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Can ANYONE name the poison Eagle 20 with the active ingredient Myclobutanil??

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Freedom Fighter
plus im not all for testing on humans, just pointing out that rats are not completely reliable comparison.


Especially when the product itself says that the harmful effects (Lower birth rate) were only achieved with many times the dose a human could normally get--


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
DEA? yeah I have time to pick fights on the internet, and Im a DEA agent. UM no. Ive smoked enough marijuana to make most people on here blush. Ten years of daily smoking under my belt no doubt for one stretch.

Dude, please don't tell me you think smoking is good for your lungs. Oh yeah, that lunger you cough up once in a while, perhaps only when you smoke? Thats your bodies natural immune system responding to the thick poisonous smoke you are inhaling. You think that that sort of response is good for you... there is plenty of evidence that its your own body that causes cancer... after constantly attacking the same tissue, it starts to think you are diseased. If you smoke pot your lungs are getting filled with foreign bodies, and your immune system fights them... Ive been to college. I know you can figure this one out.

What kind of medical patient with a impaired immune system smokes their medicine. None, because smoking harms your health.

Pulllease. I shit in my own diapers like a big boy, I don't need Santa Clause to change them for me.

***not to mention your own quote says at the end that the same cancer fighting cannaboids encourage some cancer cells to grow. Um Yeah


Active member
Ive smoked enough marijuana to make most people on here blush. Ten years of daily smoking under my belt no doubt for one stretch.

Hello all,

Ten years, shit son, I have been smoking pot since '76, I have roach clips older then that...Buahahahaha 10 years, I am blusing alright, from laughter.


Addendum: I have PM and have been using milk for the last 2 weeks (2 pplications) and it seems to be doing the trick.


same did a 10 percent milk spray and it knocks it back forsure. I bet raw milk would work waaay better too cant get raw milk in cannada at least not from the stores


Active member
Have you used greencure? if so how would you compare? we all hate to see the pistils fry! Had to do it last nite, in week 5.5 so kinda ready for em to turn. They sure turned a dark orange, and fast. still expect some whities to pop behind tho...
EDIT: sprayed w greencure that is...


Active member
Hello all,

No, I have not used Greencure though I am thinking it would next in the arsenal, especially since its first week of September and I am hoping for another 4-6 weeks of sunshine.

I understnad the Greencure has anti-mold properties as well. This sounds appealing since the buds are starting to get fat I fear the milk will cause a different mold. Still have 2 more treatments I feel till the Greencure is up next.

So far, the hairs have not turned brown/red from the treatments.

There is a slight sour milk odor the first few days and I sacraficed a larf branch which had been treated to test washing (soaked and slight aggitated) in plain water.

It was trimed first then soaked for about 5 minutes before being removed and shaken. The little buds were placed on my drying screen with a fan blowing on them.

So far so good. Still have 4-6 weeks to go. I hope the prevailing weather pattern will hold over the PNW.



Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
spraying greencure in flower, not my fav choice.... or it has to be SUUUUPER dilute as not to burn pistils (i hate that!!! hate pm also tho...)

milk is a rose gardeners trick ive never been bold enuf to use on cannabis... scared of that sour milk smell.

very diluted vinegar knocks back pm... w a diff nasty smell


attacks on a personal level are lame and just cause bad vibes. please discuss the issues without personal attacks or political rants.


Active member
UM no. Ive smoked enough marijuana to make most people on here blush. Ten years of daily smoking under my belt no doubt for one stretch.

Umm...10 years ago I was 37...I started smoking when I was around 15. The only reason I would blush is because I just realized how old I am!!!!! :biggrin:


well there are already humans ingesting this arent there.. some in their food, some smoking it. they could get tested right?

plus im not all for testing on humans, just pointing out that rats are not completely reliable comparison.


I agree that other animals are not perfect corollaries. However, people are still dying left and right from smoking ciggies, and it's not just the tobacco itself that's killing them, it's all the crap that's in the tobacco.

Oh... shiiiiiiiit! You know what that means, right?
Hello all,

Ten years, shit son, I have been smoking pot since '76, I have roach clips older then that...Buahahahaha 10 years, I am blusing alright, from laughter.

I took my first hit when I was 10yo. Fuck if I can remember how long ago that was. But that's not what's important! I don't cough when I toke, that's what's important. Wait a minute! That's not what's important! I'm a med patient because of an injury, not a compromised immune system! Wait a minute, that's not what's important. What's really important is getting everyone to think just like I do.
<tongue planted firmly in cheek><insert smiley of absolution here>
Addendum: I have PM and have been using milk for the last 2 weeks (2 pplications) and it seems to be doing the trick.
THIS is what I want to know, hear, read, whatever. What milk type are you using?
<checks pits>


cant re Member
milk as far as im aware gets rid of the spores. but dose not systemically get rid of the pm.

but tbh i dont ever have pm because i dunked all my clones ive ever got in eagle20 and once only. never had pm at all.

i guess everyone has there opinion, some like it some dont. we have established that.
the point its brought up is because it does cure pm etc and works great.

think of it as chemo for plants, not the best cure, but gets the job done.


That's correct, it's essentially another contact treatment (that also offers other benefits, nutrients and so on). However, it's still quite effective. PM as it exists in plant tissues doesn't seem to be the concern for anyone, only the fruiting bodies.

