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We saw Mystic Roots in GJ last night. I think they are at Red Rock tonight...great show.


Natalie J. Puffington
Ohh, Cowboy Junkies. :good:

@ Amatuer Hour: We go to Nedfest mainly to see Steve Kimock, (w/ Bill Kreutzmann) on Friday; we had a great time last year.
I def. don't consider either of afore mentioned, nor David Grisman, or Leftover, to be "no-name" bands...Heck, even Hot Buttered Rum doesn't qualify as "no-name".
We are however, still kinda undecided about whether we're going Sat. We'll see...

Seeing Groundation on Sunday, will definitely be my highlight though! ....Life altering music, IMHO.
And because I haven't seen them since I ''got my boogie back'', I am incredibly amped! :yay:
Heck, this will be my first show since Furthur, in Feb.

...But yes, should I see an "out of place looking guy", with a shaved head and white shirt,
I'll run up and tell him he's s smart arse! :biglaugh:
I only tease. :)
Have a great time this weekend, Amatuer Hour and all other attendees! :wave:

Space Case

Well-known member
Groundation has some nice vibes, I just got into them recently! Good tunes for sure. I love how the singer uses and manipulates his voice!


Natalie J. Puffington
Hi guys! :)

@ Amatuer Hour:
Yeah, I'm on the fence too RE: Reggae on the Rocks or Nedfest for tomorrow....
If it was all up to me, I'd definitely pick 'Reggae on the Rocks' camp, since I prefer Reggae to almost anything, particularly Bluegrass...
And Nedfest's line up for Sat. is- let's say bluegrass heavy...

Maybe this will help you decide:
Saturday's line up at Nedfest, the 'headliners' include: Hot Buttered Rum, (@ 4:30); Cornmeal (@ 6:30); and Grisman Sextet, (@ 8:30-10:30.)
A bit too much bluegrass, for me; though Grisman is fantastic live...
And if you like reggae, and haven't heard or seen Groundation, I would probably recommend going to that, unless you're a big fan of bluegrass...

I wish I could get a better idea of when Groundation was playing; I'm guessing they'd be one of the later acts, but I haven't had any luck finding a schedule.
But, the line up is listed as: 'Judge Roughneck, Dubskin, Groundation, Collie Buddz, Mystic Roots Band, Marty Dread, Inner Circle, and Mykal Rose'...'in no particular order.'

@ Space Case: Groundation is definitely moving music and they are incredible live!!
But, if you like Harrison, you should check out his 'side project', "Rockamovya", (if you haven't already.) It's pretty funky!
I absolutely adore him and he is every bit as nice in person, as I had always imagined and hoped he would be!

YosemiteSam: you saw Mystic Roots, in GJ?? *look of shock*
Not much ever seems to happen out there, lol. So how was the show?? :chin:
I haven't listened to Mystic Roots, (at least not 'knowingly'), but have heard only positive things.

I hope all of you have a fantastic weekend; whatever you choose to do: Enjoy!!! :friends:
Take care, neighbors!


Mystic Roots is a really good band. Played with some guys we know called Pineapple Crackers. Not a lot of people but a really good show. Junk Town ain't exactly the most reggae friendly town in the state if you know what I mean.

Wish I was at Red Rock right now.


Hey guys and gals! Been growing for a while but lately I feel like I am doing something wrong. Not getting the yeilds I would expect. I grow in soil and mostly use guano teas for veg and flower. Last round I have been using some fox farm and cutting edge solutions, comparing the two with the same strains. I usually grow a perpetual so I could not give you a gpw on what I have been yeilding.
My last plant I harvested was white widow and looks to be about 2.5 ounces, but this was scrogged in a 10 gal tub under a 1000w with 7 other plants. it was fed the guano tea but the widow is picky so cal/mag looks to have been a problem.
I guess my question somewhat of a newbie question, does it sound like I am not doing something right? I plan to veg 3 plants and put them in under the 1000 watt by themselves. They will be topped and trained into bushes but no scrog this time. I am going to start them at the same time so I might be able to calculate my gpw this next round. Any suggestions on nutes or a feeding schedule with guano tea?



Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Hey guys and gals! Been growing for a while but lately I feel like I am doing something wrong. Not getting the yeilds I would expect. I grow in soil and mostly use guano teas for veg and flower. Last round I have been using some fox farm and cutting edge solutions, comparing the two with the same strains. I usually grow a perpetual so I could not give you a gpw on what I have been yeilding.
My last plant I harvested was white widow and looks to be about 2.5 ounces, but this was scrogged in a 10 gal tub under a 1000w with 7 other plants. it was fed the guano tea but the widow is picky so cal/mag looks to have been a problem.
I guess my question somewhat of a newbie question, does it sound like I am not doing something right? I plan to veg 3 plants and put them in under the 1000 watt by themselves. They will be topped and trained into bushes but no scrog this time. I am going to start them at the same time so I might be able to calculate my gpw this next round. Any suggestions on nutes or a feeding schedule with guano tea?

Could simply be a heat issue? Summer time harvests are almost always worse than winter grows. If you have a feeding schedule that has worked well for you in the past then it should be some other factor affecting yield.


I guess that is a factor. My temps are 85 then open the tent up for the time the lights on.

