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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor

Did you know that illegal immigrants all over the United States are using a massive scam to receive tax refunds from the federal government that are often in excess of $10,000? It is estimated that 2 million illegal immigrants are filing fraudulent tax returns each year and that they are pulling in more than 4 billion dollars in tax refunds every year that they are not entitled to. They are doing this by abusing the additional child tax credit and the IRS knows all about it and yet they refuse to do anything to stop it. Illegal immigrants are filing tax returns that sometimes claim 10 or 12 nieces and nephews as dependents, and most of the time those nieces and nephews do not even live in the United States. So while you and I are being taxed into oblivion, many illegal immigrants are often pulling in tax refunds that are well into five figures. At a time when the federal government is absolutely drowning in debt, this is the type of fraud that desperately needs to be cracked down on, and yet the IRS refuses to take action.
Posted below is the shocking investigation by WTHR in Indianapolis that broke this story wide open. If you have not seen this yet, it is definitely worth the 6 minutes that it takes to watch it. Please share it with as many people as you can. It boggles the mind to think that this kind of fraud can be committed right out in the open and yet the IRS will not take action. You can watch this shocking investigation right here….


If and when the gov stops giving our tax dollars away, I'm sure the true blue red blooded AMERICANS wouldn't mind paying their fair share...but when shit like this happens, its hard to swallow and take it up the ass at the same time....

Oh ya well one of my customers when I used to be a VIP handler was a multi billionaire that bribes a judge every year to pay no taxes. Seen him do it right in front of me. just what that one guy steals adds up to what all those immigrants steal. This is what most of the one percent does, then claim that they pay taxes.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I worked for a hotel and my job was basically his personal concierge/ sommelier/ waiter/ city guide. He is a nice guy. tipped well. Made thousands of dollars off him every time he came in town. (side note: all employees sign confidentiality agreements and if I were to release his name I would be sued till I died.)
When I was younger I use to always like looking at the back of High Times the section where it shows how much the herbals are going for all over the country. LOL Do they still do that? I have not seen a High Times Mag in years...
Last years outdoor harvest in NorCal is available to me for 1800-2200 a lb...if I go there. Delivered 2600. By the time it hits the Midwest 3200-3800. Slinging indoor for 200-275 a zip depending on how much I like you. The pound market here is tough at least for me could get around 2800 or so...nothing dependable.

Yes, HT still has prices from around the country and its still pretty much a joke.
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Active member
^yea prices right now are tough...i just cant believe people are paying more than 3 for shitty last season outdoor anywhere in this country, i guess it all sells for 250 a zone or 40 an 8th on breakdown....i saw a bunch of 16-17s last week that come november wont be worth more than 12....but they still moved with the quickness..


Active member
I'm curious if there are brokers out there who buy up houses full of packs in November to save up and start selling off in August? I bet folks could do really well with that strategy.. and it would help even out market pricing.


Last years outdoor harvest in NorCal is available to me for 1800-2200 a lb...if I go there. Delivered 2600. By the time it hits the Midwest 3200-3800. Slinging indoor for 200-275 a zip depending on how much I like you. The pound market here is tough at least for me could get around 2800 or so...nothing dependable.

Yes, HT still has prices from around the country and its still pretty much a joke.


the market is so skewed

I'd imagine there are guys down there taking a percentage of that. The cartels would probably take under 1000

but it would be grown with miracle grow, heh


Active member
^i actually saw some really nice bubbas in butte county and the dude fuckin grows in miracle grow soil...saw the bags and everything...couldnt believe it. i rolled a joint and it tasted pretty good, i was amazed..

i have seen miracle grow bud from the asian warehouse guys in the 206 that was straight garbage...barely smokable beaster crap but cheap..


Active member
YProp: Its about time somebody picked up where Silverback (R.I.P.) left off telling the cannabis world how much MG rocks.

Grass Lands

I used to use MG back in the day, before all these nute companies popped up...got damn fine results too.

In fact we still use it in the veggie garden and the maters and tomatillo's and the rest of the veggies taste just dandy

Its all about how much is used, we used half strength thru out the entire grow and how much run off comes out when watering in containers, if little runoff, then watch out as the salt will build up, but if you give at least a 20% runoff then all will be fine.

In fact I think I will test the MG against the Fox Farms...I betcha the MG will hold its own.


miracle grow meh,

i know a guy who mixes mg powders in water with his bare hands then rolls a joint right after.

iMho mg is straight garbage
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It's hard to find a plethora of good light deps right now, saw quite a bit of crap. Saw indoor og / sours going for 2400. Light dep 18-2200+ (a few could pass as in, on the lower end stuff that hardly looked trimmed by some bowl roller). This years early girl & a few other flavors were 1300, prob hit the broker at 1k. That stuff was better than last years od for the most part. I've seen a lot better previous years.


Registered Non-Conformist
Light Dep just finished/trimmed.. 52-56 days flower.. 30-50% amber coverage. Offered 2K a p sight unseen...

Could 'part' it out over the next month to Medical Patients (friends) in Metro 28-32 all told. Indoor quality fo sho. I prefer this organic Sun-soil-organic grown to indoor, for personals..

From L: Chiesel, 2 blue Cheese pics, Lemon Skunk 3-6 days before the Chop.

Good Luck with all this Summer..!!

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Active member
I'm curious if there are brokers out there who buy up houses full of packs in November to save up and start selling off in August? I bet folks could do really well with that strategy.. and it would help even out market pricing.

My buddy does just that. He only does that cause he has a good job. And doesnt need to hustle so fast. Needless to say he has a lamborghini leggera in his garage. And thats not from his day job lol.


just saw 50 dep sours for 24 two days ago. 3 for mid grade indoor ogs, 10 pack of cookie indoor went for 38.


Cheep weed is great ,poor people deserve weed more than rich elitests.Grow your own , & smoke it yourself or sell it cheap , & undercut the market .

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