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Newt Gingrich on drug laws


Rubbing my glands together
Newt is not out of the running. Newt is not stupid (Darth Vader maybe), he couldnt win NH, he didnt waste money there. Newt and Santorm will both do much better in the next 2 primaries. Unemployment is a major issue in SC, and Romney just said "I like handing out pink slips".

That doesnt play anywhere but the country club.

O yeah, the question, "Are corporations people?" (A play on Romneys words) is losing 2:1 in South Carolina. 66% say NO corporations are not people.

Newt will do well in SC. The older people remember the "fine" job he did for Reagan as Speaker and he's from next door in Georgia. Local boy and all don't you know. If Romney comes in between 2 or 4th it wouldn't be a shocker.
The south is a funny place politically. The Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal's, Independents, and the Church of God people just got to getting along and trusting Catholics not really all that long ago. No way in hell are they gonna vote for a Mormon.


weed fiend
IMO, Newt will die in SC. Some consider Jim DeMint as the barometer of the state. DeMint says Newt's challenge of the capitalist message will only hurt him. But you're right, strange things happen in southern politics. Romney's being bombed with negative adds including the 12 hour drive from Boston to Ontario with his Irish Setter strapped to the roof of the station wagon.

The fuck head noticed the dog defecating and pulled into a gas station. There he found a water house and proceeded to hose down the dog. Then he continued driving down the fucking road with his wet dog still strapped on top. What a maroon.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Newt will do well in SC. The older people remember the "fine" job he did for Reagan as Speaker and he's from next door in Georgia. Local boy and all don't you know. If Romney comes in between 2 or 4th it wouldn't be a shocker.
The south is a funny place politically. The Baptist, Methodist, Episcopal's, Independents, and the Church of God people just got to getting along and trusting Catholics not really all that long ago. No way in hell are they gonna vote for a Mormon.

ah no offense intended but Reagan was prez from 1981 to 1989...

Newt was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999...

just sayin.... ;)

also, it looks like Newt and Perry are losing supporters as we speak for bucking what the rich want... i can't stand either perry or gingrich, but i gotta hand it to them for standing up to financiers...

the 1% don't like the shit they are hearing... i say fuck the 1%, let's expose to everyone what CORPORATE America is really all about... :tiphat:


Well-known member
Newt is toast, as any hypocrite of his caliber should be. only question is - will he thrash around & injure so many other candidates on republican side that he hands general election to Obama? my opinion is that he will (or try to), out of spite. "if i can't be president, NONE of us will..." that is the sort of vindictive SOB that he is. our best hope is that Mitt Romney will look at all of the support from active service military, young people, & Tea partiers that Ron Paul would bring, & ask him to be his VP. if Mitt would do that & drop his opposition to MMJ, then i think this election would be OVER...:comfort:my dream is Ron as president, & i aint give up yet. but the talking heads seem determined to shuffle him to the side as an also-ran. if he can't get fair coverage as a candidate, it will be uphill as hell...


I agree with his basic point though.

If i cant be president...


None of you motherfuckers will be either!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
yea, he's acting like a scorn little 5 year old.

he's a real fucking head case....


seems like we almost had our 3rd world war and tried to kill many a dictators,,,and here we are trying to become the next communist power,,surprised we even get to vote on our dictator anymore,,,,
i am disgusted by people who are so obsessed with controlling others,,,
he wants to target pot smokers maybe i should start a campaign against fat squishy faced guys with eyes that are spread to far apart,,,,he looks like he is half a chromosome away from being a mongloid,,,
well guys lets hope this next czar isnt so bad,,,


New member
Hi all, I've been lurking and reading a lot of different opinions that all have one thing in common, we would like the prohibition of marijuana useage ended. There are so many reasons why this should come to pass, from relieving our prison population to saving money for REAL police needs to quit financing the drug cartels to........on and on and on.
I can not understand why the non-drug useage of the plant isn't being exploited. I mean 1 acre of marijuana is the equivilant to 4 acres of trees as to paper cultivation.....not to mention clothing and other fabrics made from the plant.
I wonder why no one has thought as to how much revenue from ALL use, medical or otherwise, Marijuana could gather? Could a tax on the proceeds go to help finance Medicare?
I don't quite understand why wanting all Americans to have equal access to quality health care is considered communist. I would think it to be Christian. And if something isn't done to reign in the huge costs of medicine, many people wont be able to afford to stay healthy and pay their bills.
Ever notice all those Republican contenders are extremely rich? Who's taxes are they really fighting for?


Well-known member
Hi all, I've been lurking and reading a lot of different opinions that all have one thing in common, we would like the prohibition of marijuana useage ended. There are so many reasons why this should come to pass, from relieving our prison population to saving money for REAL police needs to quit financing the drug cartels to........on and on and on.
I can not understand why the non-drug useage of the plant isn't being exploited. I mean 1 acre of marijuana is the equivilant to 4 acres of trees as to paper cultivation.....not to mention clothing and other fabrics made from the plant.
I wonder why no one has thought as to how much revenue from ALL use, medical or otherwise, Marijuana could gather? Could a tax on the proceeds go to help finance Medicare?
I don't quite understand why wanting all Americans to have equal access to quality health care is considered communist. I would think it to be Christian. And if something isn't done to reign in the huge costs of medicine, many people wont be able to afford to stay healthy and pay their bills.
Ever notice all those Republican contenders are extremely rich? Who's taxes are they really fighting for?

slitherly, for a "newbie" you show good sense. unfortunately, the answer is ...(drumroll) they HAVE thought about it. the problem is that legal weed/hemp/etc would cut the profit margins in so many established industries. there is almost NOTHING made from oil that cannot be made from hempseed oil. the cotton industry would suffer HUGE losses, because hemp cloth is so much more durable. the chemical/petro industries ditto. we won't even go into the losses that Big Pharma would be reeling from. if you wait on the mavens of industry to help us, it aint happening until congress figures out how to give them total control of the plant.


You missed all the judges, bailiffs, cops, and prison guards that will not be necessary if drugs were legal.

Lots of people derive their career from the caging of non violent mj users.


Thursday, January 19

South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary Insider Advantage
Romney 29, Gingrich 32, Paul 15, Santorum 11, Perry 3 Gingrich +3

South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary
Rasmussen Reports Romney 31, Gingrich 33, Paul 15, Santorum 11, Perry 2 Gingrich +2

South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary PPP (D)
Romney 28, Gingrich 34, Paul 15, Santorum 14, Perry 5 Gingrich +6

South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary Politico/Tarrance (R)
Romney 37, Gingrich 30, Paul 11, Santorum 10, Perry 4 Romney +7

Im sure those polls are before Wife #2 came out with the "newt wanted an open marriage" quote.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Im sure those polls are before Wife #2 came out with the "newt wanted an open marriage" quote.

and he said Calista was okay with it... so if Gingrich some how got elected President, we would have a ho-swinger for a first lady :D


and he said Calista was okay with it... so if Gingrich some how got elected President, we would have a ho-swinger for a first lady :D
Stop saying things that make me want to vote for the man damnit! I obviously despise him too much but damn is the prospect of a pimp President awesome. Pity it wasn't the black guy in office now, racists would have a field day.:p
Newt won that debate.

That son of a bitch talks like a jedi.
Pardon the ignorance but how'd he do that? If we're going by your analogy Paul is goddamn Anakin Skywalker in debates.

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