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Feds Shutting Down Harborside....


i never said anything about how to dress for court. up till now this was abut the tv appearance and general style. im sure Dress will take it off for the judge when the time comes, lol. good lookin out!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm down with that. Wherever this President speaks, he should be hounded. And Cali is the best place because that's the front in this crazy "war on drugs". States rights vs Federal control of everything. This government is so big and has overstepped it's bounds so much on a continuing and increasing basis, that the federal government has lost all credibility and is now public enemy #1. If we don't fight back, who will?

I get the emotion but trust me on this hounding him will work against us and be played to make us look like fools. All anyone need do for proof of this is to look at how Obama handled that Internet Townhall when he was first elected. The one where we asked if he thought legalizing marijuana might help the economy. He made it seem like a joke that people were asking such a question with the country facing the economic crisis that it was. Like him or not this Obama guy is shrewd and if we want to get anywhere with him we will need to be shrewder. Voting him out is not really an option either because if you think Obama is bad for marijuana just you wait and see what happens when a Mormon sits in the Oval Office. If he has his way laws against marijuana will stay as they are he'll put alcohol back on prohibition and so they don't get lonely he'll add tobacco too.

Not that I'm saying Obama is going to be better in his second term either. Personally I think he's too worried about image and doesn't want to go in the history books as the Pro Pot President. I'm just saying that Romney will be even worse unless he doesn't give two shits about his religion.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i never said anything about how to dress for court. up till now this was abut the tv appearance and general style. im sure Dress will take it off for the judge when the time comes, lol. good lookin out!

Oh well sorry then but the impression I had was that everyone being critical of the dress was talking in reference to fighting this in court. So when I saw you say this "is they are there fighting this fight, so let them dress as they please while doing so" I thought you were talking about court too.


this is sad, i would hate to see harborside go down it is a great place. but its all about control they want to control everything we do and eat. on yahoo not to long ago it telling how each year the goverment and agencie are asking phone companys with more and more records and gps then last year.

they already took my right to hunt bear with dogs this year. this is what happends when we have a black president who doesnt keep his word.

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
What the fuck does him being black have to do with it???


It means he has a much longer appendage then most of us do, right?
I'm amazed of the people who talk of passing judgement of dress. Think some took it the wrong way,me personally I could care less how someone's dressed but I do know how people stereotype and assume the extreme . From personal experience it does matter how people see you. I've bee. To court with tattoos all covered well dressed. And been giving a light sentence. Also been in my county stripes chained with tattoos and automatically sentenced harsher. So for those who say it does not matter. Keep dreaming if your looking for change. And those who wanna be outlaws? See if your saying that when your in reception lol doing fed time which is served 100% of the sentenced time. Not here to debate just letting those who have not payed to play yet in this life.
Somehow, this thread keeps getting off topic. SUP WIT DAT?

Anyway, sux about uncle fed messin' with them when they were working within STATE and LOCAL laws. I've been very surprised that more local and state officials, (state Reps to US Senators), haven't raised holy hell about the fed government stomping on state rights. The executive branch has gotten, or been blindly givin', way to much power, I mean, Jesus Christ, we have Czars! WTF is that?
I hope it doesn't come to them having to fall on their swords for the cause, but............ as others have stated earlier though, you throw it up in uncle feds face, his bat is bigger then ours.

I like to think that we can over-grow the gov!
Keep the faith baby! :tiphat:


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It means he has a much longer appendage then most of us do, right?


speak for yourself Al !

i don't love obama any more than i did the idiots who came before him

we seem to be forgetting how cool the last bush administration was to the stoners (again ask tommy chong) ..... and we don't even want to talk about the first bush administration

then we forget clinton and what a nice guy his drug czar was

remember reagan and all you can do is shake your head

carter and ford kicked the stoners in the ass pretty hard ........which takes us back to tricky dick, who declared the war in the first place

