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7 break ins this month and still safe but scared



I think that it is obvious that my name has changed when this happened. I've been on this site for years. Just because my post count is low doesn't mean what you think. I don't have many people to depend on because my friends went in different directions and grew up. They are corporate people with families and not open to cannabis. I'm not from a Med state with people with open minds. People are closed here and more conservative. Most are cussing the dollar and don't make time to just hang and talk. They call when they need a favor or a loan. I've learned that many people are fake and the term friend is used very loosly. I didn't burn any bridge. I've helped many people in my life. But I was lucky because I grew trees and could help people. I'm not here to ask questions. I'm here to voice my situation so I can move on in a healthy way without holding this inside. Holding everything inside is not healthy.

Take some of all that money you have from years of growing, and go see a shrink.:thank you:


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
I think that it is obvious that my name has changed when this happened. I've been on this site for years.

No Me Ves is Still Invisible, huh Nog Onsigbare...

Still Invisible said:
"No my friend I'm sorry, but when you have ceiling people no-one is going to beleive you.
You have to sort it out yourself.
I recomend a rifle with a bayonet attached and go up into the ceiling and with a marine corp yell do a bayonet charge at the ceiling people, and bayonett them.
Personally I went for the less direct approach because I didn't have a rifle with a bayonet.
I researched on the net how to make poison gas and bought the ingredients; my plan was to gas them, but I couldn't find and efficeint de
livery system to deliver the gas into the ceiling. But anyway before I could get it figured out they vacated the ceiling so I got thick plywood and blocked up their entrance to the ceiling and also installed 4 infra-red cameras to monitor the ceilin for incursions by ceiling people."
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Active member
idk about still invisible... this op seems to have a different writing style n vocab... could b wrong thou... if it is him hes improving his trolling skills a little

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
If it is true i feel sorry for you and you need to move... it only takes so much time to get the shit you need done done and go... if you own the house get the rest later...

You know a simple adt security system that is not hooked up to the network or one that is but you have them call you not the police will solve all of this shit.. they kick in a door they have sirens from all over the house going off... only down side is neighbors might here then call police...

theres ways around this.. but you should have money saved up... move rent live and move on... Shop landlords till you find the right one with the right house... just say that you like your privacy... Find one that deals with a realator so you know they dont personally take care of the house. theres tons of options.. all i see you doing is sitting trying to wait for something im not to sure of.... those are your options... and why do people make shit like this up....???

for attention... its called a yummybudder....


If it is true i feel sorry for you and you need to move... it only takes so much time to get the shit you need done done and go... if you own the house get the rest later...

You know a simple adt security system that is not hooked up to the network or one that is but you have them call you not the police will solve all of this shit.. they kick in a door they have sirens from all over the house going off... only down side is neighbors might here then call police...

theres ways around this.. but you should have money saved up... move rent live and move on... Shop landlords till you find the right one with the right house... just say that you like your privacy... Find one that deals with a realator so you know they dont personally take care of the house. theres tons of options.. all i see you doing is sitting trying to wait for something im not to sure of.... those are your options... and why do people make shit like this up....???

for attention... its called a yummybudder....