As for curing PM, yes, it works great. Until the PM becomes resistant. They state very clearly on the container that it's to be used in rotation, specifically because it's a single site mode-of-action fungicide, and this is why its overuse in apple orchards and elsewhere has caused the emergence of resistant PM fungi.

Like I said way back at the beginning of this thread and others, and even started my own thread on another forum on that specific subject--E20 is known to cause resistance, already established. The moment we have a "I used E20 but I STILL have PM!" thread, we'll know it's hit the cannabis world.


Active member
Hello all,

Seamaiden, I used a mix of 40/60 of regular whole milk/tap water the first time. It left a definate sour milk smell for 3 days but went away. The PM has not seem to have spread and seems under control. I wished I could say its gone but I do not believe that and have found very small patches on newer leaves in the lower branches. I can say that it is no where near the coverage of PM as when I first found it so there is significant reduction.

I sprayed the second time on Monday with a 20/80 milk/water solution. I reduced the amount as that the general consensus is anything above 30% milk invites mold. Also, the buds are starting to pack on and I do not wish to trade PM for botrytis.

As to the bud wash, well, there is no sour milk smell at all and the aroma is outstanding but still has a green smell as well but it was not cured and is still drying so no smoke report. Though any smoke report would have to keep in mind that it is not mature buds.

The next milk treatment will be just 10/90 do to the buds are packing on.

Anyway, hope this helps.



Active member
On the PM note (think this thread was about Eagle20 poison not effective PM treatments) anyone try food grade h2o2 (diluted of course - 35% @ .25oz/gal)? It's used in the ag business and sprayed out of planes in some states w one extra additive, peroxyacetic acid.


Minds_I_, just any old milk? You're not keeping yourself concerned with whether it's whole or skim, or organic or conventionally produced? I've even read of using powdered (skim) milk for treatment.

Medicalmj... I'm having an OxiDate deja vu moment here.


Active member
Medicalmj... I'm having an OxiDate deja vu moment here.
Yes, except I was wondering about plain old food grade h2o2. I am sittin on 2.5 gal of zerotol, which is not approved for food crops (don't know why since it's supposed to be same as oxi, albiet 5% PAA) and also have 35% food grade h2o2 in da fridge. Had PM spots on a couple leaves in flwr fews days ago. Had to use the greencure, which of course burnt the pistils. Good news ain't seen no more spots and only 1 wk to chop time...

But just in case, I'd prefer the h2o2 this close to harvest, if it works w/o PAA.


I believe the dilution ratio for 35%H2O2 is 1oz/gal. But don't hold me to that! It's the low range for OxiDate, of course.


cant re Member
That's correct, it's essentially another contact treatment (that also offers other benefits, nutrients and so on). However, it's still quite effective. PM as it exists in plant tissues doesn't seem to be the concern for anyone, only the fruiting bodies.

As for curing PM, yes, it works great. Until the PM becomes resistant. They state very clearly on the container that it's to be used in rotation, specifically because it's a single site mode-of-action fungicide, and this is why its overuse in apple orchards and elsewhere has caused the emergence of resistant PM fungi.

Like I said way back at the beginning of this thread and others, and even started my own thread on another forum on that specific subject--E20 is known to cause resistance, already established. The moment we have a "I used E20 but I STILL have PM!" thread, we'll know it's hit the cannabis world.

most pests will develop a resistance to their survival wether the cure be chemical or organic or what not. so the resistance arguement is a pretty weak one.


Active member
Hello all,

medicalmj, I googled PPA and it does not seem to have any negitive drawback. My research was brief.

Seems like a accepted PM treatment. As was mentioned this is a systemic problem so any topical treament is just for control.

I have just bought my container of Greencure and will use it maybe sooner then I first thought as the buds are packing on.

Also, I must say that the milk treatment, while is controlling the issue, does not look good on the leaves what with dried milk film/spots on the leaves. better then PM I suppose.

Also, I am going to rinse my buds in a h2o2 (.1% as recommended by JC) solution after trimming and before hanging up (or drying rack). I will do my harvest in a course of a week if the weather permits but I still am thinking I got 3-5 weeks left(hoping the weather cooperates).

Seamaiden, I use store bought whole milk likely with BGH and other things in it. I have read that dehydrated milk produces the same results without the fat content.

My wife tells me BGH is why young girls are getting their breasts so early in these modern times. I wonder if it will make my girls mature faster. lol.

What I like about the milk treatment and the Greenscure treatment is that both have folier benifits to the plant. And with the Greencure being potassium bicarbonate, using it in flower is perfect addition. The benifits of using milk are amino acids and hormones I understand but could be wrong on that. Also milk has P and K as well that is available as I understand.

Heres an intersesting abstract. Wished I could see the data.




that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
if you wish people to be hit by a truck for growing weed an ego check shouldn't hurt

that being said, whatever I love white people with dreadlocks.

So, Im just saying, weed is like cigarettes, your brain tells you that you like it because you are addicted. Im not trying to cause a fight, I just think that its true. I smoked for 6 years with a pack a day, and I used to think that I wasn't addicted, just that I loved to smoke tobacco.

I choose to smoke weed because I want to... hahhaha. I do love it.

Now back to the Eagle 20EW... Im seeing some mold on plants treated 8 days ago. Oh well, back to organics only for me. It was worth a shot. *cough
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