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Tropical Growing


I have not read whole thread yet, sorry. Almost. But i wonder because here is tropics too. the sativa type plants around this region is sativa mostly and takes long time to flower. what do you do for rain? mold is not worry, but physical rain washing off THC. Asian rain can be very hard, and not always dry, never dry for the amount of time it takes sativa to finish flowering.


Active member
Rain will not "wash" off THC. The trichomes are unaffected by water.
Mold is the only likely problem if there is a long period of rain.


Active member
Thanks for the kinds words, and awesome that you took time to share with us. I've got a few questions.
jeje ok...pretty damn high right now.
1. when you stand out next to your patch in the morning, what time does sun hit it directly, and untill what time does it stop ? then more or less how many hrs of indirect light does she get before sunrise, and afternoon till sun set ?
2. do they get morning light or afternoon light ? Like when it's sun setting does the red hue hit them directly ? or is it more Blue hue during the early morning ?
3. Why grow directly under a palm ? I'm afriad unless well trimmed your blocking mid day direct sun.

ok, I'm glad you use the ckicken wire, and pots. the perlite will help alot during rain season indeed my friend to run off excess water. But 2 things, do you suplement foods ? cuase too much rain and too much perlite could wash out nuterients, and during summer in my case I like to add more wormcasting to help hold more humidity and a little less perlite just to pots don't dry out so fast. Also black pots absorbe light, so I try and use red, or at least not real dark colored ones and hopefully white buckets jeje but this is me.

Your plants are looking nice, jeje machete is a little rusted but you got a nice clearing there. jeje nice red soil ! thanks agian and sorry bout the rant.

Ohhh jejej one more thing. Drung the summer you might want to set up a drip system unless your close by to water really frecuently. It's easy to do and only need a few things if your interested in a few ideas i've got lots of macguiver sytle set ups in mind.

Please take your time reading...my spelling sucks so jeje any questions let me know.
Rian...I cheat my friend and use plastic for cover in a home made greenhouse. But I do grow alot outside with friends.

Are you interested in growing little bit's all yr, o just one big grow a yr ?

Then, i'd like to know a little about your options on where your growing. Is it flat, a slope, and whats the surroundings like ?

Each situation is dif, if I get a general idea I might be able to give you better tips, not only I but others here who might be in a similar situation, jeje the beauty of ICmag is to be able too share, learn from so many. I've seen people growing in trees jejeje I mean really where there is a will, there is a way.

Rain can be the mother of life, but too much of a great thing becomes bad quick. Yes actually tropical rain fall is incredible brutal, and can wash off delicate thc heads off the stalks once the plant is getting near peak...bunch of headless stalks isn't going too be as High, but would definitly have alot of body. Could be made into cannabutter to force the cbn to thc and still get a good high, jeje but when eaten the body could become alot heavier ;) Made into hash would be dif unless you own a dehumitifier, other wise plants dont get dry/brital enough to really get the thc gland and stalks off. Hand rubbed would be the option in humid places like in India and other south asian places.

Direct rain hopefully should be avoided but if you can't then thats why I was asking about the suroundings too see what you might be able to work with. Depending on if your interested in growing all yr or one good harvest makes a dif if you would be useing pots or planting into the ground. Pots give you the advantage that you can move them around. Planting into soil jejeje well mother nature knows best and with the right help could give you real nice results, but that all depends on how safe you and your grow will be before you consider anything.

Your right that thc is not soluble in water. needs achol/lipidos. But rain in the tropics comes down at incredible force, and the rain isn't alone...comes with strong winds to. Plants bash agianst each other, wind beats them around, and rain at the same time...like putting a plant in a washing machine too knock off all the tricombs if you ask me. The great part, plants revege and new bud grow is made with new trics and the old headless stalks become incredible body by the time everything is ready and gives a complex high jeje like a nice aged wine.

oh Gano, another good thing about constant rain is that molds don't build up. Molds need to dry so that spores can spread in my opion, constant rain normaly make strong green wonderfull plants while young and vegetive, will enduce more females too if good soil is provided. If you time things right, grow last few months of rain season so that you flower during dry season. Use the right genetics during dif times of yr. lots of things to play with. In the end if your willing to be patient, observe your plants well you should be able to see the signs. Heathy plants are less prone to sickness.

