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LoL habs nur grad durch zufall in der fernsezeitschrift gelesen:
Heute auf Pro7, 19:10 Galieo "Cannabis-Quiz"...
das wird garantiert fürn :moon:


ich fands diesmal nicht so prall....man merkt ist halt nur ne Doku Soap...Dramma Baby.....aber was solls...immerhin über Cannabis....nächste Folge wird bestimmt wieder besser...greetingz...
Edit: brauch dringend so nen USB whatever Mikroskop.... um zu checken ob es auch wirklich medical quality ist...


Naja wenn man sich das durchliest, scheinen die ja ganz schön abgefuckte assis zu sein....aber aus der Europa-Perspektive natürlich echt nett mit anzusehen...was alles möglich ist, und natürlich auch ein menschlicher Reflex sein Bizz so auszubauen, dass keiner an die goldene Kuh kommt....mann die müssen einfach nur legalisieren, dann überleben einfach nur die besten grower.....denn quality setzt sich halt durch.....
Originally Posted by BiG H3rB Tr3E View Post
For the many who don't see or don't know whats really going on....

Failure to achieve zoning for collectives is vital to understanding the next steps. This failure is a direct result of the California Cartel based out of Oakland, CA., a lobby group calling themselves “Americans For Safe Access”. This group allegedly started with organized crime money from Amsterdam, which founder Don Duncan brought with him to set up Berkely Patient Group and Harborside in Oakland, a city known for gangs and drugs, where $politicians$ were easily had. To dominate what they saw as a lucrative commercial pot market, first calling themselves the Berkley Patient Alliance, they lobbied to have themselves a “restrictive permit” which would forbid other collectives and eliminate competition. This worked and just those two stores bring in well over $70 million per year.
Don Duncan then moved to LA and set up several stores, one of which is LAPCG. Sources say this store brings in about $30,000 per day. Duncan was quickly able to secure a local politician in his back pocket and carve out a “restrictive permit” to keep other stores out of West Hollywood. Duncan also operated under CannBe Corporation and Harborside Management Associates with a new blueprint strategy and began his quest to get the federal government to allow him sole and his investors sole distribution rights.

Just some of the multimillion dollar marijuana monopoly of Don Duncan
Americans for Safe Access is a front lobby, not a social movement. They hold groups and operate like a cult, insisting that members never question, but only follow orders. Follow leaders around with signs, stand behind them, as the leaders go in the back room and make deals for themselves and their wealthy investors. ASA is not about medical marijuana. Not about medical patients. Not about ending arrests and prosecutions. ASA is about greed. ASA leaders and followers will do anything to secure their right to sell marijuana, including threaten murder, commit assault, set people up, conduct smear campaigns, disrupt meetings and threaten people in groups working on zoning or rights for all medical marijuana users. There are no limits. ASA is a front for organized crime, pure and simple. It is important for us all to watch Don Duncans stores to see if they are closed, as the government is threatening to do to the average citizen. These stores are Berkely Patient Group, Harborside, LAPCG, Mother Earth Cooperative – El Cajon,

Mother Earth Cooperative expects to rake in 50 million per year if they can close all stores in San Diego
Desert Organic Solutions store in Palm Springs, Santa Barbara and Venice Beach. Combined these stores bring in an estimate $150 million per year. So why are you being told you are violating the law while the largest marijuana dealer in the state of California remains untouched?

ASA – Don Duncan has a blueprint which has worked successfully in numerous cities. This is a blueprint where he creates chaos, undermines all attempts at zoning, and then walks in and offers himself as the solution to the chaos he helped create in order to secure himself an exclusive liscence to sell marijuana in that city. This has been confirmed repeatedly and has spread to other states where they use $$$ mega money to lobby politicians looking at medical marijuana to reject allowing patients to grow for themselves and instead encourage governments to allow 4 stores for which they negotiate at least two of those stores for themselves securing their marijuana millions.

This is a simple version of that blueprint:
Encourage massive stores to open at once by sponsoring and/or heavily promoting a school which will operate with unethical compliance with the ASA agenda. In San Diego this is “Legal Cannabis Institute”.

Due Diligence will show that Nicole Scott and her common law husband were recently involved in a federal fraud case for defrauding investors of approx $4 million dollars – google “James E Franklin Federal Case” for more info

Find shady lawyers who will lead seminars or classes for $99.00 where the lawyer (in San Diego this is Kim Simms and Lance Rogers) will instruct that you too can enter the “cannabusiness” for several thousand more dollars you can legally sell marijuan out of a retail storefront. Kim Simms had just graduated law school with no real legal experience yet was violating attorney ethics for soliciting clients and advising them to break the law by setting up retail storefronts.

