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DTC99 F4 and F13 leaning Tweedy IX1

DTC99 F4 and F13 leaning Tweedy IX1

Showing you: the batch mate DTC99 sister to the one I showed yesterday....at dat 41 and also partially pollinated with Odessa IX1 (Casey Jones X Cindy Jones)...this girl is most likely going to be a longer flower (I'll predict 80ish). Very much the same flower...but seemingly taking a tad longer to develop.

Seeded flower

And standing beside her 70 day sister

Here's how the flushing 70 day old girl's flowers look. She has eaten off all her leaves...keeps pushing out fresh growth clusters at the end of her flowers. I've been flushing her for a while...and moved her to the outskirts of the light foot print. Pretty much...she is unfazed by anything. Smells like a jungle plant sativa.
* In life she looks a lot closer to done...than in the pix ***she was never topped....but was defoliated a few times in veg...all her sisters were topped multiple times and not defoliated. Topped...in this case...is the way to go.

***I'm keeping on the micro longer these days. I don't see any disadvantages to keeping it going longer. I add Kool Bloom powder (P) into the 9/6 starting in week 2 and keep on it almost until I'm ready to flush...before flush I give them a few feedings of just Bloom/Kool Bloom....then flush extended (at least 10 days...sometimes over 3 weeks depending on strain).....I believe micro needs to be kept in there fairly long....maybe I'm wrong....

The DTC99 will fade out way fast if I don't keep on the micro...I learned that from the 1st girl (the 70 day I'm showing)...and even so they are still eating leaves bottom to top at an exciting rate. Doesn't seem to bother them at all....it's the way they are.

Tweedy IX1: F13 leaner...put into flush a few days ago...she is at day 52. There is plenty of juice left in this girl. We'll be dragging out flush.

I can't say enough about her....wonderful expression...wonderful grower (though her flowers are small....they are stacked, resinous, and dense)...wonderful funky/earthy/woodsy aromas...with a twang of sweetness. In no hurry getting her through her death gears. Looking forward to smoking off her.
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Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
I run the micro longer these day's too, I'll cut it back by half at the time that I used to cut it out. Most stains will still chew through the fan leaves at that rate of Micro.

Here are a few picks of the CJ. The first one isn't upside down, that's just the angle of her dangle,lol.



Fluffy Sativa Flowers

Fluffy Sativa Flowers

I run the micro longer these day's too, I'll cut it back by half at the time that I used to cut it out. Most stains will still chew through the fan leaves at that rate of Micro.

Here are a few picks of the CJ. The first one isn't upside down, that's just the angle of her dangle,lol.

You have one of those flimsy CJs...no doubt...most likely follows the Trainwreck. You dropping night temps?...bet you are...when I dropped my night temps (couple winters ago...that winter I ran all those Highends) on the Casey I was rewarded with all those beautifully colored plumes. So ornamental....but I can't get them to color up without the temp drops. They make some very pretty flowers.

Kind of on that subject....this is what I'm trimming by the fire. Fluffy DTC99...ain't nothing but sativa fluff...no weight...intense smelling fluff

One thing I'll be looking for the Odessa (Casey Jones X Cindy Jones) to bring to the cross I made between the DTC99 and Odessa...is the meat/weight. I love these fluffy flowers....don't get me wrong...but...playing the indoor hybrid games...one must require them to pack on some meat (density) in order to make them a reasonable investment in time/space/money.

I believe in these sativa expressions.....they are what I prefer/seek. With my framework together (by now)...it is time to start directing my good will with resolution. Time to fine tune the pools....there will be less fucking around with genetic salads...more direct runs into goal oriented processes.

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Night temps run about 66-F and 80-F during lights on. The nugs are beautiful on both the CJ and CDD. The DD is light green and white with resin. I'm lovin what you've got going with the DTC99, Odessa and Ghost lines. What's the DTC99 smell and smoke like??

On sativa hybrids, I feel you on the meat. I struck out on my Khmer Gold x PTK in that respect. PTK couldn't tame the beast that is KG. I'll make F2's one day and see how they recombine. Very few of my projects have a defined goal.