Cool & Calm


Active member
few more of what I had going a few weeks ago jejeje walked in there today and felt emppty with just a few clones and the big lady jejeje all my seedlings...MALES jeje see man summer time starting seeds sucks. Not there enough to keep them happy, so am going to set up an easy drip system jejeje need my ladies, not no bananas


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Wife says "ojala nos tomaras tantas fotos a nosotros como a tus matas" in other words "I wish you'd take as many pics of us, as you do your plants" :) jeje


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    True Blueberry with some awesome colors from the beginning.
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last ones for now
Blessings, happy new years.


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Awesome plants, nicely defoliated, we get to see those naked buds glistening in the sunlight. Oh wait, are they atleast 18 weeks old? I don't want to go to prison for my dirty cannathoughts.

Kudos happy new year!

Donald Mallard

el duck
last ones for now
Blessings, happy new years.
blessings to you also chaman my tropical cousin ...

i like your description of flowering plants in a tropical rainstorm ,
and agree totally ,,
i make hash all the time ,,
the difference between erb thats picked in the middle of the wet , to that which is picked without seeing rain , is incredible ,,
the quality of the resin and the quantity is wayyy down after a bunch of tropical storms hit the plants ...


Well-known member

Your advice is always appreciated. I haven't put much thought into the pot color, but I think I'll probably go with your advice and start using lighter colors. The grow is on a cliffline facing northeast. Sun rises at 6-6:30 and sets at 6:30 -7. Once the sun goes over the plateau, it's all indirect light until the sun goes down, but I get good early morning indirect sun from and direct sunlight is usually from 9am to 3-4pm. The palm is actually an old palm stump that's pretty much rotted out, so there aren't any leaves on it. I wouldn't trust it to brace me if I lost my footing. I top dress every few weeks with Fox Farm Happy Frog and during our dry season, we still get a good rain once a week if not a couple times per week. For now, they've been okay, but as they grow and drink more, I might have to look into irrigation. It's far from perfect, but good to know I'm not totally fucking everything up. Always a pleasure.


Please take your time reading...my spelling sucks so jeje any questions let me know.
Rian...I cheat my friend and use plastic for cover in a home made greenhouse. But I do grow alot outside with friends.

Are you interested in growing little bit's all yr, o just one big grow a yr ?

Then, i'd like to know a little about your options on where your growing. Is it flat, a slope, and whats the surroundings like ?

Each situation is dif, if I get a general idea I might be able to give you better tips, not only I but others here who might be in a similar situation, jeje the beauty of ICmag is to be able too share, learn from so many. I've seen people growing in trees jejeje I mean really where there is a will, there is a way.
Thank you for answers! Your English is very good, better than my!

The idea is to grow a year supply during the 3-6 month dry season. Wet season here too wet for this, even under cover, humidity and wind very bad here, even books inside house grow fungus.

So security is also worry. right now friends house roof is where grow. there are 4 other houses that can see on top of roof, so have camouflage plants blocking them, problem is they only grow 4-5 feet high, so large sativa hard to grow right now. So thinking around 5-10 medium size plants about 5-6' or less height. Plastic top i like idea but not easy to do here. Winds very strong, and look very suspicious in this area.

Also have plans for a mountain valley want to grow it there wild style. But here is VERY wet, especially in typhoons! Nothing can protect from mudslide, so plan to grow in many spots along south facing mountain. Here hiding is not worry, but bringing in construction material is not possible without helicopter, very remote valley, hard full day hike in. you can see 2 thread start here:

Rain can be the mother of life, but too much of a great thing becomes bad quick. Yes actually tropical rain fall is incredible brutal, and can wash off delicate thc heads off the stalks once the plant is getting near peak...bunch of headless stalks isn't going too be as High, but would definitly have alot of body. Could be made into cannabutter to force the cbn to thc and still get a good high, jeje but when eaten the body could become alot heavier Made into hash would be dif unless you own a dehumitifier, other wise plants dont get dry/brital enough to really get the thc gland and stalks off. Hand rubbed would be the option in humid places like in India and other south asian places.

