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I don't trust mankind too much...


Feeling good is good enough.
Lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit

("One man to another is a wolf, not a man, when he doesn't know what sort he is.")

Titus Maccius Plautus (c. 254 BC – 184 BC)



Active member
I have one friend I trust.

I know he is my friend because his girlfriend is hot and I don't even look at her like that.

He trusts me around his girlfriend, his weed. He knows I am just trustworthy only to them.

To any other person: I will "trust" you, but I will always be ready to watch you fail because I don't see anything to trust in.


Active member
of course I don't trust too much of anything. call it life's hard lessons...

but i do kinda trust this...

:plant grow:

Genesis 1:29-Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."

:plant grow:

first fucking page of the bible and religious cock sucks say dont touch. i say go fuck yourself.


Active member
humm , kinda funny, though ive had a broken heart a few times, i have also caused them.

and though ive met alot of bitches, on the whole ive met more nice women than not.

actually do prefer women, somewhat over men (company, my dick does squat at the sight of men)

women can be devious bitches sure, the result of living with all of those violent shits over the millennia (gotta use your head to fight if your body is to weak, cunning to get what you want, not brute strength (hehe says alot that men think women are dumber, always make the strong think you are dumber, its really in your favor, the strong of body fear the strong of mind)

but on the whole, women have more empathy, they are more often emotionally mature,
a very valuable trait in someone you live with.


Active member
the biggest difference i can see between the sexes?

girls are encouraged to be soft and nice and given dolls to play with.

boys are give fake guns and encouraged to be hard and tough, "dont cry sissy!"

(studies have shown that neither sex instinctively seeks out these toys, its just that they are introduced to them at such a very young age and the ideals that go with either sex)

rather be with someone soft and nice than someone hard and tough (thats really crying on the inside but hits people instead of crying)

no wonder some women are fucked up, having lived with that. (though nagging is something that turns many to hitters, (nagging happens because women were expected to live through men (take care of the man and home)
this is still somewhat dominant in their mind (find a good man to take care of them)
so they cant do anything but talk. (cant dominate him as some women do and he doesnt listen, keep on repeating shit, it might sift through) (personally i dont condone nagging, "learn to live and let live bitch!")
its like watching a computer game but you can only give verbal commands, gets frustrating and especially when your partner is dumber than you or weaker.

plus its aggravated by the follow the leader instinct, back from when it wouldnt do to just run when predators approached or you would lose the safety of the herd, the herd followed the leader.

why? cause he had realised he could get the most pussy and food with violence and getting the group doing what he wanted.
and he was safer with the herd so getting the herd to follow him was ideal.

why does the herd follow really? because no one knows what the fuck is what and that guy over there, he looks really sure.

and everyone wants to be the boss, cause the boss has it the best and is the most free and can do the most.

eh funny life, well, that was alot of sidetracking to say i think women are nice and stop hating them all because of a few stupid bitches you were stupid enough to trust your heart with.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
all this shit going on with the feds; montana, now cali dispensaries... FUCK mankind and their egotistical, arrogant, self centered, greedy little fucked up minds....

may karma be a bitch to to all who oppress !!!!


Active member

I've lost my faith both religious and in mankind, I've turned inward and selfish in some regards although outwardly I'm still generous w/my friends in considering their needs. I have no close family ties, most of my immediate family has passed on.

I have some hatred brewing in my soul and because I've strayed alone down this darker path for too many years now I'm having trouble finding the answers or coming to terms with faults I'd like to change. I don't know who to trust with these confidences.

Holy shit dude, did you do a vulcan mind meld on me when I was sleeping or sumthin?

I cut ALL alliances. Family, friends, ALL. Purposely. Society is totally fucked. NEWS (what you can believe of it) is totally fucked. I might get lonely now and then, but the alternative is way worse. I WILL NEVER be shit on again, by nothin' or nobody. That's my goal anyway. I know it's an impossible dream. Nevertheless....:tiphat:


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Active member
lol to be fair.

despite my growlings at the generality of mankind.

..there are 10 billion people, ive but met but a few thousand (at most) and talked to much less than that number.

so how could i say that the majority of mankind sucks?

specially with the knowledge that the media focuses on drama and horror?


Active member
i am superman you can all kiss my ass lol. there always some good in humanity altho it does seem to be less.i help others but am more picky who i help in need.when i have been in need very few helped. but i like it that way . i dont owe anyone shit including favors. if you lent me 5k your ass got payed back 7. and i dont owe you shit


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i am superman you can all kiss my ass lol. there always some good in humanity altho it does seem to be less.i help others but am more picky who i help in need.when i have been in need very few helped. but i like it that way . i dont owe anyone shit including favors. if you lent me 5k your ass got payed back 7. and i dont owe you shit



Active member
^^^^^nice but kryptonite aint shit to me. as proven by my re appearance after banning. kryptonite dont mean shit to me and i am still here. i now eat kryptonite for breakfast when i run out of cheerios

lost in a sea

:thinking: did you actually comprehend what i wrote ?

no he didnt because too many people dont know that you dont have to be a monotheist to quote the bible and just randomly attack anyone who does,,, i thought it was a great example of some common sense thank you,,,

i trust everyone and no one,,, ill fish with people and test their brains in various ways all the time if im not sure about them,,,

my mum always said "you'l be lucky if you have have one true friend in this world, very few people get to know what the term means"
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Active member
its different from person to person.

this one i definetly couldnt leave alone with cookies, while this one here is impossible to trust with money.

this one here will betray you for chance at sex, and this one might rob your car if unattended, while possibly i could trust all of them for my kids for a few hours.

or could trust all of them to be nice to little old ladies.

or wouldnt steal a candy from a baby. (might steal a briefcase from a tycoon though)

this one might lie to me if he thought i didnt understand.

and so on.

example, my bro is an upstanding guy, always willing to lend a hand or anything else, but though he has some control over it, i wouldnt be able to trust him with the safekeeping of a case of beers :)

not a problem to me, i dont drink beer, but some might find this terribly annoying of him lol.

and there were some years you couldnt trust me 100% with the safekeeping of weed, lacking weed i might nibble at yours, back then anyway :)


I'd trust mankind more if they believed in a god less...

As long as a god exists in mens minds, they won't be able to really think for themselves...

Hard to take your responsibilities seriously if you think an invisible father figure will fight your battles for you.

(I miss the religion forum...)


Well-known member
if i wouldn't love mankind to much, id be all for: "SCREW DEM ALL"...

is always, some fassy out there feeling, they are obliged to pull you down and ish... even if it is just for them, to have something to badmouth you for :)

so yeah, most of these days, we can't even trust ourselves, much less others (cause everyone has at least a slightly different idea of ethics, morals, ideals, ...).

ahhh farq it yow, life is good -> watch yourself and yours!

ps.: and yeah, try learning to say NO!
pss.: for they don't know better...

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