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Hydroformer's 4kw 4 Trees grow


Active member
Stagehand - i'll let let hydro answer, but that looks like pig/horse/cattle fence to me. Which can be purchased in 200+ ft rolls or 4'x10' panels from a farm/ranch supply store or similar.


Very nice! That's a great lookin' room, looks like a lot of thought went into the build-out. I'm looking forward to the results.



I love my life
Awesome trees, hens, and cat.

What is the stuff in your net pot? I hope not Sure To Die (grow). Also why 8" net pot instead of 10"?

Ahh... good old sure to die!.. who doesn't love a good S.T.D.?
The net pots are actually 6"

I built another diy Uc before I went grande with my current set up ( Uc assembly guide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhJ7QICH3_4 )and am still using the net pots I designed for that system. I'm thinking about switching over to 5 gallon bucket lids with the 10" net, and maybe switching over to a reusable river rock media


Killer/clean setup, soon wish to be in a position such as yours, ive got the popcorn, keep on with the show!! ;)

System_ DIY Under Current with head and tail bucket @ 110" o/c

Question, You say you are UC, but you build and have a RDWC system ? ( per the link you provided ) , Are they the same? my understanding is that one pushes water and one sucks water, is there advantages to having one or the other ?

Props to your room! :tiphat:


I love my life
Killer/clean setup, soon wish to be in a position such as yours, ive got the popcorn, keep on with the show!! ;)

Question, You say you are UC, but you build and have a RDWC system ? ( per the link you provided ) , Are they the same? my understanding is that one pushes water and one sucks water, is there advantages to having one or the other ?

Props to your room! :tiphat:

His looks to be a bigger better system than the UC. The advantage of having all the buckets connected is more total gallons should be easier to keep PH stable and PM stable.

However in my experience I find that connected systems are more problem then single DWC tubs. In the UC type system if one plant gets root rot the rest of them will have it very soon. Also if the system is connected then you will be harvesting all the plants at the same time, making it harder to divide the work over the full flower run. 9 totes all a week a part will have you harvesting a plant a week in perpetuity ;)



His looks to be a bigger better system than the UC

Mind elaborating on that statement? :D

Im just not sure how the UC works start to finish

>30/50 Tote float valve> Control bucket > pvc to totes > Where does the mag drive go to circulate? Control bucket? Is there a return on top for the T to waterfall effect back into the control bucket?

ive been trying to find a DIY to explain better, and continue to use the advanced search on UC, its just RDWC and UC they seem the same, with some minor differences..

Would one combine the two ?


Also, can one over kill with the system with the mag drive pump or airpump ?
Question, You say you are UC, but you build and have a RDWC system ? ( per the link you provided ) , Are they the same? my understanding is that one pushes water and one sucks water, is there advantages to having one or the other ?

Props to your room! :tiphat:

Thanks Capfan
The video is of a diy 6 site 10 gallon Uc system. After building it and advertising it for sale I received a letter from CCH2O saying the word" UnderCurrent" Is trademarked and can not be used, so I renamed everything RDWC.
In my opinion Recirculating-dwc describes Uc, I think rdwc top drip is the most common form of rdwc.
I don't know about the push suck thing, if there's a pump involved in a system it's always pulling from one place and pushing it to another.


Thanks Capfan
The video is of a diy 6 site 10 gallon Uc system. After building it and advertising it for sale I received a letter from CCH2O saying the word" UnderCurrent" Is trademarked and can not be used, so I renamed everything RDWC.
In my opinion Recirculating-dwc describes Uc, I think rdwc top drip is the most common form of rdwc.
I don't know about the push suck thing, if there's a pump involved in a system it's always pulling from one place and pushing it to another.

ha no doubt!, im glad i came across that Link, im pretty much intune with the process, thanks very much!

The 2 trashcans? in the corners, what purpose do those serve?


Some reason i cannot edit my posts, i apologize!

You have a Y from the MAg Drive pump, left side going right into the Bucket in one corner, and that red line plumped into the other trash can in the corner?

Just helping with nute circulating/02? :D
From the pump the water can either go to the chiller than back into the system or drained outside.
The trash cans are a head and tail bucket, the height of the head and tail bucket is to accommodate for the water fall affect and the water level being deeper on one end of the room.

Here's a vid of the room it might help orientate what's happening.
another point on the tail bucket.... it traps dead roots and floating debris preventing it from being recirculated, it also makes it easy to access for a shopvac to get rid of it all.


You cant explain it any better then that! ;) :thank you:

You by chance run any other system besides your current? If so, what made you choose this over them ?

I currently am using rockwool in a ebb and grow type setup, and just not yielding well..perhaps thats just me, but this RDWC seems to be the way to go with less plants.
I use an e-z-cloner and another Uc for veg, I was a soil convert straight to Uc.
If you are thinking about converting let me recommend an old movie to watch first, it's called " The Money Pit" with tom hanks.