IMHO it is not the president who is or has been the one fucking us, it is the system. the DEA and the whole anti drug machine count on us for their jobs. firing ALL of them would solve a bunch of problems, but it would fuck up the economy (prisons,courts,probation ,drug testing,etc.,etc.,etc.) and have more people out of work. THAT SHIT WOULD HURT any political career even though it is the right thing to do.

it is the feds in general, and not the whipping boy who are the problem

like hemp said ...... if mitt gets in we are really going to miss obama. that dude just fuckin scares me man ....... got a look in his eye like the future stripper who would suck anything for a line and a four pack of bartle's and jayme's. the only difference is the she actually had her soul taken from her. mitt sold his willingly

who's the bitch


Active member
I'm amazed of the people who talk of passing judgement of dress. Think some took it the wrong way,me personally I could care less how someone's dressed but I do know how people stereotype and assume the extreme . From personal experience it does matter how people see you. I've bee. To court with tattoos all covered well dressed. And been giving a light sentence. Also been in my county stripes chained with tattoos and automatically sentenced harsher. So for those who say it does not matter. Keep dreaming if your looking for change. And those who wanna be outlaws? See if your saying that when your in reception lol doing fed time which is served 100% of the sentenced time. Not here to debate just letting those who have I not payed to play yet in this life.

I haven't thought about reception in awhile.
Delano was a really fun place.


Oh well sorry then but the impression I had was that everyone being critical of the dress was talking in reference to fighting this in court. So when I saw you say this "is they are there fighting this fight, so let them dress as they please while doing so" I thought you were talking about court too.

well you are right, the court battle is part of it. but if you look at my posts i never denied that it might be disadvantageous to them. just that we shouldn't be playing that game here. for sure they should listen to their lawyers when it comes to court. although if they chose not to that's up to them in the end. free speech includes free dress lmao. but seriously i'm not arguing about how things are out in the world of non smokers. i'm arguing about how they should be here in our online club.


Professor Organic Psychology
I have been to court many times. I seen a judge tell a lady to dress more appropriately when she returned to his court


Applying to growers, and to people who open Dispensaries... People should make money for hard work, diligence, and risk. Period.

If I make the best Wine in the area, I expect to make a premium on it.

Addressing a concern above... Regarding someone in HS taking a bong rip. I have seen a few Bartenders take a shot, or be bought one..

This thread is silly, but entertaining.

I wish that HS would not have as a representative a Dude in a dress. Not a "Prettyish" Guy, which would be remotely passable, but an Oaf of a Dude.. lol.. Good on him for being an individual, but that is not going to help the cause of garnering respect for HS or DeAngelo. As S. Hawaiian says, it is just a matter of Reality. If publicity shots show these two, it just makes their job harder - and everyone elses'.. As Shitty as it sounds, Stephen needs a Real Medical Patient in Need, and/or a Hot Chick Lawyer at his side. Dressed to the 9's. With great Diction.
This is exactly why, when my husband and I decided we had to get involved, I dressed like an attorney for EVERY board of supervisors meeting. It is why he shaved his head after having long hair for 15 years.

Because silver hawaiian is right. Much of this is about perception. So we decided we could, and therefore WOULD blur the lines. My husband walked in looking like a fucking COP (after it was all over I had to ask him to grow some hair back, it was just too weird being in bed and looking at him and seeing 'cop') while I walked in wearing a suit and heels.
(Slight correction: I was still recovering from ACL repair surgery, I hobbled in on crutches and had to wear LOW heels.)

PERCEPTION IS REALITY, and the reality of it is that the D'Angelos (and those other guys from Colorado, sorry, I actually don't want to be associated with them based on appearances either), et alia, have been assigned to represent all the rest of us.

In all honesty and in my opinion, if these reality shows really wanted to show America and the world who stoners are, they'd be behind the kitchens of restaurants and in aquarium shops and fishrooms.

I have never considered HS the face of the western Movement far from it. The face of the western Movement was Jack Herer...HS has been nothing more then a cannabis walmart IMO..I commend them for risking there freedom but they should have passed on the tv gig...
However, WE (stoners, smokers, growers/cultivators) don't get to decide what the face is. That was 'given' to us by these producers of reality shows. Ask any other person on the street and they will likely have never heard of Jack Herer. They more likely know who the D'Angelo brothers are at this point, though, maybe even Richard Lee.


