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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


I love my life
indoor og 32, depo og, sour, chem4, 23-5 right now currently in mendo

People still pay 4k? where? Big cities with high demand?
where are prices rising?????????? I've only seen prices dropping....

If great indoor is 32 from the triangle, you know people have to be paying more than 40 for it when it makes its way along. Perhaps you see price falling and only falling because you don't have AAA there?

You can't produce AAA cheaply or in large quantities, because almost all AAA has a lot of love / time / attention from a dedicated grower, not a for hire gardener.

People still pay 4k? where? Big cities with high demand?
where are prices rising?????????? I've only seen prices dropping....

Wouldn't you like to know. lol

There are weed price charts online that rate each state and predict trends from users who post what they paid and so on, you can kinda get an idea of where the higher prices are. Mostly midwest and many parts of the east coast. It seems Canada and the west coast in general are at all time lows or at least near them. Obviously due to more product being produced there locally.


Registered Non-Conformist
Nice to finally see a little 'drag' in obtainable stock in The Em... Prices creeping up.


In the two weeks since I posted that I have seen the same greenhouse OGs go for 28 and some better ones that went for 3. Saw some depo animal gsc for 4, basically indifferent than indoor, I know a lot of people say that but even I personally had a hard time telling, I dont know if they went for that number though that was just asking price.


Active member
yea i heard the cookie light dep is even better than indoor, id imagine so because the yield is probably better, larger stinkier nugs some cookie indoors are real shriveled up...im only able to charge 32-34 for indoor GSC....i was offered 50 an OZ for my cookie trim, the dude said hes gonna sell it for 30 a quarter or 100 an OZ. said it was the best trim hes ever seen, you could roll it up and smoke fat splifs. so yeah 800 a LB for cookie trim elbos lol.....


bro if youre getting that for trim and only 32 for nugs wtf???

why was veg banned. Ill hit you up homie.


Active member
yea the market for indoor cookies kind of crashed in the last few months...asian warehouse growers got their hands on the cut and have been pumpin out fortune cookie for 27-28 and flooded market....super top notch cookies can still fetch 36-38 but thats to the high end buyers at clubs and in music industry, my broker who takes it to them only pays 32-34 now he was paying 38-4 during last years flood...id try to go direct to clubs but its just a nice setup with the broker i get cashed out on the spot no consignment BS or club paperwork to sign...

right now there is serious shortage of "work weight"....like indoor blue dreams and 2lb a light cash crop herb for 22-23 , or even purps @ 24-25 cant find those anywhere...most friends switched to cookies and OG and are trying to get 28-3 which is harder to squeeze in the work weight market....i just cut a bunch of blue dream clones to fill a few homies rooms, its better than folks only pulling 1lb a light of GSC and charging 3 when they could be pulling 2lb a light of blue dream and charge 22 a pop...


I think if anything next years crops will be the year it'll get flooded with GSC. Right now most people are still sorting through what's real and what's not. Id imagine by next year that'll change ALOT.


I let my indoor AAAs go for 24

Thats the standard ticket around here for anything thats not OG or cookies..


I love my life
Who changed the fucking thread title? Will it change again when prices plummet again or spike?

"Now there [(they are or they're)] starting to get better."

How do I change thread titles?

It's their right to change the thread title, isn't that what you libertarians believe in, the right to do what you want no matter how bad it screws with others?


I love my life
It's their right to change the thread title, isn't that what you libertarians believe in, the right to do what you want no matter how bad it screws with others?

Nope "do what you want, and you are responsible for your wake (boating term)." You are not however responsible for the feelings of the fish, clowns, or monkeys (with or without boats). Feel as you want you great school of fish!



Active member
I am more disturbed by the misuse of "there" in place of "they're"... c'mon, people.

pet peeve. sorry.

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