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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better



Ok, i get that. But he was talking mold, powdery mildew and e. coli. Which is what they tested for (and all can be well controlled indoors). Might be interesting to test for "eye mites" (got a link? neat idea), but the ones they did test for are known to cause problems in humans (hence the choice to test for them). In regulated agribiz the USDA would't allow it. We aren't talking "bennies"; however a chlorine water bath kills bennies dead too--along with pathogens-- and washes them off...of everything but weed.
When you say mold I assume you're talking about botrytis? Sometimes people use 'mold' as a generic term which can include powdery mildew. Looks like that's what you're talking about. I find it hard to believe that outdoor herb is so prevelantly contaminated that samples are showing positive for E. coli. Did he say coliforms instead? Very hard to contaminate outdoor herb with E. coli with how virtually everyone grows. I could see it showing up if someone is using fresh cow manure based teas otherwise virtually impossible. Could be coming from steer manure but that stuff is composted before it hits the market. Maybe coming from guano teas but virtually no one uses guano teas especially once things go into flower. Another thing is you can get false positives for E. coli if E. coli was present and no longer active as some tests look for compounds from E. coli and not necessarily when it's active. I've dealt with that...false positives...which require additional testing to confirm. I could see that outdoor herb might be 'contaminated' with coliforms but wouldn't worry about that too much unless there were confirmed positives for E. coli 0157.H7 which is commonly found in bovine feces.

As for USDA and stuff do you or the guy you talked to know what the acceptable limits are for things like spores, coliforms, E. coli, etc. in smoking material? I know what they are for food products because that's been my job, testing and approving food products, on and off for 20 years.

As for that 'microlife' and the 'no way' thing you better stop eating any raw fruits and vegetable because that stuff is covered in microlife :biggrin:

If people would just focus on plant health then things like botrytis and powdery mildew wouldn't be showing up on people's outdoor plants like it does.

As for the bolded part why would it not work on weed while it works on everything else?

Ah, didn't realize that, interesting. I've read an article sometime ago that on average about 1-2 kilogramm of your bodyweight are foreign organisms.(Bacteria, virus, parasites)
The bacteria in your small and large intestines are important to your health and play a role in food digestion. They're part of your internal immune system also.


Active member
Great conversation.

in the mid-west ozs of high quality can go for 500, average is 400. Prices aren't going anywhere but up in the future because all the legalization fights, or most of them, will be beaten down by the failed but heavily funded drug war and all the right and left wing propaganda. Look how popular universal health care was, over half the country would of voted for it and 3/4 of the population believes health care needs a complete overhaul, but not a change worth mentioning. Not even a public option. So this maybe 50% of the pop that would vote for legalization, more likely much less, and those who would actually publicly support it are even much much more fewer, give the hope of true legalization of marijuana a very slim chance in our lifetimes. Even medical is still under fire in most if not all states at some level. I went through a shitstorm getting my caregiver license and the feeling amongst us caregivers, patients and regular unlicensed users and growers is all about the same. Not much if anything will change for the better on this issue. I hope I'm wrong. I'm pessimistic by nature, it's worked for me well.

i read an interesting article in Wired. Here is an excerpt:

"Two separate research initiatives—one from a pioneering cryptographer and a second from a team based at Stanford University—have proposed a return to this purer, Athenian-style democracy. Rather than expect everyone to vote, both proposals argue, we should randomly select an anonymous subset of electors from among registered voters. Their votes would then be extrapolated to the wider population. Think of it as voting via statistically valid sample. With a population of 313 million, the US would need about 100,000 voters to deliver a reliable margin of error.

Such proposals can inspire horror. But the fact is, one man, one vote is broken"(emphasis mine)

the whole article is here: http://www.wired.com/opinion/2012/05/st_essay_voting/


DoubleBubba...if that lab is so interested in testing samples for 'contaminants' like they are then they should probably add a test for Enterobacteriacae, per AOAC 2003.01, which are Bile Tolerant Gram Negative Bacteria. These can possibly cause problems if someone ingests raw material as they can survive the initial part of the digestion process and populate in the digestive tract. If they are getting counts over 300 Colony Forming Units/gm it would not pass some companies specifications for a product that's ingested.

FWIW Total Plate Counts, total microbial population, in the millions would not bother me. It's really only the potentially harmful bacteria for a food product that gets my attention.

Considering herb is burned or heated for use any bacteria would get fried so are not an issue...IMO.


The general Mendo area pretty much went dry a few weeks ago. Called a good friend there and someone came through and cleaned a lot of people out not too long ago. Just a few stragglers here and there through my connections and not worth the effort. I'm sure some growers there sitting on a stash or two though. Got another connection in Laytonville through a local friend and will see what the story is there...not expecting much.