Night temps run about 66-F and 80-F during lights on. The nugs are beautiful on both the CJ and CDD. The DD is light green and white with resin. I'm lovin what you've got going with the DTC99, Odessa and Ghost lines. What's the DTC99 smell and smoke like??

On sativa hybrids, I feel you on the meat. I struck out on my Khmer Gold x PTK in that respect. PTK couldn't tame the beast that is KG. I'll make F2's one day and see how they recombine. Very few of my projects have a defined goal.

I haven't got a chance to smoke any DTC99...those are flowers off the "scout" plant....and need to dry. The other ones are going to make this one look silly....they were topped and are going to give a great return.

The aroma is a tough one...it's great smelling...yet I still can't nail the aroma profile. I have smelled it before though. I think when I get to smoke it...I'll have a better idea. It's nice man...for sure sativa fruit.

Your temps don't sound low at all...when I dropped mine...they were down in the 50's in the night cycle. Anyway....those flowers you are growing look stunning. Major props. You'll enjoy the smoke...I haven't found any shitty smoke in either the DD or CJ...very reliable for giving a nice outcome.

I can't actually say my projects have defined goals other than....finding...growing...and maintaining easy access to expressions I love to smoke. I will begin (actually have already begun) to lock into the same pools over and over....my outcrossing to everything in my path will now taper off a bit. I'm starting to get comfortable with what I'm working with.

***On that note...a few more pieces that I'm looking for has to do with anything Congo related. Congo stuff has my attention. That Conglom (Congo X Grape Krush) I made is pretty amazing weed to smoke. I plan on bringing the Odessa into that.

Might sound crazy....but I think Odessa is a solid anchor point. I always get great plants out of Odessa...and now I'm seeing great plants coming up out of the outcrosses (early in flower presently....I'm getting into the Hell Hounds...and they are going to rip...love them already)....anyway...I see what I see...and I'm sitting good. You mentioned Ghost...that's in the Hell Hounds as well.

I LOVE sativa hybrids...I don't see how anyone could not love them. Interesting and rewarding expressions. As far as I'm concerned....the stuff I'm growing now is rock 'n roll...very happy in the present.


I can't actually say my projects have defined goals other than....finding...growing...an d maintaining easy access to expressions I love to smoke. I will begin (actually have already begun) to lock into the same pools over and over....my outcrossing to everything in my path will now taper off a bit. I'm starting to get comfortable with what I'm working with.
I'd like to say the same.

I have picked a couple favourites for the next season, from the seeds I've made this year:
Gloriaf2-hashxJacalyn, Gf-hashxJacalyn, Gf-fatxF13A11, BangiGloriaxF13A11.

Year after year I find myself picking the "Bangis" as my smoke of choice, so after this years dilution (outcrossing to F13xA11 and the indica Jacalyn) I intend a strengthening of the African spirit by the means of a pollination with the Congo in 2012.
I have no BH, but have some Congo. The two are somewhat related. I have no problem with introducing something less acclimated. Might as well try it. Or not. We'll see how I feel like, when we are so far.

I'd like to note that I'm happy with this years grow-for-hash approach (although it might have been overkill t just leave the males standing until October). Little work, many plants, lots of hash, lots of seeds, less different bags to be smoke-tested.

On Friday I've stumbled upon the Electric Universe theory and associated ideas about myths and the history of mankind/earth/solar system and I'm on a non-stop research binge since. Crazy, mind-blowing ideas. The puzzle pieces fall together suddenly. I'm very excited :)


I'd like to say the same.

I have picked a couple favourites for the next season, from the seeds I've made this year:
Gloriaf2-hashxJacalyn, Gf-hashxJacalyn, Gf-fatxF13A11, BangiGloriaxF13A11.

Year after year I find myself picking the "Bangis" as my smoke of choice, so after this years dilution (outcrossing to F13xA11 and the indica Jacalyn) I intend a strengthening of the African spirit by the means of a pollination with the Congo in 2012.
I have no BH, but have some Congo. The two are somewhat related. I have no problem with introducing something less acclimated. Might as well try it. Or not. We'll see how I feel like, when we are so far.

