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Tyga's 2012 Outdoor


Active member
Man Guerrilla growing be gettin' me paranoid as FUCK! Oh well...Went out this morning and finished filling up all the pots. The girls will most likely not be going out until the 3rd now because of a few things not timing up as they were anticipated.
Just glad to say there are no more bags of soil to haul out there! I think Guerrilla transporting supplies gets me more paranoid than growing itself.


Active member
Here's a quick little update... really happy I decided to run clones instead of going from seed. All the growth is pretty uniform. Also picked up a headlight and a flashlight since I'm going to try to do majority of the work at night so this way I won't interrupt their night cycle. Also grabbed the Magic green for foliar (High in N) to keep them in the veg state. Also the BioNeem for any pests and critters! :dance013:






Active member
I believe June 20th is the summer solstice.

Really? Damn.... well I can't wait that long haha. These girls are sharing the tent with about 15 others who are dying to get flowered out. I'm going to spray them down with that "Magic green" by H&G which is high in N to help promote veg growth. I think I should be all set... *Crosses fingers* :biggrin:


Senior Member
LoL. Yea been my prize posession in the garden. Smells just like surgary sweet grapefruit but with a deep tone to it. Its some top notice elite and rarety.


Active member
LoL. Yea been my prize posession in the garden. Smells just like surgary sweet grapefruit but with a deep tone to it. Its some top notice elite and rarety.

Damnn, throw up a current pic of it in your thread when you get a chance! Curious how she's looking.... she must be getting close to the chop right??
Ps. These hammerhead's stink! There in veg and they smell like pure skunk. You know that filters gonna be on 24/7 come flower.. :biggrin:


Senior Member
Will do gotta water tonight when lights come on so ill def take some shots. Today she's 28 says from Harvest so its coming fast. Her colas are fattening right up and she's I-C-E-D! haha. Yea man that hammerhead smells are gonna get 10x during flower so be ready for it. It will over take your room in flower and if u even fart near her and make a breeze she will dominate everything in the room. Got some SWT#4 crosses in the works. I know my Raw Diesel is female so phenos pending I might do something with the some swt#4 pollen and see what the sweet and sour brings to the table :tiphat:
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Active member
Dropped my pants at the local tool shop today for this bad boy.... simply to help with my laziness. But to make me feel less guilty I'll say that it will keep me from leaving lots of tracks behind from hauling the water by hand! :biggrin:

for those who aren't familiar it's a gas powered water pump... Dropped a tad bit over 400$ on it... pretty rough. But it takes money to make money right? It also operates pretty quietly for something that's gas powered. If I run it full throttle I should be able to fill both 30 gal. rez in just under 2 minutes. It has an adjustable throttle though so I will most likely run it half power to keep the noise to the minimum :)


Senior Member
That is gonna move some serious water to the Rez. Can't wait to see how the hammerhead does for u ODs. Got a killer line up going down for OD. Most excited to see the OTM and the ZFxC99 :)


Active member
That is gonna move some serious water to the Rez. Can't wait to see how the hammerhead does for u ODs. Got a killer line up going down for OD. Most excited to see the OTM and the ZFxC99 :)

Yeah same man! I bet that ZFxC99 will be very colorful come harvest time.... and I can picture the hammerhead needing to be staked up every which way to hold up the colas :laughing:


Senior Member
Oh most def that hammerhead us gonna need to be staked up. By the 3rd-4th week is when they go into overdrive. I can only imagine the stench that's gonna come from her. The Z99xC99 is gonna have a nice color display to present.


Active member
All the pots are ready to go! Forcast is showing absolutely nothing but rain for the next 6 days though.... So I figure they are probably better off under the T5's for now instead of sitting in the rain risking getting hit with slugs. So looks like I'm going to wait it out...




BTW. the pelletized stuff on the surface on the 2nd pic is Ortho slug killer


Active member
When I used to grow in northern oregon we would put copper wire rings around the stalks of our outdoor plants to prevent slugs from climbing up the plants, its like a forcefeild!! Also a shit load of deadline around the outsides of the pots. luckily down here I just have to contend with snakes and scorpions......


Active member
When I used to grow in northern oregon we would put copper wire rings around the stalks of our outdoor plants to prevent slugs from climbing up the plants, its like a forcefeild!! Also a shit load of deadline around the outsides of the pots. luckily down here I just have to contend with snakes and scorpions......

I would rather contend with some measly slugs than snakes and scorpions any day! Haha.... Being born and raise in the north east the thought of snakes and scorpions make me cringe! One year i tried using copper rings and it didnt stop them for some reason? I will deff give it another shot this year because the amount of slugs in this area is overwelming.