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Burner phones

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
One day fairly soon I think cash will disappear and will be more like a debit/credit system but that's for another thread.

Then how will the government launder all the money from the drug sales, that they need for their illegal wars and to prop up the world wide warlord network they support? I guess you better have enough to have it be in precious metals or stones :)

I agree though. If they're pulling video records, then you've already fucked up. Still it's always better to be safe than sorry. So you could pay someone to go and do that for you.

Grass Lands

One day fairly soon I think cash will disappear and will be more like a debit/credit system but that's for another thread.

That's when we go back to the "Trader Joe" days...

I got some good veggies I can trade ya for a chicken or two...

Grass Lands

I agree though. If they're pulling video records, then you've already fucked up. Still it's always better to be safe than sorry. So you could pay someone to go and do that for you.

I dont know man...people roll over on people all the time just to try and get a lighter sentence...all it would take would be some one just to drop a hint of "hey man I know this dude that always has good weed, if I give him up can I get a lighter sentence"? and the cops are off and running trying to nail your ass...or someone you do biz with gets popped and they search their phone and see the numerous calls or txt coming from your phone...none of this is to far fetched as it has already happened...just sayin' to watch your ass and to never take your freedom lightly folks, because if you can think it so can someone else...


I dont know man...people roll over on people all the time just to try and get a lighter sentence...all it would take would be some one just to drop a hint of "hey man I know this dude that always has good weed, if I give him up can I get a lighter sentence"? and the cops are off and running trying to nail your ass...or someone you do biz with gets popped and they search their phone and see the numerous calls or txt coming from your phone...none of this is to far fetched as it has already happened...just sayin' to watch your ass and to never take your freedom lightly folks, because if you can think it so can someone else...
You can only take so many precautions. Everyone's situation is different even within the same state whether med or not. Hard to defend against someone you deal with setting you up. Part of this whole thing is having a thick skin and constantly asking yourself how you can do things better without stressing about things. If something happens to someone you know you should already have a plan to buffer yourself to the best of your ability.

Obviously the more you expose yourself in the number of people you deal with the odds of something going bad are increased. I understand the whole don't tell, don't sell policy and all but IMO you need friends in the community and we help each other out from time to time. Fortunately I'm in Cali so easier for me to say that. Part of me and canna is basically a big FU to the system.

Grass Lands

I hear ya Nondual, I'm in cali to...but even so, we still have to watch out front to the back and side to side.

Stay sharp and on point my friend...maybe one day we won't have to hide in the shadows...


Interesting. Can you explain this more?

Isn't a prepaid good though because it can't be linked to you?

If you get caught with it then it can but otherwise, isn't it just a nameless number? Say someone that I deal with or sell to gets caught and leo looks up their phone records for further leads. A consistent number that is of interest to them turns out to be a dead end because it's got no name attached to it.

Am I wrong here?

Roving wiretap

Your boy better be rock solid than. Otherwise, he'll pin a name to that "consistent number" and you'll be under surveillance, and it won't matter how many phones you drop. Investigations don't happen over night. It's a culmination of many things, all things that point towards your wrong doing. My point is... if your name is mentioned... all it is is a name, dead end... but if it comes with a number... well then, activity, records, subpoenas. It's something additional for them to go off of.

Don't get lulled into a false sense of security.
Oh heck I agree with that and have thought about the issue. You can always have a friend buy your phones/cards for you. Once again if they get to the point where they subpoena those video records they already have a bunch of solid shit on you. Someday though with all of the facial recognition stuff and data collection I can see how when you make a purchase the 'system' immediately knows who bought it even with cash. One day fairly soon I think cash will disappear and will be more like a debit/credit system but that's for another thread.
Cash isn't disappearing anytime soon. I work for a major retailer and ~33% of all purchases are in cash still. Much higher than I expected.


I think what he meant, was if the dollar crashes, then well the dollar will essentially go away.
I love cash! We'll see what happens. I shouldn't have said anything...ooops. There's a few threads on this subject here...kind of. Next time I buy a burner will use my credit card, wear my 'I Love Weed California' shirt, smile into the camera, put my hemp hat on with the complimentary leaf insignia and will make sure I pack my pockets with the stinkiest herb I can get my hands on and I'll see what happens!

Grass Lands

I love cash! We'll see what happens. I shouldn't have said anything...ooops. There's a few threads on this subject here...kind of. Next time I buy a burner will use my credit card, wear my 'I Love Weed California' shirt, smile into the camera, put my hemp hat on with the complimentary leaf insignia and will make sure I pack my pockets with the stinkiest herb I can get my hands on and I'll see what happens!

Go right on ahead and let us know what happens bro....hahahaha


Active member
Isn't a prepaid good though because it can't be linked to you?

If you get caught with it then it can but otherwise, isn't it just a nameless number? Say someone that I deal with or sell to gets caught and leo looks up their phone records for further leads. A consistent number that is of interest to them turns out to be a dead end because it's got no name attached to it.

they could still pull all the numbers that you phone number dialed and sort through those....hopefully everyone you talk to is also on prepaid but if some chance some guy is using his own phone they might have a lead....

i fucking hate phones....it seems theres really few ways to communicate without being spied on.


Net 10-- just skip the questions about address and name.... it is actually an option. I activate it at the pay phone on the way out of Wal-Mart. They all have a plug in for power supply. Only contact couple close associates that do theirs the same way. Carry two phones... if pulled over toss the phone over on the side of the passenger seat. "Guy who was hitching must have dropped it." Can't link you... can't link the other couple numbers you use it too... and you having your own regular on your hip makes the hitch hiker theory plausible.

