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Ur Favorite Beer?

HHHMMMMMMMmmmmmmmnnnnnn!!!! nice selection you have listed there my lovely Bojangles. Here's a pic of the absolute best IndiaPaleAle I have ever had the pleasure of tasting. I cannot believe it's an American, my inner beer snob is repulsed but my honest -and frankly, greedy- taste buds are delighted...
And here's what the best lager in the world looks like...

Scribbly Gum, need I say more..?


Just started drinking beer after 10 mos. I bought Anchor Steam, Old Chico (Sierra Nevada) Crystal Wheat, and quite a few Mexican beers. Corona, Sol, Dos Equis (Dark & Light), and Tecate. Haven't tried the Dos Equis, yet.


Can't wait to try the breakfast stout next month after missing out on the kbs

Been drinking on some great divide recently they have some really nice stuff, I try to visit the craft beer store often to try something new. I like just about everything, not feeling the belgian styles or wheat beers, although the oberon ale was quite good.


Active member
I am sad to say I do not have a tasty micro brew in my hand. Instead its a semi cold pabst in a can. Due to lack of funds I am not able to enjoy my favorite beer which is Widmer Brothers drifter ale.
In the pic above you can see a bottle of Lucifer belgian ale (9.1% alc/vol) which is one mean bastard if you have a bad case of the munchies accompanied by the dry's. I know I stated it's 9.1% as this is what it says on the bottle but I honestly think it'd be closer to 13% as one 330ml is enough to fuck some light drinkers up completely. I love strong beer but that shit and Gulden Draak (11%...my ass! 15%!!!) are verging on stupid. Not that I would ever hold that against either of them or let the fact dissuade me from drinking them.
Oh and b00m, I must say I don't drink it often but the Fat Yak definitely gets my tick of approval! Nice collection there by the way.
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Crotchety Cabaholic
Hands down favorite is Samuel Smith's Winter Welcome, but the entire lineup is fantastick


The Leinenkugel Summer Shandy is a great summer beer/lemonade.

Others include Pilsner Urquell, Stella, Grolsch, Guinness and Elephant.


Active member
had too much on saturday, so bloody hot out too!

mississippi mud
moose drool

i barely recall making that pepperoni and brie grilled cheese sandwich, i did manage to relocate the cinnamon haze from outside to inside but managed somehow not to notice the entire smart pot now had an ant's nest taking up residence within it

i've been drinking too much too often, lol this is day #2 that i've been dry now, one day at a time for a lil bit haha

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Cold Springs Brewing company has a beer that's become my new favorite. It's called John Henry - 3 Lick Spiker Ale. It tastes like Michelob and has an alcohol content of 9.1%.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Active member
just had some allagash white with my burger, it is a pretty tasty unfiltered wheat beer

@hgherbals420 - that leffe is the bomb!


when i was young boy 17 i think i went to germany, on the way they said czech beer was the best beer in the world and you take 2 bottles/cans back to the store you get 1 extra.
in here i've fallen in love with our own pilsners, sixpack a day keeps my body healthy.
doctors studies learn that average human should drink 5litres per day, 3 litres of beer make my days. and i dont conscider myself an alcoholic, these light brews don't even give me buzz anymore.:yappy:


Drank a lot of different beer in my career and all I can say is Becks.One of the best all around beers!American beer is not good for the most part,no character to most of it,not talking about the micro brews.England,Mexico and some other country's do not make good beers.Just like wine it's all in the marketing,labels etc.
If your looking to get drunk better try something different then Corona.Mexico only makes good booze.