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question about crumbly wax


Low heat and a good whip always makes Crumbly wax..
I dont even make wax any more it takes too long and I prefer shatter/sap any day.Even vac purged honeycomb is taney because all your doing when you whip is aggitate the butane..Turn one bubble into hundreds...
hey knubs how is the chamber

hey knubs how is the chamber

Just looking for a report.

i got my new chamber! i unboxed it and greased the seal and tried it out. first off it for very nice to be able to have the proper screw fitting on there to connect to the pump. with my glass chamber i just stuck the 1/4" line over the threads of the inlet and it didnt feel the greatest. also the lid on this chamber has a slot for the seal in it so it sits down perfect onto the seal without having to align it. it looked to me like the lid was flat with a seal on it in the picture and i thought it would be a pain to line up so the groove is a plus.
the picture on ebay must be how he use to make these because mine was setup a little different (if anything it's a good thing). the gauge is on the intake right below the ball valve rather than on the lid and the release valve is now on the lid.

i like this unit a lot. this gauge looks like a cheapy, but it seems to work... the chamber holds a full vac pretty well so far. right now i've had it sealed up at -26.5 hg for an hour and it hasnt moved. sadly im a little above 3000' in elevation so i can't pull a full -29.5 vac. the 26.5 is almost exactly what i should be getting. people at sea level must be able to do what im doing in half the time. haha

i will probably run a small batch in this chamber tomorrow to test it out.
BHO.....no whipping is necessary

BHO.....no whipping is necessary

check out the some new technology.

Low heat and a good whip always makes Crumbly wax..
I dont even make wax any more it takes too long and I prefer shatter/sap any day.Even vac purged honeycomb is taney because all your doing when you whip is aggitate the butane..Turn one bubble into hundreds...
this was just vacced til clear w minr amount of bubbles left..
then agitated n revacced at lower temp over night...
in am totaly totally dried out...

strain is a really trippy one wondering if anyone else has seen...
its called krypt kush frmo norcal...
called kush but is obviously sat dom hybrid...
smells like ssh to me...kinda mango flave goin on...
everyone says superrrrrrrr strong......
tested at 22% thc the flower did...


  • kryptwax.JPG
    49.7 KB · Views: 15


in my 5 years of BHO production i have found that the consistecy of the end product depends on the strain and the quality of material.

Using the exact same technique i have produced countless different variations of BHO.

Disclaimer, I am not vacuum purging, yet.


in my 5 years of BHO production i have found that the consistecy of the end product depends on the strain and the quality of material.

Using the exact same technique i have produced countless different variations of BHO.

Disclaimer, I am not vacuum purging, yet.
I used to think this too!!
You really should try vac purging, I was amazed at the control I have to make all erl come out exactly the same way.


What is the differenc between vacuum purged oil that turns to honeycomb, and the stuff that turns creamy or gooey?


well guys, my quest for crumble continues. i have gotten honeycomb a couple times, but i cant seem to get it constantly. i think it might be the material. it is all high grade pop corn nugs, but i am getting the feeling that if you have material with too many amber trichomes it wont wax up. i know that amber trichs make you wax darker, but i think with the development of the cbd and degradation of thc that is incurred with the maturing process, it changes the cannabinoid profile enough to make it stay runnier.
this is just one theory that i've come up with and is definitely not a fact, but i will be testing it later. (another supporting detail is the fact that there isnt much dark crumble around, it's almost all yellowish)

another thing it could be is just the fact that i threw in some captain america og with the hazy og i was running. the captain america might not be one of those strains that honeycombs.... the hazy og is the stuff that i got to honeycomb. hazy also has a much lighter trichome profile(captain had 75% amber)

one way or another i WILL get wax consistently eventually. that will be an awesome time because then i can start running more than 12 grams of material at a time like i'm doing now for these test runs.
my IR thermometer got here. for a cheapy it works pretty well!! it WILL NOT read through glass or plexiglass as stated by bret maverick. oh well. i can still open the chamber and check the oil's temp whenever i want.
also i got a heating pad. i am going to try some things with that and see how it goes