You have some good points. We thought about adt after the first break in. The problem is that we had too many things to get out of the house before we could go that route. We had over 100 big trash bags of plant trash over the last 3 years that we had to remove. This took a long time to get out safely. All the trolls will say that we should have been getting rid of the trash after each crop but it was not that simple. People go through all of the trash here and rip open bags to see what's in it. Not cops. People with shopping carts who are homeless or poor. We used to put a bag in the trash every week until we say people going through the neiborhood trash. We didn't feel it was a good idea to drive around trash bags after every crop because it was more of a risk. To some that will seem strange but we did it out of safety. What I should have done from the becoming is to separate the trash into specific piles or bags. We dumped out all the trash and separated the dirt, hydroton, leaves and other things into separate piles. It was a mountain of trash. We took all the plant trash first but it was a lot of bags. We had to wait for dumpsters to be emptied to be able to dump. We didn't want to dump it all in the same place so we had to look for safe spots. 10 bags Max per dumpster. Remember we are in the city. Its hard to dump like this with no one seeing so it took time. We even got a flat tire on one of the trips. We couldn't get into the trunk because it was filled with trash bags. We had to wait til the next morning to bring another car to vet the bags from the flat tire car. Whatever wrong could happen, did. Before we got rid of that trash we had to kill rooms of plants that didn't have that many weeks left to finish. Had to kill moms. Its all easy and simple until you are in this situation. When we would stay at hotels and come back the door would be kicked in again and we would leave for fear of people still in house and would come back the next morning. We don't have guns and couldn't call the police at that time because there was too much still in the house. This wasn't a couple light grow. It was 5 full rooms of plants. We were never able to get everything out of that house. I'm taking it as a loss so I don't have to go back. Its a big loss. We thought we would be safe at the other house but we were not going to continue growing there. We got rid of all the stufff there too which wasn't as bad. Adt will work now but not before unless we wanted to get ourselves caught by the police. Alarms going off would have brought the police there. We are not interested in renting. Ben there for years and there are things that come up that you can't always control. I only grow in owned homes. Anyway thanks for your advice. When I get out of here I will update everyone with what direction I'm going to go in life. Be safe.


Active member
just say no to trash. compost some . run some over with mower for mulch lol. my whole yard has pot leave mulch


Active member
i see these posts, usually in walls of text format, then i look at their join date and then i become very suspicious.


You changed your name on here "obviously"?!! Why??!! Cause it's so much safer that way and it'll confuse your bandits?!?!

Good thinkin it out. :-/


New member
Why, all of a sudden, after growing for "many years", do you decide to hop on a forum and share all this? What good does it do for you to get on here and do it? Why would you trust us if you "need" to vent, when you haven't posted on here other than this? Suddenly you wander on to a site where you have no history, and start spewing fantastically ridiculous stories. Your stories don't add up. Your "reactions" to your stories don't add up, unless you are retarded. You aren't on here asking any questions about techniques or anything else.....

So you tell us..or just ME, What exactly are you looking to get out of this?:blowbubbles: I doubt it is the security of being among peers in a tough time, cause if this is the only place you have left in your life to find solace and comfort, then you have seriously screwed over too many people and burnt too many bridges in your life.

I'm not trying to be rude by any of this, I just don't think that fear mongers and doom and gloomers should be in here spreading their FEAR when it is already hard enough to make it by safely in an already unsafe arena.

Get to your point, ask questions, learn, grow, and get over whatever drama you are playing inside your head-- you've had enough attention already.

^ Amen


New member
Originally Posted by Dumbledore420
This experience has made me take a step back and think about how short and precious life really is. It has made me question what ill say to myself and spouse on my death bed. There's so much on this earth to see and experience. So many people in life is revolved around the internet or their smart phone or device or whatever new toy they bought. Consumers. I'm not really a consumer but I realize that I was making mistakes on quality of life for myself. Life became about how much money I needed to live a crazy life. Obsessed with millions. That's what it was about. Not even to spend it but it was like a score in a game. I lost track of what's really important to me. Life. Living our dreams. Our own bubble that isn't part of the system that most are part of. Eating real food with real ingriedients. Not the processed crap that give you. Enjoying the relationships with the people that you have around you. It isn't that difficult when you are prepared. The money machine makes it easier for the masses to spend their money. Your cell phone is now your credit card. You gotta buy 1000 ring tones. Its pathetic but the heard loves it. The heard will run right off a cliff. I realize now that I can't change the world.