I'd like to note that I'm happy with this years grow-for-hash approach (although it might have been overkill t just leave the males standing until October). Little work, many plants, lots of hash, lots of seeds, less different bags to be smoke-tested.

On Friday I've stumbled upon the Electric Universe theory and associated ideas about myths and the history of mankind/earth/solar system and I'm on a non-stop research binge since. Crazy, mind-blowing ideas. The puzzle pieces fall together suddenly. I'm very excited :)

Yeah....I tell you....with Google search I find myself researching all kinds of different shit. Yesterday I found time to research a Righteous Republic...lol....not sure why.

As far as the garden varieties I'm into now....other than the addition of a few things here and there (genetic wish list stuff)...I'd have to say that I'm set. Most the stuff that I desired and/or needed have been properly mixed to my satisfaction.

In essence....the pseudo "open pollinations of the pools" have been completed. I have my favorite genetics crossed and recrossed...so that I have them down with many different approaches...entrances into those genetics are wide open now. I can hit them at will....with eyes closed.

I suppose it is now time for me to show what I have done with the last few years of outcrossing madness. Must make my way on my own....seek out my own creations.


3 Sisters of Tweedy Madness

3 Sisters of Tweedy Madness

OK....Tweedy IX1 has a lot of F13 painted on the little population of girls I have. You may see some of the Mango Haze...you may not...I think I see it in one of them at this stage.

Where are we? Day 58 of flower...as of this morning...all are in flush.

Flower shots...yup...lots of F13 influence. One has purple hues expressing. The other 2 are strictly greenies...you'll see a tad bit of the Mango Haze in one of them...then you'll see the horns growing out of some of the tips of others (in a Flo kind of style)....you'll see an abundance of resin....an abundance of foxtail turret stacking...an abundance of strangeness in some flowers....etc etc....interesting expressions

Seeded flowers....2 for the IX2...1 outcrossed to Odessa IX1....successful in bean making

I'll flush them until I'm tired of flushing or need the space///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

On to something new.....Hell Hounds....fresh into flower and already being trained to their cages....sprayed for flies....ready to jam. I can see Odessa influences all day long. The plants I'm showing are of no bullshit. These are aggressive plants mixed of SFV OG, Ghost OG, Casey Jones, and Cindy Jones....I'll wager a great deal on finding sickness.

***There you see it again...Odessa (Casey Jones X Cindy Jones) foundations. It works. I've grown enough plants to know when I'm getting ready to go on a serious ride. I can feel the energy these babies are packing. There is a shit eating grin upon my face...and for a hobby breeder...that should be job #1...keeping that grin....staying pitted in the wave...slipping in the slipstream...carving effortlessly fantastic lines within the pools....taking it to the next level

All that OG Jam made by ClearBarbedFunk is about to get recirculated in a wash of H3ad genetics (though the Cindy Jones is something I made...the C99BX used to make it was from H3ad as well)....so in essence....2 of my favorite bean makers are now brought together by a 3rd party (yours truly)....Cutting an album that I'm producing.

If you can not see the magic in this cross....I'm at a loss on what to tell you. This shit will rock.
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better look at DTC99 flowers

better look at DTC99 flowers

.....I can't remember on what day I harvested this plant....between 70-75 though. I remember having a C99BX (H3ad) grapefruit phenotype that had almost the exact same flower. At Xs I must admit that I get a sense of grapefruit aroma coming off these flowers. That's not to say that I believe this expression to be influenced at all by the C99....more...I'm just remembering where I get the familiar feeling that I've grown this plant before.

Anyway...as stated and shown before...this plant seems all sativa. I'm kind of compressing the flowers as they dry...just a slight pressure with the grip of a hand to form them up. You may notice a few immature seeds...I'd guess that those pistils caught some pollen off one of my pollination sessions as no nanners ever developed on this subject.

Looks like it will be a nice smoke? I would reckon so....certainly a sativa dominant that stays within my "quick finish" criteria. The 70-75 day is realistic and not a fluke....the sisters I have coming up behind this one...are...looking at much the same timeframe.

