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My new vert flower room


Active member
Perfect example of lateral branching from auxiliary buds. Just pull those new branches forward, and take off everything on the main stem/plant.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Can't get rid of the underlining so this continues from above.

I have been using the leaf pruning to get more branching so I can lean the bud out and fill the screen like Fred mentioned earlier.

As for the mono cropping you mentioned bobble I think I can run individual plants on each screen as that was my original intent. The bulk of my run can be one plant type but I can put a single type on one screen. I have three lites going so I can devote on light to a variety and the other two to a mono type set up. My problem is I can not sell a large amount of one type in my area since they raided the dispensaries.

I am also going to change my screens just slightly to get them a little closer to the light. I will do that by cutting two pieces that will allow me to move in about 4 inches. This will put my screens about 20 inches from the bulb. With the leaning of my buds and tightening up of my grow to fill the screen I don't think I will lose any bud weight. Instead I believe I will improve the bud quality and size and may actually increase the final amount.

The piece I will cut can be seen here, it is the 4 1/2 inch piece. It is the limiting piece to get my screens tighter to the bulb.

Snook I had the same problem and solved it by just taking a pipe cleaner and fastening it to the middle of the bud and back to the screen. Yes if that was the only problem we had things would be great indeed.

Yes Josey things are improving and with everyone's help hopefully they will improve even more.


don't know how i missed this one , but it answered a question about how to make a moveable rack (that have been scratching my head about for a fucking week) in the first 5 minutes. nice work Mr. Crane !!! thanks!!!


Active member
As for the mono cropping you mentioned bobble I think I can run individual plants on each screen as that was my original intent. The bulk of my run can be one plant type but I can put a single type on one screen. I have three lites going so I can devote on light to a variety and the other two to a mono type set up. My problem is I can not sell a large amount of one type in my area since they raided the dispensaries.

I am also going to change my screens just slightly to get them a little closer to the light. I will do that by cutting two pieces that will allow me to move in about 4 inches. This will put my screens about 20 inches from the bulb. With the leaning of my buds and tightening up of my grow to fill the screen I don't think I will lose any bud weight. Instead I believe I will improve the bud quality and size and may actually increase the final amount.

No offense dude, please just take this as some solid advice... but you will never 100% dial a canopy if you have have a bunch of different plants eating and drinking and stretching at different speeds... The solution to your problem of not having an outlet for your medicine, is to network with other caregivers who have those connections. If the price is right for the quality, there is always somebody in need. I addition to that, if you network with the other caregivers here in MI, you'll be able to trade meds and have that variety that you seek. Everything they have in Cali is right here in MI, and a lot of it is better.

Why move the screens closer to the lamps? Calculate your wpsqft using PiR^2 instead of L x W and you're wpsqft increase dramatically... All of the sudden 3' from a 600w bare bulb isn't that far.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
No offense taken Bobble. I am net working but I still don't have enough networking done. I have been supplying 4 caregivers because they can't grow enough. I am in the process of getting a few other strains that are higher in demand than what I currently have. I had about half the people tell me the Big Blue was not strong enough so I was letting it go. Then a bunch of people told me it was perfect. Two hits and you are high and it last awhile. So I had to reroot it from flower. It is all a learning process for me, so I take no offense. The more people I meet the more I realize a lot of these people don't even have a clue how to grow. When I tell them what I get from a 1k light they are amazed. Which to me is funny because I am not even where I should be.

As for the mono cropping I can add more wheels just need to get the room to do it in. I don't foresee a problem with getting rid of it, people seem to like what I am growing. I did sell some to the dispensary just before they were raided. To bad for them haha.

As for my watts per square foot I have 2X2X3.14X4=49.6square foot of canopy, 1000/49.6=20.2 watts per square foot of canopy.

Now if you mean floor foot print I have 2X2X3.14=12.56 square foot of floor space which equals 1000/12.56=79.61 watts per square foot.

So if you could clarify whether you mean the foot print of the floor or the foot print of the canopy I would be thankful.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
don't know how i missed this one , but it answered a question about how to make a moveable rack (that have been scratching my head about for a fucking week) in the first 5 minutes. nice work Mr. Crane !!! thanks!!!

Sorry you missed it as I was not posting as much in the last week or two. Glad they will help you though. This whole section is great as people help other people here a lot.


Active member
What I'm saying about sqft... Is that you're not growing in a rectangle, L x w x h doesn't apply. We should be calculating the area for a circle or cylinder, with Pi x r^2 (x h for total area). You're actually already above 50wpsqft, so I wouldn't change the distance of the screens from the lamps... Just fill it in with branches.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
I thought I was ok with the distance, but when I lean them in to the light they seem to get denser and thicker. This is why I had thought about moving them in some. I will work on more of a sog type density where more colas from the same branch lean in to the light.

