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....WAKE & BAKE....


Happy birthday to your son classy!

Good morning wake n bake crew, cutting back on the vape for a while, I know everyone says they save bud but I sure as hell don't. Prob cause I load up .5-1g bowls and change em out every 4-5 bags. Instead I will be enjoying bong hits of kiff, delicious. I cleaned my grinder out and the screen is collecting so much now, I really need a metal screen for my bowl now, a bud bed just isn't the same.

Football all day, again, I love it. Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Trust me.. I'm A Professional..
Happy Monday to you all. Hope New Years came and went without any major problems. I decided to stay home and party independently, got a nice buzz going and smoked myself literally retarded on New Years Eve. Woke up on New Years and was still baked so I decided to smoke again - had my morning coffee then tackled a project. Walked out at 11:30am and was convinced it was 4pm and was gonna have a beer. Looked at the clock and saw what time it was and uttered "Damn, this is some good weed" to myself as I put the beer back in the fridge and wandered off to clean more.

Needless to say it was a nice way to start the year


puff, puff. No plans again today, going back home tomorrow for a few days tomorrow, should be good to see everyone, hopefully make a little money. Were supposed to be like 20 degrees higher than Atlanta today, crazy. Stay safe/stay medicated friends-basket


Lover of Life
good morning budbasket! have a good time at home and enjoy the family..stay safe dude :)

got up a little early this morning and puffed two bowls from the bong...some stuff called Sour Dog..pretty smelly stuff and it's pretty tasty too..

3 seeds just cracked for me so it's time to prepare some new pots with new soil for a new grow..can't wait to get in the dirt!

have an awesome day wake n bakers :)


Mornin' to all the red-eyed W&B-ovites...

Last visit for a bit for me, kids - just finishin' the last of my herb

Peace and pot to all my sisters and brothers of the good ol' W&B - much respect to the best high of the day...


Coffee is hot and the vape is ready, a wonderful start to the morning.

Good day to the crew, may it be stoney and chill.

Cleaning this morning then heading outta town, gonna take our time going home today, prob just roll a few js and cruise. Cop was parked outside out apt complex for like 15 min this morning at 5, figure he was either writing parking pass violations or trying to get some late duis. Woke up and decided to sit there and watch, nothing happened.

That's it for me this morning, hope you all have a wonderful day, stay safe/stay medicated-basket

Guest 226076

good morning to all. zero out side today elec heaters on in grow,time for sum kushhhhh.happy trails.........


*Stoned User*
Good morning! :wave:

Warming up this morning with some GDP on a cold morning. May go for a hike in the wilderness with the pooch this afternoon....

Hey Classy... I know it is no fun to be without. Hope your break is short.
BB... enjoy your trip...
Buds4ever... hey dude. The cold sucks for the plant ladies too,, gotta keep em happy. :)

Peace everyone. Have a glorious day. :ying:


Good morning IC Maggers! 2012 is off to a great start except that it's freakin COLD!
Vape is heating up, I'll be grabbing a sweatshirt to put on before I get down to business, I need to be living somewhere tropical haha. My desk / vape is right by a window, even though the windows are closed and locked it's still a little bit colder here than the rest of the room. I'm thinkin' Puerto Rico might be a nice place to live.... housing is comparable to where I'm at anyway, but for that $ you can get something with an awesome ocean view or right on the beach.... and I'm not even high yet!
Maybe by next winter.... (Puerto Rico, that is... I'll be high MANY many times before next winter, haha)

AHhh..... Well have a great day guys, stay warm and stay buzzed!


ahhh vape vape vape. Got a couple zips of this crazy skunky stuff, its the type that's not even fun to smoke because you know opening the bag and smoking a bowl makes the entire place reek. Still a little damp, shoulda let it hang a few more days but I needed to bag it for the road. Its really really good.

In addition to some awesome pot I also picked up one of my bongs outta storage. Its about 18in and color changing with marbles and designs all over it, it was one of my first, I love it. I have one of those like lay down inline pipes with a perc and all that but theres something about a proper lung busting hit to get things going. Just need a shower head down stem for it(my last one broke) and itll be perfect. Have the old school normal down stem now, still can't complain. I've been vaping this morning but talking about the greatness of it I think a bowl is in order. Oh yeah the name is badass too....Bong, James Bong. Very medicated this morning, should be a good day, stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Another day another nug......

Not much in the baskets world, break is still on. The girls are amazing. Looked in on my garden the past few days, had ordered some blubonic and like 3 of them auto flowered under 24hr veg and then stopped like a week later and now there just mutated and all triploids. Hopefully yield isn't affected. Haven't been very impressed with em so far, well see what flowers out.

Hope everyone has a great day, stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Have i wished you all a happy new year
if i have, oh well if not
i pray that each of you is blessed with the best year of your life
and better ones to follow


Scheduling a tattoo today, really excited. Its only my second one but I think it'll be really cool. Its gonna be a sailor jerrys pin-up girl on my side. Can't go into too much detail which girl or what my other one is for security reasons. I've always loved the old school, simplistic designs, so Im gonna keep going with that.

It will have some kinda nudity, tasteful yet shocking lol, especially to family. My girlfriends really excited, I've been talking about getting another one for a couple years now and she ended up getting me gift certificate to a local parlor for Christmas.

Thats it in the world of basket, breaks getting pretty boring, got my books in finally, can't wait for biochem. All my classes really, accounting will be boring. I think Im gonna start moving away from a business management minor and focus all my attention to plant pathology and a more scientific approach. I'd rather be up in a University lab crossing disease resistant soy beans than dealing with asshole customers who don't understand proper product in flowers or whatever. Or try to develop a nitrogen fixing bacteria for wheat. We'll see where I end up, the vineyard route is still an option too.

Stay safe/stay medicated-basket


Hope everyone's doing alright, little quiet in here the past few days lol.

60 the past couple weeks and now its 6. gotta love the midwest. Eh get to enjoy all the seasons in a month. Just relaxing, enjoying the warm inside with several bowls today. Have a great day everyone. stay safe/stay medicated-basket


It's freakin cold! brr!
Just woke up, letting the vape heat up and waiting for water to boil for tea... Smoked a bit more than usual last night (friend gave me a new bowl, had to try it out a few times!) and my throat is dry, gonna use hot water in the bubbler attachment to humidify the dry air from the vape, that always seems to do the trick!

Just noticed, 1200 posts in this thread? cool!

Have a great Saturday basket and everyone else!

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