Quick transitions in veg...quick to blow up...quick to finish (for a sativa dom)....easy on the eyes...smells nice...resin is there...easy to grow....looks promising.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Large sized tomato cages are a lot of fun. I'm calling the technique of serpentine-winding the branches around the top ring: "Halo Training"....especially with stretchy plants (like this Odessa) it takes effort to keep the flowers from overlapping each other too much....but...if maintained concurrent to stretch it can be very effective.

Basically..the center is left open for as long as possible...everything pulled onto the top ring of the cage and trained there...via ties and branch manipulation. The top flowers are stretched out to catch the best of the light. Certainly important to stay on pace as the plants stretch. Much easier training them as they progress...by the time they are in heavy bud set...I leave them alone.

Keeping up with a hardy Odessa stretch


I like your "halo training" on the top ring of tomato cages. I use a similar technique, but instead of training to a metal ring three feet above the soil surface, the plants are trained to the top of the container itself using binder clips.


These things are great. They come in a variety of sizes and fit nicely over the branch to clamp onto the container edge. The larger sizes allow one to go around several stems at once. These clips work great for attaching branches to bamboo skewer splints, and would work just as well on heavy wire. In my flowering room, each variety has its own color clip, which makes for easy identification at a glance.



I like your "halo training" on the top ring of tomato cages. I use a similar technique, but instead of training to a metal ring three feet above the soil surface, the plants are trained to the top of the container itself using binder clips.


These things are great. They come in a variety of sizes and fit nicely over the branch to clamp onto the container edge. The larger sizes allow one to go around several stems at once. These clips work great for attaching branches to bamboo skewer splints, and would work just as well on heavy wire. In my flowering room, each variety has its own color clip, which makes for easy identification at a glance.

....that's awesome dude....and organized by color to boot. Maybe I'll give them a try.

I change up the way I train/tie from time to time. I was heavily into defoliation for a while...now I'm topping. Used bamboo in a pyramid fashion....now I'm using large tomato cages. Was using plastic cable ties...now using wire ties.

I was lazy with the cable ties...I'd not reverse them so that they could be reused. Ended up constantly having a bucket full of waste. I reuse wire ties...but sill end up with waste as they wear out. I'll grant that having a fresh roll of wire ties is useful....much faster than digging around in my pile of used ones. Sometimes it takes patience to grab some out of the pile....a discipline not to just clip off a new piece off the roll.

Lately I've been suffering misgivings about indoor growing. All that dirty electricity flowing around and over me. Can't be good for the internal electrical workings of the body. Indoor growing seems like a pretty absurd way of burning fossil fuels as well...when considering the health/resources of the planet. At times...I get pretty disgusted with my own wastefulness...get that feeling I'm sucked into hedonistic consumeristic agriculture. Goes a little bit beyond the simplicity of germinating a seed when you start pulling all that bought juice///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Matanuska Valley Thunder Fuck X Grape Krush.....little bowl of buds

Civilization just keeps coming. These flowers are a mix of 2 different plants. Harvest days were 51 and 55...I'm still flushing the biggest girl...now at day 59. The flowers are dense...nice coat of resin....smell musky/danky/grapey/gummy?? I'll smoke me a chunk in a few days for a little tester

...I suppose without indoor gardening all these plants and projects would not be so easily possible.


Blend Ingredients Odessa and DTC99

Blend Ingredients Odessa and DTC99

Showing samples of plants I'll model off of structurally in the future selections of the outcross. I'll be looking for dense weighty flowers..as I'm one of those growers who thinks great yielding plants are very positive...

Odessa IX1 (Casey Jones X Cindy Jones) day 54

DTC99 F4 day 49

Odessa left DTC99 right

If in theory...the outcross between these two lines...should bring me even more hyped up expressions in the same vein. Now I will follow the 1st generation outcross....quickly get selected plants into the IX1 generation....and then begin an earnest search for desirable blends of both lines. Anchor off there and keep working within those pools....until...I can reliably find something that works...and has become its own thing.


