meprobamate) in Equagesic, which he described as a common ingredient in painkillers." Didn't see hash mentioned anywhere.

Another source:

"After a lengthy coroner's inquest in Hong Kong. A panel of medical experts eventually concluded that Bruce Lee had died from a hypersensitive reaction to a compound in the drug Equagesic. This hypersensitivity led to a swelling of the brain and resulted in Bruce Lee entering a deep coma from which he never awoke. The coroner declared himself satisfied with the finding, and so did his wife Linda Lee."

Sounds much more believable than "toxic hash".
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