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That Lil~shit's @ it again.....



damn dude, thats some serious frost! cant believe its almost cut time again and im still just getting on strong!

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Meh, they look alright. I don't know what all the fuss is about.

shit yeah right, I can't wait til mine are hopefully looking that nice. At least a month til I'm seeing anything close to that. :yes:

silver hawaiian

Active member
Thanks Sprout!

I've been dropping Neem, Don't bug me, and Mighty wash on both my rooms since I discovered them.


How does the Mighty Wash work? I'm pretty sketched on that product as a whole (their PM wash, etc.), but I hear great things about it.. (From the guy at the store - shocker)



Living life large...
Thanks guys, your all too kind...:tiphat:
it's day 45 for the flower room, the girls are start'n too
pack on some weight now...

As for that neem oil, it's my understanding that it doesn't kill them out right, what it does is render them sterile, so you need to remain diligent and continue it's use, even if you don't see any bugs, any remaining eggs may still hatch, I also use Ivory dish soap, that shit kills most bugs on contact, by suffocating their sorry ass`s !

Gotta roll :Bolt:and put up the old "GONE FISH"N..." sign, Sprout.


45 days and already cutting back the ferts? i run them hard till 1.5 weeks before harvest, then flush. maybe im doin it wrong.


Living life large...
Budman678, Ivory dish soap...
Again, this is my understanding... I could be completely wrong.:chin:

Insects exchange gases mostly by simple diffusion through the cell walls, air enters the spiracles, or small holes running down the insects sides, from there it moves through the tracheal system, each tracheal tubes ends in a moist tracheole, a specialized cell for the exchange of gases with another cell inside the body.
When air reaches the treacheole, oxygen dissolves into the tracheole liquid. through simple diffusion oxygen then moves to the living cell and carbon dioxide enter the treacheal tube, at which point carbon dioxide and metabolic waste are extruded back out through the spiracles.

The dish soap, forms a barrier on the treacheole liquid and prevents the exchange of fresh oxygen for the carbon dioxide and metabolic waste, thus suffocating the now "full of shit" Lil`bastards !

I put a few drop into a spray bottle with water and neem oil, and then I shoot to kill.

Jonnyb, some people start at 30 days...:dunno: it works for me.

Man I better get some sleep, I'm start'n too sound like a frick'n nerd.:shucks:

peace all.

silver hawaiian

Active member

Love the explanation. In the past, I've used a combination to include Dawn (I think?) in a spray for Aphids. (That and tobacco and lemon).. Not a mix I'd use on my gals, but it did include the soap bit.. :tiphat:

You run both dirt and hydro, right? Do you stop feeding the dirt at ~45 days as well? (what do you feed with throughout, on the dirt)?



Living life large...

Love the explanation. In the past, I've used a combination to include Dawn (I think?) in a spray for Aphids. (That and tobacco and lemon).. Not a mix I'd use on my gals, but it did include the soap bit.. :tiphat:

You run both dirt and hydro, right? Do you stop feeding the dirt at ~45 days as well? (what do you feed with throughout, on the dirt)?


Hey Silver Hawaiian, It should be noted that I only use this
method during the vegatative state, only health girls ever
make it into the flower room, as for my "dirty girls", I just
swap out the Flora nova, for some botanicare pro bloom
[ soil formula ] drop the ppm's to around 900 and the rest is
exactly the same, I stop feeding them @ day 40, as it takes
a Lil~ longer to flush out dirt than it does hydro, IMO anyway.

P.S. as for the ppm's, I let the plants dictate that, if you look
closely at the fan leaves on my bitch`s, you'll see that just the
"very tips" are a Lil~brown and got that elf shoe thing going
on, that's tells me that their right at the ragged edge of
what they can take, if and when I see that start too creep up
the the edges of the leaves, I'll flush and back the ppm's down, hope
that clear's things up for you, and let me know if I forgot anything,
as I just had my morning "wake and bake" so........ well you know !
P.P.S.S., what's the new avatar ? it looks cool as shit when your baked !
peace bro.


hey sprout! just stopping by to tell you its looking really nice over here. cant wait till you finish these girls out!


man, youve got to let me get some of that gunk.... that stuff looked insane my friend!


Living life large...
Again, your all too kind...:tiphat:
silver. :thank you:

Jonny, ya that shits insane alright, I thought the last batch got so big because I grew them out from seeds, but shit man the clones are almost as big and burly, got love that...I got a few more magic beans, perhaps a trade ?

everyone else watch'n, it's day 52 and the first signs of purple hues
are start'n too show, as you can see the leaves are turning yellow now
that their running on straight Ph.d water @ 5.6

And here's another "Dirty girl" my Route 66, it's day 2 of flower for her, gotta get her into a big girl container.

peace everyone, :smoweed: Sprout.