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Local ban on 'bully dogs' in my area - Required to be put down- sign petition </3


ICMag Donor
vicious dogs had nothing to do with breeds. it has to do with vicious dogs. they should be handled on a case by case basis. the authorities are lazy fucks who dont want to do it that way so they use the knee jerk ban the breed approach which has been proven not to work.

its like saying most bank robbers are black so we should ban all black people that way no more banks would get robbed. doesnt work that way...


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
but, the fact is, the majority of these kind of doge ARE on the aggresive side....

None of them can match the viciousness of a Chihuahua. Those little fuckers are mean. Danes, Shepherds, Pitbulls are lap puppies. All they want to do is lick your face off. You have to train them to be mean.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
None of them can match the viciousness of a Chihuahua. Those little fuckers are mean.

those! and don't even get me started on the little teacup pieces of shit excuse for dogs that my Bengals can eat......

cant stand those pricks riding around with them on the drivers arm, begging for attention.....

fucking worthless........

ran outta love

Hmm not sure if everyone understands what this is about. Seems like they are banning adoption of these breeds that have a history in dogfighting and have been bred to be aggressive. Not banning owning them let alone having all dogs of that breed killed.

Dogs that go to shelters may have been treated very badly (that's why they ended up there). Basically they are the so-called "thug's" dogs that were talked about earlier.

Yes it's not the dogs fault but the previous owners. But these dogs are seriously mentally ill / traumatized. A well-meaning new owner may be up for more than they bargained for. I can understand why they are doing this, even if it is sad.

At least all dogs go to heaven.


ICMag Donor
dog aggression has nothing to do with human aggression. fact. pit bulls were fought in a pit with 3 people. each handler and a judge. how good would a human aggressive dog be in a dog fight. 3 humans.. 1 other dog. do the math.


Tropical Outcast
Most of you have seen this pic by now.

This is (one of my) dogs. (he's trying to get to the stick I put on top of the wall)

His breed is considered vicious.
Pitbull, Bully or what ever one calls it.

Him & I have been professionally trained by...yeah sarcastically by a K9 Cop, it cost me literally half of a fortune to do so.

Buddy & I are a great team.
He senses my commands...and if he doesn't...all I have to do is give him "the look" and he knows what's up.

It's NOT THE DOG BREED being vicious, it's the failing owners who are @ fault NO MATTER WHAT THE BREED!



Active member
Strainhunter - fucking beautiful dog! I am not scared of dogs but that dog might just be able to take me down. That dog is built like a brick shit house!! If he had a metal penis he would be sparking in that picture, lol.

Not sure if Bulldogs are part of this, but they are bully's.


Put these two dogs down?????? All you are in danger of being around these dogs is being licked in the face and getting you bag of Dorito's snagged. That is unless you are not welcome in my house. These dogs are good guard dogs, but they are as friendly as can be once welcomed in my house.

Max Yields

Active member
I think they should just have better and stricter regulations for irresponsible owners of these dogs. It's not about the breed of the dog. I've actually seen chihuahas and other smaller annoying dogs bark, want to attack, bite, etc. more so than a bigger dog or "bully" breed properly trained and restrained on a leash. Understand that if you do your job and raise these types of dogs to obey and listen to to you properly etc., they are not the vicious threats that have been blown out of proportion. Bully breeds are some of the most loyal,friendly, and loving dogs there can be. Some people just abuse the fact that they are very strong, aggresive, and tenacious dogs. These dogs have a natural athletic ability, a higher tolerance for pain and will to fight under these conditions than most other breeds of dogs. So some people go and abuse this fact. It's not the dogs fault that it has these attributes, it's the irresponsibility of the owner in my opinion. Maybe we should consider banning human beings too...:ban::abduct::alien: LOL...


way to tell the whole story, the site asking for signatures doesn't have a copy of the original proposal which should send up red flags to anyone looking at it.

banning adoption of these breeds that have a history in dogfighting and have been bred to be aggressive. Not banning owning them let alone having all dogs of that breed killed

they don't want dogs that were used/trained to be aggressive to be available for everyday adoption. I think maybe just warning people that the dog in question was used as a fighting dog, and only letting people adopt them that will keep them away from the general public maybe a better option but please tell the whole story


May your race always be in your favor
Great Danes are not an aggressive or vicious breed. They have had any aggression and meanness bred out of them in the 19th century. I have never met a Dane that is to be feared. What scares everyone is the size of the dog. my girl is 33 inche at the shoulder and weighs somewhere near 150. She sounds like a hound from hell when she barks and thats all she does is bark. Danes that bite are normally put down by the breeder. lets face it a 150 plus pound dog thats a biter is dangerous.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Bully's are not pit bulls. English bulldogs are very friendly. In all cases that involve bites from dogs any breed is from poor socialization from the dog owner period.. No one will ever hurt my Bully..




Active member
So instead they should put down the assholes who make the dogs the way they turn out.

& the brainless twats that come up with these stupid laws/proposals etc .

It appears that the US has as many dipsh*** in goverment earning lots of money as we have in the UK . We are all going to the dogs .

ran outta love

One thing that came to my mind is that maybe they are afraid of the previous owners adopting their confiscated dogs back. Or getting someone to do it for them?

I like stonedar's idea. Especially if it would include somehow making sure that wouldn't happen. But I fear it might be a bit of a pipe dream.