Had a lady call today and said that she smoked half a joint and had to go lay down as it was to strong. She was thrilled with the taste and smoothness of the smoke. So I will work on getting a few more strains like that and mono crop them. Still have to weed some out till I find some keepers though.

I have a local strain that I believe I am the only one to have. When the dispensaries got closed down the guy who had it went back down state and now know one has it that I am aware of. Have meet a few people who really want a cut of it. And quite a few who want some of it to smoke. So I will run this and see if it will work for mono cropping. Just luck that I got the clone 2 days before they closed. It is a agent orange cross. Crossed with what know one knows.

Thanks for the input bobble.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
OK I haven't posted in a while so here goes. My yield was down from my last run. I seem to forget that those big buds shrink so much. I yielded 21 and 1/3 for the six plants. This is 0.60 grams per watt, which is down from my last run of 0.75 grams per watt. The run before that was 0.72 grams per watt. Not sure why it is less but I have a feeling it was the fungus nats that I could not spray for in flower. I have been treating more for them and feel that they will not be a problem in the next runs.

I will have another run coming out in the middle of the week. This will be a smaller run as I did not get the plant trained like I wanted to prior to flower. They were new strains and I didn't know how they would run. And now I do.

the seedlings that I planted on the 1st are starting to run out branches and I should be able to tell the sex here soon. Here is a picture.


This week I hope to meet someone from the forum and get some better genetics to run if we can get a time that works for both of us. We live about 5 hours away from each other so it may take a bit to line it up.


Active member
the seedlings that I planted on the 1st are starting to run out branches and I should be able to tell the sex here soon.

Right after you clone a branch, and flower it you mean...

Learn from my mistakes bro.

"Pre" sexing is bullshit. If it has a vag, and it smells like vag...it still ain't a vag till the lights go off. :tiphat:

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Not next time or the time after I am afraid as I was running new plants to find some better strains and the plants were put in early and did not fill the screens. After that I hope. Thanks for the vote though Mega. I will hit it some time soon I hope. Till then I will have to deal with a measly 20 ounces per run.:moon: I hope to get some of that USD this week. We will see.:good:


Active member
Yes but if it sprouts balls it has to go. The others are suspect till they flower.

I've never had one sprout balls until it was into flower.

Three days ago I killed both my Luna Haze freebies. Good thing too, fucks took 2 weeks to root...but I took out 2 perfectly good OG cuts outta my tubes to flower the cuttings in before I saw nuts.

And of course I'll never forget forget my first failure...
No balls until three weeks in...then it was a San Fran orgy...

Not trying to be a pushy dick bro...just don't want anyone else wasting time, money, n' nutes like I did. :tiphat:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Not next time or the time after I am afraid as I was running new plants to find some better strains and the plants were put in early and did not fill the screens. After that I hope. Thanks for the vote though Mega. I will hit it some time soon I hope. Till then I will have to deal with a measly 20 ounces per run.:moon: I hope to get some of that USD this week. We will see.:good:

Trust me the USD will BLOW YOUR FUCKING MIND!......it is dah shit!

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Ok so I thought I would show the difference that less nitrogen has in flower. Some post back Hydro-Soil mentioned that I was over fertilizing. This is true for the strain I am going to show. I get leaf curl at a EC of 0.8 or 400 ppm. What I have done though is change the amount of nitrogen in the mix. Instead of adding as much micro and calcium nitrate I added MKP.

Here is what I had been adding:

1.25 tsp of Jack's classic hydro 5-12-26
1 tsp Yara cal nitrogen
12.5 ml pro-teck
5 ml drip clean
1 Tbs molasses weekly.

Here is what I changed it to:
1 tsp Jack's
5/8 tsp Yara
1 tsp MKP
12.5 ml pro-teck
5 ml drip clean
1 Tbs molasses weekly.

Here is the difference


As you can see this made the buds more dense. The jar on the left is the bud grown with the MKP. Both jars are clones from the same mother grown with the same pot size and with the same light. As you can see they have different densities in the final product.

One final mention is that this run was 21.5 ounces. It is on the low side because I ran some plants that I have not run before. They were also not trained in my usual manor because I got them fully ready for flower from a friend. Final number is 0.61 grams per watt.

I should also mention this is for 5 gallons.


Active member
OK some specs.

1000watt hps, 10K AC, 45 pint dehu, and a 500 cfm air exchange fan. Nutes are Jungle Juice 6ml micro 9ml bloom, weekly hygrozyme, and weekly GH calimagic. Last night I flushed with Clearex at 15 ml per gal. Used 4 gallon for 6 plants. When I run out of the Jungle Juice I will be switching to Jack's 5-12-26 and Yara cal nit. Ph is running 5.7-5.9. Plants are getting about 2 gallons per feeding right now at 10% run off for 6 plants.