Lance Rogers was working for Davidovich and the ASA restrictive permitting plan the entire time he was taking in thousands by advising that retail stores were legal, all the while knowing full well that they would be shut down once his deal with Davidovch ASA “Mother Earth” was finalized. (If you used either of these attorneys, as well as Jeff Lake, Jessica McElfresh, James Warner, or any other attorney whose primary business seems to be taking several thousand dollars to assure you that you can operate a retail storefront you should seek new council immediately and if you get arrested do not use the attorney who set you up in this store or anybody they recommend. These attorneys are legally responsible for advising you to do this. They cannot and will not help you and protect their own interest at the same time. One of them is under enditement already and the others are being investigated. Sending that attorney a demand letter for a full refund is a legitimate reaction, and a bar complaint is a simple two page paper which should be done by each and every storefront which is being shut down after operating at the advice of one of these attorneys. Google “California Bar Complaint’.

Start up a magazine appearing to represent marijuana interest but really presenting disinformation creating chaos and promoting ignorance as to the reality of the ASA agenda. In San Diego this is ASA propaganda magazine NUG MAG which was started by Dion Markgraaf, San Diego ASA founder, and controlled by Eugene Davidovich, current San Diego ASA leader. This magazine will promote the school and attorneys that are knowingly part of this ASA blueprint

When the city has approximately 100 stores, Don Duncan and ASA lobbyists will approach city officials that giving them an exclusive right to sell marijuana is the answer to what they will call “the proliferation of dispensaries”, which they created to setup the very scenario, which uniformed city officials who are not aware that this is an organized crime syndicate will sometime fall for
In San Diego this is Mother Earth Cooperative which Eugene Davidovich and Don Duncan set up and found front man Bob Reidell who is a lifelong friend of ASA leader Dion Markgraaf

ASA store Mother Earth was the plan all along
The shutdowns begin. – This is where we currently are at this point
Once the shutdowns start, ASA group will convince it’s most loyal followers that “safe access” means they help locate collectives and groups, even those actually working as cultivation groups to eliminate them. Anybody perceived as “competition” will be set up or eliminated.
Even if you do not live in SanDiego it is important that you fully understand this blueprint because San Diego activist were warned prior to the start, and as they worked on achieving zoning that would allow collective groups to operate under state law, they were no match for the organized crime and violence, threats and harassment set up by Don Duncans San Diego ASA. Americans for Safe Access is nothing more than an organized crime cartel, using short haircuts and ties to present the appearance to government that they are legitimate, all the while threatening murder and mayhem outside the city and county offices.


Ist noch wem aufgefallen was für zahlen da teilweise benutzt werden...
Der grower der als erstes sein zeug vorbeibringt (später mit spinnmilben). Er hat angeblich fast 2000 Dollar Kosten und erwirtschaftet pro run 0,5 kg? was ist das 0,01g pro watt?
Thx nochmal an alle fürs drauf aufmerksam machen:thank you:


Active member
ihr kennt sicherlich diesen serdal comedian... ich hab mir den nie angetan aber jetzt habe ich mich mal überwunden und in dem interview ist er mir auch sympathisch: deutsch hiphop jahresrückblick 2011

Interview: Serdar Somuncu bewertet Rapvideos (16bars.de) (37min)
ich kannte ihn nicht, :thank you: eugen.
bei 19:30 der kommentar zum bushidobambi, hervorragend!


Well-known member
hey herman,
super tipp.
leider scheint deren online stream nicht so gut zu funktionieren.. dabei kommt doch gerade ein peter gabriel konzert :(

euch auf jeden fall einen guten rutsch! :party:

alles gute für 2012 :ying:


Know your rights
Ich wünsche dir auch alles Gute für 2012! (Deibel schon 2012):tiphat:

Sind ganz interessante Konzerte dabei, z. B. die Stones 1978 in Texas, Tournee zur Some Girls LP, U2, REM usw..



Heute 22.10 auf Pro 7

Ananas Express

Higher ist seine Devise, denn mit Dope wird alles besser: Essen, Sex, Mucke und sogar schlechte Filme. Gerichtszusteller Dale (Seth Rogen) ist ganz hin und weg von der Superzüchtung "Ananas Express", die Saul (James Franco) im Angebot hat. Zu dumm, dass Dale kurz da-rauf Drogenbaron Ted und die Polizistin Carol bei einem Mord überrascht...
Eine bleihaltige Odyssee mit sympathisch beknackten Losern in vielen absurden Situationen. Und keine Sorge, die korrekte Botschaft des Films ist: High funktioniert wirklich nichts!


Know your rights
Und auf arte läuft heute Abend eine Musikdoku über die 70ger, Dico gegen Rock. Kam aber letztes jahr auch schon mal.