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To Vaccinate, or not to Vaccinate....?

To Vaccinate, or not to Vaccinate....?

  • Vaccinate!

    Votes: 64 62.7%
  • DO NOT vaccinate!

    Votes: 31 30.4%
  • Its a loose loose situation, doesnt matter!

    Votes: 7 6.9%

  • Total voters


The revolution will not be televised.....
Zymos - That is "very" true and you dont know what you are talking about. Schools in the Sacramento area now make it mandatory to have certain vaccines before any child enters the 7th grade. No shots, no school. Your concientious objector waiver is what the military uses for those who dont feel they can serve for religious reasons used mostly during Vietnam and the draft era(remember I was in the military). My wife is the director of a preschool and what they have you sign if your child is not going to be vaccinated is a waiver stating that the parents are aware of the child's lack of vaccines and the different illnesses they will be exsposed to. Basically your child will be exposed to all the bugs and if they get sick, or a child in the daycare gets sick, your child cannot return until a medical doc says its is ok. Vaccines dont just protect your child but those that your child could come in contact with if they were by chance a carrier. To further explain that you dont know what you are talking about, when I finished my masters degree I had to get all my shots updated or show proof of vaccines within the last 2 years to enroll.

Concientious Objector!? Thats funny but for the military friend. Diff population.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I said the same thing back some pages.. Here in Cali you can not enroll your child with out them.. Im surprised there is still a discussion about it. Contact the right people and ask them...Sure you do not have to have the shots but you cant get into public schools without them. I went through this process so I have allot of info regarding this process.. You do not have to believe me. Contact your school board and ask them..


Oh I'm sorry, I forgot so many people on this site believe there is nothing past the eastern border of CA.

My oldest child is now 21, and all my kids have had vaccine waivers from schools in several states, from private preschool, public schools, private middle and highschools, and college. But I guess I must be wrong, cause we don't live in California (anymore)....

" Conscientous Objector!? Thats funny but for the military friend. Diff population."
Your ignorance is showing- it even says that phrase right on the top of official state issued forms...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Laws are changing all the time. It was many years ago when I had to make these decisions.. You can opt out but if there is a outbreak your child will not be allowed to reenter the school until a doc says its safe to do so. The ones in cali say Personal Beliefs Affidavit..

Here is the form we use


This link gives all state requirement's. I did not read ever states info..

Last edited:


i think its best to make an informed choice on each individual vaccination rather than lump everything into one pro-anti debate.
we looked at what our daughter was at risk for and vaccinated accordingly. we skipped polio (we arent missionaries or world travelers and the last case of polio here was 1984 from an african immigrant)
we did the DtaP (pertussis epidemics are common in the PNW) etc...

we didnt give her every shot all at once, we paced them out over an extra year and a few visits.

she is 5 now, and there is a worst in 20 years whooping cough epidemic, and i am glad she has all her shots for it.
anyway, informed logical choices...not propoganda (of either flavor) are where its at.
i can highly recommend Dr. Sears vaccine book if yu want a clear and unbiased review of all the vaccines, their ingredients risks....
good luck!


Registered Med User
THanks yall for the heated debaten. So far my son had his birth shots, and 2 month shots, and is healthy as can be. I did, however, break up the shots, so instead of one at 2 months, one at 4 months, he gets half that, then a month later the other ones, so one at 2,3,4, and 5 months. Im sure if I would of given him the shots like normal he'd be fine, but breakin um up by one month just seemed a lil safer for some reason.
The risks of not vaccinating outweigh the risks of vaccination.

ETA: Vaccinate on the big ones. MMR. Flu vaccines are a money making scheme since all it avoids is a little inconvenience.


we skipped polio (we arent missionaries or world travelers and the last case of polio here was 1984 from an african immigrant)

Valid reason. But we've had 50 years to perfect the polio vaccine. It's safe.

And the reason schools require your child to be vaccinated before they enroll is so that some asshole's kid (not pointing to anyone here personally) doesn't come in with an infectious disease and spread it/risking spreading it to the other kids. Easier to mandate it all across the board for everyone than to grant exceptions and risk it.

It's a public safety concern - not an attack on your individual liberties.


Active member
Just cause you wouldn't sit down secretly to plot on world domination doesn't mean there aren't negative manipulative emotionless people doing so.


