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GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production


Hey Gang,

Got an email from Moth's Angel and here's the latest scoop. I'm gonna cut and paste it here and interject as needed.

"He's still in ICU on a ventilator. It will be a week on Saturday since the surgery. This email was sent on the 4th. I apologize for the delay in getting this to you all. They say he is doing ok, but when they took him off for a day he really had a hard time breathing. They had to deep lung suction some plugs from his lungs, and put him back on the machine. They say they will try to get him off of it tomorrow. Tomorrow came and they tried to get him breathing on his own strength but it didn't work out again. They had to re-intubate him which with the condition of his throat right now is very invasive. Yesterday they put in a tracheotomy so that when they try to remove him from the ventilator again they can easily just flip some switches and have him ventilating if needed. His condition is stable, but still critical. They are hoping to get him out of ICU and into his own room in the next few days. He is on IV for pain, another for sedation, and of course fluids in yet another. He is getting TPN which is nutrition thru the veins, also has a JPEG tube into the small intestine for more nutrition. He has a wound vac for the incision in the stomach and 2 drainage tubes for the excess fluid in the abdomen. I go there everyday Usually twice a day. and sometimes I believe he knows I am there.

Please keep praying for him and let the "board" know he needs extra prayers as well.

Will try and update you when I can.

**Angel** "

I’ve heard how many of you have helped and offered support over these many months now, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It gives me new hope in humanity and great pride in my fellow tokers here at ICMag. She mentioned many of you who post here. Moth’s wife does check in here and reads these posts in his absence and it’s encouraging to her as well to see so many in support of her husband. She needs our support as much as Moth during this time. Everything is taking quite a toll on her. Please offer your wishes and prayers to her as well.

I’m leaving Friday for a wedding out west and then Monday heading for Moth’s home state of Texas. I hear parts there have been in 100+ degree temps for over 40 days now. That’s just unbelievable to me coming from up here. But then the extreme colds we experience seems unbelievable to Moth. I’m not sure how well we will be able to communicate if at all while I am there, but we will find a way. Visiting hours at the hospital are most of the day so I will be spending as much time as possible with Moth. His wife says that seeing another face will be good for him. I just wish I was able to get more time away from work.

Thank you all again for supporting Moth.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Thank you GreatLakes THC for the update. moth and family need great friends like yourself and others to get through the bad times and with our prayers and good thoughts i know it goes a long way to help him recover so heres sending Moth and family many from the heart :comfort:


Thank you soooo very much for the update GreatLakes ... you are an awesome friend !!!!!!!

Moth is very lucky to have sooo many great friends who love and are praying for him

Angel too - clearly loves her man ... she is an Angel ... head up ... stay strong ... hang in there ... everything gonna be alright

I have great faith in God ... and the power of healing ... and am praying and hoping with all my heart that the operation was a success ... that the medicine and help Moth is getting will fix him up ... get him strong ... healthy ... and back up on his feet again

God bless Moth and everyone

* Sending prayers for Zepp and Knowbudz for great health too



weed fiend
Thanks for information, GL. I wish the two of you could shoot the bull and talk about whatever comes to mind. Glad you're visiting our friend and I wish the two of you the finest of visits.


Dear Lord, I ask you to turn moth's weakness into strength, suffering into compassion, sorrow into joy, and pain into comfort for others. May your servant trust in your goodness and hope in your faithfulness, even in the middle of this suffering. Let him be filled with patience and joy in your presence as he waits for your healing touch.

Please restore your servant to full health, dear Father. Remove all fear and doubt from his heart by the power of your Holy Spirit, and may you, Lord, be glorified through his life.



Active member
Keeping my thoughts, vibes, and prayers with both Moth and his Angel. Hand in there the both of you.

Guest 10952

GLTHC You are a true friend. I wish I would have know you were going down I would have tried to join you. Please pass on my prayers and well wishes. Hit me up when you get back! Be safe and keep up the good work Moth! We're all pulling for you!!!


Well-known member
JUST GOWS TO SHOW WHAT A GREAT GUY MOTH IS akk the love thats flowing thru here .keeping prayers on the front burner for ya my brother


Moth, Angel, Great Lakes, I hope that you are all well, and that Moth is improving. Haven't been near computer, but you all have been on my mind. We miss you Moth and are all awaiting your recovery. Take care and may better days be on the way and thanks to all of the good people on these boards for caring.:ying:


Captain Expando
Gathering it up for ya br0ther Moth... and the love is on the way. Good vibes loaded with healing power BOLT ya !!!

all over you guys, Angel :D Love ya ~

Guest 10952

Just got a update from GreatLakesTHC. He's at the hospital with Moth and his wife now. He's been there all day yesterday, today and will be tomorrow until he returns back to the bat cave. My heart sinks for Moth and his family, but rises up with hope knowing that GLTHC is there with him and showing me that there is hope in humanity. After 3 years of prison it tends to skew your view of ppl's agenda's. Keep your head up Moth we are all pulling for you bro. Get well buddy.

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