Three plants are in coco hempy buckets with perlite. Two are in 5 gallon pots with coco and one is in a 3 gallon pot of coco. All are top dressed with NAPA 8822 DE and mosquito dunk chunks.
Ok so I thought I would show the difference that less nitrogen has in flower. Some post back Hydro-Soil mentioned that I was over fertilizing. This is true for the strain I am going to show. I get leaf curl at a EC of 0.8 or 400 ppm. What I have done though is change the amount of nitrogen in the mix. Instead of adding as much micro and calcium nitrate I added MKP.

Here is what I had been adding:

1.25 tsp of Jack's classic hydro 5-12-26
1 tsp Yara cal nitrogen
12.5 ml pro-teck
5 ml drip clean
1 Tbs molasses weekly.

Here is what I changed it to:
1 tsp Jack's
5/8 tsp Yara
1 tsp MKP
12.5 ml pro-teck
5 ml drip clean
1 Tbs molasses weekly.

let's talk about what you're using for fertilizer... and please take my suggestions as constructive criticisms... I helped Mega go from growing 100% popcorn nuggets to having meds nice enough to open his own delivery service... So I'm not trying to make you look bad or anything.. Anyway...

You've gotta make some changes... I'm not following everything you're using, cause a lot of it is organic... and I'm not an organic guy, but you're using synthetic ferts as well? And I don't see "i'm using this from weeks 1-5, this weeks 6 and 8, and flushing for 2 weeks..." Synthetic fertilizer will kill bacteria. Why's this important? b/c you need the bacteria to digest the organics that you're adding, otherwise they just sit there. Also, after week 4 or 5, you need to cut down on the N and Ca. I like to use 50% veg levels in week 5, 25% in week 6, and drop it out completely after that. From there you switch to only adding back bloom. N and Ca are needed early on, and if you add them late in flower the buds don't swell like they should and they don't burn very nice...

Next question is who told you to use 5mL a gallon of drip clean? That stuff is expensive, and you only need 1 mL a gallon. If you're fertilizer has the right ratio of micro to macros, then everything should stay in suspension. Drip clean is extra macros, that help pull micros into the plant. More isn't better, if there's already macros present to bind to the micros.

What kind of water are you using? are you using a meter or going by what the EC should be?

Anyway... You're buds are going to get more dense and frost up if you follow my advice. I would also be more aggressive with the pruning, trimming up the auxiliary buds lower on the stem. The plant doesn't concentrate energy on them, they're only there in case the tops get damaged... Like I was telling you before... So you fill up the screens, and then flip, and the auxiliary bud sites will branch out when you flip. After they're done stretching, you only leave the tops that are directly in the light zone. Everything behind/under the top buds gets trimmed up all the way back to the screens.

I hope that helps Ichabod...

and no offense... but I would toss the big blue.. On a bad grow, the ChemD (you have the D, there's the sister, #4, '91 etc..) and StrawDD will outperform her with ease... USD can be more finicky and doesn't look very nice if you mess her up. Also be careful with light leaks. They're all sensitive to light.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Thanks for the reply Bobble. I am here to learn as well as show others my mistakes as well as what works for me.

The above mix is for 5 gallons and I didn't state that. So I went above and added it to the post. With 5 gallons that makes the drip clean only 1ml per gallon. By adding the MKP I cut the the cal and nit in flower. I will try to get what you stated above into my run. I am still working on getting my nutes to a good ratio. I also use RO water as my well water is 0.9 EC.

I tried to get the Big Blue out and had stopped vegging it but had to many people tell me they wanted it. So I took some cuts from a plant that was 5 weeks into flower. I agree I need some better strains and that is why the many different varieties in flower now. I am very happy to get the clones you gave me and hope I can get them to work for me. I will be tapping you for advice on how to run them.

Like I said earlier I am still new to this whole growing thing, and I appreciate all the advice. Besides I need to make the money so I can get my wife yarn.


Active member
By adding the MKP I cut the the cal and nit in flower. I will try to get what you stated above into my run. I am still working on getting my nutes to a good ratio. I also use RO water as my well water is 0.9 EC.

Jack's 5-12-26

Why are you adding the MPK? I'm very confused... I looked up jack's, and I came up with a 3 part liquid fertilizer. Are you using a dry fertilizer? That's what it sounds like to me... That's the part that needs to change. After week 5, I only give my plants straight bloom, which has 0 Nitrogen. I just dilute the N and Ca out of my reservoir. If you're not using a 2 part formula, that allows you to cut out the N completely... I recommend picking up some Kool Bloom powder, or GH Floranova Bloom. I suppose jack's has a bloom as well... with 0 or 1 for N.

.9 EC... what a bunch of crap... ha ha... My poor RO filter... Yarn? w/e keeps the wife happy I guess! :biglaugh: