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British Lung Foundation Health risks of cannabis 'underestimated'


didn't read the entire thread but what a crock of shit! in some cases just breathing "causes" cancer. people who don't smoke anything, ever, still get it. we are ALL susceptible to developing cancer based on environmental stresses and genetics. man causes more cancer than any plant ever could.

To a degree we are all preaching to the choir, but when one side presents in a professional manner and the other shouts about it being shite then even when it is only those who support the shite argument reading IMHO it loses some of its focus.

Anyway the point I would make to all this its shite argument is I'll stick a hundred down on the fact in this litigation loving society where medical weed is available and a patient is advised to use MMJ, has never smoked anything in their life before and contracts cancer subsequently they would happily use this study to support their own civil suit for damages after being directed to use a medicine that 'may' have cause the cancer as possibly indicated in an official medical sientific paper.


Active member
if that was the case they could also blame milk or whatever else they had contact with. there is absolutely no way they can ever definitively prove that mj causes cancer unless they had thousands of test subjects living i bubbles in a controlled environment. even then the results wouldn't be 100% because people react differently to different environments. it's like people who live near high tension electrical wires stand a higher chance of cancer but that doesn't mean everyone will. it's a subjective and inflated study to suit their agenda.


if that was the case they could also blame milk or whatever else they had contact with. there is absolutely no way they can ever definitively prove that mj causes cancer unless they had thousands of test subjects living i bubbles in a controlled environment. even then the results wouldn't be 100% because people react differently to different environments. it's like people who live near high tension electrical wires stand a higher chance of cancer but that doesn't mean everyone will. it's a subjective and inflated study to suit their agenda.

We already have civile lawsuits of people claiming cancer and lukemia from transformers and power lines as well as communications towers. You don't have to prove a definitive link you only have to show that there is scientifically accepted link shown by studies that was known to the advising entity and was ignored in order to continue deriving a benefit themselves in order to initiate negligence claims.

very little in life is definitive other than when folk want to claim their own special interest is great but I'm afraid about one of the only things you can say is for sure is that if as an individual you have blue eyes and both your parents have brown eyes, then mummy was playing around nine months before you were born(EDIT: or your adopted or conceived with the aid of IVF).
How many deaths do you attribute to cannibus smoking each year?now lets apply that to cigarette smoking death each year? i rest the my case cigarette smoking kills way way way more people than smoking medicinal cannibus does. the people who wrote this article should be ashamed of such blatant lies. IT LIKE SAYING MITT ROMNEY IS GONNA CREATE JOBS FOR THE ECONOMY


How many deaths do you attribute to cannibus smoking each year?now lets apply that to cigarette smoking death each year? i rest the my case cigarette smoking kills way way way more people than smoking medicinal cannibus does. the people who wrote this article should be ashamed of such blatant lies. IT LIKE SAYING MITT ROMNEY IS GONNA CREATE JOBS FOR THE ECONOMY

So when 98% of all cannabis is smoked with a combination of tobacco how do you attribute the proportion of deaths caused by smoking with the plastic, boot polish, silica beads and crushed glass contained in 80% of all cannabis products in th UK. Not many facts to rest your case on but I do agree with the shout out how could Romney put the US back to work when Obama has already created 100% full employment.


Ah yeah - the Brits at their BS again. You're talking about a country that sacked their head drug adviser when he told the Government they were putting politics before science and three more of their advisers quit. Ultimately it is well shown through research that cannabis does not cause cancer (quite the opposite in fact) so where are this troop of clowns getting their info from? Anything that comes out of the UK, NZ and Australia re cannabis is best laughed at and binned. Wouldn't even waste my breath on debating their propaganda.


All the more reason to legalize cannabis. Once legalized the trend will turn to more edible products. And concentrates. The smoking of cannabis would be reduced greatly.


ICMag Donor
Ah yeah - the Brits at their BS again

The pdf references a uniquely British and north European way of smokeing weed and is entirely credible , as you would understand if you actually read it , and apolitical as written.


The pdf references a uniquely British and north European way of smokeing weed and is entirely credible , as you would understand if you actually read it , and apolitical as written.

Actually, it's not unique to Britain and Europe (having lived in both places for extended periods along with NZ and Australia). It's also the way weed is usually smoked in Australia and more and more so in NZ (with tobacco) and untold research shows that THC and CBD is very different from tobacco in that it doesn't cause lung or respiratory disease. So wow the Brits have just shown tobacco causes cancer. Pack of geniuses they are. How much did the UK tax payer (myself being one of these UK tax payers) pay for that crap?

For instance…

In the largest case-control study ever done, Donald Tashkin and others unexpectedly concluded in 2012 that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer, and there was even a suggestion of some “protective effect” among marijuana smokers who had lower incidences of cancer compared to non-users. The study followed 5,115 regular pot smokers over the course of 20 years.

Tashkin's group at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA had hypothesized that marijuana would raise the risk of cancer on the basis of earlier small human studies, lab studies of animals, and the fact that marijuana users inhale more deeply and generally hold smoke in their lungs longer than tobacco smokers -- exposing them to the dangerous chemicals for a longer time.

While no association between marijuana smoking and cancer was found, the study findings, presented to the American Thoracic Society International Conference, did find a 20-fold increase in lung cancer among people who smoked two or more packs of cigarettes a day.

So what I am saying is they are using junk in junk out research to run a Harry Anslinger like reefer madness campaign, which they have been doing for years now, hence half their drug policy advisers quitting or being sacked. Now if they came out and said something like we need to educate people to smoke straight cannabis and not mix it with tobacco that would be holding true to the facts. Or perhaps, an education campaign into the benefits of filtered bongs or vapes (it's called harm reduction). Or hey maybe say what we should do is legalize cannabis and outlaw tobacco.

I'm not saying that what you're saying is incorrect by the way but the reportage is standard UK BS. The only good news paper in the UK is News of the World and that's cause they got shut down. End of day, Reefer Madness crap that fails to give even coverage and instead wades in like propaganda and at the end is discarded as rubbish when in fact the research likely makes valid findings regarding tobacco causing cancer and respiratory diseases (which they have known for eons).


ICMag Donor
They are a charity , dont think they wasted our money on this one , but they may have some corporate funding like most medical ones do.

Have never met a toker who does not mix with baccy , even fellow growers who could afford to vape themselves senseless every night , but prefer a 50/50 mix , the baccy costs more to buy now than the bud costs to grow.

I consider the twenty odd kilos of homegrown i have consumed to be relatively safe and low risk , but the eighty kilos of rolling baccy at 50g a week for 35 years may have been more than a financial stupidity , if the report is correct its a bit of a worry and more incentive to quit.


They are a charity , dont think they wasted our money on this one , but they may have some corporate funding like most medical ones do.

Have never met a toker who does not mix with baccy , even fellow growers who could afford to vape themselves senseless every night , but prefer a 50/50 mix , the baccy costs more to buy now than the bud costs to grow.

I consider the twenty odd kilos of homegrown i have consumed to be relatively safe and low risk , but the eighty kilos of rolling baccy at 50g a week for 35 years may have been more than a financial stupidity , if the report is correct its a bit of a worry and more incentive to quit.

Let's hope more so that the media don't jump all over it with their standard BS rhetoric rant with shite like that not only does cannabis cause mental illness (disproved completely since by UK research) but also cancer. And yep know loads of people who mix with tobacco but I'm an old school NZ'er and anyone even tries to mix tobacco with my weed for a spliff better take it outside for a smoke. It's pretty damned obvious that tobacco causes cancer - what the media neglect to mention is cannabis doesn't cause cancer so an illegal drug is far far safer than a legal drug.

Eg. from the original post: Experts are warning that the public dangerously underestimates the health risks linked to smoking cannabis.
The British Lung Foundation carried out a survey of 1,000 adults and found a third wrongly believed cannabis did not harm health.
And 88% incorrectly thought tobacco cigarettes were more harmful than cannabis ones - when the risk of lung cancer is actually 20 times higher.
The BLF said the lack of awareness was "alarming". The BLF (ah would that be Bullshit, lying, f****!!s?)

So back to my point they are full of shit and this is propaganda. What the article should state is experts have found that mixing tobacco with cannabis makes cannabis far more dangerous than cannabis smoked alone and experts are warning cannabis smokers to cease using tobacco in their spliffs and instead sit back and get high on pure dank.

But then with a paper written by supposed neutral researchers titled "The Smoking Gun" (sounds more like a freaking tabloid headline than a serious academic paper) which totally discards much more significant and credible research what can you expect? Uh BLF by the way receives a lot of funds from the UK Government for research.

Hey PS I like the UK and certainly like Brits (oops English) so not having a go at the UK at all (just some of their politics is wrong) but it has gone a bit crazy lately after they rescheduled cannabis only to reschedule it again. I was there in 2006 when a whole heap of garbage news was coming out about the Independent being sorry about its stance to legalize cannabis and that skunk was sending everyone psychotic.


Veg & Flower Station keeper
There are actually anti-inflammatory compounds in mj smoke.
Looks like some good lungs to me:


Active member
Yes its all bull shit, there are actual studies done by UCLA medical dept on this issue, of not just testing MJ smoke, but Cigaretts to, for 30 years, and the findings are the complete opposite of this artical. There is a video on what I am saying its call Marijuana, and the effects on the human body, and If I was you watch it, its 45 min long, but in my opinion it is the only info out there that is legit on this subject, and soon will debunk all misinformation soon, just watch. matter of fact here is the video


Pass this video around, now it, own it, and use it, its our duty!


Active member
Looks like some good lungs to me: View Image
Funny how Phelps became the poster boy for MJ instead of not. What are ppl saying who believe mj is bad for your lungs to kids? Kids aint stupid, and if mom, and ignorant dad say the same disinformation they been told, but some young big ear joe, can have all those golds, hummm... Guess weed makes you lazy, because being the best swimmer on the planet you dont need to train at all. Ha, just laughable, and has anyone in the argument even realize that if Mj was indeed bad for you they would parade, and beat you in the head with physical proof, and endless pictures, and facts, they cant, they dont have one case to even say its so bad, think ppl, just think!:laughing:


Active member
Rosy cheeks you hit it dead on. Smoking anything is not good for the body period. Vap it, or eat it or shove it up your ass, what ever, cannabis not smoked but taken in other ways is harmless to the body. The effects on mental illness is a whole different story. Some people just have a genetic predisposition to adverse effect from cannabis. And should never use it period.
I had a close friend that died of lung cancer, he smoked a pack of cigs a day, at least, lived on white bread and bologna sandwiches, never saw him consume a fresh vegetable or piece of fruit, and swore that it was the two joints a day that caused the cancer.
Sorry your quote is disinformation, because the only lab test, and studies done on the smoking mj, and cigaretts has concluded a drop in risk of lung disease by smoking just mj, and cigs were 300 times more likely, the fact your friend smoked both would suggest it was the cigs that harmed him. Yes carsinagines do enter threw smoke, but its the radioactive ingredients in the smoke that cause cancers, just like the radioactive fertilizers used to grow tabacco.

Not starting shite, just informing you, and others on the FACTS not assumtions, if you dare to learn I have been posting these two videos on any FACTS, and ALL studies done in our history on the subject, learn it live it, and quote it, not your own, it only hurts our cause by quoting disinformation, we have enough of it going around that has single handedly stopped legalization, or decriminalizing Mj, please do research with proof of your words, check the links below!


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Md2WNqqxTQ THis link is the studies done some over 30 years! Good luck! :tiphat:


Active member
We should have a competition for the most hilariously over the top comment we can place on the Frank site.
Oops I accidently hit the no on helpful, sorry I agree with you on your statement. PPL like this I cant stand, the whole gateway drug affect, frickin stupidity to think such a thing. Either way ppl respond I know for a fact that if you use hard drugs its because of you, your messed up, not things around you, you have a brain to make free will choices in life, and doing hard drugs, like I have, we all know its because we want to, but when the ride is over your embarassment has you copping out to have a escuse for why, and what you did!

Take responsibility for your actions, dont blame things, you said it yourself that you wanted more, not that you have any tested lab proof that mj contains any other source to make you want it, thats ridiculous, I guess I can say since I drink milk, it was a gate way to alcohol, yeah thats what I thought, its just that stupid, and you fuck Mj and others off by saying such stupid things, do us all a fovor get educated, it will help your internal addiction values at your mind! Peace


Active member
Moderate Marijuana Use Does Not Impair Lung Function, Study Finds

Full Article: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/11/marijuana-smoking-does-not-harm-lungs-study-finds/

"The new research is one of the most extensive looks to date at whether long-term marijuana use causes pulmonary damage, and specifically whether its impact on the lungs is as harmful as smoking cigarettes. The researchers followed more than 5,000 people over two decades and found that regularly smoking marijuana — the equivalent of up to a joint a day over seven years — did not impair performance on a lung function test. The test, a measure of pulmonary obstruction that looks at the amount of air a person can force out in one second after taking a deep breath, is typically worsened by smoking tobacco.

In something of a twist, the researchers found that compared to nonsmokers, marijuana users performed slightly better on the lung function test, though the improvement was minuscule. “Even with this tiny increase in airflow, I have to admit that I really doubt that there’s any real increase in lung health,” said Dr. Stefan Kertesz, an associate professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham school of medicine and an author of the study. The finding may merely reflect marijuana smokers’ years of “training” in taking deep inhalations and holding the smoke, the researchers said."
Thank you, someone who gets it, and backs it up, real researc, and real facts! Love to see someone do work, keep it up!:tiphat:


Active member
Is the British Lung Foundation gov't run or is it independent? If it is independent I highly doubt they would waste their money putting out "propaganda".

I am not going to say that I believe that 1 joint = 20 cigarettes, but I will say that if you think that MJ smoke is benign, has no risk, or worse yet you are one of the idiots that think that MJ smoke itself is "medicinal", you really need to get your head out of the sand.

Just because your buddy who smoked "x" number of joints for 30 years and did not develop problems does not mean someone else wouldn't. I know people that smoked a pack a day or more of cigarettes and they did not have ling problems or gets cancer. It varies from person to person.
Can you read? Can you do research? If so why comment on your own theories, when test are proving its benifits? Yes we have bias labs, yes ppl are effected differently, duh, tell us what we dont know, but points of your case fail to out weigh the facts! So Mr smartie pants, do you think If the govt had a smoking gun they would use it? Dont you think they would parade all the facts in front of us all day everyday, yes they would, but they are not, one because you cant! Dont just run your mouth, put up fatual things that back up your beliefs, dont play the over done tactics of our govt by just opinions! Do us a favor post us proof of a hospital, doctor proving your words, cuz face to face you will not get away with calling me a idiot, how dare you!

Now after you search for your proof, and cant find it, then pull your head out your ass, and respect others without name calling!

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