Last word I heard from the Butte area a week or so ago was 17 for last year's outdoor for some higher grade and light deps hitting 20. Expecting light deps to be at 22+ real soon. I'm guessing peeps back east right now are looking at 30.


joe fresh

Active member
in my area prices are the highest they been in the last 2-3 years...a # going for 2400 of primo AAA....im stoked cuz im cutting as we speak...so just in the right time to finally make a bit of dough


in my area prices are the highest they been in the last 2-3 years...a # going for 2400 of primo AAA....im stoked cuz im cutting as we speak...so just in the right time to finally make a bit of dough
Heck yeah should be a good year for those outdoor growers that held out and indoor growers coming to market now. Last year sucked for outdoor growers and supply looks like pretty much dried up or drying up and fast.


Active member
yea prices are above what they were last year at this time, last year i felt like drought didnt hit until august.....i blame it mostly on the huge new influx of out of state people who are coming out and buying above local prices.....also most growers and suppliers have met their own out of state people and are not settling for local lowball prices anymore...brokering 10 packs and only makin 100 a pop isnt worth many peoples time when shit is going for 8x that much to boomtown, usa..


yea prices are above what they were last year at this time, last year i felt like drought didnt hit until august.....i blame it mostly on the huge new influx of out of state people who are coming out and buying above local prices.....also most growers and suppliers have met their own out of state people and are not settling for local lowball prices anymore...brokering 10 packs and only makin 100 a pop isnt worth many peoples time when shit is going for 8x that much to boomtown, usa..
I recently visited a friend I hadn't seen in a few years and he's looking for up to 100 pounds on a regular basis for some friends....good luck lol.


even prices here in new england are very low. Evrybody is getting packs shipped out but I've seen elbows go for around 3k, the same product could've fetched 4-5 even a year ago


even prices here in new england are very low. Evrybody is getting packs shipped out but I've seen elbows go for around 3k, the same product could've fetched 4-5 even a year ago
Yeah I do think the next domino to fall regarding pricing is what peeps back east pay for herb in bulk. First step is for them to get better prices then next will be better herb for better prices. I say get ahead of the curve and take care of friends now regarding price and quality where you think the market will settle out. I still think that there will be a premium for anything getting shipped back east due to risk. At some point it just won't be worth it to send stuff around. People can have that business cause the risk-to-profit ratio just won't be there IMO.

Buddy Holly

elbow for 3k in ne? maybe for a pack that was the per unit breakdown but that wasnt just for 1. or else you know some desperate ass people or that was some garbage ass bud. 4 is holding steady and the bud sucks. people are moving indoor at about the same numbers as the outdoor work. dudes wont pay more for indoor i get that but why race to the bottom against garbage outdoor? the bulk heads move shit all day regardless cuz customers are dumb and margins rule the day.

people out here are dumb straight up. and it aint just here. its most weed markets. black market, mmj market doesnt matter. even cali has its fair share of dumb asses. dont believe me? go park near a dispensary and watch the people going in to buy weed. dumb asses. they (talkin east coast smokers now) love their bud but discerning customers they are not. the game will change when consumers get educated but dont hold your breath on that one. most think they're educated and are lightyears behind.


Active member
Where I am good indoor packs are going for 3 for bulk movement. People don't give a fuck what the strain is called just that the quality is there.
for the east coast thats way low

for the east coast thats way low

4-44 is the range....and right now that is moving up, because its way dry......

Where I am good indoor packs are going for 3 for bulk movement. People don't give a fuck what the strain is called just that the quality is there.


Active member
4-44 is the range....and right now that is moving up, because its way dry......

^ yea but the people I know that are in it are not close to the end user and everyone has to have profit margin. Plus if you develop a good relation friendship with solid people things go smooth and everybody eats.


Active member
x 3200 indoor i saw
i read an interesting article in Wired. Here is an excerpt:

"Two separate research initiatives—one from a pioneering cryptographer and a second from a team based at Stanford University—have proposed a return to this purer, Athenian-style democracy. Rather than expect everyone to vote, both proposals argue, we should randomly select an anonymous subset of electors from among registered voters. Their votes would then be extrapolated to the wider population. Think of it as voting via statistically valid sample. With a population of 313 million, the US would need about 100,000 voters to deliver a reliable margin of error.

Such proposals can inspire horror. But the fact is, one man, one vote is broken"(emphasis mine)

the whole article is here: http://www.wired.com/opinion/2012/05/st_essay_voting/

I'm going to give this a read and get back to you here. Thanks.

I once was for mandatory voting, something similar to the future Obamacare health care penalties that starts in 2014 for not enrolling in health care. Make each person vote or they would have to pay the IRS or some other government money collecting entity a penalty of 500 or whatever. Get people off their asses to vote, what could go wrong? After thinking about it, a lot could go wrong as in nothing would really change because I imagine most would just continue to vote two-party. This system you mentioned sounds interesting.

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