Transmitting More Odessa IX1

Transmitting More Odessa IX1

A look at some young flowers being made in a couple different expressions. The plants are at day 23...you can easily see the differences.

This expression is likely dominated by the C99...if you recall...I had one in my last run of Odessa (when making the Hell Hounds) and had given her the phenotype name: Tropics. Fast to turn on....a limited stretch compared to her sister.

On the other hand...here's what I call a "Beast" expression (she'll turn out like that girl I showed yesterday)....all the stretch being trained/tied/bent every other day....nonstop fight to keep her under control. Monster aggression.

So again...the predictable...reliable...super expressions that are easily found in the Odessa IX1. I'm hoping that the Odessa IX1 pollen I have...that I left sitting in a vial in a cool dark room 1/2 assed...is still viable. We'll see....as I'm going to attempt to dust both these expressions for the IX2 generation....tomorrow.

And on and on and on.......

Odessa IX1 at days 55 (left) and 50 (right)....two different types of flowers

The girl at 55....(more a mix expression)

The girl at 50 (more in the vein of a "Beast")

It's like loading the cylinder of a large caliber revolver....then squeezing off round after round of heavy hitters.

*It is absolutely necessary to recognize your desired plants in veg.

**Once I know my plants: ALL my selections are made in veg. I have no problem picking out the girls I want in veg.

DISCLAIMER: Odessa is based on all H3ad genetics. A double dash of Casey Jones....and a slighter dash of H3ad's C99BX. I wonder not why I keep finding great expression in Odessa due to those genetics...definitely not a far spin from Casey Jones I know....easy to see the Casey...I can't deny.

Odessa is nothing but an anchor point. I'm am consistently and constantly drifting away from the anchor though....letting more chain out....to find different expressions or hang myself in process. Odessa is not an end all (for me anyway)....but does hedge my bets on space/time/money.....solid cross....it performs and expresses some high grade Cannabis. I've smoked a great deal of Odessa.
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Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
I've smoked a great deal of Odessa.

:) didnt hunter s thompson say that?

i hope the dtc99 ends up suiting your brain palate,i know i have smoked a crapload of that stuff....still cant figure out why my friends dont like it as much as i do,i think it comes down to my insane tolerance levels for thc,i mean if it sits me down at times it must be near paralyzing someone who smokes less....:blowbubbles:


High is very important to me. I don't prefer lazy heads. I prefer the kind of weed that hits hard off the get go (the kind that makes you step back and collect yourself after a wakey bakey)...then mellows into a introspective trance sort of high. I like to know that I'm high...I don't mind losing sections of my day. I look for little voyages.

* One important thing I think many growers overlook in their selections:

the importance of growing plant expressions that you really enjoy cultivating. If a plant produces great smoke...but is a drag in the garden...I'll stop working in that direction. Plants that piss me off or don't move me.....don't last. Especially now...you will see me eliminating much of what I've done.

"select the best...shit can the rest" it is that simple


More DTC99 insanity

More DTC99 insanity

....Running this girl batched up with the 2 Odessa I showed yesterday...so day 24....wow...this is a lunker on the line...a real good fighter.

I can't tell you how many heads she has...but can tell you: they are like snakes rising from out of the pits. Every morning I must bend and tie my way back into some sort of control. A game of submission against a skilled adversary. Monster Aggression

*I decided not to attempt those pollinations I spoke of yesterday. The pollen looked like it might still be viable....but then...I remembered that I'm sick of doing pollinations. I'm going to incross CBF's Bubba X Ghost....and that's it for a while. I just want to grow and lessen my responsibilities. Going full tilt all the time is taxing.

Mataunska Valley Thunder Fuck X Grape Krush over 60 days now...fat girl. I'm abusing this plant and the Tweedy sisters....I give them a couple hrs in a cold room....lit only by "natural light" fluorescents that are way overhead. Why? Why not....they only really need a solid 6hrs of good light at this stage. I'd rather impersonate the cold of fall...a couple/few hours in those conditions doesn't hurt.

A cluster of Tweedy flowers in the dim cold