Direct rain hopefully should be avoided but if you can't then thats why I was asking about the suroundings too see what you might be able to work with. Depending on if your interested in growing all yr or one good harvest makes a dif if you would be useing pots or planting into the ground. Pots give you the advantage that you can move them around. Planting into soil jejeje well mother nature knows best and with the right help could give you real nice results, but that all depends on how safe you and your grow will be before you consider anything.

thank you. good information! I think yes, roof plants in pots ok. Moving not easy, but maybe safer. Do you think moving indoors for 2-7 days straight will cause problem in flowering? Could give it light, but not a lot of light. Worry about hermie happening.

oh Gano, another good thing about constant rain is that molds don't build up. Molds need to dry so that spores can spread in my opion, constant rain normaly make strong green wonderfull plants while young and vegetive, will enduce more females too if good soil is provided. If you time things right, grow last few months of rain season so that you flower during dry season. Use the right genetics during dif times of yr. lots of things to play with. In the end if your willing to be patient, observe your plants well you should be able to see the signs. Heathy plants are less prone to sickness.
Yes very good. Have only wild strains from Asia, cannot mail seeds here too risky! but want to try breed strong plants that are more resistant to mold, i think this better for wild sativa because less dense flower. dense flower good, but not in tropics during wet time.


Active member
Big UP ! jeje blessing.

Alex, lots of mixes and I start plants all the time so all there timings are different. Thanks for the compliment and stop'n bye.

Thanks, and yes Family is number one. Thats why I always try to remind people to be safe and on the alert when out in the garden.
Gracias y estoy deacuerdo que la Familia es lo primero. Siempre trato recordar la gente que lo primero es seguridad, y que esten alertos en su jardin.

thanks for taking time to post your opion on the matter too between dry season hash and plants that have been made into hash that have suffereed stroms. Real kind of you, that I hope should give our friend a little more of an idea.

The good thing though to remember jejeje well maybe not good if you prefer cuality of cuantity. Dry season you a smaller harvest, but it's the best !!! Wet season you can get several harvests, plants are bigger and give more. But less cuality. (( STILL MORE THAN GOOD ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU HAPPY ))

The colored pots are only if your are in a safe place. If not they'd draw attention to your plants. Also if people are around i'd recomend letting patches of weeds grow here and there, or take time and make things nice growing bamboo, yuca and other ornamlental plants that have similar leaf paterns and hue's of green with thin leafs and such. lots can ba made bushy and such to realy carry the vission away from your plants. Ok that said.

The slope is great for you since it rains so much, jeje but to still get that much rain in dry season is a touch much. your going too have too realy observe the sk#1 pure They say that skunks should be more or less 50/50 but I really consider them more to be Indica like a 25 sat/75 indica so watch these. Skunk genetics can be awesome, but the think tight buds are mold heaven, bugs like them too jeje tasty stinky indica genetics with fat leafs are alot more tasty then boring skinny leafed sativas. The Skunk#1 x Haze i'm really looking forward too. I'd hope it would be like the more original skunks from back in the day that should have been a 25indica/75 sativa cross jejeje hoping this is the out come for you, that 25 % indica just enough to fasten things up and give some wieght to your buds and high.

jeje drew a diagram, but kinda got this from the info you gave.

Oh and good thing that palm stump doen't block out and over head light, jeje might use it too make a scare crow....Birds keep eating all my seedlings....oh it pisses me off. Kaya my Rot is too old too chase them out like she used too. Need to make chicken wire covers for my seedlings.

I'm glad you know to add a little more food for the ladies as they grow and seems like you know what your doing. Looking forward to a nice grow, specialy since you had those in the light cab they should have a good size for when you pull them out to flower.

Larger plants will need more water thats a given, specialy if they are Sativas, as they are used too tropical weather where as too Indicas like the dirt too almost try out before I rewater. Sativas will droop alot sooner than an indica with less water.

I mix some Kal in with my dirt to help against ants too. Cusin said it should help with ph...but honestly id have too look into that, but ants are a problem for me indeed. Double sided tape on stems works for a while but they make ant bridges wth the dead bodies.

Best of luck, should have a nice grow if your coming into dry season like me.

awesome that you took the time to answer some of the questions, I hope too be of better help now.

jeje all my medical school books and lots of my kids stroy books have molds here too...guitar inside the case too long started too...Gun in my safty box even started too rust jejeje I know the feeling of humidty !!! It is a pain, but can be done all year round, just takes alot more observation, patience and you need too be around more.