One of the most powerful ways to stop this is not giving them any more money. They want everyone into their education system where children are pounded with mind-numbing left-side brain thinking for years and years. I smell something when you say you cannot get into their education system if you don't take the shots. :(
Keep on dumbing yourselves down..


some asshole's kid (not pointing to anyone here personally) doesn't come in with an infectious disease and spread it/risking spreading it to the other kids. Easier to mandate it all across the board for everyone than to grant exceptions and risk it.

but if your kids are already vaccinated then they would be safe wouldnt they, from the assholes kid, who read the package insert and didnt want to pump his child full of crap.

dr sock the creator of the polio vaccine actually admitted to putting cancer causing viruses into the polio vaccine. he actually said that! why?

its FEAR and manipulation, thats driving peoples decisions.... and will soon be military force.

nato have been putting abortifacient agents hidden in vaccines for a long time now, i read an article last year were nato basically sterillized hundreds of thousand of african (and other third world) women. The vaccine of course was diguised as something else like hepatitis, even though the disease was never a problem. Alot of these women became wise and started to run and they were then rounded up with military force, like cattle, and the vaccine forced on them. All of them are now 100% sterile.

its eugenics

i went out with friends the other night and was surprised to find out alot them cant have children... i wonder why all these infertility clinics have become more common. whats being forced into our environment, thats causing this massive infertility?


victory in vaccine related autism


At nine months old, Valentino Bocca was as bright as a button. In a favourite family photo, taken by his father, the baby boy wriggles in his mother’s arms and laughs for the camera.

His parents look at the precious picture often these days. It is a reminder of their only son before they took him on a sunny morning to the local public health clinic for a routine childhood vaccination.

Valentino was never the same child after the jab in his arm. He developed autism and, in a landmark judgment, a judge has ruled that his devastating disability was provoked by the inoculation against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR).

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
victory in vaccine related autism


At nine months old, Valentino Bocca was as bright as a button. In a favourite family photo, taken by his father, the baby boy wriggles in his mother’s arms and laughs for the camera.

His parents look at the precious picture often these days. It is a reminder of their only son before they took him on a sunny morning to the local public health clinic for a routine childhood vaccination.

Valentino was never the same child after the jab in his arm. He developed autism and, in a landmark judgment, a judge has ruled that his devastating disability was provoked by the inoculation against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR).

So because a court says it, it must be true eh...
Courts said that GWB won the election, courts have found people guilty and sent them to be executed, only to discover decades later that they had the wrong man.
The legal system in Italy-well I'm not even going to get started other than to say-brown envelopes and carbombs.
The judge can say what he wants, but it doesn't change the fact that there is no scientifically established causal link between MMR and autism. All this goes back to Andrew Wakefield--who was only interested in pimping his own single vaccines, it's Burger King telling you a big mac will give you aids, but a whopper will protect you.
That court judgement , is based on one doctor saying "well I cant find anything else which caused the autism-so it must be the vaccines"

Green lung

Active member
The age of the parents is the causation/or a huge factor of Autism especially the fathers age.

The older the you are when you have kids, the Autism risk skyrockets.

As people wait longer and longer to have kids (careers, ect)

You see Autism more often in "White, Afluent" couples because these people are waiting till they are in their late thirties or forties to have children.



doesnt explain why he went from happy to sick, straight after the vaccination.

im on your side here people, we're just warning you to be a bit more careful with certain things. Its your choice to believe and do as you wish. just be a touch more cautious.


Active member
The age of the parents is the causation/or a huge factor of Autism especially the fathers age.

Where did you pull this factoid from? My wife's autistic child came from a young white male. My sister's four, non-verbal, autistic children came from a young white male.

Come to think of it... (nearly) all the parents I've been exposed to with autistic children were all young.

Maybe demographics are different where you live though.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
Zymos - That is "very" true and you dont know what you are talking about. Schools in the Sacramento area now make it mandatory to have certain vaccines before any child enters the 7th grade. No shots, no school. Your concientious objector waiver is what the military uses for those who dont feel they can serve for religious reasons used mostly during Vietnam and the draft era(remember I was in the military). My wife is the director of a preschool and what they have you sign if your child is not going to be vaccinated is a waiver stating that the parents are aware of the child's lack of vaccines and the different illnesses they will be exsposed to. Basically your child will be exposed to all the bugs and if they get sick, or a child in the daycare gets sick, your child cannot return until a medical doc says its is ok. Vaccines dont just protect your child but those that your child could come in contact with if they were by chance a carrier. To further explain that you dont know what you are talking about, when I finished my masters degree I had to get all my shots updated or show proof of vaccines within the last 2 years to enroll.

