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good drown

HELL YES KHARMA!!!!!!!!!!!! we are on the same page for both games....
ok what about the caps and montreal? i assume you shall be rooting for the canadians

#1 to me is penguins loose in first round
#2 caps win
#3 aves win


I watched 4 games in the last 2 days. Each one of them had me on the edge my seat the entire time. Doesn't matter who you cheer for, this is some good fuckin hockey! The habs were right on their game last night (not counting the 1st period target practice on Halak). Then the Kings/Canucks game that kept me up all night was the icing on the cake, wicked goaltending by both Quick and Lou.



The goddam game doesn't start til 10pm. Now I have to disrupt my doob-smoking schedule. The sacrifices us fans make to watch and root for their team is tremendous....:smokeit:


Wicked show, they're crushing each other now. Senators are looking good, that game could have went either way. Cant wait for the next 2 games.

I doubt Ottawa could beat Vancouver's fans though:




Man we need those guys in Hockeytown....no wait,they will just get their asses kicked by the rowdy fans:bat:............Johnson isn't even lookin at them,lol!

good drown

um, WOW
that caps games ruled, RULED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone notie how simular it was to the san jose/ colorado game from the night before?

the "greens guys" are from a FUNNY tv show called "its always sunny in philidelphia" i recommend everyone watches that show, best on tv.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I`m noticing alot of similarities in games. As soon as the Habs scored in the first minute, I knew they wern't going to win.....same thing happened to us the night before. Normally I hate the Habs, but I'm rootin for them to win...I can't believe how hard the Caps came back in the 3rd. And the Canucks lost too.... Sens play tonight, Go Sens Go!!!

good drown

yea its been crazy!
ottawa looked like shit last game, seems they could hardly get shots off. i am digging the hard hitting, leopold out, next is crosby!


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I don't think we looked like shit... we played hard, the Pens just had us all closed in....if we were playing like shit it wouldn't have been a 1-1 game...

good drown

im not sure what game 2 you watched, but they did not play like they did in game 1. if they continue to play the way they played in game 2, the penguins will have no problem winning the series.