But too grow one great grow once a year will be a little scarey....but awesome !!!! jeeje scarey cuase you are growing all that you would normaly grow extended during the yr at once. If something happens....it can really afect you. Some once steels your harvest....it's all gone. If you get busted, you get busted with alot. Wouldn't be able to really say this is for personal use. Remember youd have too start out with alot of plants.

for example. In Costa Rica.
wet season late april. (may-november heaviest rains) to December when the really strong winds come and push away the clouds.

Dry season Jan-March are the best months, then comes the rain in april agian little by little.

So for one great season i'd start my seeds in Oct if they are really sativa. Nov if they are hybird.

Sativas will grow nice and stong and the winds will make them tuff, the humidity will asure heathy lovely plants and more females. they will grow the first month and start too sex in the secound. If they are spaced apart will grow in nice christmas tress shape, If you have them close together they will tend too be more like long colas and less branching. by the end of Dec starting the dry season i'd have killed all my Males, hermafrodites and would hope too be left only with my choosen females to flower the next few months you really need to pay attention to watering, and that they keep healthy.

Hybirds due to the indica genentics will flower faster and not need soo much veg time. These should have less problems with hermis, and be more about just killing off males. If you can suplemental lights would be awesome !!! just too really give them some mass when they start to flower.

If doing only one harvest i'd put the plants into the ground from pots once I've got the selected females. Or transfer into the biggest pots you can find too finish with, and be very atentive.

In the ground you can slack off alot....nature has your back, in pots you mess up...it's your fault. Can't forget too water, feed...can't be like...its late i'll do it tomorrow. Tomorrow your plants will be very sad, and take time to recouperate...making you wait more too, and prob get less of a harvest, not to mention stressing plants can tend too more hemri triats or even bring out more male genetics.

OK....jejej but now, since your growing on a roof, and have houses that can still see over your grow area, you really aren't safe at all. Not too mention, if anyone calls the Phone./Cable/Internet/Electric companies to make near by repiars they too can see. Not too safe.

In your case start plants under lights, doesn't take much of an investment. Get plants too a decent size then flower on the roof. Useing plants to blend in is smart. Bamboo does a great job and grows well in pots, can be trimmed to make bushes too or a hedge and hide your plants I'd do several small harvests in your case and use hybird genetics no pure stativas unless you tie them down like a vine your alot better off with small quick hybirds that are mold resisten. Nothing with afghani or genetics that are from really dry places, you need hybirds made by people who live in places like yours that seeds are more climate adjusted too. Look from crosses made with high land sativas, they are normaly prety small too. it's just that growing like that makes your choices very limited...jeje might be easier to change the roof zinc too plastic and grow in the atic space instead.

Moving plants from one place to another should be done slow if it's from a place of less light too a place of more light. But if your going from more light too less light its alot easier...but not good for your plants, they would need help too look heathy agian. Stress at any point in flowering should be avoided. I do all stressfull things normaly while the plant is young and in vigourus growth.

when you grow a plant you need to be able to stand next to it and look 360* and not be able too be seen. The hike sounds fun jejej and really construction material isn't needed....can use sacks instead of potts, and use near by timber. I'd bring lots of rope and wire, few sacks and a hachet/machete. Everything less nature provides with a bit of looking around. Like I said i've seen people grow in trees jejeje anything can be done.

South facing slopes are the best....but are the first ones that get checked out by authorities to jejeje assholes, land slides normaly only occure on really steep cliffs or where too many trees have been cut, both should be avoided. Steep mountinas don't ofer good soild, moslty rocky. and areas that are deforested have too many people around. Natural occuring land slides in the middle of the jungle happen...jeje but in those cases it's just too much bad luck.

Mailing seeds is risky ? Mostly native sativas....wow. Kinda reading your post backwards here. I know the feeling when I started I only grew sativas...I listen'd to rap sometimes and Dr Dre cd had a fat leaf drawing....I luaghed and said, Dr Dre never seen a marijuana leaf before, leafs not fat...they are skinny and long !! jejeje over yrs finaly grew my first indica !!! jejej wow what a difference in genetics.

Is it risky to recieve seeds too ? po box and false name ?

