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what do U buy a man who is dieing???

Useful Idiot

Active member
buy him a cool bong that he can use and enough weed to make him forget that he's dying. Maybe he will forget to die for another 10-20 years :D who knows...
What the hell??? Dude!!! Really ....read the OP and think about it. WTF man!!! SHOW some damn respect.
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Active member
woops I guees Im abit off. The lung cancer... right. Well in that case bring him some more cookies :D Forget the bong.

My pardon :)


you said you had to go visit him ....... give him plane tickets with you and your wife's name on them. the man probably knows what he is looking at, so he won't be traveling again ..... but for him to know his daughter will be coming to see him is probably the best thing you could do for him.

peace to you and yours ...!

Useful Idiot

Active member
Guys and gals,this is a very sensitive situation that Yort has asked our input,and feelings on. PLEASE think before you post. I know some thoughts seem harmless,BUT put yourself in his shoes. This fella, from what Yort tells us,is a MAN in the true sense of a man . Something that you and I will probably never understand in this day and age.I get the feeling that he deserves way more recognition than what has been bestowed upon him in his life. Lets not make silly comments about this situation, PLEASE.My grandpa fought wars,WW2 was the major one. He died of cancer. I just can't see readin a forum before his death with folks suggesting hookers and bongs with as much weed as he could smoke.Am I wrong??
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Active member
Useful, you are thinking from the perspective of matterial. Cancer is bad.
I am thinking spiritually :D A nice toke of bong does make things better in life. Especially if it's cancer. Drugs can take one's mind away from a current state, which is only illusionary most of the time. This in reality will help much better, than any chemotherapy. One's your mind's away from the problem - the problem might aswell disappear. It has happened before.

I for one will always promote Cannatherapy instead of Chemotherapy

I am not saying, that drug is the only way out.

You can always generate other overwhelming ideas that take your breath away and your mind focused.

Drugs, especially the good ones like magic mushrooms and cannabis are an easier and simpler option.

Salvia(divenorum) can and may kill the fear of death if it's present. I once smoked salvia and it felt like dieing. After that for months I could remember that cold feeling. It can also be chewed by the way.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Useful, you are thinking from the perspective of matterial. Cancer is bad.
I am thinking spiritually :D A nice toke of bong does make things better in life. Especially if it's cancer. Drugs can take one's mind away from a current state, which is only illusionary most of the time. This in reality will help much better, than any chemotherapy. One's your mind's away from the problem - the problem might aswell disappear. It has happened before.

I for one will always promote Cannatherapy instead of Chemotherapy

I am not saying, that drug is the only way out.

You can always generate other overwhelming ideas that take your breath away and your mind focused.

Drugs, especially the good ones like magic mushrooms and cannabis are an easier and simpler option.

Salvia(divenorum) can and may kill the fear of death if it's present. I once smoked salvia and it felt like dieing. After that for months I could remember that cold feeling. It can also be chewed by the way.
I will not in any way make any attempt to argue with anyone in this thread that Yort started. If you would have made your comment in the way you just presented it ,I would have said nothing.BTW, I agree with what you just posted,your clarification on your opinion is VERY agreeable.:ying:
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if he's able to travel... buy tickets for all 4-5 of you to go on a trip together.. somewhere he has always wanted to go. If he'd rather go with just him and his wife, then do that. Have his daughter write a meaningful letter about the legacy he will leave behind and how great he is and all that stuff.. anything meaningful would be good. Just assure him everything is taken care of and he needs to just relax and not worry.


Okay, dont buy him a pet, but bringing a dog around can certainly be beneficial.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
make him a bad ass batch of special brownies! let the guy enjoy da herb in his final days!


like most said
quality time is the best gift.
do what ever he likes or can do.
When my mom was dying of cancer, i would show up with some pho and flowers and just sit with her. It meant alot to her and more to me. I still miss her and her passing completely changed my life.
best of luck


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

best thing you can give as mentioned is your time, he will never forget it and neither will your wife, be unselfish in however that fits into your life bro, you're a good man for caring.


Active member
Here is what I want you to gift me with when I'm old and dying in my bed:

Some cocaine(or a nice thai sativa), airplane ticket and a parachute. Add a shotgun in case I make it to the earth alive :D


Yort make the man some matzo ball soup... It'll make you feel useful too



New member
I lived through my cancer - So here are things I might like and my humble thoughts on your request:
I don't think you need buy him a thing. To ease his final days, a few simple things might suffice, they would for me;
Listen closely to him in as long a talk as he can stand and take his advice in whatever subject he chooses to advise you. After all, you don't want him to feel all of his years have been wasted.
If there is anything he is capable of doing and he wishes it i.e. fishing, a ride in a bi-plane, a movie, etc. and it is within your power to grant - do it and do it without pity. Do it with respect and friendship.
Try not to grieve in front of him. He isn't dead yet. Grieving is for the widow and the children.
Have your picture taken with him and wear your finest clothes. I'm sure you will both find meaning in this.
Share a quick stiff private drink or meal and tell him you are proud to be his friend. At this point the drink won't hurt him and honorable men only share private drinks with friends.
When you think you might die you count true friends. Make sure he has at least one. I only could count 5 true friends when I was very sick.
Good luck, strength and peace to you and your wife, and gods speed to your father - in - law.


ICMag Donor
There's been some heat in this thread for someone suggesting bong hits for a terminal lung cancer patient are innapropriate. When I was a kid, my best friend's aunt was in the final days... she had one lung removed and half of the other. We went to see Auntie Annie one day, and when we got there she was pale, frail and rigid. After much convincing she agreed to have a couple of hits off a joint. What happened next was amazing... the color came back to her face, her body relaxed, she became jovial and wanted something to eat. A couple of hits took her back to a place where she was before the cancer. It was great! She even wanted to bum a cigarette!!

Unfortunately, when she came down she got worried about us driving while high... she made my friend promise not to drive while high. But for one night she got her life back.


Active member
There's been some heat in this thread for someone suggesting bong hits for a terminal lung cancer patient are innapropriate. When I was a kid, my best friend's aunt was in the final days... she had one lung removed and half of the other. We went to see Auntie Annie one day, and when we got there she was pale, frail and rigid. After much convincing she agreed to have a couple of hits off a joint. What happened next was amazing... the color came back to her face, her body relaxed, she became jovial and wanted something to eat. A couple of hits took her back to a place where she was before the cancer. It was great! She even wanted to bum a cigarette!!

Unfortunately, when she came down she got worried about us driving while high... she made my friend promise not to drive while high. But for one night she got her life back.

That's what i'm talking about. Spectacular stuff!


Hawaiian Inebriatti
My sympathy, Yort.

There are some good suggestions here.
Particularly listening.
If talking is not a net loss for him.

But I can offer a suggestion for an "under the tree gift" that won't appear trivial.

Gather all the best photos you can find of your wife and her siblings.

Take some time to arrange them in appropriate, (not always chronological), order and write them to a digital picture frame.
I can see that this gentleman is well loved, but this is love that can be wrapped and unwrapped.
Just push the start button and smile.

Going through the photos to set it up may be good therapy for you and the wife as well.
It helped me.

Seemed to lessen the sense of loss.

Alo Ha, my friend