Never text.... takes up very little memory, can be fully tracked and stored without much man power...... texts are forever.... voice takes up lots of space on servers and usually is harder to get a warrant for.....



Active member
they could still pull all the numbers that you phone number dialed and sort through those....hopefully everyone you talk to is also on prepaid but if some chance some guy is using his own phone they might have a lead....

i fucking hate phones....it seems theres really few ways to communicate without being spied on.

They can turn your mic on remotely and listen to normal conversations(not phone conversations).
They can track you via the built in gps in every phone which is government mandated.
The only way to defeat this is battery pull.
Basically if they want you, they'll get you.
So the trick is to stay off the radar.
Frankly with the plethora of dumb ass and crazy ass shit going on where we live, I don't trip too hard, I just try to keep a low pro. I don't feel the need for a burner, but I'm small time in the bigger scheme of things also...
There's plenty of dumbasses out there to keep the coppers busy....


New member
If I was in need of a burner I would first do some research on past cases where people got caught because of it. Court documentation can provide quite a bit of data on where people fuck up. Even TV crime series have a bunch of good no-no's in 'em.

I find one thing can be problematic. When people acquire burners or any other "security" measure they tend to forget that they are still vulnerable. So instead of just a second cell, adopting the whole security protocol (prearranged calls, codes, no names or locations, in person number exchange, etc) is a lot more secure.

As for one on one, if you want to go bulletproof, use rice paper and have a bucket of water nearby. Paper writing can be recovered but not water dissolved rice paper.

That being said I agree with Molson but being extra careful is never bad thing.
Either what you're doing is at the point where you shouldn't be on phones period. Or what you're doing is of such little significance in LEs eyes (i.e. you're not on the radar 'cuz your just hooking your buddy and his friends up with an 8th every week) that your cell phone should work fine.


As for one on one, if you want to go bulletproof, use rice paper and have a bucket of water nearby. Paper writing can be recovered but not water dissolved rice paper.
Yeah you could do things like only use an external hard drive you could destroy pretty quickly but measures like that are only good if you have some advance warning otherwise useless. Seems usually peeps just get caught with something or LEO jumps on you without notice due to something they found elsewhere or someone drops a dime on you.


Yeah see I'm already somewhat on the radar. Got busted before and on probation now so this is just a precaution in case they feel the need to check up on me and see what I'm up to. The burner phone is working great so far.

I'm planning on taking the advice I read here to throw it out and get a new one once the minutes are up. They're cheap enough.


I'm planning on taking the advice I read here to throw it out and get a new one once the minutes are up. They're cheap enough.
Very cheap insurance.

Only other thing I can think of is I use flip phones. I've heard of people pocket dialing but a few weeks back 2 guys got caught ripping off a bunch of video games and 1 pocket dialed 911. It took awhile for the operator understood what they were talking about then LEO was waiting at the store they were talking about dumping the games off at and got pinched! During that pocket dialed conversation they were boasting how other crooks are idiots lol.


Active member
Yeah see I'm already somewhat on the radar. Got busted before and on probation now so this is just a precaution in case they feel the need to check up on me and see what I'm up to. The burner phone is working great so far.

I'm planning on taking the advice I read here to throw it out and get a new one once the minutes are up. They're cheap enough.

Hey i hear you. you can never really play it too safe in this game....
Best of luck!


Deleting is not the answer either......

Deleting is not the answer either......

Couple of things:

Mia is right. The FBI has the ability to turn the mic on your cell phone on remotely even if your phone is powered off. The only two ways around are pulling the battery as Mia said but also by carrying inside a metal case preferably copper or a case wrapped entirely in copper wire.

Deleting calls and texts as well as video does nothing. Even deleted data can be retrieved. Of course if it is sent, the carrier will have a copy of all texts, numbers called, and less likely video transmitted. I knew a guy that kept track of money and z numbers and also took video of grow with his voice and distinctive arm tatoos in the video... never transmitted of course and later deleted. When arrested--phone confiscated and interrogated. Deleted log of numbers and zs.... and video despite being deleted were in discovery when his lawyer obtained all they had. Was screwed. The more high tech the phone the more likely deleted info can be recovered.

Duplicate sims cards. It is possible to duplicate sims cards so that when released you get your phone back and all is well. Well ah...no its not. With a warrent the duplicated sims card can be used in another phone and they get every call and text you get. Now that is if everything was on board and up and up. If not a leo bending the rules could do it fairly easily to gather information and build a case with legitamate info. Always change phones if it has been in leo possession without you present.

Would give you some Rep Mia but can't for another 24 hrs for reload.


Best peace of mind is not to get big enough or do things to get on the radar.... if they want you... you are already got, period.

Just one of many sites... this one is in UK but plenty in US and leo has their own with funds provided by Hland Security.

Mobile Phone Interrogation
Just like computers, mobile phones keep an activity trail that can be uncovered with specialist tools. At The Digital Detective we can interrogate some 1,800 handset models, including Blackberrys and iPhones.
Even the most basic phones keep call logs and SMS traffic. And the newer breed of smartphones rival PCs for their communications features. Contact lists, photos, videos and emails can all be stored on these phones, which have increasing amounts of memory on board.

Recovering deleted data has always been a problem when it comes to mobile phones but The Digital Detective can reliably retrieve lost information from an impressive range. With a growing number of models we can even pin-point where a phone was on the map at call times.

•Over 1,800 models can be analysed
•Blackberry, iPhone and Nokia smartphones included
•SMS texts and Emails recovered
•Contacts, call logs, photos, audio and video recovered
•Deleted data retrieved from a wide range of models.
•Location records for suitably equipped phones