Blessings, I'll try too reread the post and try to make more sence...Still having a hard time concentrating on just one thing jejejeje

Cool & Calm


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6 years!!

6 years!!

Chaman me siento extraño siendo los dos te tiquicia comunicarnos en inglés pero debido al respeto al thread va en inglés:

I remember that some time ago I learned so much from this thread that I wanted to read It one more time, so I logged in and saw when was the last time I posted here, and It was 2006!!!! I felt so old, but also I have learned so much since then, after a few crops outdoors and and few more indoors I know a little more now, nothing compared to the great knowledge that you have teach us on this thread, and that's the reason I wanted to ask for your advise,

I'm going to start a little grow outdoors, I have a spot that have many advantages: 99% secure, not a soul to see you or walk near, not saying 100% because you never know, all the water that you can require, and great sunlight, around 2000 mts over the sea but the problems are:
-Fungus paradise, like the cloud forrest that you might know at this altitute, lots of fungi on the trees, on the forrest ground, (hongos, lana en los arboles)
Regarding genetics I'm testing a new seed bank with and 'outdoors hybrid' 60% sativa 40% indica, but maybe want to try a 100% sativa due to humidity, I will post pictures of the place so you have a better idea.
This project is not commercial at all, It's a hobby and for my smoking that is quite a bit jeje, actually I'm planning to let females and males for the first few crops to try to find the better suited for the conditions, and also will like to plant one strain only, some people might think doesn't make sense but It does to me...
Regarding that, my seeds arrive next week, so reading your recomendations on schedule:
*I was planning to have mid size vegs and start the clones by the middle of Feb,
*then take the parents (maybe 8) and let them flower by March and produce seeds for planting on october,
*have the clones to flower on June and other batch on September, the ones on september I'm not expecting too much because of the weather, but want to see which parent perform the best on the worst humidity/rain to select the seeds to the next crop.
Not sure If that was clear but sorry I'm a little high right now.
Also some questions about watering, the spot has a creek that has formed a little canyon, should I put the plants there??, the soil is moist and almost no extra watering needed, or take the plants to dryer ground and take the water with a hose?

I will also put pictures of the project as soon as It is running!
Saludes viejo!


Active member
jeje well somethings never change.....had a nice real long post ready, all got erased.

Not inspired enough right now too re-write, jeje be back in a little bit.

Try'n too keep my cool and stay'n clam jejeje


hehe :) cool and calm :D i remember costa beeing very humid and warm at this time of year :D hehe keep those photos coming! :D i love to see pics since im too lazy to post pics myself :D

feliz nuevo año!


bonecarver , charlie , Raco ... .coñoooooo jajajaj ya me acorde del team español :) bless buenas vibras !!! mucha resina pa este 2012!!!! a ver chaman mandeme esas señales de humo que en la union esta la fuerza ;)



Active member
No tengo ningun problema que escribas en español. Yo mismo lo hago amenudo.
I have no prob that you write in spanish. I often do my self.

It's great that you came back around after so many yrs and remember'd the thread. The best part about growing is all that we learn each time, and what we can do better the next. ICmag gives us all a nice place to come sit around the table to share our expierience as we can't speak of these things in normal day life...its a nice release and you can choose too learn so much. Every once has thier style, but we take from others mistakes and mix with our own way of doing things till we develope a style too. Once you get the rythem, it's all cool runnings.
Sounds like its going too be a challenge for you my friend with such strong indica genetic hybird in such a humid place. Not say'n can't be done....but would have been great if you could have started sooner jejeje if we ever get a true summer they might finsh off by late april. It rainned near my place 5 days in a row, today was the first sunny day in a long time. Direct weather on indica strong bybird would need too dry completly off at somepoint early during the day to avoid mold...an early morning Due with a all humid day, with sun hiding behind clouds could rott them if not.

I would recomend to plant a few true sativas near by just too get an idea of the heath, vigor, and mold resistence....jejeje not too mention when you open polenate you could come up with an interesting cross that could come too be 75-80 sativa and 25-20% indica

open polen can work out to be nice becuase the large genitic pool you will have, but to later choose parents won't be simple, but you will have more diversity and plants that are stronger to resist diffierent variables. For example plants that are more mold resistent, bug resistent, faster vigor, plants that take drought better, etc. As too when only inline breeding looking and chansing a specific triat can tend too make plants week to other things....jeje como decir el perro zaguate aguanta todo, pero el perro con pedegree de todo sufre. Suficientes zaguates, podrias encontra la que mas acepta tu ambiente.