lastly i would like to say that it is hard learning to make good wax. i've noticed that all over the web the info sucks for the most part (no offense to anyone here)... all these people keep shutting others down that want to make wax telling them to purge to shatter and then you have gold and can go jizz in your pants with joy. yeah, shatter is good. and yeah i can make it quickly, but that shit is still about 25% more harsh than crumble. and i get the crumble long after i achieve very clear amazing shatter. no one will convince me that it is less purged when it is purged 4 time longer. unless i see a chemist break it down for me and make me understand the properties of wax 100% i will always say it's more pure.
i would like to note that i'm not trying to make honeycomb to follow the gimmick trend, i'm doing it because crumble is what ------"I"------- like. i dont sell it and hell, i hardly ever even share, so im going to make what makes ME happy.
So I have been on this forum befor and I was at one point asking advice on how to get that "comb".. And now my buddy calls me the bee keeper cause I think I have figured it out. Also there are helpful videos like Bret mavs video and people on the thread were more than happy to help me out ! When I start my bho process I will start with my medicine pref flowers because I found out that that is what gives you the most golden goo or bho!.. After I lget my first load off I will scape put in to the middle of my dish pref pyrex and get the temp to about one 120ish don't quote me on that because I'm not always using my temp reader cause I honestly don't think I need to, what's to hot for your hand is most likely to hot for your terpin! Now that your oil or your product has been been on the double boiler for a minute you are now going to cool it just a little bit and star the purging process with a slight pulling like you would a candy (not whipping!!!) just to get the process started ,now once you have it where it looks very nice and golden ish you are going to melt it back down once again not going over that special number on the temp when u melt it down and it doesn't stay extra golden do it again till when u melt it down it stays gold almost like a budder color.you will want to put it on your parchment paper or if you are me right in to yr concentrate jar ( the reason for me using the concentrate jar is for so I can take it out of the vac and put the jar right in to water instead of using a mason jar I'll just realize the vac anD heat it up again)! Do that a couple times continue to vac and u will get that "comb" good luck I hope this helps I'll post some pics of my combs feel free to ask me some questions... Peace and love


thanks for the advice!!! and i do have a couple questions.
do you get honeycomb consistently? by consistently i mean every time you try to make it you succeed. are there any batches that just dont get to honeycomb and they stay shatter forever? if so what do you think is the reason for it?
also how do your trichomes look on the material you run? is there any amber?
and finally how strong of a vacuum are you pulling at your elevation?

thanks again!
I do always get the consistency of comb but some will take longer then others in the vac the color comes from the stretching (at least in my opinion) some will just be the color right off the bat but the amber product needs to be stretched to get the process going just trying it out I'm sure you will succeed try the considerate jar on a small batch first then go big but do it a couple times just like everything else practice makes perfect! But I think this deff makes it a little easier.. Let me know.. A. How it goes and..B..if I can awnser any more ?


what do you mean by stretching it?

and to post pics click the go advanced button when you are posting and scroll down to manage attachments and click it. then hit a browse button and browse your computer files for the pic and double click it. if you want to add a picture after that then hit another browse button. after that hit upload and you are good to go.
dude that hazey og made shit that was almost pink white and tasted sooooo good...
its like someone else said, if u dont run the same shit everytime, its gonna be hard to get same consistancy every time...esp varying ages etc....esp someone like me i source shit from allllll over new young old fresh dry wet hash kief....its allll gonna make a diff consistancy..
think of it this way tho....the honey comb, its bubbles popping as its drying out...heat drys and bubbles aint reallllly gonna happen unless theres a lil gas still in the stuff...
age and everything else temp etc aside.....
anyways my cent
ur right tho bud....you can take sap or shatter or whateverthefuck and make it into a DRIER product and its less harsh...for sure...usually tastes a lil better if done right...
for me you see its hard to get wax unless i purposely leave gas in to fin...(usually) some strains are ...i dunno waxier or more starches or sugars in cells...i dunno..
but usually since using a vac oven, its like........getting purged...period..lol
its fun...the variance and diff end product is what i like....
i have soooo many things i wanna try for making diff textured smokeable cons....
cant wait!
good luck
Knubs if you don't mind me asking what are you using for product? And when I mean stretch it I mean get it to where it is not totally melted down but where you can kind of stretch it like a taffy do that for a little so it gets the process of releasing the butane a head start and also turns it golden like if you were to "whip" it but your not being so harsh on it I will also attempt to post some pics tommrow.


i am using high quality popcorn nugs. the few times i got honeycomb was with good hazy og trim, but now i am running a mix of hazy og and captain america og popcorn nugs. it is only giving me a sappy shatter. i will have some other material to run soon.

and how deep of a vacuum do you pull? do you get past 26hg at your elevation?
Sorry for the late response as I was making some wax of my own I'm going to try to make a step by step on how I do it and put it up.. Hopefully I could help you out