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Colorado Indoor Coco Madness


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Six 105watt CFL's above 2x Strawberry Coughs, 1x Trinity, 1x SweetTooth, 1x Blueberry and 1x Maui.



Straw Cough Bush


Active member
hey there sproutacus! nice to see ya were the first! I forgot to mention the skylights above these ladies! Never supplemented with the sun before but I bet it won't hurt:) Also I hope you noticed my northwoods / U.P. shrine on the wall. Didn't make it up there this summer and I'm bummed but that'll make next year even more worthy!


followed the link from your outdoor thread; finished nicely and just in time the frost is coming soon.

indoors in coco??! now your talkin... thats my style; for sure.
plants are already looking big enough to flower... i see some familiar strains in there.

check out my thread if you get a chance;
i just finished up a tent grow 100% coco chopping my plants down today


peace dude; happy growing


Active member
Nice thread Mac420! Love the coco and it will reward ye:) These ladies are three days into flower. Gotta go get some guano and more molasses. Be in touch.


INDOOR?! Que paso amigo? You comin over to the dark side? :ying:

Looks like you've got trees already, should be a good show! That Maui you pulled looks ridiculous man! Enjoy it :wave:


Active member
Back to my roots! CFL coco grow might have to put the training wheels back on my hog!!!!!!
Should be interesting:)
Hallelujah holler back!!!!


Active member
Keepin the dream ALIVE!!!!! Some Blueberry, maui, trinity and ISS pups.

We have LIFTOFF!!!


Straw Cough bush

Trinity stretchin all over da place

Blueberry stretchin as well

Maui doin dem damn tangs

On the Road Again:)


Living life large...
Very nice, that Maui keeps catch'n my eye, and after seeing
the huge ass buds she's capable of producing, I gotta admit
I would love too add her into "my thang" , dat be f'n sweet !
Rock on man ! :rtfo:


Active member
Thx sprout! That maui is ridiculous. It burns and smells a lot like a heady ass cough. It reminded me of this smoke I used to get a decade or so ago from this crazy rasta guy who used a lot of blood meal in the soil.

This go around I'd like to stick to the Molasses and Guano that worked so well outside but I'm not sure I'm gonna get the girth in the colas I so desire! Prob just do KoolBloom powder when they start flexin their muscles.

Also I ordered a 6'x6'x6' tent and four six hundred digital bally's and cooltubes. Prob gonna run 2'x4' ebb tray like yours with two ladies and then two 15 gal coco pots next to em so I can really compare the two methods. Def anxious to do a decent indoor finally. CFL's are nice to the power bill but nev produce the weight I know is possi with HPS blasters. Also runnin sealed enviro with CO2. Droppin some coin but it'll be so worth it!!! So stay tuned for another thread:)


Thx sprout! That maui is ridiculous. It burns and smells a lot like a heady ass cough. It reminded me of this smoke I used to get a decade or so ago from this crazy rasta guy who used a lot of blood meal in the soil.

This go around I'd like to stick to the Molasses and Guano that worked so well outside but I'm not sure I'm gonna get the girth in the colas I so desire! Prob just do KoolBloom powder when they start flexin their muscles.

Also I ordered a 6'x6'x6' tent and four six hundred digital bally's and cooltubes. Prob gonna run 2'x4' ebb tray like yours with two ladies and then two 15 gal coco pots next to em so I can really compare the two methods. Def anxious to do a decent indoor finally. CFL's are nice to the power bill but nev produce the weight I know is possi with HPS blasters. Also runnin sealed enviro with CO2. Droppin some coin but it'll be so worth it!!! So stay tuned for another thread:)

I'm excited man! Hells yeah. I've been using a sealed room w/ co2 this grow, mostly organic nutes...you're gonna be in business my friend!

Coco seems like a good way to go. I think right now you might have solved my dilemma actually-- have a bunch of clones with huge roots needing a home, and it seems like COCO might be the right place. I just don't have the time right now to build a DWC or table for them, so maybe I'll finally switch over this next grow.

i like the grow man.sky lights are a great way to supplement.if your in a sunny spot a low celing skylight in theory could out do those digi's you just got.
its hard to say.i can tell you 105w of cfl usually produce spindly plants.not nice ass bushes like youve got there.in my honest opinion this has gotta be from the sky light.
ive run 4ft t5s in veg that gave me crappier looking plants lol...

whatever your doing.your doing it.

are you going to keep this space open when you run the tent?
or will the tent and cool tubes replace the skylight area?


Active member
@mhg no mas agent orange:( that cinderella99 you got is what makes the agent citrusy so i'm excited for ya for that! def gonna want some snips of that.

@solo def lovin the skylights. This round will be only one out there bc I want my workshop back. the ladies got a lil tall so I did that makeshift area in there. cfl's def produce stringy space dope. cfl's and aero which is what i've done for years really grows some stringy madness. buildin a greenhouse once I get my tent runnin. that'll be awesome can't wait!!!


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Lil update for the masses! They grow up so quick:)



Blueberry Wants a hug!!!

Maui powi

I miss outdoor already but they're still green atleast!!!


Active member
I tried to juice em up and burnt em pretty good! Whoops that's right you can't force nature:) So I gave em a hair cut some BioThrive, Calmag and the recommended amount of EJ Seablast Bloom and they are really startin to stank! YAY! I didn't kill em. Here's some digital images of their progress!




Trinity Kush

Got some leaners!


Gonna let em ride as long as possible! See if I can't get some girth under CFL's :)))

Til next post........HoTCaRL signing off!


Active member
Hers's my new power shish stirrerer! Gotta love ingenuity!!!


Action Shot


I'll post pics of the finished product when I'm done mining:)

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