Concientious Objector!? Thats funny but for the military friend. Diff population.
Tho I feel both your points on the issue, but my only question here is how, and why does school get involved in making any dicission bout your kid?, and why would it be any reason to vaccinate the kids who dont take this stuff before entering, is this saying the vaccines dont work or what? Far as I knew you get vacced to not worry bout it anymore, so why the stipulation to rid none vacced kids as if the vacced kid will catch something!

This is where ppl who support getting vacced lose me, and the ppl who created vaccines seem not truthful. Yes I said it before our world is shite to live in and its all mans fault, but last thing I will do personally is start believing, and using the same ppls products who crap in your yard, and think nothing of it, the fact all medical tech, and any technology for that matter came from nazi's, and testing on millions dont sale it either.

Yes so you fix it by not having kids, do we all remember God said not to! Oh before you debate me read it again when he curses Eve with pain in conception, so fruitful, and multipling means spitting out facts, and teaching others of Gods truths to ones who are not awake. Just the desire alone to have a kid, wether it is truly is for good reasons, is actually selfish to really bring a baby into this crap, its either going to get sexually abused, or poisoned, and learn all the false, and evil principals of our world.

Please, I know being military is so what an accomplishment, but really has no baring in the subject only to show, well me anyways how eaisly misguilded one could be. Not meaning it to start shite, just meaning all who raised that right hand swear an oath, and I see no soldier upholding that oath by defending our country from our own terrorist here in the white house, all I see now is slaves willing to kill for someone with the standing our leadership holds to today, matter of fact all soliders are the problem to me, cause we wouldnt have a war if you didnt pick up a gun, and bend over.

Yes I also swore in, and many enlisted are starting to wake up, just think we need to stop and think! Peace:tiphat:


Active member
Good point, theres a couple he wont be gettin, like fuck the flu shot.
See I am set back again at your statement of the Flu shot, I mean come on There cant be something fishy with dick cheanys Tamaflu and vacc's, I mean someone accused of screwing kids at the Vancouver Club, and building prisons for us Mj law breakers, can never be involved in evil vaccines!

Please ppl look up CFR corperate members list, these ppl all pay large dues to be members, and annual meetings, and statistics of all moneys, and products, and the list has owners from Micky D's, Coke, to Boeing, and every Phama glib on our planet, but yes, yes ppl you guys are right, I must be crazy to think this would mean they conspire together! Sarcasim yes, being an ass no dude, I am just getting the fustration out on not feeling any growth here on why we should vaccinate, not say things that are contradictary, I could say I smoke crack, but will never touch heroin, Just I got a kid, and if I were wavering on the fence to do it, you made me not trust vaccs.


Active member
but if your kids are already vaccinated then they would be safe wouldnt they, from the assholes kid, who read the package insert and didnt want to pump his child full of crap.

dr sock the creator of the polio vaccine actually admitted to putting cancer causing viruses into the polio vaccine. he actually said that! why?

its FEAR and manipulation, thats driving peoples decisions.... and will soon be military force.

nato have been putting abortifacient agents hidden in vaccines for a long time now, i read an article last year were nato basically sterillized hundreds of thousand of african (and other third world) women. The vaccine of course was diguised as something else like hepatitis, even though the disease was never a problem. Alot of these women became wise and started to run and they were then rounded up with military force, like cattle, and the vaccine forced on them. All of them are now 100% sterile.

its eugenics

i went out with friends the other night and was surprised to find out alot them cant have children... i wonder why all these infertility clinics have become more common. whats being forced into our environment, thats causing this massive infertility?
Thank you! Canada basically eradicated all its Native ppl , and the still to this day have laws to sterilize kids, and whats the kicker her is they forced healthy kids to house with sick kids, everywhere you look in history you will find this, but somehow the U.S has cleaned up its act, and is no longer the corrupt evil dynesty, where was I cuz I missed that one, I was to busy in foster care getting pills forced on us, and testing like you wouldnt believe, just sick how lost some can be, its all there in writting, read ppl, one guy here seems to see it, and defend it properly!

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