I guess are there some nutes worth trying that have worked for people? I am helping my buddy set up his grow and I started second guessing what I do. I am going to have him start off with fox farm for his first run, easy enough to deal with.

I have a chiesel that is getting fox farm and it is looking tasty as ever, but some fan leaves are turning purple, I have only experienced this with cold temps.

I suppose that I am just being super ocd, but I have been growing for a long time now off and on but the past 2 years I have been going strong. We will see how my next round turns out.

ALSO a side note, I need a new digi scale, can anyone offer up any suggestions?


Space Case

Well-known member
Guano teas should be reserved for occasional "boosts", as guanos are used quickly by the plant. I would do "maintenance" teas, i.e. casting and molasses. Keep your sugars and microbial life going, while not pushing them hard everytime with guanos!

Good luck Ace, you'll figure it out!

are grasshoppers a big threat to out door plants?

our neck of the woods is having a bumper crop of grasshoppers and tiny little frogs this summer, could be worse

little hoppie fucks completely wiped out every petunia flower in our front yard, outdoor pot plant is relatively untouched

So I guess the lesson is if you are going to grow outdoors where there is a grasshopper plague grow petunias too to attract them away from the cash crop

hope this finds you all well
(with rooms full of fat sticky Colorado bud)


Natalie J. Puffington
"Trap" crops really are a good idea...
Any recommendations for plants that make a good "distraction", for say crickets and grasshoppers? They have been terrible this year. This is my little one legged grasshopper friend...Surprisingly, I still see him around.

Speaking of bugs: I couldn't believe how far the pine beetles had spread since I was last out there... :mad:
It is really depressing, particularly up around Silverthorne and Berthoud Pass...
It even looked as though they were starting to spread up around Nederland. :frown:

Groundation was ridiculous by the way. :D
...Life altering even. :joint:

And Nedfest was a pretty good time too; particularly Cornmeal.
Take care, neighbors!


New member
ned fest is a joke....reggea on the rocks is a blast.

To each their own. I love the bluegrass scene in Colorado and Nedfest epitomizes why it is thriving here. Nederland is also home to many great growers. It is near impossible to find mediocre nugs in Ned.

Nedfest rocks. Small local festival with lots of good music. To those that complain about the price, it cost $99 for a 3 day pass until Memorial Day. I think I more than got my money's worth each day.

For those who like this sort of thing, you can find many of the sets from this past weekend up on bt.etree.org Search under Nedfest.


"Trap" crops really are a good idea...
Any recommendations for plants that make a good "distraction", for say crickets and grasshoppers? They have been terrible this year. This is my little one legged grasshopper friend...Surprisingly, I still see him around.

Most home gardeners that use trap crops make a sunflower barrier around their vegetable garden. I use clover as a companion/cover/trap crop and then have some lavender and russian sage plants in my garden as border plants. They attract bees, but everything else hates them .

My best defense against grasshopers . . . . Burton
Hi guys. Apologies in advance for the noob questions in a clearly "advanced growers," but information elsewhere is contradictory and scattered.

I am not a caregiver for anyone. I have a medical card for myself and myself only. I can only do 6 plants unless someone designates me, correct? Thanks.

There is no way I can try to get a script for more plants, in other words?


Natalie J. Puffington
Gurrrr...can't sleep b/c the wind is ridiculous!! :coffee:

Thanks for answering my question Stankie! I'm definitely going to give that a try next season.
Burton looks like a spectacularly skilled bug guard. Please give that baby a treat for me!! It sounds like he certainly has earned it! :cathug:
Originally posted by Amateur Hour: '...I am not a caregiver for anyone. I have a medical card for myself and myself only. I can only do 6 plants unless someone designates me, correct? Thanks....There is no way I can try to get a script for more plants, in other words?'
Funny, I've been wondering about this too and recently brought it up here...
I have a "waiver" for a greatly increased number of plants, (for topicals and cannamilk); my concern is over the validity and legality of such a waiver and whether it would be respected by leo....If you look back at the last page or 2, you'll see that some replied to my inquiry with stories of people who's "waivers" were not upheld; but it seems as though it may depend, at least in part, on which county you reside in. :dunno: I intend to speak with a lawyer about it....I'd be glad to share whatever I find out. :)

BTW AH: I tried to look for a guy who fit your description and "looked out of place"; but I didn't see anyone who looked like they felt "out of place"!! ;)
I hope you had a fantastic time!


High country cat herder
Most home gardeners that use trap crops make a sunflower barrier around their vegetable garden. I use clover as a companion/cover/trap crop and then have some lavender and russian sage plants in my garden as border plants. They attract bees, but everything else hates them .

My best defense against grasshopers . . . . Burton

Yeah,.... My cat isn't so much good against bugs! :eek::


I am helping someone grow outdoors on his property. The grasshoppers have driven him completely over the edge...in spite of the fact that they really do not seem to be doing any damage at all (early on they did a little).

He has gone all Carl from Caddy Shack. I walked in the other day and he had a rather high powered BB Gun aimed at one...but his favorite weapons of choice are a guppy net and a metal baseball bat. God help you if you are a hopper caught in that net...it gets brutal.

It is highly questionable at this point which way the war will turn. I am doing my best to avoid being "collateral damage".

I heard Groundation's disc A Gathering of Elders...wow. Hope i get a chance to see them live sometime.
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