We call Zagautes = Dog mutt and Dogs with pedgree the pure breads, street dogs live off anything and nothing much can faze them...pure bread dogs suffer many differnt genetic related problems and are easy to get sick. Open polen = the street dogs. Plants that will look many different ways and take to different ambients better then there own sisters and brothers. In line breeding a genticaly made plant that thrives in XXX enviroment isn't always the best idea unless you can recreat that same ambient. Great out doors is very different even from a greenhouse, many more variables. But nature on your side is like having a good coach in your corner or on the sideline helping you, guiding you.

You posted a few days ago so imagine seeds are sprouting...by mid Feb they should be about 35-40cm depending on conditions, maybe even 50cm. But you want too clone...so are you going to pinch the tops at 3 nodes to promote branches, then cut those on the third node too ? Just there you'd have a few clones going. ( the tops, and then the tops of your branches). Then let her veg out and keep cutting clones constantly ? How many watts is your cab ? or better said how are you suplementing the light ?

If you wait too long too flower lets say...a 30cm clone taken out to clower can easy become a 60cm plant by finish...so you might want too take out to flower sooner so that your plants will be done by ending of april begining of may with first rains. Longer clones take longer to finish. You get better yield, if you can finish it with out rotting.

To plan just one genetic is nice to learn...but boring when you smoke, jejejejje kinda like be'n married. She's awesome thats why your married, but you always wonder what everone else is smoke'n jejejeje in thise case sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side jejee so having dif buds to smoke at different times for different effects is real nice, and to mix them even better. But this is up to each his own...jeje como dice mi abuela cada loco con su tema. (each crazy has his own theme ?)

Plants each like dif kinds of floor. I'd love a creek and canyon, but this limits my light as surrounding fauna is going too thrive and be much more vigorous. But ideal place for low land sativas of course. If I'd grow in an area like this i'd try too make a raised dirt bed, or mounds of dirt and plant my seeds up on top. This to asure water wicks up too them, but they don't sit in stagnent dirt sufficating roots. Lots of rich soil in places like this since all sediments from the forest are eroded down to the low lands near creaks and rivers. So nice, but if your plants don't like indirect light soo much and soo much humidity and don't need water so often you can use a slope make indent in the slop and prepare deep holes and mix rich soil in, this will help catch water when you water them and the water won't run off down the hill and will help your plants keep moist soil for longer periods. Have more direct light, less humidity. You can syphon water with gravity and a whose really easy...or you can even dig little water canales and just damn it off each time you finish watering. Can make a drip system too thats really easy.

OOooohhhh jejej one last thing bro, people love to walk along rivers. Might be safer to have the plants not soo visible from a river bank as people explore of trial a river they normaly walk along the edges. Just something to keep inmind. Animals will do the same looking for water.

Bone ! jjej damn iphone didn't let me load directly so am going too have too play around with this thing agian, but will be posting very soon.

Jjejejejeej oh hey great news, got a little Pannama 74 x Destoyer male !!! am going to polinate that big Colombian Gold big time jejejejej shes already got alot of selfs, and from a specific cross I made in early flower, I hope in late flower and a little revege I can still make it in time to make some Panama 74 (to me is very similiar to my Colombian Gold, smaller faster, but similar bud shape, form and smell/taste.) X Destroyer ( Jam, Colom, Thai and Mex.) X Colombian Gold. So it would be a major Colombian genetic monster i'd hope jejjeeje



Active member
Electro !
Hey bro, just chilling....work everyday, or spending time with the family, don't really go out much like I used too unless there is a good concert or something like that. But who knows crazier things happen jejejejej aren't you out in the pacific or out side of el valle central ?

Cool & Calm


Well-known member
Chaman & friends,

Anyone have any experience with making your own coco coir/peat? It's an idea I've been kicking around lately. I remember seeing a company from South America (Brazil, I think) that sold coconut husk shredders. Just thought I'd mention it to see if anyone else had done it.

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