Originally Posted by Dumbledore420
We thought about adt after the first break in. The problem is that we had too many things to get out of the house before we could go that route. We had over 100 big trash bags of plant trash over the last 3 years that we had to remove. This took a long time to get out safely. All the trolls will say that we should have been getting rid of the trash after each crop but it was not that simple. People go through all of the trash here and rip open bags to see what's in it. Not cops. People with shopping carts who are homeless or poor. We used to put a bag in the trash every week until we say people going through the neiborhood trash. We didn't feel it was a good idea to drive around trash bags after every crop because it was more of a risk. To some that will seem strange but we did it out of safety. What I should have done from the becoming is to separate the trash into specific piles or bags. We dumped out all the trash and separated the dirt, hydroton, leaves and other things into separate piles. It was a mountain of trash. We took all the plant trash first but it was a lot of bags. We had to wait for dumpsters to be emptied to be able to dump. We didn't want to dump it all in the same place so we had to look for safe spots. 10 bags Max per dumpster. Remember we are in the city. Its hard to dump like this with no one seeing so it took time. We even got a flat tire on one of the trips. We couldn't get into the trunk because it was filled with trash bags. We had to wait til the next morning to bring another car to vet the bags from the flat tire car.
Hey brother I want you to know I believe you I understand venting your spleen helps emotionally. You need that cleansing of the mind totally understand and agree. Just to get it off your chest and analyze the situation getting different opinions even if their just flaming.

I read the first part of your post and saw a guy who went through a traumatic experience and was having an awaking. A guy who understands that there is more to life than money. We all need money to survive but the amount we think is needed is so upside down to reality. I believe/preach, but don’t always practice, less equals more. The smallest footprint possible. Being small makes you appreciate the free things in life, which brings me back to the beginning, “There’s more to life than money”. I hope the irony wasn’t wasted that maybe shrinking the grow op is just another step to more happiness not less.

The second quote you write something, that looks to me anyways, where instead of keeping that same 10’000ft approach of the situation looking at things from enough away to understand the bigger picture. You start getting caught up in the “me” aspect and let your ego get in the way of truth that you already admitted, You made many mistakes don’t justify them it only keeps you in the past you want to live in now or that’s what I heard in the first post. I not telling you to stop growing I’m asking you to base your grow philosophy on your first post where you were less defensive and more introspective not your second.

Good luck to you


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
You have some good points. We thought about adt after the first break in. The problem is that we had too many things to get out of the house before we could go that route. We had over 100 big trash bags of plant trash over the last 3 years that we had to remove. This took a long time to get out safely. All the trolls will say that we should have been getting rid of the trash after each crop but it was not that simple.

Understandable besides the trash part.i may be in a legal state now but i wasnt when i started. You HAD to remove between everygrow... 100 trash bags is ridiculous and retarded... trash is a bitch but there are 1000's of ways to remove it trust me we did it for over 5 houses back in the day.

People go through all of the trash here and rip open bags to see what's in it. Not cops. People with shopping carts who are homeless or poor. We used to put a bag in the trash every week until we say people going through the neiborhood trash. We didn't feel it was a good idea to drive around trash bags after every crop because it was more of a risk. To some that will seem strange but we did it out of safety.

Thats backassward thinking ass the saftey would to be shut shit down and go.. and even then who gives a shit about trash bags? if you own the house why do you care about removing the trash bags...? i can understand that its a risk but only if cops are involved. If everythign is true i feel for ya. but as someone thats been in your shoes id say it was laziness, and if your lazy there that means your probably lazy in your other dealings which could be why your in the prediciment that your in. If the cops would have found that house they would charge you for every rootball found plus your grow... thats the worst shit you could possibly do.

What I should have done from the becoming is to separate the trash into specific piles or bags.

thats a given for any grow house.

We dumped out all the trash and separated the dirt, hydroton, leaves and other things into separate piles. It was a mountain of trash. We took all the plant trash first but it was a lot of bags. We had to wait for dumpsters to be emptied to be able to dump

We didn't want to dump it all in the same place so we had to look for safe spots. 10 bags Max per dumpster.
Remember we are in the city. Its hard to dump like this with no one seeing so it took time.

Ive done it all and its all been done in the city. I understand buts theres way more ways to do things.. Anything like stalks rootballs /anything bio degradable could be discarded on a country road. or something like that.

We even got a flat tire on one of the trips. We couldn't get into the trunk because it was filled with trash bags. We had to wait til the next morning to bring another car to vet the bags from the flat tire car. Whatever wrong could happen, did. Before we got rid of that trash we had to kill rooms of plants that didn't have that many weeks left to finish. Had to kill moms. Its all easy and simple until you are in this situation.

If youd kept up on it all you would just have to kill and tear down. Any grower should be prepared for that and ive done it myself on 7 different occasions so i would say im well versed in what we are discussing. Dont mean to be an ass but if this is true you need to stop making excuses and LEARN from this bullshit or youll be dead or in prison soon.

When we would stay at hotels and come back the door would be kicked in again and we would leave for fear of people still in house and would come back the next morning. We don't have guns and couldn't call the police at that time because there was too much still in the house.

can understand but still one full day with two people you can tear it all down and discard of all plants... maybe not the trash but ive done it all from an 8k down to a 4k in one night 6+ hours.

This wasn't a couple light grow. It was 5 full rooms of plants. We were never able to get everything out of that house. I'm taking it as a loss so I don't have to go back. Its a big loss. We thought we would be safe at the other house but we were not going to continue growing there. We got rid of all the stufff there too which wasn't as bad.

smart thing to do.

Adt will work now but not before unless we wanted to get ourselves caught by the police. Alarms going off would have brought the police there. We are not interested in renting. Ben there for years and there are things that come up that you can't always control. I only grow in owned homes. Anyway thanks for your advice. When I get out of here I will update everyone with what direction I'm going to go in life. Be safe.

I understand the adt thing it was more of something to do when prepareing a grow house rather then something after the fact.

All my houses have always been rentals so i know what you mean but its doable if you are willing to put in the work... You just found out why growing in the city in a house you own is a poor mistake. Once your found out your stuck with a house that is no longer useful... Good luck man i hope things turn out better.

I would say that you have alot to do with how things could be better. Being lazy will get you robbed or busted, and growing in the city is a losing battle.
I'm not sure why this is hard to believe for some of you. I'm still currently living in this nightmare. The only other part of the story that I can explain that may of led up to this I can talk about. The reason why I Cant give most of the story is for potential leagal reasons that may come up. I'm currently stuck in a position that requires work and time to get out of. It may take as long as next spring to get out of this problem but if things go as planned it could take as long as 60 days to relieve my problem. So until then I can only give certain details. For some of you that may seem strange but people who have more assets in life will understand. I worked hard in this business for many years and I'm not trying to lose everything else that I have in life over it.

The piece of information that I may have not discussed was something that happened before the 1st break in. 2 months before the break in, a lot of bad people moved in to the house next to me and behind me. The neighborhood that I live in is the bad section of a pretty big city. There are shooting and stabbings all week long. When the ecconomy went sour, violence went up here at an alarming rate. Lets just say that we stand out here real bad. Our neiborhood don't look like us and have more of an animal atitude. Its not a friendly place. We didn't come here to make friends so it was all good. Its known in my neiborhood that no one calls the cops cause the whole neinorhood are criminals for the most part. Picture this. Look outside your window and see little 5 year old kids roaming the streets with no supervision. Most of the block there are a minimum of 5 kids on the front porch screaming, fighting and causing havac. Most on the block live off of the state and chill all day with their friends. People and kids litter the ground with trash and when you say something they laugh at you cause they don't get it. The parents out here aren't raising their kids. The kids are like their pets. It was bad when I came here but not close to what it is now. This city has helped me to lose a little compassion for the human race. A lot of people are so sheltered to how some people live.

To get back to the story, about 5 days before the 1st break in someone very close to me was moving their things out of the house. This required a moving truck. When the newer neiborbors to our side saw the truck, they asked us if we were moving and I said no. As we were moving those things out which included furniture and boxes, really ghetto neibors were staring us down. They just wouldn't look away which was odd to me but I just didn't realty look at them because some people out here do that on purpose to start a fight. Its an excuse for them. We never talked or did anything with these neighbors. The first thought that came to mind after the first 2 breakins was the neighbors on the side but I don't think it was now. The 3 guys that I saw didn't look like any of the neibors and were a different race. I may never figure this out but my new neibor accross the street told me she knows who did it and gave me his name. I didn't even know the neibor but for some reason she was real interested in getting into it. She said him and another kid was on the block on my porch the day before the last break in. I don't know the kid and don't know what to think. Whoever it was it seemed like they didn't expect to see me or anyone in the house that early in the morning. I should have been dead. I had a crucial 5 seconds to act and I did. It was one of the most scariest experiences of my life. I'm still a little scared but much better than last week. I couldn't even function last week. I still stay up till the sun rises to look out the windows to make sure all is OK. So I sleep days. It sucks cause I have a house to fix.

This experience has made me take a step back and think about how short and precious life really is. It has made me question what ill say to myself and spouse on my death bed. There's so much on this earth to see and experience. So many people in life is revolved around the internet or their smart phone or device or whatever new toy they bought. Consumers. I'm not really a consumer but I realize that I was making mistakes on quality of life for myself. Life became about how much money I needed to live a crazy life. Obsessed with millions. That's what it was about. Not even to spend it but it was like a score in a game. I lost track of what's really important to me. Life. Living our dreams. Our own bubble that isn't part of the system that most are part of. Eating real food with real ingriedients. Not the processed crap that give you. Enjoying the relationships with the people that you have around you. It isn't that difficult when you are prepared. The money machine makes it easier for the masses to spend their money. Your cell phone is now your credit card. You gotta buy 1000 ring tones. Its pathetic but the heard loves it. The heard will run right off a cliff. I realize now that I can't change the world. I can't help people I don't know. I can't be an activist type person. People are going to do what they are going to do. The work that it takes to show people the way seems wasted. The trolls on this site are not a new breed. They are everywhere in life. The way that I look at it we are all gods but doesn't mean we will do the right thing. We have animal I stincts that some people just can't control. Its life. It is what it is. This situation has shown me how I want to live out the rest of my life. Me and my spouse just want to be in our little bubble and just float around. Mind our buseness about everything. Live somewhat off the land but still travel a couple times a year. It doesn't take millions to live a great life as long as you can find investments that yield around 5%. I got a good amount of money to get me through the next 10 years. I'm just not going to plan it any more. When you do things in life that you want to do, money will just follow. Ill grow again some day. It was fun while it lasted.

ok ive figured it all out, took me ages tho

her it goes..............

your a child who makes up stories................... or a idiot and this is real

either way...................

see the doctor as your a messed up dude who is clearly dillusional ( read your posts there hillarious - if your not writing them that is )


Active member
sounds all bad man...theres a certain point where the money isnt even worth the shitty quality of life. i dont live in the best neighborhood either, i keep my glock .40 real close by....one of the FIRST things i did when i moved here was turn this place into a mini fortress, they would need to make ALOT of noise to break in here.

reminds me i gotta go hide some $$ lol..

and dude throw out your trash!! (says the guy with 20 bags of trash that have been sitting for a month in my garage lol..)

you need to move to a new place and hopefully have some better luck. if you truely have shit stashed away you can at least have something to set up a new foundation..
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Seven break in's in a month? That's nearly two a week. Why would they keep coming back? I mean if they wanted to steal something then they would take it the first time they broke in. Sounds a bit strange to me.

I have been having a few strange things happening lately, in fact it's been going on for about a year.
Yesterday morning I was having a cup of coffee on the porch and I heard what sounded like someone walking along the other side of my side fence.
Then a bit later I went onto the balcony where I could see over the fence and there was a van parked in the carpark in a spot where he could see my house and there was a guy just sitting in the van. This was about 7.30am and the shops next to the carpark don't open till 9am, so he can't of been waiting for the shops to open.
Later on when I looked he had gone.
And not that long ago I fired up the 1000w MH, which hadn't been used for a while, and probably because it hadn't been used for a while it made a loud buzzing sound.
Anyway that night I heard a noise outside and peeked out and two cops were standing outside my house, looking at it.
I turned the light off and didn't use it for several days and the next time I switched it on it wasn't making the buzzing noise, just a hum.
What I think is the neighbour who lives about 15 metres from my place heard the buzzing and called the cops.
If that's the case then he will have more to think about because last night I had a few drinks and went to raise the light, and it came crashing down to the ground with a loud crash and rattling of chains on the reflector.
I could hear him talking before this happened but after the loud crash I heard him go quiet, probably listening and thinking what the fuck was that.
I'm going to start sexing today so I can get the numbers down.


