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Do you use a grinder?


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
the coin in the weed catcher encourages pollen to drop through the screen that is all. you dont have to shake it around or anything. it works best that way


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I use a plastic one the dispensary gave me. Prior to that I used my fingers but this is easier and more uniform for joints.

I bought a budget aluminum one but never used it as I read of metal shavings and had to clean some of that out of mine before ever using it. Machining leftovers I guess.

Will look up the space case and sweet leaf ones on ebay.

John Deere

Active member
I love the ritual of chopping buds in a shot glass with my old scissors. Lots of memories.

But most of the time I use my grinder. Quick and easy and always a nice consistent burn. I used the screen for awhile but don't any more. I decided it was redundant to shake the kief off my buds just to sprinkle it back on. I'm happy using my grinder as a simple 3 piece. I've got a chromium crusher--the steel one, not the aluminum. It's a bit heavy but it never leaves home so that's not a problem. It was pretty cheap and it works just fine.

My parents used to have an awesome old hand crank herb/nut grinder. I'm going to see if I can find it next time I visit. They won't mind if I take it.


Usually a grinder, but often I find my self using fingers after the first bowl or joint, just to take my time and enjoy the sensation of feeling each part of the bud come apart and then working the material until its fairly uniform. But the j's usually turn out a lot more lumpy looking than they do with nicely ground bud.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

scissors over my kief box.......



I use a four piece grinder, and when the kif traz is full i just place it on top of the blowing vulcano for two minutes of so. then I get a piece of superior hash, deffinetlz fitt for the pipe.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
I take the buds apart removing all the leaf, stalk and leaf stems, then 2 twists of the grinder and it is ready to roll.

I bought this grinder after my last was stolen from me at the last Toker's Bow. This one, like the last, was made by Dr.Atomic with hard woods from Nepal. It has seen a lot of strains since '04. Most of the damage to the grinder has been done by folks borrowing it to roll their nugs with. Marihuanaman was thinking it would make a good coffee table book, as many of the nugs rolled from it are posted on the net. Peace GS


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Yes, had the same cheap plastic one for a few years now. I don't like other people to grind my bud in their grinders because it keifs the shit out of what i wanna smoke.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
the loss of keif is miniscule. i grind up a nug every couple days of frosty goodness and it still takes months to accumulate a tangible amount of keif

i believe the ability to even smoke a bowl outweighs what "loss" of keif there may or may not be


Active member
im an ex chef and use a chef knife on a cutting board,i can cut upo a gram in about 10 seconds.works really well and i have been doing it for over 10 yeasr.


Well-known member
I think using grinders is quite ambivalent.
i remember Soma´s words in an interview; he said something like "no i don´t use grinders, i don´t like them. you don´t feel the weed you cannot touch it. i like to feel how hard it is, feel the resin, it´s structure..."
i think this is quite true, sometimes i use grinders, but only with weed that i grew my own and know that it was all over dried evenly... i always mind that caus it got some weed once from a friend. normally he is doing a good job as well, but this time he had some extra fat buds from his actual harvest. he wanted to be very gentle and gave one of the kolas to me as a present. -i was quite lucky that i grinded that stash with my fingers because it was full of budrod in between; i would´t have noticed it if i had used a grinder.

as well the often selled grinders made from aluminium should´t be used imho.
i saw quite much aluminium-grinders at some friends home. in the most cases i noticed that grinding the two halves of the grinder effects small shavings of aluminium come loose.
when you knock the halves on each other in order to get the grinded weed out of the grinder you will put al these micro aluminium-parts into your jay/hit...

just my thought to grinders but imho definitely something to think about...



Active member
I used to, but my grinder has egg shell and soft rock phosphate dust in it now. Need to buy another, to Amazon I go!


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Giant Spacecase. Pound have been put through that thing.



stoned agin ...
when she's dank and sticky, have to use the scissors, it just clogs the grinder, like picking corn out of your teeth. when she's dried some, the space case. grinds better than any other grinder i've used, nice fluffy grind, just the right size. the "blades" cut it nice. great for joints, pipes. i have the 2" one with kief catcher, it give a nice little treat once in a while but the screen clogs after, uh, 3 years. its the old aluminum one, with the white ring. looked for shavings very carefully, never saw one, but i'd go titanium if i bought a new one.

first one was cheap round wood knock-off with pins, worked great. bought a nice square wood sweetleaf, didn't work worth a crap, the square corners got resin buildup and it got to be a bitch to turn.