Bent Member
Too bad we couldnt do something collectively such as this. Donated money or weight to the campaign, annonomusly of course , but tip of the media so it doesn't get swept under the rug,.


Jerry Lewis was having another one of his infamous telethons, this time here in Gainesville. The building was filled with the rings of phone calls from citizens eager to help stop muscular dystrophy. One group in particular was especially eager.

They placed a brown paper bag outside the building. Inside was $10,000 and a note that read: "Compliments of Gainesville Green."

What, you ask, could Gainesville have possibly stamped its name on that was so magical as to generate this amount of cash and this amount of generosity?

The explanation, according to Jodi James, executive director of Florida's Cannabis Action Network, is not some "cute" little story. Instead, this locally grown strain of marijuana, prevalent here about three decades ago, was "the thing legends are made of."

In fact, she recalls "pot in the trees, teepees, dancing, drumming, joints everywhere…"

Today, when you walk through Plaza of the Americas, you will probably find some free food from the Hare Krishnas and maybe a flier or two from someone advocating something. Back then, in the '70s and '80s, though, it was more likely that you would be handed a doob or spliff, not just a pesky flier.

Gainesville resident and Vietnam veteran Scott Camil remembers, "We used to sit in the Plaza of the Americas and smoke dope. It was no big deal."

Back then, people were free-spirited and so, apparently, was UF's faculty and staff. Love, peace and marijuana smoke filled the air.

The only problem those kids had was that most of the available pot was imported from Mexico. It was usually leather-brown or a dirty green mix, compressed into kilogram blocks—called bricks—and then wrapped in paper. The Mexicans would harvest entire fully-grown stalks of marijuana and compress the "fucking branches and everything," prepping it for transport across the border, according to Camil. Compressing everything, not just the buds, makes for some pretty shitty weed.

These kids were quickly becoming restless from relying solely on shipments of sub-par Mexican "dirt-rock" weed that would sell out in a week anyway.
What Camil recalls as the good stuff— Jamaican Rainbow, Colombian varieties and Panamanian Red— flooded Gainesville, too, but it simply sold out in a matter of days.
The only hope— the vital solution— was to grow it here in Gainesville. And that's exactly what the marijuana connoisseurs did.
And good lord, did they ever.

"The locally grown cannabis was green and fluffy," says James.
"No mystery to the name, the strain was very green and grown in Gainesville, thus 'Gainesville Green.' Gainesville Green was also [of] higher potency than the Mexican that most people were used to it at the time, so it was considered premium."

Given this, and the no-less-than amazing fact that in the early '70s pot cost about $120 a pound, the stuff was selling fast, spawning Gainesville's mass marijuana production. But the thriving business would not go unnoticed by area law enforcement.

Second page follow the link above.


My husband walked in looking like a fucking COP (after it was all over I had to ask him to grow some hair back, it was just too weird being in bed and looking at him and seeing 'cop')
Not to mention the granddaughter constantly hammering on me to "put it back" as well. LOL!


Registered Non-Conformist
I am not a hater of the fact that the DeAngelos have their own style... My life has always been one of Artistic Living. With over a decade in the USA's most tolerant City, working in Underground Nightclubs, Art Galleries, and the Travel Industry, I saw it all..

IMO, to sit in Court in a Long Flowery Dress, with a Full Grey Beard - and expect to be taken seriously by Representatives of The Man - while LAUDABLE/BALLSY, is simply counter-productive to the Movement, and Self-Indulgent, to say the least. The Media Circus will Flay Them.

If they want to go out skateboarding in drag, good on 'Em... Not my Cuppa, but......


Active member
ahhh gainsville green . good stuff. harborside got too big and didnt want any competition. welll they got a fight now.
my homeboy is there right now says its just as bad as ever. He can't wait to touchdown in new Corcoran better then that shit hole.