Registered Non-Conformist
Yes, a bit hard to believe, but in any case, I gotta stop reading this Shizzle. Bad enough it is September in the Em Tri. My Greenie is starting to smell like Cherry Pie... No Shark Shows either, ever. Water was so glassy, I felt like lunch...! haha...

Avoiding His Sativa Varieites, "Where's that Special September Medicinal Bottle of Jagermeister?" He asked unknowingly...? haha


Seven break in's in a month? That's nearly two a week. Why would they keep coming back? I mean if they wanted to steal something then they would take it the first time they broke in. Sounds a bit strange to me.

I have been having a few strange things happening lately, in fact it's been going on for about a year.
Yesterday morning I was having a cup of coffee on the porch and I heard what sounded like someone walking along the other side of my side fence.
Then a bit later I went onto the balcony where I could see over the fence and there was a van parked in the carpark in a spot where he could see my house and there was a guy just sitting in the van. This was about 7.30am and the shops next to the carpark don't open till 9am, so he can't of been waiting for the shops to open.
Later on when I looked he had gone.
And not that long ago I fired up the 1000w MH, which hadn't been used for a while, and probably because it hadn't been used for a while it made a loud buzzing sound.
Anyway that night I heard a noise outside and peeked out and two cops were standing outside my house, looking at it.
I turned the light off and didn't use it for several days and the next time I switched it on it wasn't making the buzzing noise, just a hum.
What I think is the neighbour who lives about 15 metres from my place heard the buzzing and called the cops.
If that's the case then he will have more to think about because last night I had a few drinks and went to raise the light, and it came crashing down to the ground with a loud crash and rattling of chains on the reflector.
I could hear him talking before this happened but after the loud crash I heard him go quiet, probably listening and thinking what the fuck was that.
I'm going to start sexing today so I can get the numbers down.

god i HATE sketchy neighbors, I have a couple that are queer and always stalking around :tumbleweed:


Seven break in's in a month? That's nearly two a week. Why would they keep coming back? I mean if they wanted to steal something then they would take it the first time they broke in. Sounds a bit strange to me.

I have been having a few strange things happening lately, in fact it's been going on for about a year.
Yesterday morning I was having a cup of coffee on the porch and I heard what sounded like someone walking along the other side of my side fence.
Then a bit later I went onto the balcony where I could see over the fence and there was a van parked in the carpark in a spot where he could see my house and there was a guy just sitting in the van. This was about 7.30am and the shops next to the carpark don't open till 9am, so he can't of been waiting for the shops to open.
Later on when I looked he had gone.
And not that long ago I fired up the 1000w MH, which hadn't been used for a while, and probably because it hadn't been used for a while it made a loud buzzing sound.
Anyway that night I heard a noise outside and peeked out and two cops were standing outside my house, looking at it.
I turned the light off and didn't use it for several days and the next time I switched it on it wasn't making the buzzing noise, just a hum.
What I think is the neighbour who lives about 15 metres from my place heard the buzzing and called the cops.
If that's the case then he will have more to think about because last night I had a few drinks and went to raise the light, and it came crashing down to the ground with a loud crash and rattling of chains on the reflector.
I could hear him talking before this happened but after the loud crash I heard him go quiet, probably listening and thinking what the fuck was that.
I'm going to start sexing today so I can get the numbers down.

I couldn't believe it myself. People kept coming back. It was pretty scary but glad its finally over. Your situation seems pretty weird. I'm usually pretty paranoid but lots of times in the past I will happen to see something looking out the window and it was always something that had nothing to do with me and it was all good. I don't even like looking around anymore cause its easy to misinterprete things. I would definetly be paranoid if I was in your shoes right now. Hopefully you are in a Med state or the cops were just for something else. These are the types of things I don't like about growing. I'd rather be out in the middle of no where with no neighbors. Good luck with your situation. Sending you positive energy.

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