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Today I was "issued" something very cool...


May your race always be in your favor
Very nice historical artifact, when you get it framed have it done with acid free paper. Acids in regular paper will eventually ruin the tax stamp. Archival mounting is the way to go.


Tropical Outcast
Got to the old mans house 10 minutes early.

His driveway is well over a mile long and he lives in this Spanish style home made from hand carved coral stone. The whole deal is surrounded by oak trees overgrown by Spanish moss.
Looks pretty surreal if you're not used to it.

Just a generic picture but if you're from up north and don't know about this you'll get the idea:

I announced my arrival on the intercom and was kinda yelled @ back: "COME ON IN F*er!!!"

His choice of language is very unique.
During all these years I have known him I never figured out how he builds his sentences with half of the words being the "F" word.

It is truly amazing!

So I walk in as I have done many times before years ago.
The old man was there in his wheel chair wheezing and saying to me: "That's my boy, just like in the old days always 10 minutes early, never a minute late, I love that about you!"

Although I know him very well I always respond to him as "Mr." or "Sir" since he is MUCH older than I am and always has been rather a (grand)father figure than someone I have been looking @ as on the "same level" as I am on.

So now he is wheeling along through the entry hall in to his what I like to refer to as his "office". You know...one of these large rooms built from dark oak and large leather chairs in it.

He gets behind his desk and tells me to "Have a f*ing seat!" and if I wanted something "f*ing" to drink. I tell him: "Yes Sir, a water would be nice!"
So he answers back: "WTF you waiting for, you f*ing know where the f*ck it is!"

He does not mean this in an insulting way, that's just how he always talks regardless of who's around him.

Anyway so now I am sitting there in this HUGE top grain leather sofa. It has some amazing patina to it from the sweat soaking in where people have been sitting over the years.
Nothing gross, just amazing looking.

Next thing he says is: "Wtf did I call you back for, you were f'ing here already y'day!"

Me: "I don't know Sir, you asked me to come back today, you said you had something for me or was it you wanted to show me something!?"

Old man: "Oh f*ck yeah now I f'ing remember, get that f'ing box right there!"

The only box around was this modern style plastic kinda tackle box style looking thing sitting on the floor.

I had to get off my seat to get to it when the same door we came through before went open.
She literally yelled @ us in a very strange accent: "Buenos tardes señores"
I kinda stared @ her for a second too long (she must have noticed and smiled) because the old man kinda yelled @ me: "Get your f'ing eyes off that f'ing whore!" and to "Get that f'ing box or do you f'ing expect me to get it for you".

I waited for a reaction from her about being called a whore but she just kept on emptying the trash.
She was wearing this rather traditional Spanish dress like in the picture below but I still noticed "something" jiggling lol ;)


So by now the girl had left the room again meanwhile the old man was waiting for a response from me about him calling her a whore in her presence.
Knowing the old man and knowing how he functions and why he sometimes says something I asked him: "Why is she a whore?"

The old man said back: "Haha she's not a f'ing whore, I just f'ing call her like that all the f'ing time!"

Me: "And she doesn't mind?"

Old man: "F*ck no, she can't f'ing hear!"

Me: "She's deaf?" (which explains why she greeted us in such a strange tone in her voice)

Old man: "Yeah that's what it f'ing means and now get the f'ing box!" and he broke out in a wheezing laughter.

I wasn't sure if he was laughing because of the look on my face or because of his own "joke" calling that pretty girl a whore in my presence & w/o me knowing she being deaf...lol

Now you need to know he is on this oxygen thing attached to his wheel chair and his laughter must have loosened up a lot of slime in his lungs and for a second I was thinking "What if he turns blue and drops dead on me!?"

He recovered shortly after just to get in to a swearing barrage about not even being able to laugh from his heart anymore.

Next thing he told me to open the box and get out what's in it and I did.
It was a stack of papers, some of them with a wax seal on them like in the picture below.


Then he asked me if I know what those are and of course not having a clue I answered "No Sir."

Old man to me: "Then f'ing look!"

So I looked through the 1st few and answered "They are deeds to properties."

Then he replied: "Yeah those are all f'ing mine!"

Me: "That's wonderful!"

Old man: "Look at the 1st one, does it ring a f'ing bell?"

Me: "No sir, it is quiet a bit of land according what is says on there but it does not ring a bell."

Old man: "That's where you used to f'ing grow your dope before you moved away to those f'ing islands!"

Me (now with great amazement in my voice which he must have noticed): "Oh that is wonderful, I did not know you owned ALL of it!"
(I felt like I had to say that, of course I knew it was all his)

I am not going to go in to detail about the size of it but it is enough to be able to put a VERY LARGE development on it, however there is nothing nearby now. Just trees, land, ponds & pasture.

Now the old man was looking at me as if he was waiting for me to say more but I kept quiet looking at the paper and back to him a few times with a kind of questioning look on my face.

Next thing he goes off in to a gurgling and hacking cough spitting out all sorts of slime in to the trash can next to his desk.
The young girl from before came in and puts an inhaler to his mouth, he took a few breaths as good as he could and he was OK again.
How the deaf girl knew he was having this nasty coughing attack....I don't know.

It was a strange situation.

The above took like maybe 5 mins total.

After he recovered he said to me: "It's all f'ing yours now!"

I made this questioning face w/o saying anything.

Old man said again: "I am giving you the f'ing land!"

I responded to him: "Sir I appreciate the offer but I cannot accept that!"

Old man: "Listen young boy (by every means I am not young anymore lol) my kids are all retired, they all got their shit straight by their standards and I want you to have this land you used to work so hard on!"

Yes he did NOT use one single F-word in it!!!

Old man continued: "It is f'ing yours, call Mr. xxxxxxxx and have him do the f'ing quit claim deed on it for you, I already f'ing paid him for the paperwork so don't worry."

He took a long wheezing breath and continued:
"I can f'ing drop dead any time and my f'ing family will kill each other over all this f'ing land I have so they can sell it off to developers, one little piece more or less is not going to make a f'ing difference to them and you f'ing deserve it way more than those f'ing leeches do!"

Yeah he called his family leeches! lol

Then he continued with his speech:
"There are no strings attached although I am asking you for two things: 1) not to sell it while I am alive (he laughed a little when he said that) and 2) put a few of those marvelous plants here next to my house so I get to see that shit again before I die, after all the plant is why you and I are able to sit here in first place!"

Again he did not swear!

Since he seemed to be really serious about what he was saying I replied "OK Sir, I can do that, no problem!" and he smiled.

Last thing he said before he changed the subject was this: "Buddy I hope you know I love you as my own son!"

I can only imagine why but he turned away from me when he said that.

Then he asked how much longer I am going to be around since I am only visiting here in FL and I told him I have an open end ticket.
He also asked where I am staying and I told him where...which is a few hours of driving away from his place.
He then pressed a button on his desk and in came this gorgeous young girl from before and he told her in Spanish to have a room ready for me and something to eat.
I guess she was able to read the words spoken from his lips or something...

So now I am still sitting in this room on my laptop in front of a 5 foot Plasma TV watching "Kardashians in Bora Bora" after eating a whole plate of tomales and a having a couple Bud Lite.

The girl dropped off those things before I had made it to the room...I guess it was a good thing she was gone before I got there. ;)

I mean I already have some free & clear land in Fla and Cali but how often does someone get a good chunk of Florida from an Ex-Con who used to be a beacon in the drug smuggling trade!?!?!?!?!
I am just glad it is all agricultural land & leased out or the taxes on it would be killing me.

And yeah..he dearly paid for his past, not with just the 7 or 8 years like I posted before but with his health as well.

He is dealing with untreated prostate cancer stage IV. :(


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
During my visit here in Fla today I visited with an older guy (well in to his 80's) who was sort of my mentor while I grew in Fla a while back.

He gave me something from his "old days" he has been holding on since.

While he was giving it to me he was holding back tears and said:

"Here I got something for you, it's from my wild days".

I will frame this and keep it forever!

That's just fucking awesome!


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Wow, amazing fu*#ing story. It had great fu%@ing details and I am waiting for the rest of this Grisham novel to continue. Will you be able to share some of his early back history? Thanks for sharing what you have so far!


Tropical Outcast
Wow, amazing fu*#ing story. It had great fu%@ing details and I am waiting for the rest of this Grisham novel to continue. Will you be able to share some of his early back history? Thanks for sharing what you have so far!

I can highly recommend watching the "Square Grouper" movie
. ;)
(maybe more the last section rather than the first few!)


Tropical Outcast
Uh...I am f'ing hungry!

There's a buzzer right by the door, I wonder if that pretty girl comes running bringing me something to eat if I ring it?

I better go to sleep and stay out of trouble! lol

The old man has some HUGE dogs! And I mean HUGE! I would hate waking those up.


the shit spoon
Yo this is human condition here, history reiterating itself. Like in the past, an apprentice blacksmith becomes a journeyman, and returns to care for his old master, the master passes down his tools and forge. Stuff like that.


Brilliant Story

You need to make that guy some edibles so he can get high again, it could also help with the prostate cancer.

Sounds late for him but it seems like he would still like the effects of the beloved plant.

I saw that Square Grouper doc a few months ago good story thats cool your so close with one of them.

Great story, you should do something special with that land and never sell it...

InJoy Your Day



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I´ve just finished reading the entry about the land and brought a tear to my f´ing eyes!
I did told you about Karma getting her revenge after that gift you gave to that bloke ;)
May Life never cease to amaze us!


Active member
What a story.

That just restored a little faith in humanity for me.

Even if he doesn't want his story told now, at least pose the idea of releasing his story after he passes on.

Thanks for sharing what you have so far, and pass on best wishes from Down Under (Australia).

Cool piece of history.
I would love to know the politics and story behind what it took to get a stamp like that then. Your friend must have had serious political connections or just had the balls to apply for the stamp!
Thanks for sharing

The story behind those stamps isn't all that interesting. My father was a doctor, i asked him wtf about it, he said that it was just a registration/tax for dispensing any opiate based pain killer. All the drugstores had them, too.

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